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Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway - Reviews & News Thread- Page 31

Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway - Reviews & News Thread

#750SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/7/23 at 2:02pm

bear88 said: "herewegoabc said: "Stranger Things takes months to film and has a gigantic cast, so there's no guarantee Gaten will be needed right away in June. There is a possibility you might see him in July.

I saw the show last week from extreme side rear orchestra (last seat of Row X house right). It was honestly a great view. I didn't notice any obstruction, and I felt closer to the stage than I was. The only thing I recall being even slightly 

This is the sort of post I’m happy to see. A positive comment about a seat from the much-derided rear orchestra. Next week, I’m house right, a couple of seats in from the far edge, Row O, after switching from the front row of rear orchestra due to concerns about the various bars (which may have been overstated). So I will be closer to the stage than you were, for better or worse.

Who knows? The critiques on this thread make me feel that I’ll be somewhat fortunate to hear the orchestra or understand some of the performers when I’m not missing the factory whistle or kicking myself for seeing this show in previews. (I didn’t really have a choice. Next week was the only week I could go to New York City.)

Row X is one of the shortened rows, so I was seat 18 for reference. I think your view will be great! My friends sat in 14 and 16, and the one in 14 said even the tiny part of Joanna's head I couldn't see during the asylum was perfectly visible for her. There is a tower on stage left that moves in and out a few times, but you shouldn't have any problem with seeing anything because of it. 

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That's also the side of the stage that has the bake house and is lowly lit during a lot of the ending. Being on that side of the house, I was still able to see easily even with the low light. 

I also had zero sound issues. The only sound related issue I had was understanding a few of the lines, but that was related to accent issues and not mic or sound issues. Annaleigh's mic seemed fine to me except for a split second when it dropped completely.  The orchestra sounded amazing from my seat. I would sit there again in a heartbeat, especially for the slightly discounted price. 

#751SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/7/23 at 3:24pm

Hey herewegoabc,

Your seats sound similar to mine, just further back. It sounds like you got a good deal, considering the sky-high prices for this revival (especially in March and April). Thanks for your perspective. 

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#752SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/7/23 at 7:26pm

With the box office help, I opted for rear mezz C center for $157. She reminded me that the railings in this house are high and often obstruct - happened to me at the Belasco and I’m 6’. Sometimes just a couple of rows solve this. Nearest isn’t always better. Row A had not been widely sold for that reason.


When we say “heads up!” it’s literal.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling
Updated On: 3/7/23 at 07:26 PM

FANtomFollies Profile Photo
#753SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/7/23 at 8:22pm

For whatever it's worth - my sister saw the show this past Sunday and said there were only a few moments of sound issues. Josh Groban's mic came on a bit late during one of his lines, and something about the oven made a super loud noise that made her jump and felt like a mistake. Otherwise she said it was plenty loud enough and she could hear everything clearly. She was seated in Row B of the rear Mezz.

#754SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/8/23 at 11:46am

I saw the show last Thursday and thoroughly enjoyed, I also didn't think Jordan Fisher was particularly bad ... but I did wonder why they couldn't find someone who could sing the original key. One thing that didn't click for me, that I don't think I've seen anyone else remark upon, was Annaleigh's accent. It was obviously a charismatic and very impressive performance otherwise, but at times it was hard to tell what she was going for. There were moments where I thought she was emulating Angela, others that came out with an almost southern twang, others that sounded kinda like Katharine Hepburn? I know Cockney is pretty specific and difficult to reproduce (personally I know I couldn't), but it did stand out to me in the midst of an otherwise extremely polished performance. Wondering if it was truly just me?

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#755SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/8/23 at 11:48am

Good NYT piece, which includes the two Sara Krulwich production photos that the Mods have continually deleted from this thread:

Updated On: 3/8/23 at 11:48 AM

#756SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/8/23 at 12:26pm

I didn't realize how obstructive the railing was in the mezzanine. If I'm in row A, how much of an inconvenience will this pose?  

#757SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/8/23 at 6:49pm

Was going to ask the same. I have front mezz row A for mid April and terrified I wasted money to just stare at a bar block the entire production basically.  

Updated On: 3/8/23 at 06:49 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#758SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/8/23 at 6:52pm

It honestly depends on your height. I love front row mezz of all the Broadway theaters. Except this one. It's really obnoxious especially for this expensive show.
Updated On: 3/8/23 at 06:52 PM

FANtomFollies Profile Photo
#759SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/8/23 at 7:39pm

Based on photos, it looks like the rail in front of the rear mezz is far more intrusive than the rail for the front mezz. That said, my sister sat in Row B rear mezz and didn't mention it being an issue for her (she's average height).

TaffyDavenport Profile Photo
#760SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/8/23 at 7:46pm

In the front row of the rear mezzanine, it's more annoying because it's a combination of the rail right in front of you plus the rail along the back of the front mezzanine. 

Strange Lupone
#761SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/8/23 at 11:09pm

Matt Rogers said: "Sutton Ross said: "She's not. RippedMan likes to comment dozens of times in threads regarding shows he has not seen, knows nothing about, and insults people like Jordan Donica or Annaleigh because he's a failed actor. Nothing to see there. Trust."

I assume you were looking in a mirror when you posted that comment.

She has a reflection?

#762SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/8/23 at 11:36pm

Saw a rear orchestra resale ticket on the aisle reasonably priced at 7 p.m. tonight and spontaneously decided to catch the show.  Not only did I get to see the stage production, but as I was right across the aisle from Thomas Kail, I also got his performance when shortly before A Little Priest he leapt into the aisle where he remained in a deep crouch position for a minute or more, apparently looking for something very specific on stage. The dude is flexible.

Thoughts on the show.

Whereas the first act was fluid and flew by, the second act was often clunky, tepid, or downright tedious.  I don't remember feeling that in previous productions, so maybe it is just a timing issue, but I was on the verge of being bored more than once.

Groban sings the role superbly and you can hear almost every single lyric with crystal clear diction and projection.  If only that was true for every cast member.  While he is still not as threatening as I like my Sweeneys, he's menacing enough.

Ashford is the comedic master throughout and her singing was generally quite lovely, but her diction was lacking on some lyrics and her mic cut in and out a half-dozen times.  About 90% of the humor comes from her playing Mrs. Lovett and about 10% comes from Ashford milking the audience for bigger laughs.  That does make me wonder what the percentages might be like several months into the run.

I thought everyone else gave solid performances, but nothing that really stood out as meriting specific praise compared to others I've seen play their roles. 

And then there's Fisher.  I didn't find him bad, just passable.  His singing was the most problematic.  I'm not sure if it is the way he shapes words, his breath control, or what, but he was often difficult to understand, a bit hard to hear, or slightly off pitch.  Not good.

I found the.choreographed movement a bonus most of the time, particularly in the large crowd scenes.  The movement when joined by highly effective lighting, that huge orchestra, and everyone singing in unison gave off its own menacing tone that really worked for me. I assume that is what they are going for in those moments.

Sadly, I was surrounded by fans of the show and/or some in the cast and they felt the need to replace the decibel-splitting factory whistle with their own obnoxious yelps and whoops anytime someone on stage did anything remotely funny or interesting.  It constantly pulled me out of the production. 

And of course the moment of Sweeney's arrival as well as his departure with Mrs. Lovett are visually quite impressive.

B+ overall with some A- elements

I'm glad I saw it, but I am not sure I will feel the need to see it again.

Updated On: 3/9/23 at 11:36 PM

#763SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/9/23 at 7:35am

I saw it again last night and was hoping for some changes. The good - Chorus and movement was tighter and the orchestra sounded lovely. Gaten - still excellent. Josh’s voice is golden. Annaleigh’s comic chops and ability to

move scenes forward. The bad - They have yet to fix Annaleigh’s mic. I was in the third row of the orchestra and between her mic cutting out - she is not amplified enough and her sloppy mush mouth diction where she swallows her words it’s really hurting her amazing performance. Same thing with Ruthie. Low mic - swallowing her words. Annaleigh is  literally is pumping life into the production - and it needs it! They have to fix this. Sadly Josh just doesn’t have the acting chops - I call it the groban shuffle around the stage. Set does nothing to help any of them - cavernous and non descriptive and kinda clunky. Those set changes are loud and clunky. I don’t need to see this one again.

Updated On: 3/9/23 at 07:35 AM

#764SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/9/23 at 8:27am

Jimmyb1969 may have hit on what I've been thinking about since seeing the show last night.  It just lacks a sense of urgency or forward momentum once Sweeney launches his plan.  The subsequent action just felt rote to me throughout the second act.  Hmm.  Much to contemplate.

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#765SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/9/23 at 9:06am

To amplify my comment on the rear mezz railing: it's the first time I've ever opted to sit higher, on recommendation. Every instinct I have is to grab "row A" in a mezz. Which was available, smack in the center. But the box office staff was remarkably candid, and said "C will give you a view with the least obstructions."  In my decades of theatergoing on B'way, I've seldom chosen to sit farther away, yet I trusted her. An per comments here, apparently she's right. I had a terrible experience at Girl From the North Country (one of the times I saw a show I fell hard for), in row A of the Belasco mezz; Even my height -- 6'- -- didn't allow me to see the whole stage; it was cut off. Also happened in the balcony of the Craig-Gold Scottish Play.  As a TDF-er, I seldom fret about location. But when I pay at the box office, I expect the best for my money. I think it's interesting that the closer rows are getting this attention. In my 20 years at this site, I don't recall this topic surfacing frequently. Maybe I just didn't pay attention. I do now.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling
Updated On: 3/9/23 at 09:06 AM

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#766SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/9/23 at 9:44am

I’m fascinated by the surprise that front rows of mezzanines are often problematic. I don’t think I’ve ever sat in the front row of one and not been at least momentarily annoyed by the obstruction of the railing or lip. Even when it’s not literally obstructing the action, I’m constantly aware that there’s something in the periphery of my vision. I dislike mezzanine/balcony overhang for the same reason.

Anyway, I’m seeing next Wednesday and I’m glad some of these reviews are tempering my expectations. I think I’m hanging perhaps too much on this single revival, and no show can meet that kind of hype.

inception Profile Photo
#767SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/9/23 at 9:48am

ColorTheHours048 said: 
Anyway, I’m seeing next Wednesday and I’m glad some of these reviews are tempering my expectations. I think I’m hanging perhaps too much on this single revival, and no show can meet that kind of hype."

Seeing it next Thursday and basically ditto re expectations. 

As for Camelot, that's where I'm holding my breath to hear what tonight brings.


#768SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/9/23 at 10:22am

I saw it last night and thoroughly enjoyed it, even though it isn't my favorite Sweeney production. Annaleigh was marvelous and I loved the amount of comedy in this production as a result. Definitely getting some flashbacks to Kinky Boots with the accent.

I've been a Josh Groban fan for a couple of decades so was excited to see him. He sounds fantastic, but the acting choices in the first act didn't quite work for me. Crossing my fingers he makes a few changes to make it hit harder.

I'm only somewhat aware of Jordan but with the audience response, I anticipated a lot better. He was sometimes hard to understand, but mostly it seemed like he was struggling with the lower notes in particular. That being said, Gaten was the opposite and was a delight! He sounded great and had the acting chops for it. Glad he's a talented theater boy who went to Hollywood to get that money!

I was in row G of the mezz and my sightlines were fine! I was pleasantly surprised with the sound quality. I could still hear all of the actors over that fabulous orchestra! There were only a couple of times that a mic seemed to go out that I noticed. 

I admit that the set was a little underwhelming, but I thoroughly enjoyed the large ensemble. I'll love the album for this production.

#769SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/9/23 at 2:45pm

ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "Good NYT piece, which includes the two Sara Krulwich production photos that the Mods have continually deleted from this thread:


"First full-scale revival in 43 years"????

I guess those glorious performances at the NYC Opera with the original sets and costumes don't count.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

HogansHero Profile Photo
#770SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/9/23 at 3:21pm

Dollypop said: ""First full-scale revival in 43 years"????

I guess those glorious performances at the NYC Opera with the original sets and costumes don't count.

That was not a revival. It only ran a few weeks.

hak5 Profile Photo
#771SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/9/23 at 7:29pm

HogansHero said: "Dollypop said: ""First full-scale revival in 43 years"????

I guess those glorious performances at the NYC Opera with the original sets and costumes don't count.

That was not a revival. It only ran a few weeks.

nor would it be considered "Broadway"

#772SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/9/23 at 9:39pm

jawnmorris said: "I saw the show last Thursday and thoroughly enjoyed, I also didn't think Jordan Fisher was particularly bad ... but I did wonder why they couldn't find someone who could sing the original key. One thing that didn't click for me, that I don't think I've seen anyone else remark upon, was Annaleigh's accent. It was obviously a charismatic and very impressive performance otherwise, but at times it was hard to tell what she was going for. There were moments where I thought she was emulating Angela, others that came out with an almost southern twang, others that sounded kinda like Katharine Hepburn? I know Cockney is pretty specific and difficult to reproduce (personally I know I couldn't), but it did stand out to me in the midst of an otherwise extremely polished performance. Wondering if it was truly just me?"

Feel like everyone’s accents are all over the place 

#773SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/9/23 at 9:43pm

Seeing this tonight, at intermission, an other than one mic being turned up late I haven’t heard any sound issues. If it was an issue they seemed to have fixed it 

#774SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting
Posted: 3/9/23 at 10:21pm

HogansHero said: "Dollypop said: ""First full-scale revival in 43 years"????

I guess those glorious performances at the NYC Opera with the original sets and costumes don't count.

That was not a revival. It only ran a few weeks.

Using that logic Lansbury's 1983 run of Mame wasn't a revival.

It might not have been Broadway but it absolutely was a revival, albeit a limited run revival. It also had 40 some people in the orchestra, another fact the current revival of Sweeney Todd seems to be BEGGING people to forget.
