I wonder if Book of Mormon, Aladdin, and Wicked will see any significant bumps in their in-person lottos since Hamilton has switched to digital. The Hamilton lotto seemed to be many people's first experience with a lotto, and I wonder if it's had the effect of making more people theater savvy (both natives and tourists).
how about those poor kids trying to enter the Lion King lottery today on that same site? hakunna matata
neonlightsxo said: "Why does BWW need to make every tweet of Lin's into a post? If you want to know what Lin is saying, go on Twitter.
Some people are not on twitter. I am not and never go there unless a link is posted to the twitter comment.
I have heard through the grape vine that Aladdin is going to be a digital lotto starting next week.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/12/15
I sure hope Aladdin doesn't go digital. I've actually won Hamilton's lottery; I really think my luck is just better in person. I've entered the dang Fun Home one over 50 times.
I actually really hate digital lotteries because they require no commitment; if you really want to see the show for the low price, you should be willing to at least wait 30 minutes or so for it. Yeah, now I can enter every day, but my chances of winning each day are drastically reduced. I'd personally rather be able to try only once in a while. That being said, there wasn't any other option for Hamilton. It was so not-fun and unsafe.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/15/07
I actually got an email telling me I won On Your Feet but the site won't let me pay for my ticket. So it's all a mess.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/11/04
skipgal said: "I actually really hate digital lotteries because they require no commitment; if you really want to see the show for the low price, you should be willing to at least wait 30 minutes or so for it."
I really want to see Hamilton. I have been waiting almost 5 hours for my entry to be confirmed. I've been clicking the confirmation link off & on since 11am. Does that count as putting in a time commitment & waiting for it?
This is so annoying. Nothing is loading for me at all. Not even an error message now.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/15/07
I remember when in person lotteries started happening I got really upset because I fully believed I "earned" those cheap tickets by getting up early and waiting in line.
When they did the lottery at TodayTix, the app didn't crash did it? I remember entering (never won) without a hitch. Why can't they use TodayTix? Even if it costs more, the production surely can afford it.
It's 4:00, did you win the Hamilton Lottery?
what a joke
Now the site is back up, but of course the lottery is closed. You can put in your e-mail address and check your status. I put mine in, and of course they had no record of an entry (I never got a confirmation e-mail anyway)
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Site isn't back up for me at all.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
I checked and got
"HAMILTON - 01/05/16, 7:00 pmLottery Still Open / Winners To Be Selected Today at 4:00 pm"
Seems hey haven't chosen the winners yet.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/12/15
A friend just posted a picture of her lottery loser email; I didn't enter today but perhaps they were just sent out.
People are tweeting about winners, so it seems they have been chosen for today.
Just got the "loser" email. One of many many more to come. And here I was, looking forward to the extreme cold to thin out the in-person lotto crowds. Is a Hamilton lotto win without hypothermia really a win at all?
"Didn't Win Today"
well there is always tomorrow .......guess it's American Idol for me tonight
I entered once and received seven "you were not selected" e-mails. I get it, Broadway Direct. I get it.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/11/04
Robert16 said: "well there is always tomorrow .......guess it's American Idol for me tonight"
You poor bastard.
Understudy Joined: 9/21/15
alliesinger said: "I entered once and received seven "you were not selected" e-mails. I get it, Broadway Direct. I get it.
My friend who entered got nine "ya lost" emails!
Just saw that one of my Facebook friends posted a screenshot of her lottery win email on her newsfeed. Never have I known jealousy more than that moment.
I wasn't even able to get an entry in!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
@mmmkenziee on Twitter is about to make a lot of people really angry...
(Sorry, can't post link, Twitter is blocked at work)
Chorus Member Joined: 12/12/15
Two separate friends posted pictures of their win! Either hardly anyone could actually enter, or I have some incredibly lucky friends.