RW3 said: "Kad said: "What do you mean "clearly didn't work out"? The film was a great success and even snagged a SAG nomination for its ensemble. "
By "clearly didn't work out" I meant Nikki Blonsky. She was an unknown and was relevant when she was announced and shortly after the film was released. But, her career afterward didn't continue. Thus, choosing an unknown doesn't always work out.
Sure as hell worked out for the project, which is what is being discussed.
There are different expectations placed on casts in international released studio blockbusters vs made for TV movies though. I don't think that if an unknown was made a star in this production that the pressure placed on her will be the same that was on Nikki Blonsky and the possibility of getting too big too soon and then crashing and burning afterwards will be the same.
While the film is one of the better stage-to-screen adaptations, I am excited for this Live performance but PLEASE, GOD...DO NOT CAST JOHN TRAVOLTA TO REPRISE HIS ROLE!
I'm sending up some prayers now... Let Jack O'Brien and Jerry Mitchell recreate their genius Broadway staging (adapted for camera of course) and let Harvey Fierstein (the ONLY acceptable choice in my opinion) be Edna!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think that Efron is age appropriate now, he bulked up considerably for a movie and, while he looked amazing, didn't look high school age at all.
I'm taking a guess that Nick Jonas is potential candidate for the role of Link. He's had a relationship with Zadan/Meron with Smash as well as with Shaiman/Wittman when he did Hairspray for the Hollywood Bowl.
I love Rebel, but I think she would make a horrible Tracy. Tracy is the straight man amongst a cast of zany characters, and I don't she can play that, as she is too hilarious.
Zac Efron and Rebel Wilson are too old. It's absurd to even mention them. Billy Crystal, also too old. Maybe we can get some age-appropriate casting.
As successful as the Wiz was, NBC still cannot get these musicals right. The overall "look" and "feel" of these presentations make them look like cheap soap operas. There is a lot of deadly background silence during the book scenes, and even deadlier silence at the end of the musical numbers. And the transitions into the commercial breaks kill the momentum of these musicals and also take away some of the theatricality of them. I've said it before and I will say it again: these need an audience. And they should really get one or two sponsors who would be willing to cover the whole thing so that the commercial breaks can be minimized. The WIz had about 45 minutes worth of commercials.
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Theater Workers for a Ceasefire
Your right about the commercials, but I wonder how its going to work out with Hairspray since most several scene changes have musical interloods with the The Dynamites. In all honesty the quick scenes with The Dynamites where one of my favorite parts about the original production.
If I had to guess they will try to do what they did with Sound of Music and Peter Pan, since The Wiz got "great" ratings they can charge a premium.