Stand-by Joined: 10/29/22
Sally Durant Plummer said: "QueenAlice said: "Last night, Audra already showed signs of vocal fatigue, and I hope she is going to be up to doing 8 shows a week for however long this production lasts."
I did wonder a few times - mostly during “Everything’s Coming Up Roses” and “Rose’s Turn,” if Audra was a bitunder the weather. When those odd key changes came in making the songs go even higher, I feltmyself get nervous for her vocally - which is a very odd thing to think about Audra McDonald!"
That’s a valid point. I heard audio of both on TikTok, and she sounded like she was struggling. That said, I still think she’s not a good vocal fit for this role. Seeing it in a couple of weeks and I hope she proves me wrong.
Sally Durant Plummer said: "binau said: "Sorry I know odd to focus on this but I was looking forward to the Gypsy overture and yet they started with the lights on and everyone talked over it. What the ****? Did they just run out of time and start playing it as they had no other option?"
I found the audience last night to be so rude. Talking over the Overture and Entr’acte and the people behind me were acting as if they were at a drag shows - yelling “werk,” “eat it up,” and countless “YAAAASes” throughout the entire show. It was very frustrating trying to focus and take in what is very much a work-in-progress with clear eyes and an open mind when people are actively screaming throughout the show."
The crowd you describe has become pretty commonplace for first previews, especially for a buzzy revival. People try to make it about themselves. The good thing is they’ll be gone by next week. There were reports of people singing along at SWEENEY.
What you all describe with the lights just sounds like a glitch. I’d be shocked if it wasn’t resolved by the weekend, if not tonight.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "Sally Durant Plummer said: "binau said: "Sorry I know odd to focus on this but I was looking forward to the Gypsy overture and yet they started with the lights on and everyone talked over it. What the ****? Did they just run out of time and start playing it as they had no other option?"
I found the audience last night to be so rude. Talking over the Overture and Entr’acte and the people behind me were acting as if they were at a drag shows - yelling “werk,” “eat it up,” and countless “YAAAASes” throughout the entire show. It was very frustrating trying to focus and take in what is very much a work-in-progress with clear eyes and an open mind when people are actively screaming throughout the show."
The crowd you describe has become pretty commonplace for first previews, especially for a buzzy revival. People try to make it about themselves. The good thing is they’ll be gone by next week. There were reports of people singing along at SWEENEY.
What you all describe with the lights just sounds like a glitch. I’d be shocked if it wasn’t resolved by the weekend, if not tonight."
It was clearly a choice and not a glitch, based on where they did change the lighting during the overture and entr'acte. But I hope it will be changed.
I'm assuming the lights were up because they had just finished letting in the line outside, so people were still being actively seated. I was at the end of the line, and I was a little pissed to hear the overture in the restroom literally 2 minutes after my ticket was scanned.
Updated On: 11/22/24 at 11:17 AMFeatured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
TaffyDavenport said: "The lights were up because they had just finished letting in the line outside, so people were still being actively seated. I was at the end of the line, and I was a little pissed to hear the overture in the restroom literally 2 minutes after my ticket was scanned."
I mean, what time did you get there? They started letting people in at 7:35 and didn't start the overture until 8:10.
I heard a little bit of her "Everything's Coming Up Roses" and she does sound a little under the weather. Audra's classical voice is a pretty odd fit. It seems like she's almost oversinging. And why does the orchestra sound so messy? I think this will come together during the preview period.
They only left the lights up for the Overture because the house was still being seated. People were still streaming in at 8:09 when it started. It would have been a HOT MESS if they hit the cue when it started. They should have opened house well before 7:30 for the first preview post Reno.
Re: Audra’s voice, I personally loved it. Yes it’s a little strange but it’s a whole new world of sound and technique painted on this score. Something to dive into because I’m so sick now of every nuance of the others. I don’t know how she will sustain that every night and there were slightly odd moments depending where it sat in her register but I think they can continue to tune and tweak. It kind of reminded me of seeing Marin Mazzie in next to normal.
I think what I’m still trying to get my head around in addition to the drab staging and feeling it was at times all a bit long and slow - is whether Audra has the personality for the role. When Bernadette or Patti were doing it there was an element of their own personalities still shining through in their vocal and character choices. It was a star vehicle. With Audra and George C Wolfe, it feels more like a serious character study which is also thrilling and a lot to dive into. But I’m not sure if that is quite as entertaining. Kind of like the idea of Kelli O’Hara in Hello, Dolly maybe.
Looks like they haven't staged a proper curtain call yet.
GYPSY Curtain Call
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
morosco said: "Looks like they haven't staged a proper curtain call yet.
GYPSY Curtain Call"
I almost wondered if they had and decided not to do it because it was 11:35pm.
A lot of contradictory opinions being offered here. Will definitely be interesting to see how this develops- and Wolfe certainly makes a lot of use of his preview periods.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/3/17
Kad said: "A lot of contradictory opinions being offered here. Will definitely be interesting to see how this develops- and Wolfe certainly makes a lot of use of his preview periods."
Right, my first thought was "This reads like the Shuffle Along and Gary threads."
TotallyEffed said: "Gary was a MESS omg"
“Gary” happened and then not even a year later, the world got Covid. Coincidence? Maybe. But you can’t for sure say it wasn’t punishment for that show.
Last nights performance and the reaction reminds of the first preview of Sweeney. Another first preview that had several issues, and divided audiences, but they used the preview period to strengthen the production, which led to excellent review. I think the same could happen with Gypsy, but I don’t see how they can make the sets more attractive, at this point.
Ouch! That was a painful first preview curtain call. No one knew what to do then Audra stepped forward to break that awkwardness - taking her appropriate solo bow.
I really enjoyed Gary, too. But that's certainly not super relevant here. It was an entirely new play- by an artist who doesn't like things polished- making its world debut. I thought Wolfe made it as good as it possibly could've been in the circumstances.
morosco said: "Looks like they haven't staged a proper curtain call yet.
GYPSY Curtain Call"
Staging a curtain call is usually not the top priority. Sometimes directors also feel superstitious about staging it too soon (I don't know why that is but I'm not a director!). Give em a few days and I'm sure there will be a more formal curtain call.
If there are to be big changes, I’d guess most will be implemented the week of Dec 3. Smaller changes between now and then.
Next week is Thanksgiving and a funny schedule. If there are new set or costume pieces needed, those have to be designed, budgeted, built, fitted, and re-teched.
I assume press is being offered tix for Dec 18th (and probably 14-15th too).
Sally Durant Plummer said: "KitKatBoy24 said: "I’m glad you enjoyed her performance and you bring up a lot of interesting critiques and points. I, however, don’t agree that all voice types are fit for all scores. Just like all instruments aren’t fit for all songs. Imagine if Gypsy’s score was played on only cowbells and clarinets. Or Rent was played without a single electric guitar or drum set.Audra is obviously an incredible vocalist, this is not a discredit to her talent. But a lot of people are going to find her voice to be very awkward on this score"
Agreed. I found myself thinking about what Tonya Pinkins would do in the role.
And I love Audra, but I don’tneed to hear her sing every song for every vocal range in the theatre.I don’t want to see her play Effie White. I can live without hearing her take on “And I Am Telling You.”"
Funny you made this analogy. Reading the comments I couldn't help but think of how vocally wrong she she struck me for Deena.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/30/22
The look on her face during that curtain call says, “I know. Forgive me!”
so what’s next for the Winter Garden?
/end sarcasm
Well someone had to make that obligatory preview post.
trentsketch said: "Sarcasm:
so what’s next for the Winter Garden?”
Good Night and Good Luck
Count me among those who thought it was pretty great. A lovely, traditional staging, and indeed much more of a character study than star vehicle than we’ve seen it treated as (also wonderfully!).
As for the lights during the overture and entr’acte, the latter was DEFINITELY a choice. The former? A whole lot of the mezzanine wasn’t seated yet. The staff hasn’t found their rhythm after the long break. They might continue to keep the house lights up, but from my view in the rafters, no other choice was possible last night.
Yes, Audra’s vocal quality is different from what we’re used to in the role, and it can make her sound too posh, but I still thought she was in really good shape for a first preview. I adore Joy Woods, but I felt she has the most room to grow into her role as previews continue.
im excited to go back in a few weeks and see what I’m sure will be a tighter show.