The music in the show is totally different from the film scores. It was a little jarring at first since it felt out of tone for me, but I got used to it quickly, and it really works perfectly for the show.
I loved the music, and I was surprised when I recognized multiple Imogen Heap songs (I had no idea she was involved).
Notreallysilent 2 said: "No there isn’t. It was disappointing at first, but the music within the show works very well, and idk if hedwigs theme would fit with it."
I guess they didn't want to have to pay John Williams for every performance.
Swing Joined: 3/17/18
Lot666 said: "Notreallysilent 2 said: "No there isn’t. It was disappointing at first, but the music within the show works very well, and idk if hedwigs theme would fit with it."
I guess they didn't want to have to pay John Williams for every performance."
I also think it's not a sequel to the movies. They didn't want to draw that connection.
Serendipiteedee said: "Lot666 said: "Notreallysilent 2 said: "No there isn’t. It was disappointing at first, but the music within the show works very well, and idk if hedwigs theme would fit with it."
I guess they didn't want to have to pay John Williams for every performance."
I also think it's not a sequel to the movies. They didn't want to draw that connection."
I guess they didn't want to have to pay John Williams for every performance.
And the fact that the Williams music is really only tied to the films. The play does a really good job of creating its own identity independent of the films. Even the icons of the houses and the dark mark are different than those used in the films. It's one of the reasons I really loved and admired the whole production. It didn't feel like a visit to Universal Studios theme park (which I really hope to do soon). It's unique and special. I felt like I was watching an exciting and creative new extension of the book series, not a gimmicky sequel to the films. Seeing it shortly after it opened in London will be one of my fondest theatrical memories. Not because I'm an obsessed HP fan, but because of the show and the experience.
Love hearing all the raves for Boyle on Broadway. I walked out of Part 2 assuming he would win the Olivier and I was so happy to discover he did. Well deserved.
Sincr Scorpius is a character that's not really established in the work before, I appreciate Anthony's care & portrayal of the character.
This old interview kinda gives an insight to that (plus you heard Anto's real accent/voice):
Chorus Member Joined: 3/18/18
In the play, Harry dings his son Albus for creating a situation where he and others would be in harms way. I see this side of it but I also see that Albus creating this situation led to Harry being able to work through some of his past. I'm not excusing --I'm just noticing that Harry suffered as a child from not having someone there he could discuss these things with--his parents were gone and Dumbledore absent--and Harry on the spot also relentlessly to save his world from V. In that vein, it makes sense that Harry took refuge in work as an adult possibly at the expense of his son.
The kid who played Harry in the movies said he showed up drunk sometimes at the set near the end and that is why his eyes looked dead. Obviously the reason why the actor would take refuge in drink is a different story than the character Harry. But I think it makes sense also that younger Harry would need an outlet and if not that, would need to deaden some of his personality to get through the crises.
We have been blessed with so many great plays this season (both new plays and revivals alike), but Harry Potter the Cursed Child is the cream of the crop. This is truly unlike anything I have ever experienced in a theatre.
I have never seen stage magic and special effects on this level before. I have absolutely no idea how they did most of the illusions and special effects. It is pure magic. The theatre interior is jaw dropping and full of details. The set design is stunning and really captures the various locations in a beautiful and stylized way.
The cast was phenomenal. Jamie Parker and Norma Dumezweni’s Harry and Hermione were wonderful, as was Anthony Boyle’s Scorpius. I have to wholeheartedly agree with everyone on here that Professor McGonagall was terrible. Her acting was atrocious, and she looked way too young.
While the writing of the play itself may not be perfect, this is truly still such a magical experience. I think Part 1 is a bit stronger than Part 2, but I still enjoyed both parts so much. As a die-hard Harry Potter fan, I was pretty much in heaven seeing this. Get tickets now if you still can, because once this opens and wins the multiple Tonys coming its way, I’m guessing it will become an even hotter ticket that it is now.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
Saw it again yesterday. It looks like they made a change to the final confrontation scene, which I confess I like a lot better.
Originally, after Delphi disarms Harry, he hides under a pew, which she then derides him over before levitating the pew to try and kill him. The new staging has him hiding behind the pew instead, and Albus crawling out right away and then the others almost immediately after. I hated the original staging because it made Harry look like a coward (just the way it was staged). I think this works a lot better, though I think it could be tighter.
Swing Joined: 3/17/18
Fosse76 said: "Saw it again yesterday. It looks like they made a change to the final confrontation scene, which I confess I like a lot better.
That makes me EXTREMELY happy. I've never been able to wrap my head around that moment, it felt so out of character in a variety of ways.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/13/13
Fosse76 said: "Saw it again yesterday. It looks like they made a change to the final confrontation scene, which I confess I like a lot better.
I'd noticed that as well. I liked the magic that they removed but I agree with why you didn't like the original staging. It was just a weird moment and removing it makes it so much cleaner.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/08
Saw the show yesterday. It was definitely the best experience I've ever had at a play (though, Curious Incident is still up there). Sat orchestra row L, seat 5 (My Mom sat seat 3) and they were almost perfect (had a tall gentleman in front of me - I wish the seats weren't directly behind one another. Other than that, what a great view! Still close enough to see facial expressions but far enough back to take it all in. Thought it might be of interest to add, yesterday was a "press performance". Several people wearing headsets and lanyards running around trying to get everyone seated. Stephen Sondheim was also there (sat a few rows ahead of me) which was such a treat to see him in person.
To start, I read the first 3 books as a kid - never really got into them. Watched all of the films several times. I read Part 1 of Cursed Child and loved it, didn't read part 2 because I didn't want the ending to be spoiled.
As for viewing the play, Part 1 was superior to part 2, in my opinion. I thought part 2 dragged on a bit and the script was much weaker. The lighting, music and choreography are incredible. This was such a visually stunning piece of theatre. I was at first a bit disappointed "Hedwig's Theme" was not included in any way, however, I really loved the music; It really fit the show. Can't stop thinking about all the special effects - pure magic (no pun intended). Standouts for me were Anthony Boyle (give him the TONY) and Jamie Parker. Also loved Noma Dumezweni.
All in all, I hope to be able to see the show again, as it was truly a remarkable day. A truly phenomenal piece of theatre.
Stand-by Joined: 12/3/13
Posted this in the tickets thread, so sorry for the repost, but does anyone know why there is no show scheduled for Sunday, September 23? Is that an awards show day? Couldn’t find anything online, seems weird.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/17
I saw this last week and can't stop thinking about it. Dying to talk about the stage 'magic' with you all.
The water in the stage was so cool and unexpected. Anyone know how Albus gets in there at the beginning of part 2? It's gotta be something super simple - think he is just chillin' in there with a scuba tank for the first 20 mins or is there some sort of way he gets in from under the stage?
I literally went "WOWWWWWW" out loud at the black light writing on the walls. It was the one time I was happy to be in the last row under the mezz overhang, as I think the effect was even better since it surrounded us so closely on 4 sides.
I feel like a little kid with excitement every time I think about this show.
Also I don't think anyone has talked about the real glassware at the bar?! I saw people walking around with bottles of champagne, pouring into real flutes for their friends. My husband bought me a glass of wine for Part 2 sine I was so wide-eyed over it.
It really truly felt like an event. The whole experience felt classy and special from top to bottom. If I could do it over again I'd get more dressed up rather than typical business casual work-attire that I usually wear to a show.
greenifyme2 said: "I saw this last week and can't stop thinking about it. Dying to talk about the stage 'magic' with you all.
Also I don't think anyone has talked about the real glassware at the bar?!I saw people walking around with bottles of champagne,pouring into real flutes for their friends. My husband bought me a glass of wine for Part 2 sine I was so wide-eyed over it.
It really truly felt like an event. The whole experience felt classy and special from top to bottom. If I could do it over again I'd get more dressed up rather than typical business casual work-attire that I usually wear to a show."
If you ever get a chance to pick up a cheap balcony ticket, I’d recommend seeing the show from up there, too.
The dementors and the black light effect are absolutely stunning from that vantage point.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/17
CT2NYC said:
If you ever get a chance to pick up a cheap balcony ticket, I’d recommend seeing the show from up there,too.
"Oh yeah?! That's great to know. I was disappointed that I couldn't see much of the _____s (End of Part 1) from under the overhang, it was the only thing I felt I really missed. Did you find the balcony to be disconnected in any way? I felt so. far. away. in my seat. Part of the reason I wish I could just get a ticket to one of the parts at a time. So I can just sit in different spots all over the theater, and also because I don't feel it necessary to see both parts again in succession. Gah, I'm just going to have to see this show two more times then, haha.
greenifyme2 said: "CT2NYC said:
If you ever get a chance to pick up a cheap balcony ticket, I’d recommend seeing the show from up there,too.
"Oh yeah?! That's great to know. I was disappointed that I couldn't see much of the _____s (End of Part 1)from under the overhang, it was the only thing I felt I really missed. Did you find the balcony to be disconnected in any way? I felt so. far. away. in my seat. Part of the reason I wish I could just get a ticket to one of the parts at a time. So I can just sit in different spots all over the theater, and also because I don't feel it necessary to see both parts again in succession. Gah, I'm just going to have to see this show two more times then, haha."
I really didn't feel disconnected, and I was in the last row of the balcony. I think the music and sound design helped most to keep me engaged throughout, as did the stage effects and the great performances. My binoculars didn't hurt, either.
CT2NYC said: "If you ever get a chance to pick up a cheap balcony ticket, I’d recommend seeing the show from up there,too.
CT2NYC, you and I have already had a couple of conversations about this, but now you've got me really second-guessing my center orchestra row F seats! Am I going to miss what you described above?
TotallyEffed said: "Your seats are perfect, Lot."
Some folks have also mentioned being able to see "wires", etc., from the front rows, which spoils the magic; can you comment on that aspect?
Broadway Star Joined: 12/12/15
You won’t miss anything at all. Each section I think has its advatantages. Up close you’ll be able to see facial expressions and I think that’s worth it, nomas and sams expressions are phenomenal. Also, everything described above happens everywhere. I have no idea how to do the spoiler thing so I’ll just say the effects happen everywhere, you’ll be able to see everything.
Notreallysilent 2 said: "You won’t miss anything at all. Each section I think has its advatantages. Up close you’ll be able to see facial expressions and I think that’s worth it, nomas and sams expressions are phenomenal. Also, everything described above happens everywhere. I have no idea how to do the spoiler thing so I’ll just say the effects happen everywhere, you’ll be able to see everything."
Hey, using the "Spoiler" box is very easy! In the toolbar at the top of the reply field, just click the little [+] button immediately to the right of the smiley-face emoticon button. That will insert the gray box, and you just type any spoiler-ish info inside the box.
I sat second row center. Yes there was a few times I could see a wire and noticed some people who were supposed to be in "black out" briefly. But I was more impressed about the stuff I couldn't figure out how they did even though I was sitting so close.
It never took me out of the moment and I would definitely sit there again if I had the chance.
Lot666 said: "CT2NYC said: "If you ever get a chance to pick up a cheap balcony ticket, I’d recommend seeing the show from up there,too.
CT2NYC, you and I have already had a couple of conversations about this, but now you've got me really second-guessing my center orchestra row F seats! Am I going to miss what you described above?"
I think your seats are pretty much ideal. As has been mentioned, the effects happen everywhere, and you can easily turn around in your seat to see them throughout the theatre.