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Going To The Theatre Alone- Page 3

Going To The Theatre Alone

Mealz1042 Profile Photo
#50re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/25/07 at 12:07pm

A lot depends on the show and how "alone" you are. I don't have a problem being alone if I'm in Rush or Lotto seats but there was this one time that I didn't win lotto (and bunch of my friends had) for rent so I bought cheap tickets (it was someone's last performance) and was a few rows behind. It wouldn't have been that bad except I was on the end then next to me was an empty seat and it was really awakward during some of the emotional parts of the show.

<-- Gwen Stewart, SOLoist at the last show of RENT
Cages or wings? Which do you prefer? Ask the birds. Fear or love, baby? Don't say the answer Actions speak louder than words. (Tick, Tick... BOOM!)

jordangirl Profile Photo
#51re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/25/07 at 12:33pm

Anton: I've actually had a really good time rushing alone. I've taken books with me to read and have talked with other people who have shown up. It's always been a positive experience for me.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#52re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/25/07 at 9:05pm

In DC, I usually go alone. On some rare occasions, I will go with a friend but most of them aren't into the type of theatre I see here or are really annoying when it comes to prices of tickets/show dates.

I often go to NY with my sister, but sometimes go alone. I prefer doing the Broadway thing with her though. It is our special thing and we both like to see as many shows as possible.

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)

antonijan Profile Photo
#53re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/26/07 at 4:32am

Jordangirl...thanks! I actually rushed to see JB today in SF and it went well! I was there 3 hours earlier and I was the first one so I decided to go shop first and still had the chance to get center front row tix!

I brought my ipod and a book but didn't get the chance to read it.
my rush experience....on page 11

BroadwayPhil Profile Photo
#54re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/26/07 at 8:36am

I do alot too... I can see more obscure stuff that I wouldn'd take people to. Save the more popular stuff for groups or a date. Plenty of folks go alone

Don't be the Bunny ....

Eastwickian Profile Photo
#55re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/26/07 at 9:15am

I often go alone - especially if it's a show in London as I've not got many friends who are interested in making the four hour round trip as regularly as I do! I'll often drag them along if it's a repeat viewing of show I think they'll like, but I waryof asking them to spend money on something that they may not enjoy as I'm afraid it may be enough to put them off theatre for a while...

EDIT: I agree with BroadwayPhil, save shows like Spamalot and Ave Q for friends and the Sondheim for yourself... re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Updated On: 4/26/07 at 09:15 AM

Shakespearean Profile Photo
#56re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/26/07 at 9:17am

I'm a Go ALone guy for the most part until the guilt kicks in and I ask someone to go with me. For the most part, I get lost in the shows, watching at one level, analyzing at another, and any interruption throws me off, even the best intentioned ones. I often go to see a show several times just to get it all, so the fewer distractions the better. I started sneaking into the city to see shows (alone) when I was 14, so I've been doing this for about thirty years. I almost always meet someone on line to chat with and now that I started taking classes again, always manage to meet someone nice on the rush line. That's not to say I won't meet someone from here, for instance, and catch a show if they'd like. It just means that I go into it knowing that it will be a different kind of experience, more of a social event and that's fine too. I just won't expect to have the light plot worked out in my head before I leave .

jordangirl Profile Photo
#57re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/26/07 at 9:41am

Anton... Glad you had a good time! :) I just figure if I wait around for friends to want to go, I'll never see anything. So I go. It also saves me the having to pretend I like something if I didn't...or them having to pretend they like something they didn't. Like I'd said earlier, the only real "issue" is pictures at the stage door afterwards, but usually there's someone who will take one for me. :)

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#58re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/26/07 at 9:50am

After just watching the Spring Awakening segment on the Today Show, I now want to go see it alone, after being put off for too long.

sweetiedarlinmia Profile Photo
#59re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/26/07 at 10:18am

Loner convos are fun. When it comes to lottery, I pretty much always strike up convos so that the person and I can double our chances. It's helped a couple of times too. And I've actually made some theatre "penpals" from the convos.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#60re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/26/07 at 1:55pm

I love meeting people in the rush lines. I'm going to see either Spring Awakening or Legally Blonde with someone I met in the Jersey Boys rush line. But I mostly go alone since I'm the only person who really enjoys it. I went with my dad but he has tardiness issues.
Updated On: 4/26/07 at 01:55 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#61re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/26/07 at 2:04pm

I go back and forth. I do like to go to the theatre alone on my Birthdays. I have dinner alone and reflect a bit and see a show. Afterwards I meet friends for drinks. I have been doing that for several years now. When I am in New York, for the most part I go by myself. Sometimes I go with my friend who I stay with there. Because of his job, I get to go to pre-show events and then to a show, so I go with him and the people in his profession. Here in Denver I go alone sometimes but usually go with a close friend and ex boyfriend who likes theatre. I get a lot of comps here and I usually get two seats so I don't like the second seat to go unused. There are times that a group of 25 or more of us will go to the more pouplar touring shows.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 4/26/07 at 02:04 PM

antonijan Profile Photo
#62re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/26/07 at 3:01pm

shakespherean...are you sure? "I started sneaking into the city to see shows (alone) when I was 14"

and not anywhere else?

Updated On: 4/26/07 at 03:01 PM

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#63re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/26/07 at 10:37pm

I love bringing groups of friends (a friend and I once brought a pack of girls to All Shook Up and had a great time), but I love seeing shows alone as well. You can survey more and think for yourself without worrying if the other person likes the show, or disagreeing with your thoughts. I do like making friends in rush lines, though. My (most-likely) roommate in NYU housing this year is someone I met on a rush line, actually.

#64re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/27/07 at 3:15pm

Left house @ 5am to get train. Walked from the train station on 42nd to The View on 66th. Walked from the View to Journey's End on 44th. After Journey's End mulled around Times Square until Talk Radio on 48th and then walked back to train station on 42nd. Arrived back home @ 1am. A 20 hour day with LOTS of walking and hanging around - does anyone wonder why I do it ALONE and why wife and daughter think I am nuts ??

#65re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/27/07 at 3:37pm

I have zero problems with going to a show alone. I think it's nice, and if I bring someone to a show I'm always worried they won't like it. As someone mentioned, stage dooring, if you do that, can be an issue. I usually make friends with someone else waiting.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

algy Profile Photo
#66re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/27/07 at 3:46pm

I go on my own a lot, and I like it. I agree with Ashley, I worry whether the person that I'm going with is enjoying themself. I saw Sweeney Todd on tour in Birmingham with my mum, and she hated it, and I was enjoying it until I heard that she wasn't at the interval and the edge was taken of the second half for me because I was so worried that she wasn't liking it. I saw SITPWG in London on my own and loved it. I already knew that none of my friends were really into Sondheim and after Sweeney, I didn't want to risk ruining another show with worry.

My ex-boyfriend was a nightmare. Before every show I look him to, he'd tell me if he didn't like it, he'd never go to another with me and he'd constantly grumble about the cost of the tickets and impose stupid limits on them so I'd pay the extra.

In our nearly four year relationship, I took him to see:

The Producers - he liked Springtime for hitler, Ulla and the whole Nazi subplot, but all the theatre in jokes that I love went way over his head.

Joesph - he already knew all the songs, so sang along, but got bored during the mega mix finale

Avenue Q - he loved it (he was 22 and didn't know what he wanted to do) but blamed it for me breaking up with him - apparently our relationship ended because "life isn't like those stupid musicals, there isn't always a happy ending" and Avenue Q gave me ideas about finding a purpose.


AC126748 Profile Photo
#67re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/27/07 at 3:46pm

I like to go alone and I like going with people. I'm fine either way. I have several friends that I see theatre with on a regular basis. However, I see so many shows that coordinating a schedule with others can often be very hard, so I usually end up going alone. I'll bring a book or a crossword to pass the time. Plus, it is true that you usually end up with better seats when you go alone.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

RowellE Profile Photo
#68re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 9/22/12 at 8:08am

Wow, you guys are brave. I can’t even cross the street of a busy intersection alone without feeling that I’m being judged and looked at.

I live in Seattle and I love the theater. If I could, I would see all the touring shows that stop here. Problem is I don’t want to go alone because I feel like all eyes will be on me and people will judge me. None of my friends are into musicals like I am so most of the time when I really want to go see a show, I end up begging them to come with me and I’m desperate enough to pay for their ticket for them as well.

There were many other shows that I wanted to see but didn’t end up going to because I didn’t want to go alone. I wish I had a Broadway Buddy.

Not only do I worry about being judged, I feel awkward when I’m there by myself and reacting to the show. The people sitting next to me will hear/see me laugh and/or cry, and knowing that I’m alone and doing that, that’s just awkward to me.

In a few hours, I will be purchasing a ticket at the Paramount Theater Box Office for Book of Mormon for when it comes to Seattle in January 2013 and I’m buying it for just myself. It’ll be the first time I see a theater show by myself.

I absolutely cannot miss Book of Mormon and I don’t feel like buying an extra ticket and dragging along someone who doesn’t want to be there, so I’m going alone.

I’ll come back to this forum in January and update on my experience. Wish me luck. :)

Updated On: 9/22/12 at 08:08 AM

After Eight
#69re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 9/22/12 at 8:19am

"Wish me luck. :)"

Good luck.

But here's some advice. Don't be so self-conscious, and don't ever let it hold you back from enjoying the things you like in this life.

I think it's great that you'll be going alone. It will break the ice for you and you'll find that the problem is wholly of your own imagination.

Hope you enjoy the show. Let us know how it goes.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#70re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 9/22/12 at 8:40am

Good luck.

Let me ask you one thing to put it into perspective: do YOU judge those around you at the theater? If no, why would you think others are judging you? Truth be told, people could care less about what others are doing as long as it doesn't effect them (or involve gay marriage or abortion).

Not only will I go to the theater alone, but I'll dine alone and vacation alone. I don't do those things alone all the time, but I find it incredibly relaxing. Just ME time, no compromises, no balances.

Lastly, dragging an unwilling participant is hardly a joyous event. Save your money and you can go to twice as many shows. And keep looking to FIND people that ARE theater goers, or at least are willing to give it a try!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

binau Profile Photo
#71re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 9/22/12 at 9:02am

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#72re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 9/22/12 at 9:23am

I find it very relaxing to go to a show alone. It's fun to go with others too, but every once in a while it is nice to go alone. Heck my favorite part of the day is my twenty minute drive to work/school where it's just my music and me!

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

OKBroadwayFan Profile Photo
#73re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 9/22/12 at 10:54am

For the past two years I have been going to NYC for business one week of every month. I decided to see a show on my own the first month. Loved it. You can get great seats when purchasing just one seat. Great way to spend the evening after working all day. I usually see at least one show each trip to NYC for business

#74re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 9/22/12 at 11:00am

I've generally found that if you go to a theater and buy a single on the day of the show, the box office staff goes out of their way to find you a great seat (unlike TKTS which usually gives you the last seat on the side aisle).
