Swing Joined: 2/16/15
I just saw Eclipsed, which I thought was absolutely incredible, with a brilliant cast. And as I left, I had a possible thought. After Eclipsed closes, Saycon Sengbloh should replace Renee Elise Goldsberry as Angelica in Hamilton. I'm thinking back to her past broadway experiences, specifically in Motown and in Holler If Ya Hear me. She has the voice, she can rap, and another Tony Nominee would be joining the cast.
Someone bring Karen Olivo out of retirement to replace Renee Elise Goldsberry when she eventually leaves. And Mandy Gonzalez has got to play Eliza, right?
I certainly hope everyone stays with the show as long as possible, though I also wouldn't mind to see some of them open the show in Chicago--wishful thinking, I know.
I can totally see that. Saycon would be a great replacement or originator in the tour, Chicago, or London. The girl can SING and she has great stage presence.
Updated On: 5/13/16 at 09:25 AM
Everyone besides Lin would do right to stay as long as possible unless a TV or movie offer comes up. Tony nods and wins give them renegotiating leverage to bump up those salaries. Keep very good money coming in. I know they might get bored but look how many people fade into obscurity after Tonys. Tony's don't equate more work necessarily.
Understudy Joined: 8/18/15
Chris Jackson's pilot, Bull (Michael Weatherly's show), has been picked up by CBS. Of course cast changes happen all the time between pilots and episode shooting. But if he stays with the show, looks like he'll be leaving. (Will depend too on where in the calendar the network slates the show.)
ray-andallthatjazz86 said: "Someone bring Karen Olivo out of retirement to replace Renee Elise Goldsberry when she eventually leaves. And Mandy Gonzalez has got to play Eliza, right?"
Mandy and Karen have been my number one choices to replace Phillipa and Renée since I first heard the recording, Mandy especially.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/15
Well, Lin usually casts his friends so....makes sense. If they are available. Karen seems quite content in Wisconsin.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/9/15
Margo319 said: "Well, Lin usually casts his friends so....makes sense. If they are available. Karen seems quite content in Wisconsin.
Chicago is only 3 hours from Madison...
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
Well Steven Pasquale's pilot has been picked up so looks like Phillipa will be leaving to move to LA. Really hope she isn't away from the stage for too long.
Olivo is pure wishful thinking. She's retired and seems only interested in doing short gigs like TICK TICK BOOM, which is a real shame, she's one of the most thrilling performers I've seen in musicals and she would be unbelievable as either Angelica or Eliza.
However, Mandy Gonzalez as Eliza seems like a no brainer, I imagine she'd be at the top of the list of people to replace Soo when she eventually departs.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/15
Phillipa already stated if his pilot is picked up they will be bi-coastal.
Leading Actor Joined: 4/3/14
If only Olivo had played her cards right when Prince saw her in West Side Story, she could be the heir to his estate and living in Milwaukee-
btw- friends saw her last night in West Side Story in Salzburg and she supposedly was incredible- got a bigger ovation than Cecilia Bartoli.
AnnieBlack said: "If only Olivo had played her cards right when Prince saw her in West Side Story, she could be the heir to his estate and living in Milwaukee"
Yes, if only she had gone home with him instead of her husband, and created a relationship/new marriage for the sole purpose of financial gain, she would now be in the enviable position of having lost her husband to a sudden drug overdose. But hooray, she'd be rich!
A word about the OBC: they will never be hotter or more appealing to the industry than they are now. Right now, not in six months, not in a year, not ever. They would be crazy not to take advantage of other opportunities, knowing that this show will be open for many, many years and original cast members will most likely always have appeal to audiences.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/9/15
Milwaukee isn't in Minnesota, which is where Prince's estate is. Wisconsin is a whole other state.
Bumping this because conversations are emerging on Lin's departure date thread about other cast members.
Looks like Javilton is official!
Hooray for Javi!!! Does anybody know if he will be doing 8 shows a week or if he, too, will have an alternate (or a standby)?
Swing Joined: 6/21/14
Guess we'll find out. I'm sure he'll have a standby at the very least; that's too big of a role to relegate to a swing I think. But what do I know, haha.
Anyway major congrats to him! I've heard nothing but good things about his performance so I'm sure he will be delighting audiences for a long, long time! AND, he already has a great reputation as Hamilton so people aren't going to be as bummed to get him instead of Lin. A lot better than casting someone green, I think.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
Javier will do 7 a week.
Congrats to Javi! He'll be so great!
While no one is really surprised by this announcement, I'm very happy to finally get to see him in the role. Of course, with my luck, he'll choose Weds night as his off performance!
I hope he'll be doing Sunday matinees, because our tickets are for a Sunday in Sept. Fingers crossed!
Featured Actor Joined: 9/26/15
littlemouse921 said: "Looks like Javilton is official!
I just saw him on Sunday (I've also seen Lin) and I am so excited for this!! Javi is infinitely better. Lin has a great energy to him and is a phenomenal actor, but Javier brought the role to another level. If he had been in the OBC full time instead of Lin, I have no doubt he would have won the Tony.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/24/16
Bumping this thread, because if this Instagram post is to be believed, Mandy Gonzalez (who I believe is the woman in the photo, correct me if I'm wrong), is replacing Philippa! I'm very excited if it's true! I loved her in In the Heights, and she was my first Elphaba in Wicked!
ETA: The comments seem to indicate it's not Mandy, but rather Lexi Lawson? I'm not really sure. I don't know much about Lexi. Anyone able to decipher the photo?