So... does this mean no one's lotto win is valid?
Due to over 50K unique entries, @BroadwayDirect's lottery site has fully crashed. As a result, we cannot award any #Ham4Ham winners tonight.
Edit to add: Looks like it'll be a live lotto tomorrow.
Tomorrow, while we work on remedying this problem, we will hold LIVE #Ham4Ham lotteries outside of the theater. Stay tuned for more details.
Updated On: 1/5/16 at 04:39 PMBroadway Legend Joined: 12/29/08
MyLife said: "@mmmkenziee on Twitter is about to make a lot of people really angry...
(Sorry, can't post link, Twitter is blocked at work)
One of the reasons I hate digital lotteries in general....people enter even though they can't go, just because they CAN enter.. Wouldn't you look up a train/bus schedule BEFORE submitting your entry? Ah well, at least someone on the cancellation line will get lucky!! :)
sorano916 said: "So... does this mean no one's lotto win is valid?
Due to over 50K unique entries, @BroadwayDirect's lottery site has fully crashed. As a result, we cannot award any #Ham4Ham winners tonight.
That would be too cruel. I saw one tweet that she got a winning e-mail. I hope she paid already so that she can go to the box office and get the ticket.
So because they had 50K entries they can't give them to anyone?
I know this is kind of a ridiculous theory but do the Ham4Ham tickets that don't get picked up go to the cancellation line for $10?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Yeah it doesn't make sense. Why can't they give the winners the $10 tickets? Or are they? It's very unclear.
How about charging $1 each entry? Each day, the entry fees are donated to a different charity organization. If you win, you pay $9, if you lose, you donated $1 to a charity organization. If you have to pay to enter in a lottery that is very competitive, it may limit the number of entries (certainly multiple entries by the same person) plus the non profit organizations will be benefited from it too.
What if they were somehow able to limit who could enter to people who are currently in New York City. Anyone with a phone/laptop with location services (or even just track IP addresses) who is in New York at the time of entry would be allowed to enter, and those not in the area cannot enter. That way, no one outside New York City could enter the lottery.
What I don't understand is that even though it was acknowledged that the crowds were becoming dangerous, they're going back to a live lotto tomorrow. What changes could they possibly have decided on in ~24 hours? It's not suddenly going to be less-dangerous tomorrow.
There is no way there were 50k unique entries, it's just not possible. Besides the fact that the site was down for most of the day, the lottery-goes-digital news was barely even promoted other than to broadway-obsessives. FIFTY THOUSAND people did not enter the lottery, I'd bet anything on it.
Lin just explained on Twitter that the system sent out winning emails to more people than there are tickets! So the tickets will be unsold and unused. A giant shame!
There is no way there were 50k unique entries, it's just not possible.
Lots of people got multiple "you lost" emails. I got 7. I wonder if part of this cluster**** is that single entries were counted multiple times. If that happened, their system for checking for multiple entries is obviously broken. Or maybe it would work if the website hadn't been so overwhelmed. I don't know how stuff like that works.
I'm so glad I didn't "win." That would have been so disappointing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
Oof. What an awful mess.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/6/11
Why not they just give the front row seats for tonight's performance to the people who are already waiting on the cancellation line (and do it without an announcement so people don't start running down). It certainly couldn't hurt.
Understudy Joined: 4/13/15
I can't imagine why they won't do that. And I'm sure the cancellation line is long enough already.
With a show this popular, the out-of-state entry trolling is going to become more and more pervasive, especially because anyone anywhere can enter for free. I wish people weren't like that, but alas. It really is a bummer.
nyskier said: "I can't imagine why they won't do that. And I'm sure the cancellation line is long enough already."
"Unsold and unused"
What about New Jersey? Can they not go?
Wow unsold and unused. That seems like a damn waste to let 21 seats for this show sit empty. I know it's a 7:00 curtain but if they realized this around 4:30, even 5, I would think they could have found a school group or something to donate the tickets to. How about some more kids from the Graham Windham home?
broadwayboy972 said: "What if they were somehow able to limit who could enter to people who are currently in New York City. Anyone with a phone/laptop with location services (or even just track IP addresses) who is in New York at the time of entry would be allowed to enter, and those not in the area cannot enter. That way, no one outside New York City could enter the lottery.
This is a terrible idea. I'm in CT. I can hop on a train and easily be there in time.
Hellob said: "I'm not suing anyone lol but like other person said, crazier things have been sued over. It's a contest and everyone should be able to enter otherwise it's not a fair contest. All you would need is a bunch of clients and proof of being unable to enter during the time period. The main issue is proving damages since it's a $10 ticket but if I were Nederlander, I'd go back to the old version until I had a server as big as the earth bc this could turn into a mess."
That would be like all those people who tried to buy tickets to see Adele trying to sue because they had all those problems with long wait times and server issues. I would understand that more for things like emotional duress, since that was more of a once in several years opportunity to see her. But this Hamilton lottery will happen every day, and I'm pretty sure you don't pay unless you win the tickets, so no one will lose out on anything by not winning.
Stand-by Joined: 7/7/15
Sounds like a mess, I feel bad for anyone who thought they had won. Obviously they need a better system that can handle the load but those cost money and who know how much they want to invest in a digital lottery.
According to Twitter, people who received a lottery winner email are being offered free tickets to ON YOUR FEET tonight. Very nice gesture, although not what those lottery "winners" were hoping for, I'm sure.
I'm a little late on all this lottery stuff that happened today, but wow what a sh*tshow. Did they realllly think that they wouldn't get this amount of entries?
lite2shine said: "How about charging $1 each entry? Each day, the entry fees are donated to a different charity organization. If you win, you pay $9, if you lose, you donated $1 to a charity organization. If you have to pay to enter in a lottery that is very competitive, it may limit the number of entries (certainly multiple entries by the same person) plus the non profit organizations will be benefited from it too."
I don't think $1 is enough to stop people from entering. That's a steal compared to the normal price.