Classics: RAGS, THE RINK, THE SECRET GARDEN (would that be considered short-lived?)
Recent: BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY, GROUNDHOG DAY, GARY (I know, I know, not really a musical, but sort of...), also THE NANCE (see note above for GARY).
Here are the ones that I would see again in a heartbeat, right now:
Caroline, or Change
Passing Strange
Scottsboro Boys
The Visit
Catch Me If You Can
Stand-by Joined: 4/20/19
Great comet for sure. Unlike most shows it didn't close for lack of quality so it prob has a leg up. One of the best close up experiences with the stage seating I have ever had.
Understudy Joined: 12/26/18
I'm possibly the only person on the face of the earth who enjoyed Escape to Margaritaville, so I'll go with that one.
VivianDarkbloom2 said: "1. Side Show, original and revival (I like the score in the revival better)
2. Great Comet
3. Carrie (the good, the bad, I love it all!) "
I was at the last performance of the original. That was truly an event.
Also saw a 2015 Chicago production of the revival, and I also like its score better.
In addition, the story/script was an improvement.
CATSNYrevival said: "That was the revised version though. The second or third major rewrite as far as I know. The original London production was very different and the most recent staging at the Watermill Theatre in 2007 reverted back to a lot of the original material. Maybe I'm just a sucker for courtroom drama."
I saw one of the first previews of that original London production at The Prince Edward and I’ve got to say I was thoroughly bored too. Apart from the title song I found the whole evening so monotonous I was tempted to steal the old show posters from the walls on the way out in order to get some value for money. Wished it had been “The Hunting of the Snark” or “Children of Eden” (London version) that I’d seen instead - both themsleves VERY short lived.
I’ll second wishing I’d seen the Broadway run of “Bridges of Madison County” with THAT cast. I saw the archive tape at the Lincoln Center and was probably lucky not to have been asked to leave with all the sobbing coming from my booth. Would hopefully have been less obvious in the theatre!
Also regret missing “Metropolis” in London with Judy Kuhn back in the day - that score has some great moments, but I would have loved to have seen that legendary set.
I’m grateful for stumbling across “Moby Dick”’s last show at the Piccadilly Theatre in London and it was the most fun I’ve ever had at a show. Was just sad that I wouldn’t be able to go back - and sad that they saw fit to change the production in subsequent (rare) revivals. Stuff Art Let’s Dance.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
jkstheatrescene said: "I recently did a blog about this very topic!
I'm glad (relieved?) to see that I am not alone on many of these!"
You're definitely not alone! I also started reading Not Since Carrie, which is about this very topic! It's fascinating!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
dramamama611 said: "The Scottsboro Boys. Stunning."
Holy moly. I just read the synopsis for this show--WOW. That's incredible! I'm really inspired to learn more about this one. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!!
The original 1988 Broadway run of Carrie and Smile are both favorites of mine.
Oh! I forgot about Taboo. I saw it the night before it closed and it remains one of my favorite nights of theater. I, too, listen to the cast album often. I wish they would release the rights for this show.
mattyp4 said: "I still have a soft spot for Taboo. Wish I could see it again. I still listen to the cast album a lot."
Featured Actor Joined: 11/19/13
Great Comet--saw it just the week before it closed. Scott Stangland played Pierre and was great. Also, loved Shuffle Along, I feel blessed that I saw it before it closed. Fabulous talent and dancing. I know, the book was a little convoluted, but still!
Leading Actor Joined: 2/5/08
Leap of Faith! Love me some Raul
Featured Actor Joined: 5/11/04
magictodo123 said: "Holy moly. I just read the synopsis for this show--WOW. That's incredible! I'm really inspired to learn more about this one. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!!"
The ending was very powerful. I still think about it a lot. Very resonant. And a very underappreciated show. Wish it could have stuck around longer. (Great score too.)
Featured Actor Joined: 9/1/14
Featured Actor Joined: 11/30/16
Jekyll and Hyde and Scarlet Pimpernel both could and should have run longer.
"Lol, were you drunk? It was Tveit's character that sung "Goodbye". Kerry Butler sang "Fly, Fly Away"."
No, just careless. Original post has been corrected. Good catch, thanks.
American Psycho.. was great and original
Bonnie and Clyde
Honeymoon In Vegas
Henry Sweet Henry
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
I may get a lot of flack for this but I really don't care....Gettin' The Band Back Together was nothing serious, it wasn't like DEH, The Bands Visit, Hamilton, other deep musicals. But it was just FUN. And not every show has to be deep. People can just go to the theater to just experience a light musical where the actors are just having fun. Theater is a place where people can just have fun! I think this musical didn't take itself seriously at all. and sometimes audiences need to take a step back from heavier shows and experience something like GTBBT.
Anyone who knows me knows my undying love for Groundhog Day, and I also agree with CMIYC & LoF. However, I can't believe no one has yet mentioned the beautiful Big Fish. I still cry at that one.
wonderwaiter said: "I still can't listen to the cast recording of [title of show] without crying."
Do people like [title of show] ?? I loved it as a 13 year old and still do almost 10 years later but never hear it about it much -- and for a very time-specific musical I think it aged alright.
However I also love the idea of younger fans not knowing [title of show] and just thinking hired some random crazy lady named Susan Blackwell to do a web series.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
Broadway Star Joined: 10/11/11
Stand-by Joined: 6/28/16
Wonderland and In Transit are still 2 of my fav shows of all time. I knew they were short lived, but I actually just had to go look up how short. Didn't realize they were both only about a month. Surprised no one has said "Holler If Ya Hear Me" yet.