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Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT- Page 4

Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT

#75Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 8:14pm

I could go for some hot chocolate, now that you mention it. We need a campfire.

"'But do you really mean, sir,' said Peter, 'that there could be other worlds --all over the place, just round the corner-- like that?'

'Nothing is more probable,' said the Professor..."

-The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

GClef2 Profile Photo
#76Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 8:15pm

The appropriate ending to this article should have been:

"Now. Let's all come together and commit hate crimes and gay bashings. Get in my four-wheeler."

"The only way we live beyond our lives is to connect and carve ourselves into the souls of those we love." -Little Fish

#77Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 8:23pm

But Fred Phelps didn't write this one.

"'But do you really mean, sir,' said Peter, 'that there could be other worlds --all over the place, just round the corner-- like that?'

'Nothing is more probable,' said the Professor..."

-The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

faithanytwo Profile Photo
#78Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 8:25pm

i can't figure out if i should laugh or cry over all this ignorance (from the article, obviously).

#79Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 8:35pm

Yeah, it's sort of like a trainwreck.

"'But do you really mean, sir,' said Peter, 'that there could be other worlds --all over the place, just round the corner-- like that?'

'Nothing is more probable,' said the Professor..."

-The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

boatsintheghetto Profile Photo
#80Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 8:46pm

haha just reading what ya'll are saying is making me almost fall out of my chair laughing. I love the adults wearing underwear...LMAO!!!!

Portrayal of dying a slow death~ um can we say walk to remember? the notebook? Noel? a lot of movies have people dying from a diseease

haha most foul of foul words....that is hott whenever i say a foul of foul word i will quote the FoF line haha

Revolt against paying rent? um yeah thats just crazy

intimate terms of same-gender endearment, repeatedly ~ I call my friends dear and love and honey all the time?

gapping-face kissing is making me think of like i dunno joe bonam (johnny get your gun) kissing someone...EWWWW!!!

Dressing to maximise human form- a lot of people do that?

same-gender snuggling and other expressions of affection- do that all the time and im not even gay!

who would like to join my support group for adults who wear underwear?

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#81Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 8:58pm

"Take me for what I am" should be changed to "Take me for how I choose to be."

That cracked me up.

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#82Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 9:16pm

"lying, repeatedly" what lies?

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

#83Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 9:18pm

Untruths, perhaps?

Or maybe, the way they see it, everything is a lie, since it doesn't sit right with The Book.

"'But do you really mean, sir,' said Peter, 'that there could be other worlds --all over the place, just round the corner-- like that?'

'Nothing is more probable,' said the Professor..."

-The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

greeneyed_one Profile Photo
#84Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 9:19pm

I guess lying could be: Mimi taking drugs when Roger was helping her quit, Benny dating Mimi and not telling his wife (okay that's more like cheating but whatever), I don't know what else...

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#85Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 9:39pm

"breaking and entering"


"21 uses of the three/four letter word vocabulary"

Wait..what's the 3 lettered word? And I can't believe they counted.

"talk of/references to practicing homosexuality/lesbianism, repeatedly, frequent"

To repeat, why is lesbian separated?

"adult in underwear "


But what I think is interesting is that they include:
"stereotypical mannerisms/expressions of a homosexual practitioner, repeatedly, frequent"


Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

sadiem100 Profile Photo
#86Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 9:45pm

3 letter word... ass maybe?
lolol this has been definitely the most fun conversation to read.

"Electricity sparks inside of me... and I'm free, I'm free."

greeneyed_one Profile Photo
#87Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 9:48pm

My avatar is working!!! Hooray!!
Sorry, didn't mean to be off topic...again...I love this thread.

#88Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 9:54pm

"Anyone who knows the Bible knows that the outcasts of society are the people Jesus chose to hang out with. In Jesus' time, those folks were prostitutes and tax collectors and lepers. In modern times, those people would be the strippers, the herion addicts and those dying of AIDS. Jesus would've been there at the Life Support meetings, offering hugs, hot chocolate and love. But unfortunately, people miss that..."

Excellent point CM. I try to bring that up when I'm defending my religion, but you definitely said it better than I ever could. Add me to the list of Rent loving Christians!

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#89Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 9:59pm

wow..what are these people on? It's times like these where I'm embaressed to be Christian. Although, I know i'm not psycho religious like that.

#90Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 10:00pm

CM, that was exactly what I was thinking. Props to you for saying it so well. I am a Christian, and I adore RENT. This is evidence of what is *hopefully* a very small group of people. Well, interesting "review." I like the "adults wearing underwear" one.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

TheGirlontheSwing Profile Photo
#91Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 10:05pm

UGGH- things like this make me heated! I grew up in strict Christian high school full of the type of people who hold these opinons -so i know a thing or two about what the bible actually has to say- so newsflash to these closeminded judgmental PARANOID people writing these ridiculous reviews- Rent is about making the most of the time we are given on this earth and taken care of the people around you- these people need to lern to practice what they preach and stop being so closeminded!
(sorry this is a hot button issue with me)

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#92Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 10:08pm

I'm looking at it again because I needed a good laugh.

"ghosting of female anatomy through thin clothing"

What is he talking about? The only part I can think of is the scene where Mimi is throwing up on herself going through withdrawal and she's all wet from the rain. If he is so distracted by the female anatomy that he's ignoring the purpose of the scene, maybe he's the one with sexual immorality problems.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#93Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 10:11pm

If he is so distracted by the female anatomy that he's ignoring the purpose of the scene, maybe he's the one with sexual immorality problems.

YES! Great point.

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#94Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 10:11pm

If he is so distracted by the female anatomy that he's ignoring the purpose of the scene, maybe he's the one with sexual immorality problems.

YES! Great point.

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

LariTheLoud Profile Photo
#95Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 10:13pm

I was looking forward to the CAP review.

Hilarious, as always. In that disgusting and appalling sort of way.

"Oh, good. After all, I can rub my stomach and pat my head at the same time, and I can do it with my eyes closed while whistling 'The Entertainer.' That's rhythm for you." ~ Snaps, proving that White Boys CAN have rhythm
Updated On: 11/28/05 at 10:13 PM

#96Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 10:16pm

Sexual immorality is the gist of Rent -- heterosexual, homosexual and lesbian.

This is not the "gist" of RENT. The gist of RENT is people learning to make the most of their time on earth and loving their friends and family. What are they talking about?

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

#97Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 10:19pm

Murder/Suicide (M)

none noted

Gosh darnit, if only Chris has left April's suicide in there the film could have been offensive in ALL categories.

Further, even the American College of Physicians has found the copycat syndrome associated with such entertainment. In their report they find an undeniable link between such programming as in Rent and the abuse of substances by kids of the MPAA "acceptable" age stratum for this film (90% of the study population were under 14 years old).

Mimi's addiction and subsequent withdrawal looked SO glamorous that I am just going to shoot up right now....

I don't think the reviewer actually WATCHED the movie, drug use was definitely not promoted, if anything I would think people would be deterred after seeing the damage it caused.

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

Millie42 Profile Photo
#98Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 10:27pm

Well, I have got to give it to this site for helping me procrastinate tonight.

If you want a little more amusement, check out the Harry Potter review, or as they refer to him "Harry Potter thief of minds and hearts -- and maybe souls of they who do not recognize it for what it is."

Some of the Goblet of Fire's violations:
-impossible events such as a frigate surfacing from under water
-stained glass window character crying
-plants alive, repeatedly
-long sequence of doing battle with evil
Mama says Harry Potter is the devil!

"My friends have made the story of my life." -Helen Keller

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#99Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
Posted: 11/28/05 at 10:29pm

i'm sorry, I can not help but laughing at the harry potter stuff. way too amusing.

I recognize the addiction to being alive.
