To clear up some of the confusion in this thread: the official press release the show put out announcing the recent cast changes made no mention of Daveed or Renee extending their contracts. That information was reportedly separately in the Hollywood Reporter, which cited an independent "source" as having confirmed it. Almost all of the theater publications that announced the cast changes then lopped the information about David and Renee into their stories as if it was also being officially confirmed by the show when it was not.
I'm not sure why so many people are surprised they've handled things the way they have. It makes sense the producers would rather bury the departures of two of their Tony Award winning stars separately then include them with the previously announced departing original cast members and give the impression of a mass cast exodus. Though, as we all know, who is or isn't in the cast has zero effect on anything anymore. The show is and always will be the star.
In my fantasy world, I had hoped that Daveed would take a few months off and reconnect with his musical pals (in Oakland and the Bay Area) and would work with the first national tour, rehearsing in SF, and might spend a year or so (I think the SF & LA dates are 9-10 months) with the tour.
Of course, never say never. But it seems that scenario looks more unlikely - whether because of soured relations, or hardball producers unconvinced they need to pay a retention premium, or something else entirely.
In any event, I'm fortunate to have seen him in the roles - but am looking forward to seeing the great talent in the tour next spring.
Understudy Joined: 8/12/07
GreasedLightning said: "It's pretty clear to me that this wasn't planned. It states right in the article that "while the role is being recast" the understudies listed will be performing it. Clearly this wasn't planned as the replacement is not even cast.
Or maybe that WAS the plan. Have the understudies do the role until they cast a new person and he learns the show. Pretty good plan, actually. Gives the understudies experience, and with multiple companies in the works, gives producers and the director more information about those actors.
People seem to be reacting as if Diggs leaving was a last minute thing. Just because they didn't announce it until yesterday doesn't mean the show and/or Diggs didn't know.
His original contract could have been a different length -- or maybe he missed the first week of rehearsal so his contract went an extra 6 days past the other......
It could be a simple as that. We don't KNOW otherwise, so speculate at your peril
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
HGR2 said: "I'm not arguing on the merits of the actors. I'm certainly not qualified to evaluate them. But I don't think it is uncommon for a play to suffer when a well known principle leaves. I don't see this as any different. It isn't fair but I do think that many folks go to see certain people - not merely the performance. With so many principles having left I do think that this will affect the number of people willing to pay high prices to see the show. It is not a comment on the quality of the people. It is a comment on the fickleness of the public."
What do you regard as suffering? Face value tickets are basically sold out until May 2017. Resale tickets have decreased in price and gone back to what they were a few months ago before they announced the departure dates of the cast. This makes sense as if someone had the money to buy resale around this time they either would have paid for the OBC or will likely wait until Brandon starts. I don't agree that with this show people are paying to see certain people and not the show itself. The cast will do numerous concerts/cabaret nights that will cost significantly less. People want to see the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/1/08
I have no idea why he is leaving (and neither do you), but he was sensational as Lafayette and Jefferson and is perhaps the toughest act in the original cast to follow.
Understudy Joined: 6/10/13
I was wondering the other day whether Andrew Chappelle noticeably growing out the 'fro meant there was going to be a Lafayette/Jefferson change-up in the coming months. It was probably a nothing coincidence, but Chappelle had been on a lot recently, so it was on my mind.
Can't wait to see who the replacement will be!
Understudy Joined: 1/29/13
Skimbleshanks2 said: "He probably performed a few shows with the replacement cast and went "....NOPE! I'm outta here."
Wouldn't it be: "This kid is out"?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
The perpetual speculation by those who have absolutely no clue what happened and why is beyond tiresome. We do not know the "real story," and may never know. Why is it that difficult to accept?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
We might say that no one else was in the room where it happened.
HogansHero said: "@Kad what are you seeing that is "shady"? I see a lack of preparedness, maybe a bit of screwup, but I am not sure what you are suggesting is shady."
You misunderstood me; I, personally, don't think anything here is at all shady. But there are posts on this thread that seem to indicate other people do.
I've read a couple of posts (not all) in this thread and it's left me to wonder why some of you would think there is some kind of a conspiracy and not just respect (and accept) the fact that he's decided to leave of his own accord.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/14/16
somethingwicked said: "To clear up some of the confusion in this thread: the official press release the show put out announcing the recent cast changes made no mention of Daveed or Renee extending their contracts. That information was reportedly separately in the Hollywood Reporter, which cited an independent "source" as having confirmed it. Almost all of the theater publications that announced the cast changes then lopped the information about David and Renee into their stories as if it was also being officially confirmed by the show when it was not.
I'm not sure why so many people are surprised they've handled things the way they have. It makes sense the producers would rather bury the departures of two of their Tony Award winning stars separately then include them with the previously announced departing original cast members and give the impression of a mass cast exodus. Though, as we all know, who is or isn't in the cast has zero effect on anything anymore. The show is and always will be the star.
Yeah, if the show REALLY was the star, ticket prices might not be plummeting. It irks me to no end that some people on this thread want to suggest that Daveed is expendable. He is magnificent in the roles that he plays in the show. It was absolutely effed up that it was announced that he had renewed his contract when in fact he had not. No idea who screwed that up, but screwed up it is. We get that there are some with agendas on this board who want to put the best possible spin on anything having anything to do with Hamilton, but try not to be so transparent about it.
I've been reading through the thread and there are a lot of people who have been parroting that "The show is the star" sentiment.
All the effort may be for naught because how many theatergoers actually read these threads?
Daveed is magnificent. The suddeness with which the announcement came caught a lot of people off guard. It was/is quite shocking, but wish the man the best in everything he does.
Have never seen anyone else in his role, but hard to imagine that anyone else can even come close to filling his shoes. Substituting one light skinned black man with another one certainly won't cut it.
He was the best in the show in my opinion. Way better than Leslie. Wish him the best.
Jmjazz- it was not announced in any formal capacity he had renewed.
Ticket prices aren't plummeting (?!). The reason for why resale prices have come down has been rationally explained.
No one is diminishing Daveed's work. No one is suggesting "substituting one light skinned black man with another one."
But Daveed is not the only performer who can do this role. Indeed, he ISN'T the only performer who has done this role.
@Kad, ok, I had read it as your position.
@Jmjazz, welcome to BWW.
"It was absolutely effed up that it was announced that he had renewed his contract when in fact he had not." As has been rehearsed over and over (query why you are disregarding this) the "renewal" suggestion originated at one media outlet, not with the production.
It is common for people to say they can't imagine a production without a particular originating actor, but there are very few situations where that is the case. (See, e.g., Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman for the most extreme example.) When it is the case, it almost invariably means that the show itself is not very good. Hamilton, however, is that good, and I say that objectively based on reception not personal opinion.
This show will undoubtedly survive these changes. It was never about one particular performer it was always about the show, it's characters and it's innovative approach. There are many talented performers out there waiting to play these roles and keep this show alive, up and running.
Theater_Nerd said: "This show will undoubtedly survive these changes. It was never about one particular performer it was always about the show, it's characters and it's innovative approach. There are many talented performers out there waiting to play these roles and keep this show alive, up and running. "
Moreover, this is not a case where anyone had ever heard of these performers prior to Hamilton. I wrote earlier about the concept of "value" in negotiations. All of these performers entered Hamilton with just their talent on their back. All of them left or will leave with a significantly higher profile (and value). The production views their value as significant but not as great to the production as it is, in this moment, to the individual. All of them were making good bucks but none of them were making as much in Hamilton as outside of it, and there is no logical or responsible reason for a production to attempt to compete with TV, film or a recording contract, something that they would ultimately fail at. Each of these great actors has been on national TV individually, and most of them have already announced high-profile post-Hamilton activity. Their value has very much been enhanced over the last couple of years, and that is the ultimate benefit they got from Hamilton. Hopefully they can all exploit that to the max.
I will be seeing the show for the 3rd time in November. I feel very fortunate to have seen the OCB twice and now am looking forward to seeing fresh faces. That being said... DAVEED...... He just lights up the stage when he walks on; his exuberance is infectious - you can't help but bop in your seat to "What'd I Miss?" . What will I miss? I'll miss them all, but Daveed the most. Can't wait to see where he appears next - will always be a fan of his. Thank you Daveed!!! that's it - just THANK YOU!!
Chorus Member Joined: 12/11/15
Agree. I do feel like that exuberance and charisma will be very very difficult to replace.
rcbell64 said: "Agree. I do feel like that exuberance and charisma will be very very difficult to replace."
An interesting comment considering the reports here to the contrary by, you know, people who have actually seen it performed by the understudy (who may or may not be the permanent replacement).
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
rcbell64 said: "Agree. I do feel like that exuberance and charisma will be very very difficult to replace."
The traits of exuberance and charisma are not exclusive to a handful of performers. There are millions of performers who can achieve it to the same degree, if not higher and better. I wouldn't be too concerned.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/14/16
Well, the understudy sure seems to be waiting in the wings for his star turn if his Twitter feed is any indication. Full disclosure: I've seen the show twice and both times with Daveed. I may be a bit biased.
It is hard for me to imagine anyone else bringing the swagger to the role that he brings.
I always have, though they may be misguided, some qualms about understudies. I was deeply disappointed the last time I saw the show and there were understudies in the roles. I did not think that the woman understudied for Eliza could really hold a candle to Phillipa for example.
Just my own take. As I said, haven't seen Daveed's understudy so I don't know what he brings to the table. Will wait to hear reviews by others.
Why are people saying "the understudy" as if he only has one?
Chorus Member Joined: 7/14/16
I doubt that anyone can bring the swagger to the role the way Daveed did. Said it before and will say it again. He slayed those roles.
Petralicious said: "He was the best in the show in my opinion. Way better than Leslie. Wish him the best."
Wow, I feel the complete opposite. To me, Leslie is the most "unreplaceable" cast member. He has an insane voice, Daveed never really needs to "sing" during the entire play. I promise it's much easier to replace a rapper than it is a singer. Of course "swagger" is another unquantifiable feature of Daveed, but this can be "faked" or "acted" way easier than you think by any confident actor/rapper.