Dollypop said: "Let me clarify the "Minnelli Deli" night:
Someone had started a thread about Joey Minnelli and it was posed as a question. Something like "Is Joey Minnelli related to Liza Minnelli? I started another thread titled something like "Is Liza Minnelli related to Victor Spinelli?" That began a whole evening of Minnelli madness. People started threads about Milli. Vanilli Minnelli, Marty Minnelli, and The Minnelli Deli. Before long everyone was starting Minnelli threads and it went on for pages.It was hilarious but it couldn't go on forever because humor like that would go stale. Yes, all those pages were deleted, but it didn't't bother me. It was time to do so."
Wasn't there also a Vanessa Williams night? I'm thinking that was 2007/2008 based on the apartment I was living in at the time I remember reading that thread.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
What is this thread even about? It's sort of hard to follow when there isn't really context given for those who weren't involved.
I'm not sure what this thread is about - but it's probably the only place where I can write that it's a shame Patty Murin won't be able to do a number from Nerds on the Tony Awards.
A thread discussing if/when Tuck Everlasting will post its closing notice was just erased. I don't recall any posts on there extending beyond objective observation of its marketing strategies and box office sales... Any explanation as to why?
(I wonder if we can use this thread going forward when other threads are deleted for no apparent reason to further understand such calls.)
"If you do not like the present, it is your duty to create the future.
I agree that the censorship at BWW has got out of hand. The fact that one party dictates how and what is being discussed is revolting. The days here are numbered.
Historically looking back will give you an interesting perspective. See, I've been here since the first day, not under this screen name but under "Mr. Tuttle." BWW was created by Rob (who I've had numerous emails with over he years and has always been wonderful)after closed their boards.
They closed their message boards because there were too many "loose cannon" threads about "dangerous" topics like "When will RENT close?" At the time, was morphing into the greedy ticket machine it is today. They didn't want to offend shows and producers with evil public thoughts of members. So BWW was created.
And now....BWW is turning into Too scared they might offend an producer or a "star" and their members pay the price. When one gives into the money, there's no turning back. Oh, there will still be boards for advertising sake. Full of threads of how much someone loves Wicked and Sutton Foster, but there won't be any real discussions.
The ride here was great. We had some fun....we had some laughs. But, as Betty Comden, Adolph Green, and Jule Styne said, "the party's over".
Updated On: 5/13/16 at 02:18 AM
The sad thing is I don't think the editors and owners have quite accepted their trajectory yet. They are aware of "the way we were" and have not recognized how they are changing. Soon it will be too late.
BWW used to service the fans; now it services the PR machine
Honestly I think all of you should just let it go. You're coming off as pathetic and petty little martyrs just bitching and moaning about Patti Murin.
Some of you act like she's murdered your first born or worse.
Some of you don't know when to leave well enough alone.
Leading Actor Joined: 2/1/14
I have no idea what this Murin thing is all about, and what was said. But imagine you are her.. And YOU are being discussed by faceless people on a Broadway message board.. It's pretty embarrassing. And knowing how these boards go- I'm sure it veered into negative things being said and that can very easily become bullying. We all have anonymity.. These people don't.
Nobody was talking about her before she made that blog post. That's a fact.
Leading Actor Joined: 2/1/14
I'm intrigued...what's the full story here please?!
I don't think we can post it because it will just get deleted.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
brian1973 said: "I'm intrigued...what's the full story here please?!
I would suggest starting with her blog post, which kicked off the entire storm.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/10/15
brian1973 said: "I'm intrigued...what's the full story here please?!
it had everything to do with the (cancelled) show she was going to appear in but nothing to do with HER as a person/performer -- except for one single stupid, and immature, comment about her vocal range. i think. i have no patience for apologists, though. especially those who like to use hyperbole by labeling the complainers as "petty little martyrs." i mean... really??? i didn't realize only Patti Murin can complain and no one else is entitled to that. nope. only she is. right?
Reading the "Unpopular opinions you hold" thread makes me think if it were started today and not in 2011, it wouldn't pass the Murin test-- too many honest opinions about performers and their shows!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/9/15
Yet it's ok for them to use the word "twat" in a BWW article because it is an ALW quote? Somehow I imagine if I used the actual scientific name for which it was a synonym my post would be deleted. Either they don't know what it means, or it's only ok to refer to lady parts by vulgar slang.
But, as Betty Comden, Adolph Green, and Jule Styne said, "the party's over".
Only Betty and Adolph wrote "the party's over.
Jule Styne wrote "da dada DEE dah."
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
JM226 said: "brian1973 said: "I'm intrigued...what's the full story here please?!
"it had everything to do with the (cancelled) show she was going to appear in but nothing to do with HER as a person/performer -- except for one single stupid, and immature, comment about her vocal range. i think. i have no patience for apologists, though. especially those who like to use hyperbole by labeling the complainers as "petty little martyrs." i mean... really??? i didn't realize only Patti Murin can complain and no one else is entitled to that. nope. only she is. right?"
It had nothing to do with Nerds being cancelled. It had to do with people saying stuff that wasn't the nicest. One person she brought up a lot on that radio podcast was that dude that called a performer mentally ****. That was the biggest issue.
Also an issue was that we are all(almost all of us) are posting anonymously and not using our real names. What I said about her vocal range as Glinda was a complete misunderstanding of something I thought was true from a source I thought was legit.
One thing that separates me from the others called out was my comment was personal against her. Another thing was I'm the only one that she knew personally but obviously had no clue it was someone she knew posting this rumor about her since I use a screen name that isn't my real name(this was before I put my real name in my signature on here).
Broadway Star Joined: 11/10/15
okay. Whether it was NERDS or Chad Kimball, who cares? At the end of the day... It wasn't about her. But she succeeded in making it all about her. You wanna talk about martyrdom? Patti is next to the word in the dictionary.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/15
She is now a contributor to this website. She writes articles for them. She has a lot more power now.
I believe the Tuck Everlasting thread was taken down because, much like other similar threads, it seems like it's trashing a show ("it will be gone soon" which is probably taken very offensively by people involved in the show. Just my guess. Unless someone was attacking an actor personally in the thread? Unclear.
How is the truth offensive? Personally, I don't like those threads either.. .because the answer is: The show will close when the producers (or the theater owners) have had enough.
As to opinions on a show before anyone has seen it? Also legit. I don't believe I'd enjoy a Spongebob Musical. To ME it sounds stupid.
She is now a contributor to this website. She writes articles for them. She has a lot more power now.
Oh, for crap's sake. Stop being melodramatic. She has no "power."
She's just an actress who used the 995 of us for own self-aggrandizement, and she owes that 99% an APOLOGY.
Do you hear me, Patti? You owe us an APOLOGY.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
"Oh, for crap's sake. Stop being melodramatic. She has no "power."
She's just an actress who used the 995 [sic] of us for own self-aggrandizement, and she owes that 99% an APOLOGY.
Do you hear me, Patti? You owe us an APOLOGY."
She seems to have power over you, as you have demanded an apology from her at minimum a dozen times. Why do you care? Sure, she said some really tone-deaf things. She's hypocritical, to be sure - but if, as you say, "She has no "power", why does it matter so much to you that you get an apology from her?
You know you are never going to get that apology, don't you?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/15
HAHA. Obviously she has power over you. You are the person (the only person) here demanding, for WEEKS on end, that she OWES you an apology. She was talking about abuse on the boards. That was clear.
Stop being so melodramatic dude. She owes you absolutely nothing.
"She seems to have power over you, as you have demanded an apology from her at minimum a dozen times. Why do you care? Sure, she said some really tone-deaf things. She's hypocritical, to be sure - but if, as you say, "She has no "power", why does it matter so much to you that you get an apology from her?
You know you are never going to get that apology, don't you?"
You know you are never going to get that apology, don't you?"
No, actually. I believe she will apologize to all of us eventually. I believe she already knows that she has done us wrong.
I believe she realized she was wrong the moment she adopted my use of the "99%" phrase. That was her acknowledgment that she had tarred us all with her too-broad brush.
Now it's just her pride and her ego standing in the way of an apology. When she finds a gracious way to say "I'm sorry" (without fully admitting that she was wrong, which no one likes to do), she will come round. I say this because we have mutual friends (in real life) who assure me she is a decent and caring person and not the narcissistic opportunist she appears to be to the 99% of us she harmed with her theatrics.
I have told people who know her that she harmed the kids who come here out of love for the theater, the older people who com e here to reminisce, the women who formed communities of theater-lovers helping each other through breast cancer treatments (both successful and non successful)m the Rentheads,m the Wicked lovers, the Sondheimists, the Lloyd Webberites, the Cabaret and Hedwig devotees.
Theater-lovers she made to feel embarrassed and ashamed of coming here to share our love--and why did she do it? Because one callow boy posted that she couldn't hit the high note in Wicked (he has since apologized) and then some people made fun of a show that was closing.
And for those two slights (and other similarly petty transgressions), she thought it right and good to run a campaign of vilifying the rest of us.
She KNOWS she owes us an apology, and she knows we will not forget.
Don't speak of power. The only power is love.