Don't know if it qualifies as a one-liner per say, but Beth's "Oh god is there dancing, cuz I'm not a dancer!" line in Opening Doors is always a delight to hear, especially when delivered by Betsy Wolfe.
“The closest I ever gave”
“Isn’t that alarming? What is she? A bird?” Night Music is full of ‘em!
Broadway Star Joined: 5/28/13
I feel like
”poppin p**sies into pies”
”it justifies the beans”
both deserve a spot on this list
Stand-by Joined: 10/25/12
Not sure if this counts, but it's a one-line note Sondheim sent to friends:
“Dear Peter and Mary, Just a note to thank you for the wine, which arrived on the day that my doctor told me my triglyceride count was higher than ever. Love, Steve.”
Featured Actor Joined: 9/14/16
From "Into the Woods" (Jack's mother explaining why the cow must be sold) "Her withers wither with her"
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/11/16
Not from one of his shows, but from his interview with Adam Guettel.
Guettel: Your poodles have very topiary tails.
Sondheim: Well, they're topiary dogs. That's what poodles do for a living.
"She says, I'm perfect, she swears"
"You're perfect, godd*mn it"
It took me SEVERAL listens to understand just how funny and genius that lyric is, and it remains among my favorite lines he ever wrote.
"I sort of hate to ask it, but do you have a basket"?
Featured Actor Joined: 8/9/21
"Is that just revolting? All greasy and gritty? It looks like it's molting! And tastes like...well pity."
"I prefer general." "With or without his privates?"
"There's a hole in the world like a great black pit and it's filled with people who are filled with **** and the vermin of the world inhabit it."
Nolan LuPone said: "I prefer general." "With or without his privates?""
“A Little Priest” never fails to crack me up every single time.
Swing Joined: 11/11/21
I mean he kneads me. I mean like dough George.