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Going To The Theatre Alone

#1Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 2:38pm

I've found lately that I prefer going to the theatre alone whereas for movies, I prefer going with at least one other person. Anyone else feel this way?

I think it may be because the theatre is such a personal experience, even a bombastic show like CHICAGO, that it's almost like praying in a house of worship alone. On the other 'and, movies are completely immersive...a true experience...and I find that I always want to take someone else along for the ride. This may also explain why I tend to sit as close to the front row as possible during movies.

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#2re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 2:45pm

At least over the past year I've been going to the theater exclusively alone. Although I think it's more of a lack of someone else to go with, but I've found myself enjoying theater more overall. For example I first saw last year's Sweeney Todd revival with my girlfriend and found the show to be quite good and I was appreciative of the musician-actor convention. I then saw the show afterwards a few times, but alone and became completely enamored with it. I think it also helps clear your judgement because if you're with someone, they might have a strong reaction either way about the production at intermission or after the curtain which might color your appreciation of the production.

#2re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 2:47pm

It depends - sometimes I like to turn people on to new shows. I rarely do this though, only because I don't have many friends who are theater fans like I am, and I can tell they are bored, lol.

I love going by myself - I find that intermission is actually a pretty quiet time that I can reflect on what I've just seen, and I don't like when you're with a bunch of people who start talking right away, like frogs_fan said

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

jochang621 Profile Photo
#3re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 2:48pm

This is an interesting topic - I love watching my friends enjoy a show that I already love, and seeing it through their eyes for the first time. However, I've also noticed if they're not really having a good time, then it affects my enjoyment of it as well.

I definitely prefer to see theater with someone else, but it's sometimes hard to find someone to go with, esp if you go as often as I do!

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#4re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 2:54pm

I go to the theatre alone, a lot. But I enjoy going with people too. Sometimes when I go with people and its my idea I get nervous about the fact that a certain friend won't enjoy it. So maybe I actually enjoy seeing shows on my own better.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

Elphie4ever Profile Photo
#5re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 2:56pm

Unfortunately, not a lot of my friends appreciate what live theater has to offer. They are mostly in to pop culture and stuff like that.
Well, when i am watching a blockbuster movie, yes, i like to go with friends. but when I am watching live theater, I dunno everyone thinks that it is boring and its expensive. If I am watching a show for the first time, of course I would like to go alone, because its more of a personal experience since theater does in a way change you in the inside once you actually watch one of those shows with a strong theme and plot. If I am watching a broadway show for like the second time and on yes i wouldn't mind going with friends..

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#6re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 3:01pm

Whenever I go to NYC, I am usually going alone to theatre. Most of my friends (even those in the city) would never pay to see a show, much less 5 in 4 days. It is a great escape for me. I sometimes miss having someone to chat with after, but I know I can bring all my thoughts back here and get some theatre love.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#7re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 3:02pm

I have a tight group of theatre friends around here, but I also have no problem going to see a show alone. Although there are some shows I'd really rather not see alone (like Spelling Bee) and try to go with someone whenever possible. re: Going To The Theatre Alone

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#8re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 3:04pm

I have no problem seeing a show alone, but I'd rather see it with a friend.

#9re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 3:05pm

Going tomorrow to see The View in the morning, the matinee performance of Journey's End, and then the evening performance of Talk Radio - ALL BY MYSELF and cannot wait !!

#10re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 3:26pm

In my own city, it might be creepy going alone, but in NYC I am usually travelling alone and have not problem going to shows alone. I always chat with fellow audience members, anyway.

Plus, you often get better seats alone!!!

gustof777 Profile Photo
#11re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 3:28pm

I go all the time by myself and it's wonderful

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#12re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 3:34pm

I go by myself about 50% of the time and with a friend or two the other 50%. Usually, I see shows in previews by myself and then revisit shows with friends when they are in town or if we can coordinate our schedules.

Glinda2 Profile Photo
#13re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 3:36pm

I have no problem going to the theatre alone. However, I prefer to go with someone because the experience isn't complete unless dinner & discussion take place. Of course, you can always go hang out at a theatre bar, but that's not so great alone either.

#14re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 3:40pm

I love going to a show on my own. Yes, it's fun with a group, but it's difficult to find people who want to spend the money. I find I have a much better time and enjoy the experience more when I can just focus on the show and really delve into the story. There are a few people that I know love a good show, but especially if I don't know anything about the production I'm not going to invite people to an evening of the unknown. It usually turns into a bad situation all around.

Glinda2 Profile Photo
#15re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 3:44pm

Let's all agree to go to a show alone on the same day, and then meet at a bar afterward. Then we can guess who we are. I'll bring my wand.

MimiJudith Profile Photo
#16re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 3:47pm

I always go to the theater with someone, but one time I did go by myself and I really enjoyed it. I went to see the play "Sideman" because it had Andrew McCarthy, who I love. Nobody else cared to see the play, so I treated myself to a front row seat and had a great time. And I didn't have to worry about whether my friend or family member liked the show.
Updated On: 4/24/07 at 03:47 PM

#17re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 3:52pm

I too go to the theatre alone a lot... and enjoy it just as much as if I go with someone.

I tend to feel like I have to "test" out a show before I suggest going with a non-theatre friends or my family. On the other hand, if I'm going with a friend who is equally into theatre as I am the experience usually sparks a great debate.

If I'm going alone, it's a good excuse to flirt and find a potential boyfriend.

sweetiedarlinmia Profile Photo
#18re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 3:54pm

Must of my theatre going is sans-company. If I wanted around for one of my friends or family to decide to go, I would never see anything. In some cases, I do bring a family member if it's something I think they would enjoy. My aunt loves to go to shows, so whenever I do want a partner in crime, I call her up, although with her mother's increasing illness, we havent done that in a while. I have a cousin who lives in Brooklyn but never gets to go see shows b/c her husband doesnt enjoy theatre and with their kids and her work schedule, it can be hard juggling everything for her to see something. Plus the prices. But when I go up to the city, I try to see at least one show at a time and price that can work for her. I took her to her first show, Aida, which she loved!

singingbackup Profile Photo
#19re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 3:59pm

I am mixed about it. Here in LA, I have "the theater league," a close group of friends so that's always fun. When I go to NYC it's usually on business and time is tight so I am last minute, and find it's easier to get a single seat. BUT, I would always welcome company and if I have an extra ticket...Coming to NYC in June :)

mikeyb16 Profile Photo
#20re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 4:08pm

I always tend to go to the theatre alone. I don't know it just makes me feel comfortable about myself and I won't have to worry about anything else and I can try to get the best seats at what performance I go to see.

My parents however are a little weiry about the idea of me going alone, not sure why. At times their ok with it but then they go all funny.
Anyone here ever had that kind of problem with their parents?

The shows I've seen alone are

Blood Brothers
CATS - Loved Dianne Pilkington's portrayal as Grizabella
My Fair Lady - 3 times and loved Amy Nuttalls performance as Eliza
Guys & Dolls
Danny Champion of the World

And I'll definately look for more Musicals to see alone if my parents will still be ok with it (Musicals are my favourite kind of Theatre of all time)

jv92 Profile Photo
#21re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 4:10pm

"a bombastic show like CHICAGO"

Go away!!!

#22re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 4:12pm

I've never gone to a show alone but I think it might be enjoyable - sometimes when you go with other people you spend a lot of time worrying if they will hate the show or feel uncomfortable. Whereas in a movie theater, you haven't spent nearly as much for the tickets and a lot of pressure is taken off of you.

#23re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 4:13pm

When I go to the theater to watch a play or musical with someone who isn't necessarily an afficionado, I find it harder to enjoy the show. At the back of my head, I feel responsible for this other person enjoying the evening (or afternoon) and I end up not focusing on the show itself. So now, I only take people to shows once I know more about the show to make sure that it would be enjoyable to them.

#24re: Going To The Theatre Alone
Posted: 4/24/07 at 4:14pm

Let's all agree to go to a show alone on the same day, and then meet at a bar afterward. Then we can guess who we are. I'll bring my wand.

yes! Company, anyone? Although I'm not picky

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?
