Understudy Joined: 1/2/22
KitKatBoy24 said: "I’m glad you enjoyed her performance and you bring up a lot of interesting critiques and points. I, however, don’t agree that all voice types are fit for all scores. Just like all instruments aren’t fit for all songs. Imagine if Gypsy’s score was played on only cowbells and clarinets. Or Rent was played without a single electric guitar or drum set.Audra is obviously an incredible vocalist, this is not a discredit to her talent. But a lot of people are going to find her voice to be very awkward on this score"
I understand how many people will be turned off by her voice in this score. I could be bias because I'm also a fan of operatic styles of singing. From my time spent in watching performances of great opera singers, I've seen them take music and attain the gravitas expected in vocal strength and phrasing typical or Rose. Just because the voice sounds different doesn't mean it can't positively contribute to the entire role. Think of songs that have been covered the most. Several types of voices and amazing vocal abilities lead to many popular versions. With that said, I'd hope people go in without expectations of Rose's typical vocal sound in the score. If you do then you're already shutting yourself down to her performance and what she's bringing, not subtracting.
TLDR- Don't spend your money on performances you've decided already won't be good.
You're all insane. I was there thanks to a very last minute ticket I was able to get my hands on and Audra was stunning. I didn't love the look of the production and the orchestra was barely holding together. I imagine that's something Audra might've been confused by as they did f up several musically important bits. But she's not going to magically "find" another way of singing this. This is how sopranos sing and it was appropriate for what's written in the score. Some others who have recorded this in the past - I'm looking at you, Patti - sing completely wrong notes even on the official recording. Glad we don't have to deal with that here. It was an amazing interpretation.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/9/23
JFC you’re all salivating to tear apart a first preview of a show with a director notorious for workshopping through preview periods with a month long preview runway. Everyone here is reading like the NYT with the finality of their thoughts. It’s first preview…
Chorus Member Joined: 2/11/13
I haven’t seen this mentioned but during the scene where they are talking about the blonde wigs, when Herbie asks why he made June wear those wigs Rose answered “it makes her look…” and she paused/hesitated and then finished with “…like a star”
I thought this was an interesting moment with everything that was talked about with the intention of casting a June that was of a more mixed skin tone.
Jebus. This thread is insane. It’s like the election all over again. Pass the bloody popcorn.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
TheOnlyOne2 said: "Danny Burstein was solid,and there was great chemistry between the three of them. The "Best Actor" category won't be a blood bath like "Best Actress". A nom would make sense but I don't see a Tony."
Maybe this is what you meant, but Herbie is traditionally a role nominated in Featured Actor (it's tied for the role most nominated in that category, though only one of the four nominated has won), so Burstein would likely be considered there. (Not saying if that makes his chances for a win better or worse.)
GottaGetAGimmick420 said: "JFC you’re all salivating to tear apart a first preview of a show with a director notorious for workshopping through preview periods with a month long preview runway. Everyone here is reading like the NYT with the finality of their thoughts. It’s first preview…"
We are simply responding to what we saw.
I much appreciate the highly detailed commentary on where posters determine the McDonald Rose misfires, in conception and earliest execution. They are thoughtful, carefully considered, and in every way analytical. I don't find any disrespectful of the artists or artistry. A great theatrical treasure McDonald certainly is; but this is a public forum - and I've been here two decades - that welcomes dissenting takes. It's always been a reliable place to get early responses to new productions. I especially savor the genuinely nuanced deconstructions of what was witnessed. In a world where everything is "amazing!" or not, the evaluations of directorial intention and actor choices are particularly valuable. The posters clearly know that a preview period is designed for adjustments and outright corrections. Yet we get post after post explaining that fundamental, as if passing on a revelation.
To all of these points: it's hypocritical to arrive here circa 10:30 - 11:30 on the night of a first preview and troll - and then scold - posters fresh from the performance who wish to share measured first impressions. If the practice offends, be consistent and stay away until a subjectively determined point when a show seems "ready" for appraisal. I learned a great deal this morning about the directorial prism on the piece and the star's approach to a classical role. Such information is foundational to this board, and I applaud and thank those who shared so fully.
Auggie27 said: "I much appreciate thehighlydetailed postings on where they determine the McDonald Rose misfires, in conception and early execution. They are thoughtful, carefully considered, and in every way analytical. I don't find any disrespectful of the artists orartistry. A great theatrical treasure McDonald certainly is; but this is a public forum- and I've been here two decades - that welcomes discussion of dissenting takes. It's always been a reliable place to get early responses to new productions. I especially savor the genuinely nuanced deconstructions of what was witnessed. In a world where everything is "amazing!" or not, the evaluations of directorial intentionand actor choices are particularly valuable. The posters clearly know that a preview period is designed for adjustments and outright corrections. Yet we get post after post explaining that fundamental, as if passing on a revelation.
To all of these points:it's hypocritical to arrive here circa 10:30 - 11:30 on the night of a first preview and troll - and then scold- posters fresh from the performance who wish to share measured first impressions. If the practice offends, be consistent and stay away until a subjectively determined point when a show seems "ready" for appraisal. I learned a great deal this morning about the directorial prism on the piece and the star's approach to a classical role. Such information is foundational to this board, and I applaud and thank those who shared so fully."
Very well said. Thank you
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Auggie27 said: "As a 21 year veteran of this site: my favorite responses are from those who show up here on the night of the first preview to scold everyone for posting qualitative takes … on a first preview. If the idea of sharing an initial reaction feels ethically wrong, why pore over these posts? Why not stay away?"
You certainly called it a few pages ago, Auggie!
Understudy Joined: 1/2/22
MemorableUserName said: "TheOnlyOne2 said: "Danny Burstein was solid,and there was great chemistry between the three of them. The "Best Actor" category won't be a blood bath like "Best Actress". A nom would make sense but I don't see a Tony."
Maybe this is what you meant, but Herbie is traditionally a role nominated in Featured Actor (it's tied for the role most nominated in that category, though only one of the four nominated has won), so Burstein would likely be considered there. (Not saying if that makes his chances for awin better or worse.)"
Ahhh ok, I didn't know it would be counted as featured.
MemorableUserName said: "Auggie27 said: "As a 21 year veteran of this site: my favorite responses are from those who show up here on the night of the first preview to scold everyone for posting qualitative takes … on a first preview. If the idea of sharing an initial reaction feels ethically wrong, why pore over these posts? Why not stay away?"
You certainly called it a few pages ago, Auggie!"
Thank you. As far as I’m concerned, these first impressions are why I still come here. I appreciate them all, even those I don’t necessarily agree with.
Clearly anyone who posts negatively about McDonald is going to be accused of "microagressive" behavior, so I'm out. Others have pointed out the issues with the production - some of which might be fixed in previews, but many of which feel like basic directorial misfires. Maybe you really did need a Mama Rose monster of a person at the level of Arthur Laurents directing, because this is the least effective production of GYPSY I've seen on Broadway, and that isn't entirely because of the performance at the center of it.
For those of you commenting on the huge disparity in reactions to McDonald's performance - I offer that it is possible for someone of McDonald's gifts to give a talented, well crafted performance that is also completely wrong for the role and completely at odds with the script and score (which is ultimately what I think she does). Last night, Audra already showed signs of vocal fatigue, and I hope she is going to be up to doing 8 shows a week for however long this production lasts.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
Play Esq. said: "It was a first preview. Cut her some damn slack."
No. Her’s was a perfectly fine performance, for someone who isn’t Audra. Enjoy your perfectly fine performance and come back and tell us how much you enjoyed it."
This person either wasn't there or has some sort of vendetta. Good lord.
pagereynolds said: "Play Esq. said: "It was a first preview. Cut her some damn slack."
No. Her’s was a perfectly fine performance, for someone who isn’t Audra. Enjoy your perfectly fine performance and come back and tell us how much you enjoyed it."
This person either wasn't there or has some sort of vendetta. Good lord."
This person was there and has worshipped at the shrine of Audra for well over 20 years. No one was disappointed by last night more than me.
Sorry I know odd to focus on this but I was looking forward to the Gypsy overture and yet they started with the lights on and everyone talked over it. What the ****? Did they just run out of time and start playing it as they had no other option?
It's bizarre that they would stage a production of a classic show that has been done umpteen times just so one particular actress could have her day.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
Impeach2017 said: "It's bizarre that they would stagea production of a classic show that has been done umpteen times just so one particular actress could have her day."
Seems a bit of stretch to suggest this is the only reason. I doubt you find enough investors willing to throw money at something if it purely is a personal vanity project.
People on these boards were gushing at the prospect of Audra's Rose when the show was announced even as some acknowledged concerns about fit for the role.
And we have a ways to go before the final votes are cast and counted on Audra as Rose, and this production as a whole. Early preview polling results are not always reliable forecasts of ultimate results.
My lucky number is seven; It might as well be Audra’s now.
KitKatBoy24 said: "I’m glad you enjoyed her performance and you bring up a lot of interesting critiques and points. I, however, don’t agree that all voice types are fit for all scores. Just like all instruments aren’t fit for all songs. Imagine if Gypsy’s score was played on only cowbells and clarinets. Or Rent was played without a single electric guitar or drum set.Audra is obviously an incredible vocalist, this is not a discredit to her talent. But a lot of people are going to find her voice to be very awkward on this score"
Agreed. I found myself thinking about what Tonya Pinkins would do in the role.
And I love Audra, but I don’t need to hear her sing every song for every vocal range in the theatre. I don’t want to see her play Effie White. I can live without hearing her take on “And I Am Telling You.”
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
ljay889 said: "House lights on for most of the overture was a choice. The audience talked throughout.
Her characterization is really great, but her classical signing doesn’t always match her character. She got it right for “Roses” though.
Sets are mostly cheap looking, not unlike the 08 revival.
Lots of new dance arrangements. A new intro to Small World I’ve never heard before.
They used the dance break for You’ll Never Get Away From Me, I believe from the Lansbury revival. It wasn’t needed.
Mr. Kringaline has returned, but they cut the “faux rape” moment.
Jordan Tyson is a standout with a completely over the top June.
Totally separately, does anyone know if there's any recording or any documentation at all of where that Small World intro came from or anywhere else that it's been included in a production? I was also surprised last night and hadn't ever heard it before.
TheOnlyOne2 said: "For me this was the best part of the song of her performance. The progression of different distinct looks in the history of black women who are musical entertainers. In the "garden of eden" scene they were doing a clear nod to Josephine Baker. Josephine Baker is camp and is strongly identified with her erotically dancing in nature.I loved the perfectly captures the misogynoir experienced by entertainers.Additionally, I also enjoyed that the fact that Baker was replaced by Gypsy Rose Lee in The Follies 1936.
Definitely a highlight in the show."
I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad concept for the sequence - I just literally thought the set and costumes looked cheap. And not in a camp way - in a “we ran out of budget, so wear some cut-out latex with wild animal prints on our and writhe around for 3 minutes” way.
I didn’t get much story from Woods during this part of the strip - though, a quibble I have is that I didn’t get much a journey throughout the entire sequence - and she looked great, but that green costume wasn’t my favorite. I MUCH preferred the red gown that preceded it.
Because of the lack of story in the Garden of Eden, I really didn’t get a comment on misogynior. At all. Not saying that couldn’t be part of that moment, I just didn’t get that from this scene last night. It felt plotless and plodding and the dance sequence wouldn’t end.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/3/18
binau said: "Sorry I know odd to focus on this but I was looking forward to the Gypsy overture and yet they started with the lights on and everyone talked over it. What the ****? Did they just run out of time and start playing it as they had no other option?"
I was there last night. When the overture starts my immediate thought was “oh they ran out of time and could not wait any more” some around me were still getting seated. The girl next to me was so annoyed by other people talking and yelled a “shut up” but she then later made the most noises in the audience (hysterical laughter/ jumping in her seat / some of the loudest coughing I’ve ever heard through out the 3.5 hours)
anyway, thinking if they continue doing this tonight then it’s possible that it’s by choice ?
QueenAlice said: "Last night, Audra already showed signs of vocal fatigue, and I hope she is going to be up to doing 8 shows a week for however long this production lasts."
I did wonder a few times - mostly during “Everything’s Coming Up Roses” and “Rose’s Turn,” if Audra was a bit under the weather. When those odd key changes came in making the songs go even higher, I felt myself get nervous for her vocally - which is a very odd thing to think about Audra McDonald!
binau said: "Sorry I know odd to focus on this but I was looking forward to the Gypsy overture and yet they started with the lights on and everyone talked over it. What the ****? Did they just run out of time and start playing it as they had no other option?"
I found the audience last night to be so rude. Talking over the Overture and Entr’acte and the people behind me were acting as if they were at a drag shows - yelling “werk,” “eat it up,” and countless “YAAAASes” throughout the entire show. It was very frustrating trying to focus and take in what is very much a work-in-progress with clear eyes and an open mind when people are actively screaming throughout the show.