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Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway - Reviews & News Thread- Page 52

Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway - Reviews & News Thread

#1275Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/6/23 at 11:37am

Jacobonce said: "I'll be in NYC for the week of Nov 14, and it shows the Groban is out that week. Do you think there will be discounts available? I couldn't care less about Groban, I just want to see Ashford and the show. Thanks!"

I second waiting until the day of! I purchased at the box office once when Groban was out unexpectedly, and I got a great deal. I asked for a seat at the cheapest available price point ($99), and they gave me a seat in row K of the orchestra. 

#1276Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/13/23 at 2:40am

a near-perfect revival of my favorite show. 

i loved the ending, i loved the sets simplicity but creativity. i loved the music and the voices. 

i wish this wasnt in such a barn of a theater- intimacy would really elevate this. we were in super expensive mid-mezzanine seats that felt miles away (though i thought the sound tonight was totally fine). 

the only full live production of this i had ever seen was the 2005 revival, so to see this come to full life was a treat. and while Parade was the worthy champion this year, and while i had a blast at ITW, to see a revival fully staged with a full ensemble and orchestra... BRAH-VO. 

Groban and Ashford are Groban-ing and Ashford-ing for better or worse. What I mean by that is that Groban is horribly miscast, even though he sings so beautifully and gets the audience roaring, and Im not minimizing either of those feats. But he's ultimately so lovable and familiar to us, that the effort to seem maniacal does not seem effortless at all. And yet hes the reason for this revival's production, and sings like a dream, so its all well worth it. Ashford also sings beautifully--not enough appreciation for her crystal clear, beautiful vocals-- and is PERFECTLY cast in this role. But she leans so so hard into her shtick, and oversexualizes moments for laughs, that i found myself rolling my eyes. Still, a small price to pay, and again, she had a packed house roaring.

Gaten was out, his understudy sounded lovely in Act 2 but was hard to hear in Act 1. I assume Gaten enunciates and projects better. Daniel Yearwood and Maria Bilbao are lovely and do their best with the snoozier songs in the show. Ruthie Ann Miles is giving a truly award-worthy performance, committed and heartbreaking and authentic from the jump. Unreal. My first time seeing her live. Another standout: Nicholas Christopher's Pirelli. Do we have dates when Groban is on vacation? Because thats a reason to return.

Would be thrilled if post-Groban/Ashford they give others a chance to keep it going for a bit, though I know thats unlikely. 


EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#1277Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/16/23 at 9:22pm

Paul-Jordan Jansen will be making his Sweeney debut September 13 at 8; he will also be on September 16th at 2.

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#1278Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/17/23 at 12:01pm

Nicholas Christopher is on for Sweeney tonight. 

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

binau Profile Photo
#1279Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/17/23 at 12:08pm

"Ashford also sings beautifully--not enough appreciation for her crystal clear, beautiful vocals--"

I agree! This was an unexpected strength. The production in general has certainly put a lot of emphasis on the quality of the music output. I can't wait for the full cast recording! 

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

Huss417 Profile Photo
#1280Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/17/23 at 12:58pm

EDSOSLO858 said: "Paul-Jordan Jansen will be making his Sweeney debut September 13 at 8; he will also be on September 16th at 2."

As Sweeney Todd? I just did the BOGO for the 13th to see Nicholas Christoper.

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.
Updated On: 8/17/23 at 12:58 PM

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#1281Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/17/23 at 1:02pm

Huss417 said: "EDSOSLO858 said: "Paul-Jordan Jansen will be making his Sweeney debut September 13 at 8; he will also be on September 16th at 2."

As Sweeney Todd? I just did the BOGO for the 13th to see Nicholas Christoper.

Yes, as Sweeney Todd. 

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

Huss417 Profile Photo
#1282Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/17/23 at 1:21pm

Thanks for the info.

I think at the price I will try to see both of them during that week then.

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

TaffyDavenport Profile Photo
#1283Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/17/23 at 3:45pm

Josh Groban is out tonight. Nicholas Christopher will be on as Sweeney, and Raymond J. Lee will cover Pirelli.

Edit: Sorry, missed this above

Updated On: 8/17/23 at 03:45 PM

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#1284Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/18/23 at 12:28pm

Per Telecharge, Josh is out the rest of the weekend. 

If anyone is looking to get rid of some tickets…let a girl know. 

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#1285Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/18/23 at 5:02pm

He has covid.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#1286Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/18/23 at 5:09pm

Nicholas' Sweeney f*cks. RUN BABES. 

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#1287Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/18/23 at 5:16pm

Sutton Ross said: "Nicholas' Sweeney f*cks. RUN BABES."

I'm not familiar with all modern lingo LOL. Is that a good thing?

#1288Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/18/23 at 5:18pm

Nicolas is amazing!

#1289Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/18/23 at 5:23pm

From his Pirelli, you can tell how elastic his voice is. I absolutely want to see this again with him (though I just saw it 5 days ago, so will have to wait for the next round of Groban absences).  But if tickets are easy to come by this weekend, yes grab some.

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#1290Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/18/23 at 6:00pm

COVID cases are rising, though nothing crazy like over the Winter in 2022. A bunch of shows are dealing with several COVID absences.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#1291Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/18/23 at 8:24pm

I'm not familiar with all modern lingo LOL. Is that a good thing?"

Haha. Yes, it is a good thing and the expression comes from a review from the Oklahoma! revival from years ago and an episode of Silicon Valley, a very excellent tv show. 

Nicholas plays it dark, sexy, and very scary unlike Josh "Golden Retriever with the Angel Voice" Groban. 



The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#1292Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/18/23 at 8:32pm

They should let second understudy Paul Jordan Jansen do a performance. He won a Jeff Award as Sweeney in a Chicago-area production.

#1293Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/18/23 at 11:45pm

I was there tonight. Christopher is unreal as Sweeney. I saw JG back in May and loved the show then, and his voice is so rich and smooth and gorgeous, but it’s a tame Sweeney. 

NCs was dark and brooding and his Epiphany will stick with me for a long time. An incredible performance and one that I prefer to Groban’s, having seen them both…

poto19882023 Profile Photo
#1294Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/19/23 at 5:45pm

Got a normally $300 orchestra seat for tonight’s performance for only $99. And won the lottery for tomorrow afternoon.

This will be my 13th & 14th time seeing the production and my first time getting to see Nicholas Christopher as Sweeney, something I’ve been hoping to catch for months now.

Nicholas as Pirelli steals the show every time and is consistently the best part of the show so to say I am excited for these performances is an understatement

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#1295Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/19/23 at 5:49pm

Have the BEST time, he is SO GOOD as Sweeney!


ardiem Profile Photo
#1296Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/19/23 at 8:17pm

poto19882023 said: "Got a normally $300 orchestra seat for tonight’s performance for only $99"

Can I ask how you did that? Was this through rush/the cancellation line?


#1297Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/19/23 at 9:43pm

Bigserver1 said: "I was there tonight. Christopher is unreal as Sweeney. I saw JG back in May and loved the show then, and his voice is so rich and smooth and gorgeous, but it’s a tame Sweeney.

NCs was dark and brooding and his Epiphany will stick with me for a long time. An incredible performance and one that I prefer to Groban’s, having seen them both…

I saw Christopher back in previews and agree - his Epiphany was out of this world and I'm still thinking about it!

#1298Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/19/23 at 10:51pm

ardiem said: "poto19882023 said: "Got a normally $300 orchestra seat for tonight’s performance for only $99"

Can I ask how you did that? Was this through rush/the cancellation line?


I did this back in March when Josh was out. I just waited in line at the box office and asked for a $99 seat. They said they were giving me a great seat, and I didn’t ask questions lol. 

As a nice bonus, I’m pretty sure I was sitting across the aisle from Nick’s family—it was one of his first performances as Sweeney. 

poto19882023 Profile Photo
#1299Groban & Ashford in SWEENEY TODD On Broadway
Posted: 8/20/23 at 8:56am

hollebolle said: "ardiem said: "poto19882023 said: "Got a normally $300 orchestra seat for tonight’s performance for only $99"

Can I ask how you did that? Was this through rush/the cancellation line?


I did this back in March when Josh was out. I just waited in line at the box office and asked for a $99 seat. They said they were giving me a great seat, and I didn’t ask questions lol.

As a nice bonus, I’m pretty sure I was sitting across the aisle from Nick’s family—it was one of his first performances as Sweeney.

Yep that’s all I did! Once Groban was announced as out if you went to the box office premium prices were slashed, though they wouldn’t go below $99 apparently.

We got Orchestra right, Row G, seats 6 & 8. Each for only $99 a piece. Phenomenal seats and a totally reasonable price. Though according to someone a friend overheard in the line, that price wasn’t reasonable “without Groban”. Jeez.

When speaking to one of the security folks in line at the box office one morning they said it’s currently unsure if the production is going to extend at all beyond January 14 or whenever Josh leaves. And the reason he said was that they tried to see how things would go when Groban was out but the situation with the cancellations and such when Nicholas was on was discouraging from extending without him.

Which sucks because I’d think Sweeney could easily run on its own name without needing stunt casting? Especially since I’d imagine the tickets would be able to become reasonable were they to bring in a non-stunt cast replacement, or at least maybe someone whose a big name in the theater world but not in a worldwide scale.

I’d still expect them to try at least one round of replacement lead casting though. But perhaps I should grab a ticket for January 14 just in case it ends up not extending.
