I've gone to lots of shows by myself before, whether I'm in a relationship or not. My (now ex) boyfriend and I only saw Hair together, and that was pretty early on in the relationship. He liked Broadway, but just didn't care to go to shows with me. His loss.
Sometimes I wish I had someone to discuss said shows with, but in the long run it can be more fun to go solo.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/30/08
I have always been intensely uncomfortable dining in a restaurant by myself. Do you read? Do you people watch? No one to talk to (and I don't want to be on phone during a meal.) But going to a show? No problem. Once the lights go down and the performance starts, I really stop noticing whether the person next to me is a friend or a stranger. And I can always discuss the experience with someone afterwards - perhaps they have already seen the show, or want to know what I think. And when I do go with a companion, I am always afraid that they are not enjoying it (or hating it) as much as I am.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
When I visit NYC, with friends, I purposely pick shows they would not like, so I can be alone. It's my, me, time. If I see a touring show, where I live, these same friends, have to ask me things or comment during the show, which ruins the experience for me. I prefer alone. Now restaurants, are a different matter. Can't stand to eat alone.
I only saw a show once by myself (Scarlett Pimpernall)many years ago. I was on a business trip in NYC and younger co-workers were going to go to some clubs so I went down to the ticket booth and picked up a good seat at the last moment. Watching the show alone did not bother me and I got to talk about the show later that night when I called my wife at home to say goodnight.
Dining alone does take more getting use to...at least for dinner. But I bring my kindle and take my time.
Funny, I find the waitstaff is usually more attentive when I'm alone. They seem to take their time explaning questions and I often get more reccommendations when I'm alone. Maybe it's because I'm more willing to talk and not get back to my companion.
I also read when dining alone.
I do not have "friends" who talk during live productions. At least, not for long.
It depends on where you eat alone. I've gone to Ellen's Stardust Diner a few times because it's loud and entertaining. You don't need to have a companion to talk to there because the waitstaff is performing. Actually, I don't recommend that place if you want to carry on a long conversation.
Elsewhere, I guess I just people watch. I'm odd, but I guess I just find people fascinating.
I don't recommend Ellen's if you want to EAT. (But, honestly, I haven't tried in a number of years, I just remember everything being a greasy mess.)
It depends on the show for me most times. Anything Sondheimm,, I like to go alone. If it is a show I am extremely excited about seeing, I go alone. I always seem to meet people or chat with the person next to me s that is fine. Shows lie Kinky Boots and Priscilla, I like going with someone else. JMO
I go to shows by myself all the time (probably 95% of the shows I've see, I've been alone). I find it easier to concentrate on the action onstage, and I can do my own thing before and after without anyone arguing that they don't want to do anything I had planned. Also, it's nice to talk to the people around me before the show and during intermission. Just yesterday, I saw CHICAGO alone, then I made friends with a girl at the ANNIE lottery and we sat next to each other and wound up exchanging contact info because we hit it off right away. It's nice to make new friends with audience members.
Updated On: 4/21/13 at 10:04 PM
Dramammaa - IMO Ellen's is ok after all it is a diner - lol
I almost always see shows and movies alone. The only people I enjoy going with are my mom and sister. There are some shows though that I do not take them to if I suspect they won't enjoy them. Dining alone is quite difficult, I have no problem at a place like Chipotle or a diner where I can pull out a book, but anywhere else feels awkward.
Well I'm one of those weirdos who would rather do everything alone (except dine out) so of course I have no problem with going to shows alone.
This topic was discussed a year or so ago. For me, I'd rather go to the theatre with someone. That said, I don't know anyone who likes the theatre at anything near the level that I do. I do go sometimes with others. But often not. The reality is that it will often boil down to two choices: go alone or not at all. I opt for the former. Ditto for movies. As for restaurants: I have no qualms about dining out alone. I used to have qualms about that, but got over that a long time ago when I did a lot of business travel. When I venture to NYC alone, I tend to eat at quick delis to save money. I will sit in a table-service restaurant alone if I feel like splurging, but that's not often. From my experience, people are too wrapped up in their own worlds to even notice someone alone and, frankly, even if they do notice, I don't care!
I go alone all the time. It's been my experience that 90% of people jump right on their cell phone at intermission without speaking to their show partners anyway.
Most of the shows I have seen in the past 2 years I have seen by myself and to my surprise, prefer it that way. When the economy took a downward turn, most people I know eliminated shows from their entertainment budget, so I was forced to go solo or give up my favorite pastime.
Some of the most interesting theater experiences by myself was the byproduct of that, interacting with strangers from out of town, another country or different cultural backgrounds than mine. I would never have done that if I attended shows with friends.
i just saw Breakfast at Tiffanys, and we all noticed that there were lots of guys at that show alone. it was really creepy, looking at them we were sure they were there for the nude scene
Or maybe they are fans of Emilia Clarke or Game of Thrones. Or maybe they were with other people, but you just failed to notice. Or maybe you just judge people too easily based on nothing.
When dining alone, I usually sit at the bar, or at least in the lounge area. Most (many?) places serve their full menu at the bar.
marianne i understand why you might say that. but you know how you can tell when a guy looks at you a certain way and your creep meter starts exploding? we ALL got that I go to a lot of shows and have NEVER seen so many guys alone! we counted an even dozen in our section alone.
dining alone is no big deal
Sitting at the bar of a restaurant makes me feel even worse. Like I can't deal with being alone so I want the bartender to talk to me or people sitting nearby. I'd like a table for one, please.
Understudy Joined: 1/5/08
I've been going to shows alone quite a lot recently. I'm actually waiting for the 7pm show of big knife right now. My friend cancelled on me last minute. I guess I can use the extra seat for my bag. I never know what to do with extra tickets in these situations.
Your friend made the right decision. You should throw both tickets away right now. Unless you're in the market for a good nap.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/29/12
I went by myself to The Big Knife and didn't fall asleep! The set was beautiful and Bobby Cannavale took his shirt off. Yum!
Going alone to a show can be cool; just sit with confidence and people will think you're someone important. Try to look like Laurie Metcalf at the beginning of The Other Place, when the audience took their seats and she was onstage checking her Blackberry.