Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
They NEED to add an ice palace set piece or something for Let It Go. She sings it really well but the song takes off in the movie because she's literally letting go and using her powers and building the ice castle etc
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
broadwayboy223 said: "disneybroadwayfan22 said: "I hope they doserious changes. More emphasis on Elsa is so needed and Let It Go needs the pizzaz that Monster apparently has (how can you put more emphasis on effects for other numbers?). But, the thing is how are they going to "fix" Olaf? The puppet is the most practical way to do him.
Sounds like the nude kick line is staying. Ugh."
If they make any changes the first thing to go will be the sauna number. Nobody cares about Oaken and the NYT singled it out as bizzare so I feel like it's one for the first things that might get changed. Also y'all that Riedel article is horrible. Patti is most definitely NOT Julie Andrews. And what's with the shade about Betsy? She IS beautiful, she CAN act and she most definitely IS an amazing belter. She also had healthier technique then Cassie."
Pretty much say all this myself, thank goodness someone else sees it. Comparing her to Julie is an insult to Julie. I like Patti, but let's please not compare her to Julie. And again...."I needed someone who could act the role, which is difficult"...I still can't with that. PUUULEAASSEE, these roles are not that hard to act, especially when nothing about them has changed from the film. Elsa his still as one note as she ever was, Anna is still just the plucky cutie pie, there's still seems to be no real depth that they keep claiming to have now. Acting isn't as much of a rocket science as "experts" make it out to be...and that's the most frustrating part. And actually Caissie sounds much better now then she ever has, it sounds (HA!) like she's fixed those issues she had during her Wicked days. I've already had a few people I know see it and each one of them say there's hardly anything to be said about her singing, she's knocking it out of the park.
Looking at these photos and seeing all of these projections, I remember Julie Taymor talking about the design for Lion asking saying she said “no” to the original idea of projecting the sunrise at the top of the show. She realized this was an adaptation of the movie and that having projections would make people think, “well why didn’t I just stay in and watch the movie?”
Precisely that. I think if they REALLY cared about making the necessary story changes ( which it seems they don't) Taylor could have soared with this, and it'd be her big comeback.
And Kathy-No, but they certainly can take a different job in between if they can. I knew someone who did that.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
I know they CAN take a job in between...but even without the time restraints, it's a difficult. I just wondered if the union makes any contribution towards the downtime in between being they have a contract to return in Feb (or whenever).
BJR said: "Thomas Schumacher reads reviews; these things have out-of-towns for a reason. I imagine they will take these reviews to heart and work on much of it."
Just like all the work they did on Little Mermaid...
^^^ I actually liked Aladdin. More than I expected. Despite its detractors, it recouped and was a hit for Disney.
They changed the beginning and removed the narrators for Aladdin and that was literally it.
I have a good feeling they will change the show very very little
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
KathyNYC2 said:
I personally don't think that comparison is valid. Frozen the movie was just released a few years ago and their main fan base is still around. Those fans have been wsitingfor this.
By the time The Little Mermaid opened in Broadway, they had to look to win an entire new generation of fans since it was close to 20 years from the movies release. There was no momentum moving forward."
That's poor logic. 20 years is about the same time frame for Aladdin and Anastasia. While Aladdin mostly plays to a younger audience, Anastasia is capitalizing on people who remember the movie.
I think Let it Go is fine, but nothing special. Give me my ice castle. Give me my full blown staircase and balcony and stage magic. The pretty underwhelming thing is that Elsa just stands there waving her hands. The costume change is nice and all, but the dress looks like an off-brand knockoff of a Macy's prom dress. Very disappointing.
First off you can never judge the effect on stage from a video. Take Defying Gravity. There is no set, its darkness. Shes raised up in a thrilling moment then stays there waving her arms. On video dreadfully boring. But live the performance is thrilling because you are focused on her and that powerful tramsformation and realization shes making. With Let It Go it starts with the lonliness and seclusion Elsa has felt. Which shows. This is a get in her head song not about a freaking ice castle. Everyone is losing their **** over a staircase. Honestly what does it add to the story with it there. This is about being sucked into Elsas head and beginning her journey with her. If you need a staircase go see the free show in california. And perhaps not trash a show you havent seen live yet. I thought Cassies performance was great it made me smile and got me excited to see the show in april. Wether theres a palace a staircase or they turn the teater into a huge ice cube. As long as the performers can make me feel something.
Updated On: 9/16/17 at 11:31 PM
all_that_jazz said: ". Everyone is losing their **** over a staircase. Honestly what does it add to the story with it there."
Agree. Don't care about a staircase or not, but they're missing a wow factor.
Im 6'6 with massive hands on a tiny phone. If seriously on a freaking chat board needs to be that anal i dont care. Im not running for president. Im voicing an opinion. Deal with it. And for the record...I know I do
I agree there needs to be a wow factor. Im just saying you cant judge wow from a bootleg video. I think we have to wait to see it live on bway. And trust me at $800 for three tickets canadian. Ill be the first in line to complain if theres no wow. But being Disney Ill give them the benefit till i see it live.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/17
I just got to Denver last night. Walked past a family dressed all in Frozen gear and asked them how the shown was- they all said "great! Magical!"
Seeing the show tomorrow and glad to have an opportunity to form my own opinions based on the real thing. Trying to keep an open mind. Will let ya'll know how that goes.
So is there an ice palace at all in the show?
How'd this end up costing $30? I had such high hopes for the tech side of this.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/1/08
I agree that the physial production looks underwhelming but what worries me more is that they seem to have taken the focus away from the sisters relationship. Unless ive missed it there is no duet between them? seems like that would br an obvious choice for new song
RippedMan said: "How'd this end up costing $30? I had such high hopes for the tech side of this."
That curtain looks like it cost 30.00 bucks
Swing Joined: 9/5/17
Princeton2 said: "I agree that the physial production looks underwhelming but what worries me more is that they seem to have taken the focus away from the sisters relationship. Unless ive missed it there is no duet between them? seems like that would br an obvious choice for new song"
There's Do You Want To Build A Snowman and For The First Time In Forever reprise, just like the movie.
They also sing together in the scene where Anna gets frozen and in Resolution (aka Love Is An Open Door reprise)
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/1/08
yeah but youd think as its the main theme theyd have used it as a chance to come up with a solid new song about being sisters etc.
>Everyone is losing their **** over a staircase. Honestly what does it add to the story with it there. This is about being sucked into Elsas head and beginning her journey with her.
This is Disney. Frozen is not deep. This is the act 1 finale and you need something to wow, not a woman on a stage alone with some backdrops. She doesn't even get to have a platform that raises or anything. The Disney magic is not matching the intensity of the song and how they do the dress reveal is pretty much sums that up. Lights completely and they just pull it off from the back. They couldn't even consult some quick change artists for it. Maybe cover it up with a flurry of ice from below?
"Let It Go" on Broadway must equal "Defying Gravity" in thrill and excitement. Anything less will be severely disappointing.
The backdrop is shimmery and pretty and all, but you expect it to open up and reveal something more. Instead nothing happens except for her clothes being ripped off her body by some wires behind her. Honestly I expected that curtain to split and give me an ice castle or a staircase. Literally anything. A lighting effect. Anything.
By the way Caissie sounds lovely, but that song needs to more than a park and bark number.
The flash of light is still there, it comes a half second late in my opinion. The light flash should cover the costume change so you don't see the dress being ripped away. There is also glitter sprayed from the floor in that moment, but the glitter flakes need to be much larger, I can't imagine it reading (as is) past the first few rows.
A quick fix would be to have the crystal drop rising from the floor as opposed to just getting revealed. It looks pretty but it's just there. No magic.
And please get rid of Natasha Katz. Again, an unremarkable, phoned-in design. Why is the entire conclusion of the song (after the dress reveal) played with a general white wash that doesn't change at all?! So boring.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
Let it Go could work as a park and bark if Elsa wasn't so painfully underwritten. And yes Elsa and Anna do not have a new sister duet. I really think they need a new song at the end of the show for them to sing about being sisters etc what they learned etc. I don't know LOL but the Anna/Kristoff kiss is apparently what the show builds to because it gets the most applause, I'm not trying to be snarky at all but after seeing the show it kind of seems like a lot of the show is about Anna and Patti has more to work with tbh. I don't know why they focus on her specifically. The show is called FROZEN it's about Elsa and their relationship. If they want it to be about Anna/Patti they might as well change the title to Quirky Girl or True Love (which seems to be the moral of the story now, hence why Anna sings the 11'o clock song True Love while freezing to death. Because naturally that's what you think about as your body freezes.)