BroadwayRox3588 said: "Nothing comes with zero risk. Unless you want to stay at home all the time (which I would not advise), everything you do will come with some risk of contracting or spreading Covid. As I keep saying, we all need to learn how to live with this virus, and figure out how to stop it from dominating our lives. That is also what the science says.
And to another point, I think most people in this thread are trying to balance fear with reason, and not let the former take precedence over the latter."
Very well-put.
Jordan Catalano said: "If there’s a mask mandate, i’ll tell you exactly what’s going to happen based on what i saw in the UK - The rules will be that you must wear a mask, except when eating or drinking so that will mean that people will sit in their seats, mask down, holding a cup in their hand the entire show, so they don’t have to have their mask on."
Which is how movie theatres have operated for months with no noted uptick in COVID cases tracked back to them so it's negligible.
Very few here are throwing caution to the wind, but cherry picking "science," leaving out its continuing evolution (e.g., no mention by Snarker of boosters), and ignoring that vacinnated people can create reasonable personal safety with masks if need be, is not a very good way of justifying a fortress mentality.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/25/06
> Which is how movie theatres have operated for months with no noted uptick in COVID cases tracked back to them so it's negligible.
seriously who would be tracking that back??? there's like zero contact tracing in this country ... this logic is a total fail.
Not to mention that movie theaters haven't been crowded on any regular basis.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/25/06
and the Metropolitan Opera has just announced a mandatory vaccination policy for its audiences.
whatever2 said: "and the Metropolitan Opera has just announced a mandatory vaccination policy for its audiences."
Did I miss how theaters will check for that? Sorry if I did.
If it takes 45 mins to simply scan and seat a thousand people, I wonder how they plan on checking this and how strict and thorough they will be with this requirement, if at all.
From NYT:
Broadway Audiences Will Need Proof of Vaccination and Masks
Children under 12, who cannot be vaccinated, can show a negative test to attend. But the Metropolitan Opera and Carnegie Hall plan to bar them for now.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
VintageSnarker said: "The science says vaccines may only be 60% effective 4-6 months after your second dose, especially as new variants gain traction.
No, it doesn't. The Pfizer vaccine is 84% effective after 4 months. And if we assume (a very dangerous thing in science) the efficacy continues to decline at the same rate, after six months it would be 81%.
The science says you can still spread covid if you're vaccinated and wearing masks.
In real world analysis, there was no measured covid-19 spread from a vaccinated person to a non-vaccinated person, masked or otherwise. Though the Delta variant has changed that. The Delta variant not only can be spread by vaccinated individuals, it is as transmissable as the chicken pox. But if you are vaccinated you are still protected.
The science says even having a "mild" case of covid may have longterm neurological and respiratory effects.
Define "mild". Only those experience long-term COVID-19 illness (i.e., they took more than two weeks to recover) have demonstrated lingering effects.
The science says that covid is much more dangerous than the flu.
Welcome to February 2020.
But people in this thread don't want to hear it. To clarify, I think everyone should be vaccinated and wearing masks.
If everyone is vaccinated, there is no real need for masks. Breakthrough cases are statistically small to the point of being a non-factor. If they were allowing unvaccinated people in as well, then I'd agree.
But pretending it makes you completely safe and that you can happily go to restaurants and sit in close quarters (like a theater) without any risk of contracting covid or spreading it to others is being in denial.
No one here is arguing that, but the COVID-19 efficacy is on par with that for other viruses, so the current danger is only for the unvaccinated (and no amount of mask wearing by those who were vaccinated is going to stop the variants from forming: that's all being done by the unvaccinated).
I want to go to the theater again too. But I am aware that if I do, it will be a calculated risk and I am perfectly willing to cancel any tickets I purchase if things worsen in the fall."
If you are fully vaccinated in a room with other fully vaccinated people, there is practically no risk.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
I'm interested to see the new CDC guidance and evidence that triggered their change in mask recommendations. This news report says the amount of virus detected in vaccinated individuals was extremely (and unexpectedly) high and that is what triggered the change, but more data apparently is forthcoming.
Lots of good questioning of this report on Twitter since it was only in P-Town during a packed weekend.
That's why additional data explaining what led to the CDC's new recs will be very helpful. On Twitter, @CharlesFLehman has some good insights into other data and some are pointing out that those Tweeting for major media organizations don't seem to have enough numerical or statistical literacy and are misinterpreting or misstating some findings.
Updated On: 7/30/21 at 11:51 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
blaxx said: "whatever2 said: "and the Metropolitan Opera has just announced a mandatory vaccination policy for its audiences."
Did I miss how theaters will check for that? Sorry if I did.
If it takes 45 mins to simply scan and seat a thousand people, I wonder how they plan on checking this and how strict and thorough they will be with this requirement, if atall."
How do you arrive at the 45 minute number? For Springsteen, as an example, the doors open 45 minutes prior and they scan and admit 1600 people -- and that''s just with having 2 people doing the scanning. The Met has the space and capabilities to have 10x as many FOH security people scanning.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
Fosse76 said: "VintageSnarker said: "The science says vaccines may only be 60% effective 4-6 months after your second dose, especially as new variants gain traction.
No, it doesn't. The Pfizer vaccine is 84% effective after 4 months. And if we assume (a very dangerous thing in science) the efficacy continues to decline at the same rate, after six months it would be 81%."
Sorry, I should have provided a citation.
Featured Actor Joined: 3/15/18
To respond to the title of this thread, the former will lead to the cancellation of the latter. We’ll end up being right where we were with no broadway. Don’t tell me you’re immune from this delta variant because of these current vaccines. It’s breaking through more every day.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
VintageSnarker said: "Fosse76 said: "VintageSnarker said: "The science says vaccines may only be 60% effective 4-6 months after your second dose, especially as new variants gain traction.
No, it doesn't. The Pfizer vaccine is 84% effective after 4 months. And if we assume (a very dangerous thing in science) the efficacy continues to decline at the same rate, after six months it would be 81%."
Sorry, I should have provided a citation."
I wouldn't rely on the numbers from Israel's Health ministry. Which is where that info came from. According to a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, the efficacy against Delta after one dose is indeed 30%. But it goes up to 79.6% with the second dose. So the vaccines are effective.
Playbill_Trash said: "Don’t tell me you’re immune from this delta variant because of these current vaccines. It’s breaking through more every day."
You seem determined to remain oblivious to the essential points. No one is immune from any variant. That's not the issue however and never has been with any of these viruses. The issue is whether becoming infected causes you to become sick in a significant way, and that remains extremely unlikely, to the point that if it persuades you to stay home, you should already be staying home to avoid traffic accidents, not to mention stray gunshots.
Playbill_Trash said: "To respond to the title of this thread, the former will lead to the cancellation of the latter. We’ll end up being right where we were with no broadway. Don’t tell me you’re immune from this delta variant because of these current vaccines. It’s breaking through more every day."
So many things incorrect about this post. No one thinks they're immune but the fact remains that you're still much more likely to get the virus/variant if you're not vaccinated. And like Hogan said, it's also about what could happen to you if you do contract the virus. I'm not saying there won't be any individual cancellations for certain shows but it's not going to be March 2020 again.
Well it's official. The big wigs at Disney continue have bigger balls than our military leaders
Disney to require workforce vaccinations
Featured Actor Joined: 10/16/10
How has demand been for current/recent off-Broadway this spring/summer?
The Housewives of Secaucus (Actors Temple) has downgraded to just one performance a week.
Blindness (Daryl Roth) closed over a month early.
Lilies (Theater Center) couldn't even finish its limited 1 month run and closed a week early.
Fruma Sarah (cell theater) seemed to buck the trend and was sold out its entire run.
Does this tell us anything about August/September sales? How will constantly changing Delta news affect theatergoers? I'm rooting for the performers/staff since this is their livelihood, but I worry.
Theater3232 said: "How has demand been for current/recent off-Broadway this spring/summer?
The Housewives of Secaucus (Actors Temple) has downgraded to just one performance a week.
Blindness (Daryl Roth) closed over a month early.
Lilies (Theater Center) couldn't even finish its limited 1 month run and closed a week early.
Fruma Sarah (cell theater) seemed to buck the trend and was sold out its entire run.
Does this tell us anything about August/September sales? How will constantly changing Delta news affect theatergoers? I'm rooting for the performers/staff since this is their livelihood, but I worry.
Bad shows close post covid just as they did pre-covid. The shows you mention that closed were bad bordering on garbage; the one that was good thrived. I think that a lot of Broadway shows are going to have a rough go of it once they get beyond an opening bounce, especially the tourist dependent ones. I have said this many times but too many shows are opening too soon. I pray for a miracle. But the quality shows that can find a regional audience will be fine, all things being equal.
Mixed messages will definitely affect Broadway. For many reasons people will not go . Sitting in a theater with a mask on for 2 plus hours might be a turnoff. Being surrounded by all these masked folks does not make for a,pleasant experience. Imagine going to the bathroom or waiting on line for drinks
By the way we all know but deny that we have the vaccine because of a certain past president. How will those with a visceral hatred of him like Ms Lupone square that hatred with the need to get the vaxx. A puzzlement indeed. Same for the theatergoers Wearing a mask and /or getting vaxxed to attend. .Many tough decisions ahead
My wife and I were both vaxxed back in March .Sadly my wife is now battling Type 2 diabetes. We are basically homebound until her doctor can find the right medicine. Looks like it may be insulin. She was willing to try and go back to Broadway but this side tracked it.We will content ourselves watching a great library of shows on YouTube plus the dvds I have
Hopefully it will all work out in the end for everyone .Best to all
Playbill_Trash said: "To respond to the title of this thread, the former will lead to the cancellation of the latter. We’ll end up being right where we were with no broadway. Don’t tell me you’re immune from this delta variant because of these current vaccines. It’s breaking through more every day. "
This sounds so unfounded and unhinged. The CDC is closely watching Provincetown which started the conversations about break through infections after the 4th holiday. The spiking numbers were alarming but also showed the efficacy of the vaccines. The majority of infected weren’t becoming ill. Also, the numbers in Ptown are now dropping again.
There is another worrisome groups outside of the anti-vaxxers and that is the demographic that loves fear. The people that love to shout fire in crowded buildings. They get off on creating paranoia. It’s disturbing. As Hogan said, it’s a waiting game. We will see what the numbers and data show in the coming weeks. It’s not looking as fatalistic as many want us to believe. However, caution, care, and masking are a good idea until we have more data.
Bettyboy72 said: "Playbill_Trash said: "To respond to the title of this thread, the former will lead to the cancellation of the latter. We’ll end up being right where we were with no broadway. Don’t tell me you’re immune from this delta variant because of these current vaccines. It’s breaking through more every day. "
This sounds so unfounded and unhinged. The CDC is closely watching Provincetown which started the conversations about break through infections after the 4th holiday. The spiking numbers were alarming but also showed the efficacy of the vaccines. The majority of infected weren’t becoming ill. Also, the numbers in Ptown are now dropping again.
There is another worrisome groups outside of the anti-vaxxersand that is the demographic that loves fear. The people that love to shout fire in crowded buildings. They get off on creating paranoia. It’s disturbing. As Hogan said, it’s a waiting game. We will see what the numbers and data show in the coming weeks. It’s not looking as fatalistic as many want us to believe. However, caution, care, and masking are a good idea until we have more data.
What Betty said. When this whole mess started the hardest thing for me to come to terms with was how much we just didn't know. Unfortunately, this past year and a half has been a crash course in learning to be ok with that, and I'm not really even there yet. I hope Broadway will reopen as scheduled. I think it will. I am planning for that. But if it doesn't, there's nothing I can do. If the people screaming RATS IN THE STREETS AND THE LUNATICS YELLING AT THE MOON IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD turn out to be right, good for them, I guess, but I don't see how that mindset is helping anyone right now.
Sadly the southern border is not listed as a hot spot .Undocumented coming over the border have co vid in increasing numbers. What is worrisome is that in the dead of night they,are being bused or given plane tickets to go all over the country. The localities are given any notice and are flooded with them They are not vaxxed and do not mask up.Before imposing more restrictions on Americans why not clean up this problem which is much more dangerous
Those living there are suffering and they need to be protected. How many of the undocumented want to come to NYC? That will spell trouble and lead to mpre restrictions and lockdowns . Cannot blame this on the Orange Man. This is Uncle Joes mess. He needs to clean it up now.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
Mr Roxy said: "Sadly the southern border is not listed as a hot spot .Undocumented coming over the border have co vid in increasing numbers.
That's not even remotely true.
What is worrisome is that in the dead of night they,are being bused or given plane tickets to go all over the country.
Wrong again.
The localities are given any notice and are flooded with them They are not vaxxed and do not mask up.Before imposing more restrictions on Americans why not clean u this problem which is much more dangerous
The only thing dangerous is that blithering blowhards like you continue to breathe.
"Those living there are suffering and they need to be protected. How many of the undocumented want to come to NYC? That will spell trouble and lead to mpre restrictions and lockdowns . Cannot blame this on the Orange Man. This is Uncle Joes mess. He needs to clean it up now."
How does someone as stupid and ignorant as you know how to even turn on a computer, let alone type?