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Charlotte St. Martin Petition

#1Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/22/21 at 9:27pm

Charlotte St. Martin needs to go

Sign petition above. 

Charlotte St. Martin runs The Broadway League, the National Trade Organization for the Broadway Theater Industry, 700 plus members including theater owners, operators, producers, presenters and general managers. 

Broadway accounts for more than 14.7 Billion Dollars per year to the economy of New York and supports over 96,000 jobs including ancillary industries like restaurants, hotels and general NYC tourism.  

While Ms. St. Martin is responsible for the protocols the industry has adapted for the return of the Broadway industry and its audience, it is evident that the systems are not working and the spread of the Omicron variant is running rampant through our community.  

Shows are shutting minutes before curtain because actors and crew are becoming sick which is bad enough, but when that occurs, the economics of our industry and the financials of NY, as a whole, suffer. 

And adding insult to illness, not only is she unable to effectively lead the industry to a confident return, she has maintained despite her tenure, that this is not an industry in which she is familiar, and insults the very workers who are, despite their health risks, allowing her to keep her $500,000 a year, salaried position. 

We, the undersigned, implore The Broadway League to relieve Ms. St. Martin of her duties and hire someone who understands it, and the impact the decisions the position makes on the literal and figurative health of its community, its economy and New York tourism. 

Thank you. 

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#2Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/22/21 at 9:44pm


When the Omicron situation calms down, there are several shows I would love to see for the sole purpose of catching some understudies / swings / subs. They do not deserve all this disrespect. 

Customize and save with Liberty Biberty.

Fetus Profile Photo
#3Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/22/21 at 10:12pm

I truly hope she's losing as much sleep as the actors and crew who have been terrified going into work the last week while she's been offering them sweet nothings.

Tag Profile Photo
#4Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/22/21 at 10:15pm

Hilarious, fire her because she doesn't have an Omicron cure?
Also petitions don't do anything, except let people vent online.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#5Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/22/21 at 11:03pm

Tag said: "Hilarious, fire her because she doesn't have an Omicron cure?"

Did you see anyone suggesting that as the reason?

What exactly is it that you are defending here?

Or do you not know? 

I thought not.

FWIW, I am not a fan of people who create accounts here to post for a singular purpose, including this one, but I just don't understand your motivation here. 


#6Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/22/21 at 11:21pm

Her first statement about the understudies was inconsiderate and rude. She had plenty of time to craft her second statement. To include that she never made theatre on understood how it works seemed like an admission that she isn’t qualified for her own job. That’s downright dumb. 

Tag Profile Photo
#7Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/22/21 at 11:44pm

pmensky said: "Her first statement about the understudies was inconsiderate and rude. She had plenty of time to craft her second statement. To include that she never made theatre on understood how it works seemed like an admission that she isn’t qualified for her own job. That’s downright dumb."

She's an executive, not a theater creator.  AEA announced today that their new Executive Director comes from the United Food & Commercial Workers - not a theater person, and he'll be leading the performers union.  It's show business.

JayElle Profile Photo
#8Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/22/21 at 11:49pm

" is evident that the systems are not working and the spread of the Omicron variant is running rampant through our community. "

What systems would work?  The newly 2 yr virus nightmare has spread through every business community. Perhaps she isn't fault free, but what else would work?  Too much of the country is anti-vax because of evil politicians, extremists, fox noise, "my right to refuse" morons, etc..

Now 800k+ dead and the economy always on brink.. The League holds power and the money. Her salary is an outrage. How did she get job? Did they hire her to be their apologist?

People are scared because this is spreading like wildfire despite the vax. A rep from my local hospital said their ER looks like it did 18 months ago when covid first raged. 

We already have patrons and workers vaxxed, masked, and tested. What else is possible to prevent shut-downs?  

HogansHero Profile Photo
#9Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/22/21 at 11:54pm

Tag said: "She's an executive, not a theater creator. AEA announced today that their new Executive Director comes from the United Food & Commercial Workers - not a theater person, and he'll be leading the performers union. It's show business."

You misapprehend the issue and therefore you offer a response that is in the nature of a non-sequitur. There is no business in which an executive can function without know the way the industry in which they are working functions. Repeatedly, that is what's been going on here. 

If you don't know, don't guess. 

unclevictor Profile Photo
#10Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/22/21 at 11:58pm

St. Martin has been at the job for 15 years.  Give her a break. She misspoke the other day and apologized. Calm down. This whole situation is new to EVERYONE, including her.  U think she’s acting alone? 

#11Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/22/21 at 11:59pm

Tag said: "pmensky said: "Her first statement about the understudies was inconsiderate and rude. She had plenty of time to craft her second statement. To include that she never made theatre on understood how it works seemed like an admission that she isn’t qualified for her own job. That’s downright dumb."

She's an executive, not a theater creator. AEA announced today that their new Executive Director comes from the United Food & Commercial Workers - not a theater person, and he'll be leading the performers union. It's show business.

Theatre producers ARE executives who have the knowledge of both finance and the industry to do the job well. If she is just supposed to be running the finances, she shouldn’t be in front of the public discussing issues of which she has no knowledge.

#12Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/23/21 at 12:20am


Everyone makes mistakes. Some are more public than others. She won't be fired. It's not big enough. This will blow over. Let's be real, there are more important fish to fry in this current economic and political environment. People are dying. The virus is going to break new records. Broadway will probably have to completely shut down very very soon. Honestly, I'd quit if I was her, but not because of this, but because it seems like the worst time ever to lead the Broadway League...there are no good solutions. 

I bet we can all find better uses of our time and energy.

May I suggest: Advent Carolndar




#13Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/23/21 at 12:44am

This is not about cancel culture.  This is about accountability within one’s job responsibility and the absurd amount of money she makes in order for her to make those mistakes that you think shouldn’t have consequences. 

Broadway reopening is integral to the state’s finances. At the moment, shows are closing at the last minute because of a lack of appropriate coverage when a cast member becomes ill.  

Broadway producers who are part of the trade organization run by Ms. Martin and are integral for driving tourists to New York. 

When people spend hundreds to thousands of dollars to come to New York to attend Broadway and the shows they’re seeing close at the last second due to a cast coverage, it is likely that you lose those audience members. And they will not come back.  

When tourist money disappears, who do you think suffers? New Yorkers will have to make up the difference in tax revenue lost with increased state and local taxes. The very people currently out of jobs because the shows are cancelled. 

Ms. St. Martin and her team have had 20 months to figure out the best way for the industry to reopen and plan for the worst. Instead, shows are proceeding with crackerjack policies in place and are closing because of them. 

My suggestion, do not open shows without enough coverage. Hire more understudies, swings and covers. Spend the money on the actors who the audiences are coming to see. Without them, there are no shows. 

A word to the wise, being pennywise and pound foolish will ultimately be the industry’s demise. 

The League, its executives and it’s 700 producer membership are only in it to line their pockets when the actors and crew of their shows are risking their health and livelihoods. 

Remember, she’s failing and receiving $500,000 a year. What did you make last year? What did you make this year? What do the actors make when the show is closed because of COVID? Certainly not that. 

[edited by mods]

Updated On: 12/23/21 at 12:44 AM

HogansHero Profile Photo
#14Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/23/21 at 12:46am

This is not about a single faux pas. It is about an abject failure of leadership over a period of years, that has come into high relief lately because the stakes have never been this high before. I am not signing on to everything said by the OP nor the petition, but I am fully supportive of efforts to bring pressure where it can result in meaningful and long overdue change. 

uncageg Profile Photo
#15Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/23/21 at 1:49am

BroadwayForUnderstudies said: "This is not about cancel culture. This is about accountability within one’s job responsibility and the absurd amount of money she makes in order for her to make those mistakes that you think shouldn’t have consequences.

Broadway reopening is integral to the state’s finances. At the moment, shows are closing at the last minute because of a lack of appropriate coverage when a cast member becomes ill.

Broadway producers who are part of the trade organization run by Ms. Martin and are integral for driving tourists to New York.

When people spend hundreds to thousands of dollars to come to New York to attend Broadway and the shows they’re seeing close at the last second due to a cast coverage, it is likely that you lose those audience members. And they will not come back.

When tourist money disappears, who do you think suffers? New Yorkers will have to make up the difference in tax revenue lost with increased state and local taxes. The very people currently out of jobs because the shows are cancelled.

Ms. St. Martin and her team have had 20 months to figure out the best way for the industry to reopen and plan for the worst. Instead, shows are proceeding with crackerjack policies in place and are closing because of them.

My suggestion, do not open shows without enough coverage. Hire more understudies, swings and covers. Spend the money on the actors who the audiences are coming to see. Without them, there are no shows.

A word to the wise, being pennywise and pound foolish will ultimately be the industry’s demise.

The League, its executives and it’s 700 producer membership are only in it to line their pockets when the actors and crew of their shows are risking their health and livelihoods.

Remember, she’s failing and receiving $500,000 a year. What did you make last year? What did you make this year? What do the actors make when the show is closed because of COVID? Certainly not that.

We all can’t cash out, turn our back on Broadway and try to spend our parent’s money on a feeble attempt to buy one’s way into the world of fashion. #whatjordaniswearing


The only problem with your suggestion is that Omacron would rifle through a lot of the extra people you suggest shows hire. They can't just keep hiring and hiring. While I don't always agree with her, the theater community is going above and beyond. They cannot control what people within the community do on their own time or who they come in contact with outside of the theaters. Or who those people come in contact with. That was mentioned, I think, on Stars In The House the other night. I am sure a great deal of the community is being as safe as they can. 


Just give the world Love.

#16Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/23/21 at 9:35am


The original quote has been taken so wildly out of context, it’s ridiculous. Frankly, her first statement was 100% accurate:

Asked about shows' varying cancellation strategies—some productions have canceled single performances, while others are currently dark through Christmas weekend—St. Martin pointed to differing logistical situations each production faces when breakthrough cases and exposures happen.

"My educated guess is the newer shows maybe have understudies that aren’t as efficient in delivering the role as the lead is. Some of the older shows have more experienced understudies and more experienced swings. I know one show last week where the lead was out, the understudy was on vacation, the swings were covering other parts, and they just didn’t have enough people to stand in." [UPDATE: St. Martin has since issued an apology for these remarks, saying there was "never any intention of disrespect" toward understudies and swings]


The quote speaks to the logistics around experience and preparedness, nothing of talent.

A Dance Captain who has been with Wicked 5+ years is going to be much more efficient/effective/capable filling a role than Swing #4 in Dobutfire who hasn’t had enough performances to even perform every role they cover.

Twitter ran with the quote and spun “less efficient” to become “Swings are useless, talentless trash”.

“Less Efficient” is an incredibly banal phrase for the amount of pearl-clutching going on.

Folks are upset/anxious about everything something they can’t control, unfortunately Charlotte St. Martin made herself a convenient target for people to place their anger.

Updated On: 12/23/21 at 09:35 AM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#17Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/23/21 at 10:12am

Folks are upset/anxious about everything something they can’t control, unfortunately Charlotte St. Martin made herself a convenient target for people to place their anger.

Well said. And those petitions do absolutely zero. 

uncageg Profile Photo
#18Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/23/21 at 10:22am

Exactly A.J. I totally understood what she meant and she is correct. I am hearing from friends that this actually happened with a few shows. They tried in rehearsals but they just couldn't make it work. And logistics seems to play a big part in some shows.

Just give the world Love.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#19Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/23/21 at 10:37am

BroadwayForUnderstudies said: "Sign petition above."


Non sibi sed patriae

Tag Profile Photo
#20Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/23/21 at 11:20am

Exactly A.J., what St. Martin said was true, and something we have seen countless times over the years with new shows (especially in previews) that don't have adequate coverage at the start of their runs.  Could she have said it more eloquently, sure.  And Kate Shindle pouncing on her from her official AEA twitter is just embarrassing.

#21Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/23/21 at 1:11pm

unclevictor said: "St. Martin has been at the job for 15 years. Give her a break. She misspoke the other day and apologized. Calm down. This whole situation is new to EVERYONE, including her. U think she’s acting alone?"

This. She said something stupid. Gave understudies a moment to remind us they are awesome (i am eager to see u/s all the time, usually the only reason I revisit a show). But this idea that she now needs to continue to repent, or be replaced.... everyone relax! Haven't you said something inconsiderate or not well thought out before? 


Kad Profile Photo
#22Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/23/21 at 1:37pm

I think people are missing the fact that, as the employers, the Broadway League has fiercely negotiated the lowest-cost, highest-profit requirements for contracts- and that means shooting down more coverage, among other things. They are now reaping the benefits.

St. Martin, who essentially serves in dual roles as the hired executive director of the League and the elected president, may be well qualified to run the League's business affairs. But someone who is the League's public face and ergo Broadway's public face (as we have seen in the last two years) should not be someone who has to publicly admit they don't "make theater" after making a careless comment that many interpreted as putting the blame on swings/understudies for closures. There's a sense that she is just another moneyed corporate interloper who doesn't know what the rank and file workers in her industry are doing, yet is somehow in a position of power.


"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#23Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/23/21 at 2:42pm

Kad said: "I think people are missing the fact that, as the employers, the Broadway League has fiercely negotiated the lowest-cost, highest-profit requirements for contracts- and that means shooting down more coverage, among other things. They are now reaping the benefits.

St. Martin, who essentially serves in dual roles as the hired executive director of the League and the elected president, may be well qualified to run the League's business affairs. But someone who is the League's public face and ergo Broadway's public face (as we have seen in the last two years) should not be someone who has to publicly admit they don't "make theater" after making a careless comment that many interpreted as putting the blame on swings/understudies for closures. There's a sense that she is just another moneyed corporate interloper who doesn't know what the rank and file workers in her industry are doing, yet is somehow in a position of power.


There are so many factual errors in your post that I don't know where to begin...

Kad Profile Photo
#24Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/23/21 at 3:07pm

Instead of your usual bitchy and vague know-it-allism, why don’t you actually take a whack at it? God knows it’s not a very long post and doesn’t even contain many assertions of fact. 

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Updated On: 12/23/21 at 03:07 PM

binau Profile Photo
#25Charlotte St. Martin needs to go
Posted: 12/23/21 at 3:09pm

I don’t think she was putting the blame on understudies, that’s how people have interrupted it (disingenuously). Not having prepared understudies is either no one’s fault (it’s just the reality of the business and it does not work well during a pandemic) or the production’s fault (if they could have been more strategic). She was just describing the reality of the situation. If there were enough prepared understudies the shows would likely not have closed. Do we always have to take the most extreme, offensive interpretation possible? It seems many people want to do everything they can to make sure they are offended. 

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000
