jlindsey865 said: "I’m not now nor have I ever been a producer of any sort, so I don’t claim to know how the “biz” works from that perspective.
With that being said, would they consider recasting her? I could see how that could cause some bad press. Perhaps, her name is attached to some of the money fusing the production? On the other hand, her singing talent isn’t going to change by the time the show opens. Producers have to know that reviews are going to mention that she can’t sing the score.
Again, NOT a producer here, but I think I’d strongly consider recasting her now."
Anything is possible and I don't think it's unfathomable that they would allow her standby to step up at this point. As previously mentioned, Beanie didn't exactly take off because of IMPEACHMENT and she seems to be living comfortably in the land of excellent character actors.
It would arguably be good press for the show ("there's no such thing as bad press" and would stir up a lot of interest in seeing the standby have her Shirley MacLaine moment. They would likely offer refunds but, honestly, I think most people would want to be there to see Julie Benko become the greatest star.
On that note: I am rooting for Beanie and look forward to seeing her this weekend. I sincerely hope everyone is over-exaggerating and that she'll come across as winning casting to me. We'll see!
She will not be recast. That's a 100%. But keep your eyes on Julie Benko, "the luckiest standby in the world," as she proclaims on Twitter. She goes on for at least three performances at the end of the next month. If the performance load proves vocally taxing for Feldstein (think of Lauren Ambrose -- ironic! -- who gave up one of the Fair Lady performance, even with a lovely sound), it's possible to imagine a Tuesday night or one of the matinees given over to the other actor. And then, well, audiences will have a choice. It happens -- and not that rarely.
I think at this point, the rollercoaster has left the station and no one can get off. I do wonder where the reviews will sit for this judging by what was said regarding Lenk's vocals in Company reviews. I don't feel like Producers and Creatives set this girl up for success and she arguably will feel the brunt of the backlash when/if it comes.
Nothing is ever 100% in the theatre. There is always the possibility for anything to happen. That's actually part of the thrill of it all.
QueenAlice said: "Nothing is ever 100% in the theatre. There is always the possibility for anything to happen. That's actually part of the thrill of it all."
Exactly. As UNLIKELY as it is that she'd be recast any attorney, company manager, or producer on this show worth their salt is considering this possibility and strategizing for it.
Katrina Lenk is a trained vocalist though. I think there will be much more of a backlash for an incompetent singer in literally one of the most famous singing roles of all time.
Question - Benko will perform during Beanie’s scheduled absences? I know Ephie Aardema who plays the Emma track is listed as a Fanny U/S, with some ensemble members then serving as an Emma U/S.
Genuinely curious how the decision gets made to have the standby go on or the U/S, and then bump up an ensemble member to cover the U/S’ vacant track.
Thank you!
Swing Joined: 3/30/22
I definitely don't think Lea would have been a good choice for a number of reasons, but genuinely don't understand why people are saying she's not funny. I found her very funny on Glee and think she is a much stronger comedic actor than dramatic....
Katrina Lenk is a trained vocalist though. I think there will be much more of a backlash for an incompetent singer in literally one of the most famous singing roles of all time.
I agree with you 100% and I think the fact that Lenk was a trained vocalist has led to her improvement and success- I know that's debated by some- but I think she's improved but there was a foundation of skill and training to build upon. I've enjoyed Lenk from the beginning, but I understand why she wasn't everyone's cup of tea- and no one ever said she was incompetent, more so a question of taste or expectation.
It’s so interesting to me, how my thoughts on the show have changed in a week. I don’t think that’s ever happened so drastically with me before. I love the physical production and literally everything surrounding the leading lady and I think, in hindsight, all of that (in addition to that first preview atmosphere) made up for what was lacking in the moment. Add to that that Beanie is genuinely funny and lovely and that makes her very endearing. But I will agree with everyone now that she is very wrong for this. All of those things I loved so much about her performance can’t help but be overshadowed by the obvious glaring issue that vocally, this is not a show for her.
Phillytheatreguy10 said: "Katrina Lenk is a trained vocalist though. I think there will be much more of a backlash for an incompetent singer in literally one of the most famous singing roles of all time.
I agree with you 100% and I think the fact that Lenk was a trained vocalist has led to her improvement and success- I know that's debated by some- but I think she's improved but there was a foundation of skill and training to build upon. I've enjoyed Lenk from the beginning, but I understand why she wasn't everyone's cup of tea- and no one ever said she was incompetent, more so a question of taste or expectation."
We’re totally on the same page. I don’t think Beanie has the skill or competency as a singer to make any major improvements, unfortunately.
Wick3 said: "This role is tricky because you can have the best vocals but if you’re not funny, it won’t work. (This is why I think Lea Michele wasn’t cast since she’s not funny.)"
Conversely, if you have great comedic chops but don't have the voice, it won't work. Thus the problem with Beanie. I'm not a fan of Michele, and we've got a rabid stan in here who keeps having posts deleted that criticize her, but I will say whatever dislike I have, she'd have sung the hell out of that score, and that's something. You need a Fanny who can sing impressively. This is non-negotiable for the role.
I am so bummed about this. I am a huge fan of Beanie and with her announcement, I was hoping this would be a big, grand star making performance because… clearly they couldn’t be that stupid to put someone who can’t sing the role in the first major revival, right?
I’m seeing it in May, the same week I see Into the Woods and Suffs. I can’t even imagine how this will compare lol
She was cast because of her connections and wealth, imo. Why is that so hard for people to understand?
It’s really unfortunate that this is how the first revival of this show is getting overshadowed by a glaring miscasting, one a lot of people questioned at the time she was announced, their reservations are turning out to be justified.
OhHiii said: "It’s really unfortunate that this is how the first revival of this show is getting overshadowed by a glaring miscasting, one a lot of people questioned at the time she was announced, their reservations are turning out to be justified."
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
Why are any posts that mention Beanie's connections being deleted???
Don't listen to the haters.
All the Fanny Brice superfans are going to make this a monster hit!
ashley0139 said: "Why are any posts that mention Beanie's connections being deleted???"
Imma pm you.
Borstalboy said: "Don't listen to the haters.
All the Fanny Brice superfans are going to make this a monster hit!"
Yah! The whole ONE of them ! Fanny who? Oh Babs, right.
This has to be one of the most divisive and controversial casting choices I have seen to date. I am still looking forward to seeing this and hoping that a lot of the negative sentiments are just mere hyperbole because honey, these tickets did not come cheap.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
CarlosAlberto said: "This has to be one of the most divisive and controversial casting choices I have seen to date. I am still looking forward to seeing this and hoping that a lot of the negative sentiments are just mere hyperbole because honey, these tickets did not come cheap."
It'll be showing up on TDF soon
Understudy Joined: 6/24/19
I'm seeing this on Monday, 4/4. I've been really excited about it, but I've also been actively watching this thread and it's getting pretty concerning that the overwhelming majority of people have an issue with Beanie in this role. Even people who enjoyed the show seem to think it's a miss.
Curious to see how it matures over time, but I tend to be in the camp of most - with a less than stellar singer, only so much growth is possible. I still hope to enjoy the show, but I'm less enthused than I was a week ago.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/8/19
CarlosAlberto said: "This has to be one of the most divisive and controversial casting choices I have seen to date. I am still looking forward to seeing this and hoping that a lot of the negative sentiments are just mere hyperbole because honey, these tickets did not come cheap."
And speaking of divisive and controversial casting, Katrina Lenk as Bobbie is right up there, too. Could this be a new trend on Broadway? If so, can we add a new Tony category: Most WTF Casting Choice in a Revival?