Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
Luminaire2 said: "Has broadway taken on the tours preshow design? Or was it always this way?"
The Broadway production will be resembling the tour a lot more in the next month or so.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
Nice interview with the Carolines:
It also specifically states that the new song hasn't come to Broadway "yet". I think this is the first I've seen of this in writing. I know we've speculated about it quite a bit.
RWPrincess said: "Nice interview with the Carolines:
It also specifically states that the new song hasn't come to Broadway "yet". I think this is the first I've seen of this in writing. I know we've speculated about it quite a bit."
I wouldn't be surprised if all the tour changes come next month when the new Anna and Elsa start. To be honest, it doesn't really make any sense for Caissie and Patti to rehearse and learn these new changes, if they are about to leave in a month.
wish i were here2 said: "RWPrincess said: "Nice interview with the Carolines:
It also specifically states that the new song hasn't come to Broadway "yet". I think this is the first I've seen of this in writing. I know we've speculated about it quite a bit."
I wouldn't be surprised if all the tour changes come next month when the new Anna and Elsa start. To be honest, it doesn't really make any sense for Caissie and Patti to rehearse and learn these new changes, if they are about to leave in a month."
I was honestly thinking the same thing. The last time a heavily revised touring production opened to significantly better reviews then the Broadway production while it was still running was The Addam’s Family. Brook Sheilds even stated in interviews the cast had done some rehearsals to install the touring version into the Lunt Fontanne, but she stated the show would likely have to go dark for a week or so to retech the show. Unfortunately for the cast of the Addam’s Family, Neaderlander’s decided to enact the show’s stop clause instead to transfer the Lunt’s next big budget flop Ghost the Musical. As Frozen is or at least seams to be in a much healthier state, and Disney wouldn’t mind footing the bill to make the changes, then “reopen” the show to get the praise/buzz the tour has gotten compared to its current “meh, its ok, but nothing special”, I’ve been wondering when Disney would pull the trigger. Implementing the tour changes seems like a much larger undertaking then simply adding a new lighting plot, or shifting around some dialogue here and there. As such I don’t see Disney wanting to pay Patti and Cassie to have to go back into the rehearsal room during the day when they are only with the show another couple months. Add to that by implementing the changes with the new leads it allows Disney to market the show as a fresh start with an official “reopening” and have critics rereview the show as if it were a revival/brand new production.
I am honestly suprised how much effort Disney put into reworking the show from the ground up for the tour. I expected some typical cosmetic changes that a touring production has to make to be able to move from city to city, but not this. It makes me wonder if Disney purposefully pushed up the tour timeline to give them a chance to rework the show and fix the Broadway production, as this this the first Disney production to tour before the Broadway production had hit the 2.5 year mark. Add to that Disney does not/has not until now announced let alone toured a production until the Broadway production has turned a profit.
Zach Trimmer (tour understudy) made his Kristoff debut tonight!
Swing Joined: 4/18/18
Had the pleasure to see Zach Trimmer as the understudy for Kristoff tonight and he was an absolute dream. Caroline Bowman as Elsa is enchanting and elegant but unfortunately comes across as a bit underwhelming in her solo songs. She’s at her best whenever she is interacting with Caroline Innerbichler as Anna. They have extraordinary chemistry and in scenes together Caroline B comes off as touchingly vulnerable and lovely. I enjoyed her Let It Go but her Monster was a huge let down which was really unfortunate. The new number “I Cant Lose You” was okay but felt a bit out of place and didn’t land as it should. The only time I truly was in awe of Caroline as Elsa was during Dangerous To Dream. Austin Colby as Hans was charismatic and charming but his character arc is ridiculous and unbelievable, but not his fault. Caroline Innerbichler as Anna was quite possibly the most gifted and nuanced performer I’ve seen in years. Her Anna was everything you could ever want and more. Act II is a MESS and the direction and choreography is strange and a bit distracting. Overall it’s a good show but still feels a bit clumpy and unfinished.
Updated On: 1/10/20 at 03:56 AM
are those creepy tree faces in the Broadway production as well?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
bdn223 said: "Add to that Disney does not/has not until now announced let alone toured a production until the Broadway production has turned a profit."
Does Disney publish this information since they self-fund? I've never seen it so am just curious how you know the Broadway production hasn't turned a profit yet.
Frozen 2 release gave this entire franchise a new dose of energy and interest so I'm sure the tour timing was not coincidental.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/25/11
bdn223 said: "wish i were here2 said: "RWPrincess said: "Nice interview with the Carolines:
It also specifically states that the new song hasn't come to Broadway "yet". I think this is the first I've seen of this in writing. I know we've speculated about it quite a bit."
I wouldn't be surprised if all the tour changes come next month when the new Anna and Elsa start. To be honest, it doesn't really make any sense for Caissie and Patti to rehearse and learn these new changes, if they are about to leave in a month."
I was honestly thinking the same thing. The last time a heavily revised touring production opened to significantly better reviews then the Broadway production while it was still running was The Addam’s Family. Brook Sheilds even stated in interviews the cast had done some rehearsals to install the touring version into the Lunt Fontanne, but she stated the show would likely have to go dark for a week or so to retech the show. Unfortunately for the cast of the Addam’s Family,Neaderlander’s decided to enact the show’s stop clause instead to transfer the Lunt’s next big budget flop Ghost the Musical. As Frozen is or at least seams to be in a much healthier state, and Disney wouldn’t mind footing the bill to make the changes, then “reopen” the show to get the praise/buzzthe tour has gotten compared to its current “meh, its ok, but nothing special”, I’ve been wondering when Disney would pull the trigger. Implementing the tour changes seems like a much larger undertaking then simply adding a new lighting plot, or shifting around some dialogue here and there. As such I don’t see Disney wanting to pay Patti and Cassie to have to go back into the rehearsal room during the day when they are only with the show another couple months. Add to that by implementing the changes with the new leads it allows Disney to market the show as a fresh start with an official “reopening” and havecritics rereview the show as if it were a revival/brand new production.
I am honestly suprised how much effort Disney put into reworking the show from the ground up for the tour. I expected some typical cosmetic changes that a touring production has to make to be able to move from city to city, but not this. It makes me wonder if Disney purposefully pushed up the tour timeline to give them a chance to rework the show and fix the Broadway production, as this this the first Disney production to tour before the Broadway production had hit the 2.5 year mark. Add to that Disney does not/has not until nowannounced let alone toureda production until the Broadway production has turned a profit."
Has the tour recieved great reviews? I read a couple of pieces that were favorable, but didn't seem too far off the Broadway reviews... but I haven't looked too close either. That's great if that's the case. We have tickets to see it in April when it rolls through SLC.
@A-Mad yes the tour has opened to significantly better reviews then the Broadway production. The Broadway production opened to mixed reviews at best, with the tour opening to near unanimous praise with some slight reservations. This is not saying the tour opened to Hamilton, Book of Mormon, or Dear Evan Hansen levels of reviews, but much more in line with Aladdin saying. Basically they aren’t saying its a must see, but rather its everything you hoped it would be.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
If anything, you are truly getting your money's worth with this production. Everything is top notch. For some shows, you would pay the same amount and get 1 scaffold set and costumes you can almost buy from the Gap.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/26/19
Y'all are crazy if you think Disney will close this show for even one performance only to implement the tour changes (which are minimal to begin with). It will most likely come in pieces with the biggest ones coming when the new Anna and Elsa come.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/25/11
bdn223 said: "@A-Mad yes the tour has opened to significantly better reviews then the Broadway production. The Broadway production opened to mixed reviews at best, with the tour opening to near unanimous praise with some slight reservations. This is not saying the tour opened to Hamilton, Book of Mormon, or Dear Evan Hansen levels of reviews, but much more in line with Aladdin saying. Basically they aren’t saying its a must see, but rather its everything you hoped it would be."
Thanks bdn223. We are certainly looking forward to it. The short clips I've seen of the NA Tour look very promising.
Is the tour that drastically different from the slight set tweaks and the new song? I can see them adding the new song, perhaps some lighting plot tweaks... and that’s about it for broadway. We definitely won’t get the stairs.
Understudy Joined: 2/24/18
The souvenir program ($25) available to purchase at the National Tour is different than the Broadway/ souvenir program. The National Tour souvenir program depicts the National Tour cast and includes some lyrics (including “I Can’t Lose You”). It’s definitely worth considering, especially if you plan to meet the cast after the show at Stage Door.
Saw it opening weekend at the Pantages thanks to the $25 ticket lottery (which I was initially selected for standby). I had seen the Denver tryout’s closing performance, so it was nice to see the Broadway changes, along with the new song and the National Tour’s redesigned sets. The National Tour cast is just as good as the original Denver/Broadway cast. Won’t be surprised if Caroline B and/or Caroline I eventually transfer to the Broadway production at some point. Look forward to seeing the National Tour in Arizona (Tempe) next season.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
I saw this last Friday at the Pantages and I'm still thinking about it. Wow! This production has more than just simple tweaks in it. I don't see how they can fully move this version to Broadway without shutting it down completely. Almost every musical number except for Love is an Open Door has different staging. There are tweaks to the dialogue as well. They've also changed the parents' death scene for the better in my opinion.
Caroline Innerbichler and Mason Reeves are the standouts from this show and they have great chemistry too. Both are extremely talented. Really stellar casting here and I want to see them eventually on Broadway. I was underwhelmed by Caroline Bowman, Austin Colby and Michael Haynie which was one of the most disappointing parts of the show to me. They weren't terrible but they also didn't stand out as much as I'd expected.
The new song was ok. I'd like to hear it again so I hope they record it eventually. I like what it does for the story overall because it show's Elsa's character development, something that had been missing from Broadway. In place of True Love, they also do a beautifully staged reprise of Kristoff's Lullaby.
The most disappointing part of the show for me was Let It Go. Caroline's performance was wonderful however, there were technical issues. I could see the gloves and cape being pulled offstage. Caroline's coronation dress is also about 2 inches too short so you can actually see her shoes and the ice dress peaking out before the transition. Finally, I saw the dress literally split off her. It seemed like the process was a couple seconds too slow. And there was no flash of light like they do on Broadway. Now my friend who was with me has never seen the show before and she didn't notice these things but I did. We were about 8 rows back. I know the show has opened officially but I really hope there is some room for improvement here. At a minimum, I think adding the flashing light would be helpful.
I purchased the new program as well and it is beautiful. They also have some new merchandise such as a $15 beanie which I purchased and a blue sparkly water bottle. There were some new shirts too.
I didn't stage door because I was attending the D23 cast talkback. Caroline Innerbichler, Mason, one of the ensemble members and costume supervisor came out and talked to us. Some fun facts. The white coats used at the end are the heaviest costumes in the show. Caroline helped the set designer design the bridge because they needed to know how she would climb up safely. Telsey had trouble casting Kristoff until someone on their team saw Mason perform. Then he was asked to submit a tape and audition. Caroline had been in final callbacks to play Anna on Broadway. She had to go through the entire process again for this. Now knowing this, I'm kind of sad that they didn't cast her as Patti's replacement. Since there was someone there from Disney On Broadway, I asked if the changes from this show were coming to Broadway and the response I got was that nothing has been announced yet but that Aladdin had incorporated changes from its tour into the Broadway production. So I guess that was an unofficial hint.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
Luminaire2 said: "Is the tour that drastically different from the slight set tweaks and the new song? I can see them adding the new song, perhaps some lighting plot tweaks... and that’s about it for broadway. We definitely won’t get the stairs. "
There will be some pretty big changes coming to the Broadway production with the cast turnover. There are several weeks of re-tech coming up.
trpguyy said: "Luminaire2 said: "Is the tour that drastically different from the slight set tweaks and the new song? I can see them adding the new song, perhaps some lighting plot tweaks... and that’s about it for broadway. We definitely won’t get the stairs. "
There will be some pretty big changes coming to the Broadway production with the cast turnover. There are several weeks of re-tech coming up."
that’s exciting then. Are we speaking mostly lighting plot changes and the updated staging?
The first double understudy show of tour happened tonight. Berklea Going went on as Anna and Caroline Bowman called out shortly before the show so Caelan Creaser went on as Elsa. It was such special show to witness and the audience was fantastic.
I knew Robert Creighton is joining the tour, but I just noticed he’s only doing for a couple of stops… I also know Jeremy Morse’s wife is expecting so I wonder if he’s just on paternity leave and will be back with the tour after his wife gives birth. Anyone know?
Happy to see Disney and Frozen is bringing back McKenzie Kurtz another shot at Anna after her run on Broadway was cut short. I hope Caroline Innerbichler doesn’t stay away from the stage for too long.
Is Austin Colby out for good?
blaxx said: "Is Austin Colby out for good?"
No. He recently had what seemed like minor surgery (from what it looked like on his Instagram story) so I presume he’s just taking time off to rest.
I believe the tour Anna has had been dealing with an injury so that explains why McKenzie is stepping in.
ClumsyDude15 said: "blaxx said: "Is Austin Colby out for good?"
No. He recently had what seemed like minor surgery (from what it looked like on his Instagram story) so I presume he’s just taking time off to rest.
I believe the tour Anna has had been dealing with an injury so that explains why McKenzie is stepping in."
Austin was as far as I know (I went to two performances) in for every show in Orlando, but I did assume they're bringing Ryan in so he can rest re: that surgery.
The article says that Caroline Innerbichler's last show is on March 13th. Anyone have any guesses as to who will take over as Anna post April 11th?
(also worth noting that the tour cast for Frozen is INCREDIBLE. If the show is coming to a city near you I would highly encourage you to get tickets.)
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
That's unfortunate that Caroline Innerbichler is done so soon. Her portrayal of Anna was one of my favorite parts of this production.