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Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday- Page 2

Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday

#25Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:39am

Also, if he was departing for a movie gig or something like that, wouldn't they mention it? Like an onion, I think there are many layers to this story! 

#26Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:40am

Alexander Lamar said: "Maybe he's taking a break before opening the Chicago production?"


No. They literally just announced the Chicago cast and he isn't in it.

#27Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:41am

Alexander Lamar said: "Maybe he's taking a break before opening the Chicago production?



they've already announced the Jefferson/Lafayette for Chicago. unless he's being bumped up to Aaron Burr?!?

Wick3 Profile Photo
#28Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:41am

Has Diggs confirmed that?

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#29Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:43am

Couldn't he have left with Lin, Philippa, and Leslie? Might as well joined the other OBC actors too.

#30Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:44am

I think it's honestly just the lead time. Two days, really? Also, does Jeffery Seller still think he's getting $849 for premium seats aka the whole orchestra? Because the way the resale prices have been going I have to disagree.

#31Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:45am

I genuinely think something is up as they don't have a replacement cast yet.

#32Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:46am

pupscotch, yes, he does think that, because they already sold at that price.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#33Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:46am

Yes, that makes sense. Diggs is leaving the Broadway production of a show in which he won a Tony to play a different role in the same show in a regional production. Yup.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#34Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:47am

I don't think that counts as "regional."

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#35Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:49am

This looks like some sort of contract situation. Especially since Seller announced Renee and Daveed inked contract extensions. Plus, let's not forget how long Daveed has been doing this an actor I am sure it gets old....despite the accolades and role of a lifetime.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#36Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:50am

As I said when that report of extended contracts came out, it was misleading. As I suggested, some of them continued sans contract. I had heard this weeks ago, from someone who wasfamiliar with his future plans, though I didn't realize it would come on such short notice. This was in no way a reaction to the new cast; that's offensive. And of course to suggest this will affect the grosses anytime soon is inherently flawed: by the time the grosses are capable of coming down no one will be talking about this. The challenge of the production is to maintain quality across all productions, just like it is for every show that is in the enviable position of managing success.

Skimbleshanks2 Profile Photo
#37Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:50am

His three main co-stars left... Why would he want to stay? He probably tried to re-negotiate his contract but bailed after everyone left and he realized it wasn't worth staying without them. He probably thought, "I'm better than this!"

"See that poster on the wall? Rocky Marciano." - Andy Karl as Rocky in 'ROCKY'

#38Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:54am


Updated On: 7/13/16 at 10:54 AM

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#39Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:55am

Lizzie, I consider professional theatre that is not in NYC to be "regional theatre." Please tell me if I am misusing that term; I'd genuinely like to know! Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday


ljay889 Profile Photo
#40Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 10:59am

Skimbleshanks2 said: "His three main co-stars left... Why would he want to stay? He probably tried to re-negotiate his contract but bailed after everyone left and he realized it wasn't worth staying without them. He probably thought, "I'm better than this!"



That is pure fan fiction/fantasy. The real world doesn't really work like that. We all have had jobs where we didn't enjoy all of our coworkers.


#41Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 11:00am

"Especially since Seller announced Renee and Daveed inked contract extensions. "


No he didn't. That was speculation. Hamilton never announced that.

Skimbleshanks2 Profile Photo
#42Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 11:01am

Y'all are naive, but OK.

"See that poster on the wall? Rocky Marciano." - Andy Karl as Rocky in 'ROCKY'

Liza's Headband
#43Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 11:02am

BroadwayConcierge said: "Not blaming them whatsoever, Neon! I wish them all power! I'm just saying, objectively speaking, that after branding multiple Tony winners, barely a month is an unusually short time for a Broadway production to have so many names depart. But I'm 100% behind them individually.




You're very tiresome, as is the unnecessary proliferation of redundant HAMILTON threads.  

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#44Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 11:03am

Headband, I'm flattered that you keep searching for my posts to troll.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#45Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 11:05am

Skimbleshanks2 said: "Y'all are naive, but OK."

no you like to play the post hoc ergo propter hoc game.

Liza's Headband
#46Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 11:05am

I don't need to search when I'm more than familiar with your patterns and desire to dictate where/how discussions should take place and be organized into very specific threads. It's your MO, and was such when you posted under previous aliases.  

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#47Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 11:06am

Kinda weird that you're memorizing my "patterns" and "desires," but you do you, Heady. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#48Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 11:07am

The odd thing is certainly that now we will have understudies in 2 leading roles in this show.   This is so unusual. (And the very short notice.)


I'm personally incredibly sad.  Seeing this on the 20th, sigh.  

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#49Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
Posted: 7/13/16 at 11:07am

LizzieCurry said: "I don't think that counts as "regional."

Definitely not, BroadwayConcierge. The Chicago sit down is not a "regional" prod, especially since you used that word in a derogatory way.

