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Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance - Page 2

Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance

ggersten Profile Photo
#25 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 2:00pm

The Something Rotten performance confused a few people at my Tony Viewing party - they thought it was an "opening number" like NPH would do since it came so early in the broadcast.  They didn't realize it was part of an existing Broadway musical.   

RaiseYouUp Profile Photo
#26 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 4:28pm

If I didn't know any of the shows beforehand, I don't think any performance would have made an impact on me other than An American In Paris (because of the pas de deux at the beginning). But, since I was familiar with all the productions, I appreciated many of the performances. My favorites were On The Twentieth Century, Fun Home, and An American In Paris.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#27 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 5:13pm

I thought Lucas sounded fine on Ring of Keys, but it was hardly a captivating performance for someone who hasn't seen the show/didn't know what it was about.

I haven't seen the show or listened to the score and I have distanced myself from much information on the show because I'm seeing it next month and I want the experience to be fresh.  I thought it was absolutely captivating and I knew exactly what was happening in the moment.  That and (funnily enough) On the Town were my favorite performances.  I've played the dance sequences from On the Town so much, I know them backwards and forwards (yet I've never seen the show), so I knew how truncated the Tony number was, but the choreography and execution had me in goosebumps and I would buy a ticket if I could extend my trip by a day (if it was still running a month, that is).

The King & I was sort of interesting until Shall We Dance.  I'm just tired of seeing that number.  After having seen the magical 1996 revival, what I saw on the Tonys really didn't do anything for me.  The medley approach just didn't allow enough time for me to really connect with the numbers.  Shall We Dance is all about the sexual tension, of which there was none on the broadcast, so it just looked like the sort of paint by numbers performance you'd see during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

And I wish American in Paris had performed a different ensemble number.  It takes a lot of balls to perform "I Got Rhythm" on the Tonys in a version that, while fun, still can't hold a candle to the iconic Stroman choreography seen in Crazy for You.  It's all I could think abut while they were singing the song.  I longed for that wonderful tap shuffle kick-line backed up by all those frenetic wings.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#28 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 5:22pm

Standouts were

a musical

ring of keys

lisa Howard number from isby

king and I first two thirds


least fav


Show opener with hosts




maxkko Profile Photo
#29 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 5:22pm

Is it just me, or does anyone else think that the 20th Century performance was lip synced?

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#30 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 6:48pm

Fun Home and The King and I.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#31 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 7:07pm

Fun Home hands down.  

starcatchers Profile Photo
#32 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 7:20pm

American in Paris and It Shoulda Been You.

the artist formerly known as dancingthrulife04 Check out my Etsy shop: And please consider donating to my Ride to Remember, benefitting the Alzheimer's Association:

#33 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 7:31pm

Faves: Something Rotten, OTTC, Finding Neverland

Bored to death: AAIP (but ballet does nothing for me), Fun Home

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#34 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 7:34pm

Favorite(s) in order

Opening > Something Rotten!

On the 20th Century

An American in Paris


Fun Home

King & I

On the Town



Finding Neverland

Jersey Boys



"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

Crateful Profile Photo
#35 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 9:36pm

Ring of Keys.


.... Were there other performances? :)

Mr Smith
#36 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 9:41pm

 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance

Updated On: 6/8/15 at 09:41 PM

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#37 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 9:48pm

Tony Yazbeck racing down the aisles singing in gorgeous voice, then leaping to the stage and immediately segueing into the full "New York, New York" number. Dazzling reminder of how much I loved that show.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#38 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 10:21pm

Two relatives and two friends immediately bought tickets online after that performance."

 I wish I had Namo's friends and family.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#39 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 10:31pm

I haven't seen FUN HOME and have only a vague idea of its story. Nonetheless, I thought "Ring of Keys" was by far the most memorable sequence of the evening. It is honest and deeply personal and was a lovely change from all the theme park numbers. (It's amazing how all that choreography looks alike when condensed to less than 3 minutes!)

My tear ducts always turn into fire hoses when the king puts his hand on Anna's waist, so there was that.

I love OTTC and Chenowith, and know both very well from the original production and the recording of the revival, but I thought "Babette" was both oddly performed and an odd choice to showcase the musical. "Babette" without the interruptions was just another theme park number to me. I wonder if they were afraid of the numbers where the lyrics repeat in parody of operetta and opera?

I did like the young girl with Tyne Daly, so give that honorable mention. And there were a couple of laughs in SOMETHING ROTTEN.

And backlash notwithstanding, Neil Patrick Harris was funnier and more charming in 30 seconds than the co-hosts were all evening.

Worse part of the evening is easy: that horrible number from FINDING NEVERLAND. I don't know whether the problem was sound or lip synching, but it was at least in part the lack of acting. Is Morrison determined to kill his career?

Updated On: 6/8/15 at 10:31 PM

RooMcGoo Profile Photo
#40 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 10:50pm

Finding Neverland! ....not. 

Ring of Keys for sure! 


An Incomplete History of the 2015 Tony Awards

#41 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 11:23pm

Loved The Visit when I saw it in Va 5 or so years ago.  Hated the numbers last night, partially because...Chita Rivera's singing is painful at this point.  I don't care what anyone else thinks, I hate her voice.

Loved Finding Neverland, including the close to Act 1, but the truncated number did not catch the stage magic and probably will not help ticket sales.  I thought they should have done one of the upbeat numbers with the boys.

Love the song Ring of Keys, but don't get all the love here.  It was enjoyable on TV, but not as great as stated by others (IMO)

Enjoyed A Musical, but I think the should have introduced it as a truncated is a lot better than what we saw.

Loved The King and I, OTT, AAIP until I Got Rhythm, which to me was a semi-throw-away on the stage, and looked like nothing special last night (I wonder if all the ballet was a plus or minus from the perspective on enticing ticket sales).

Enjoyed OTTC, but it reminded me that I just don't like OTTC.  We're it not for KC, I would have not liked it.

Was disappointed in the Tommy Tune was just too half-hearted...if they weren't going to do it right, why did they bother?  Talk about a missed opportunity.

And, will someone tell me why they needed to have The Jersey Boys close the show.  What a waste of stage time at this point.

#42 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/8/15 at 11:30pm

Re:Jersey Boys. From what I heard from the hosts, to honor their 10 year anniversary on Broadway

#43 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/9/15 at 1:04am

I totally agree!  Lucas was sensational.  IMO she should have won the Tony.  What amazing presence for such a youngster.

My other favorite was On the Town. In fact, when Tony Yazbeck got up and started singing, my friend (who hasn't seen the show), simply said, "I love him!"  I replied with, "I do too!" He does have amazing presence, as well.  And what a voice.

Like you, I was underwhelmed by The King and I.  IMO it really didn't look any different than any other performance of the show I've seen, both on Broadway, and on tour. 

As for "I've Got Rhythm"…..I'm afraid everything will pale in comparison to what we saw in Crazy For You.  Was that brilliant or what?  Stroman is crazy good!

I don't think The Visit showcased well.  OTTC was a very enjoyable show, IMO, but I don't think what they did last night did it justice.  Too frenetic.  Too much in too short a time span.  


"I thought Lucas sounded fine on Ring of Keys, but it was hardly a captivating performance for someone who hasn't seen the show/didn't know what it was about.
I haven't seen the show or listened to the score and I have distanced myself from much information on the show because I'm seeing it next month and I want the experience to be fresh.  I thought it was absolutely captivating and I knew exactly what was happening in the moment.  That and (funnily enough) On the Town were my favorite performances.  I've played the dance sequences from On the Town so much, I know them backwards and forwards (yet I've never seen the show), so I knew how truncated the Tony number was, but the choreography and execution had me in goosebumps and I would buy a ticket if I could extend my trip by a day (if it was still running a month, that is).
The King & I was sort of interesting until Shall We Dance.  I'm just tired of seeing that number.  After having seen the magical 1996 revival, what I saw on the Tonys really didn't do anything for me.  The medley approach just didn't allow enough time for me to really connect with the numbers.  Shall We Dance is all about the sexual tension, of which there was none on the broadcast, so it just looked like the sort of paint by numbers performance you'd see during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
And I wish American in Paris had performed a different ensemble number.  It takes a lot of balls to perform "I Got Rhythm" on the Tonys in a version that, while fun, still can't hold a candle to the iconic Stroman choreography seen in Crazy for You.  It's all I could think abut while they were singing the song.  I longed for that wonderful tap shuffle kick-line backed up by all those frenetic wings."


Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#44 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/9/15 at 1:16am

I loved my performance of the 16 year old gay guy crying for Kelli.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

HorseTears Profile Photo
#45 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/9/15 at 3:55am

For me, it was a tie between:

KELLI's acceptance speech and ON THE TOWN's flawless performance.  If I hadn't already seen ON THE TOWN, I would have bought a ticket right then and there.  


And, um, I know I'm completely alone on this, but I can't believe "Ring of Keys" was everyone else's highlight.  Sydney Lucas seems like a very fine actress - she has such a compelling and mature-beyond-her-years presence.  But that song left me cold. I know this isn't opera, but to me, a great book and solid lyrics can't overcome a dull, listless melody.  I had a very similar reaction to Violet, though.  Caroline or Change and Thoroughly Modern Millie are more my style of Tesori.  

#46 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/9/15 at 4:17am

Lisa Howard - what a way to sell a show


Tony Yazbsck - such a dreamy voice

#47 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/9/15 at 4:38am

My favorite performance of the night was Fun Home, though I wish they had kept the he was gay, and I was gay [clearly not saying the rest of it] rather than switched it to and I didn't know it, but we were both gay, because I prefer the original cadence. Sydney Lucas was great.

I enjoyed TKAI's performance as well. It was wonderful to see all the nominated actors perform.

However, the most successful performance [what will have the best return on investment for air time] was It Shoulda Been You. I think that it got people's attention more than what ever other advertisements they have been running, but we shall see what the grosses say in a week.

The ballet portion of an American in Paris was far too long for my tastes, and I was constantly wondering if we would ever get to see the two leads sing. Also, the musical was introduced but not what was really happening I felt. It was rather unfortunate that the majority of the scenery for which it won was displayed by the electronic board in radio city.

Something Rotten was amusing but I think it could have been introduced better if it were placed later in the broadcast. I do think that having an opening number really helps the show take shape.


bwayrose7 Profile Photo
#48 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/9/15 at 10:51am

In no particular order, my favorites were An American in Paris, Fun Home, Something Rotten, and The King and I. Particularly the ballet portion of AAIP and "Shall We Dance". To be honest, I enjoyed most of the performances last night, more than I have in a few years.

That said, I wasn't really a fan of any of the three non-nominated performances. And the Jersey Boys closing- I get why they did it, but I would have preferred a more "wrap-up" type number like in years past, but that's just my taste!

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#49 Favorite 2015 Tony Award Performance
Posted: 6/9/15 at 11:00am

Not OT, but to me the elephant in that cavernous room is always The Radio City Music Hall, the least hospitable place to showcase numbers conceived for Broadway.  There is no comfortable way to use that arched proscenium opening and it's bright, Art Decco Oz-like finishings without diminishing the performance within. To my eyes, everything gets lost, swallowed up. I'm already biased in favor of "Ring of Keys" for myriad reasons posted elsewhere, but it worked best in no small part because they darkened the entire upstage area, place the actors down front, mostly on the runway, and managed to make Radio City recede.  Downstage center in any house is gold; here it is required.  Lucas pulled us in, and the house and stage were in shadows, appropriately. Magically.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling
