Stand-by Joined: 8/29/15
Diana begins previews tomorrow. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
Updated On: 3/2/20 at 08:34 PMBroadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Going to the first preview tomorrow! I saw it in San Diego so I wanted to see what changes they made since then.
Stand-by Joined: 8/29/15
Chorus Member Joined: 11/25/19
any word on lottery/rush? Anyone try to rush this morning?
Beginning today, enter the digital lottery for $40 tickets at $40 rush tickets will be available at the box office with a limit of 2 tickets per person. (All tickets are subject to availability.)
Chorus Member Joined: 11/25/19
jacobsnchz14 said: "Beginning today, enter the digital lottery for $40 tickets at $40 rush tickets will be available at the box office with a limit of 2 tickets per person. (All tickets are subject to availability.)"
thank you!
Chorus Member Joined: 11/25/19
Broadway Star Joined: 5/15/11
Why are they doing this? Why don’t they just throw their money into the Hudson and all move on?
We know it’s going to close in weeks,
They know it’s going to close in weeks.
What a waste of a cast and theatre.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/18/19
Michelle chouraqui said: "lost the lottery today, anyone win?"
I won! trying to convince my friend to come with me though haha
ParkandBark said: "Michelle chouraqui said: "lost the lottery today, anyone win?"
I won! trying to convince my friend to come with me though haha"
The lottery doesn't close until 3:00p, how could anyone have won or lost already?
EDIT: Never mind, they also do a drawing at 2:00p.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/25/19
ParkandBark said: "Michelle chouraqui said: "lost the lottery today, anyone win?"
I won! trying to convince my friend to come with me though haha"
Congratulations! Let us know how it is/where your seats are!
Chorus Member Joined: 11/25/19
They have the misfortune of starting previews the same night as Company. Most of the regulars that go to 1st previews and post intermission thoughts are over there raving about the anticipated revival. Most people forget this show is even a thing let alone anticipate it at all.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/6/18
Not a great musical but honestly didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would. It’s weirdly kinda fun.
Updated On: 3/2/20 at 11:12 PM
Seeing good reports coming in on Twitter but that could mean anything. Did anyone end up going?
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
tl;dr not a terrible musical and not a bad way to spend an evening but nothing to write home about
I remember seeing a Facebook video of Underestimated which was honestly pretty boring, and I saw that it was the first number in the show in the Playbill, which I thought was a bit of a poor choice. I miss Once Upon a Time from the San Diego tryout, which while not memorable, I thought seemed to work well as both a bit of an I Want song and a vague framing device (I've been saying since I saw it in San Diego that I thought it needed more of a framing device, and they seem to have gone the other way, while just putting a golden frame around the stage). In this version, the paparazzi seems to be both the antagonist and a bit of a looming figure over the events of the show, which doesn't always work. We know the story from the paparazzi point of view already, so the hint of older Diana looking back on her "fairy tale come true" that was in the tryout seemed more compelling to me.
The cast/production value don't disappoint and they've added quite a few new songs in the first act especially, which I think for the most part help move the story along. The music is unoffensive but also unmemorable, but can definitely move a scene along, and most of the songs cover a lot of ground. I thought the opening (Underestimated) and closing (If) were the two weakest songs of the show, with Pretty, Pretty Girl being the strongest. Many of the other numbers are good even if the songs aren't anything special (She Moves in the Most Modern Ways, The Words Came Pouring Out). The main issue, as with other biographical stories, seems to be that there are too many things happening that they want to include and they don't know how to touch on every single thing Diana did without making some things seem rushed and others drawn out.
For those that hated the paparazzi dance (I actually rather enjoyed it before, and it's not dissimilar to the Cursed Child wand dance), there's more of that in this show, though they seem more aggressive and almost exhausting, though there's no doubt it's aged better with Megxit and all. There are a few cheesy lines that still manage to get a laugh, though the best dramatic irony comes from current events and it's unclear whether that's intentional or not (Charles talks about maintaining propriety or else he won't be able to become king). Everyone in my group thought the ending was a bit strange ("weird flex, but okay", and somewhat abrupt, but we all agreed that it's not a bad show (on about the same level as Anastasia is what one person said).
Judy Kaye is fantastic as both Barbara Cartland and Queen Elizabeth, and Jeanna de Waal sings her face off as Diana. The rest of the cast is also quite good and gets some features but isn't given as much to work with. Some of the songs end a bit awkwardly, and it's unclear whether there's intended to be applause, but I'm expecting that to get cleaned up a bit through the preview process. The song list itself I'm not expecting to change much, but I really think they could use a new opening especially, and a lot of the Diana soliloquies fall a bit flat.
It's clear that Christopher Ashley knows what he's doing and there are some very good moments in the staging and set, so if you're interested in Diana I'd say it's worth a watch, or if you have out of towners who want something familiar. It's entertaining and worth what I paid (I got tickets on TDF) but I wouldn't go out of my way for it.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/15/11
Stand-by Joined: 8/29/15
Thanks Chris, for providing these observations! I am really excited to see it. I didn't see the out of town try out, but, read the opening of Diana in her wedding dress, with commentary around what she thought she knew then, was effective--sounds like they removed that device. Sounds like the show is led with a strong cast, and you're right, they have some time to make some improvements.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/26/19
Thank you for the detailed review. I was debating whether I should give away my ticket to my mother in law, but now I want to actually see it.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/25/19
Anyone know what is going on with the lottery page? It worked fine yesterday?
Michelle chouraqui said: "Anyone know what is going on with the lottery page? It worked fine yesterday?"
It's working - however, you have to have https on it, which might be your issue:
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
I'm seeing this March 30 which I believe is the final preview. I'm already excited but it will be interesting to see if anything changes based on the comments here.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/15/13
Thanks chrishuyen for your detailed review. I also saw this at LaJolla and rather enjoyed it and looking forward to seeing it again. I do find it interesting that you felt the ending was a bit abrupt. Diana's life ended rather abruptly and you certainly can't wrap that kind of an ending in a pretty bow. I thought the ending at LaJolla was super impactful...has it changed?
Just got home from the show tonight. What an exciting show! Non stop talking! Bags of chips! Kids! A fight! And that was just the audience!
As for the show, I rather enjoyed it. I expected nothing at all and we walked out happy. The paparazzi stuff has got to go, though. That’s just pointless, overused and awful. But man, Jeanna de Waal is a damn powerhouse. This is the kind of role that needs a matinee understudy because she’s so powerful and sings so much I’m worried for her voice. I also have to single Erin Davie out - damn is she good.
But again, not a perfect show and not a perfect score but there was a lot more that I liked than I didn’t like. I’ll certainly be seeing this one again.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/24/14
Jordan Catalano said: "Just got home from the show tonight. What an exciting show! Non stop talking! Bags of chips! Kids! A fight! And that was just the audience!
A fight ?!? Do tell