Lot666 said: "Some folks have also mentioned being able to see "wires", etc., from the front rows, which spoils the magic; can you comment on that aspect?"
It's not a magic show, it is a play, so I think at some points the desire to ensure the cast is well-lit means that same light can also randomly capture a fishing line or two, mainly if you're looking for it. But it's nothing important and doesn't pull you out of the story or anything, unless you really think from a few rows further back you would think they were actual wizards?!
ErikJ972 said: "I sat second row center. Yes there was a few times I could see a wire and noticed some people who were supposed to be in "black out" briefly. But I was more impressed about the stuff I couldn't figure out how they did even though I was sitting so close.
It never took me out of the moment and I would definitely sit there again if I had the chance."
Good to know - thanks!
CT2NYC said: "the effects happen everywhere, and you can easily turn around in your seat to see them throughout the theatre."
Will we know when they're about to happen, or does one need to know when to look where (like when you're sitting in the first 2-3 rows of Phantom and he appears at the top of the proscenium)?
This play is a huge, 70 million dollar production. It is very carefully staged, just relax and let the professionals do their jobs. You won’t miss anything. :)
Lot666 said: "CT2NYC said: "the effects happen everywhere, and you can easily turn around in your seat to see them throughout the theatre."
Will we know when they're about to happen, or does one need to know when to look where (like when you're sitting in the first 2-3 rows of Phantom and he appears at the top of the proscenium)?"
You wil definitely know.
I am selling brand new, never used bookmarks commemorating the world premiere opening of "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" in London's West End at the Palace Theatre.
ErikJ972 said: "Lot666 said: "CT2NYC said: "the effects happen everywhere, and you can easily turn around in your seat to see them throughout the theatre."
Will we know when they're about to happen, or does one need to know when to look where (like when you're sitting in the first 2-3 rows of Phantom and he appears at the top of the proscenium)?"
You wil definitely know."
Did the 2 show day yesterday.
Really enjoyed it. The book want the greatest. It felt choppy but I was ok with it. The first half of part one is kind of like a tidal wave of exposition. For me, it started to settle in during act II and took off from there.
I found I really had to pay full attention as the plot gets a wee bit complicated but as it plays out it is fine.
I sat in the balcony row F house left. Outside of the railing across the bottom of our section the view is great. And the railing really does not obstruct anything. Had to lean forward maybe twice for things that happened center front of the stage.
The special effects are nothing short of brilliant. And the lighting is fantastic. Two notes on the lighting.. A friend sat in the lower second from front box house right and said, having seen it in London, that a certain lighting effect used several time during the show doesn't look the same from the side. The effect is lost. Also, It was pointed out to me that there are no lights hanging anywhere in the theater. I think I saw how 2 things were done but it appears the bulk of the lighting is done onstage. He also said that you miss another cool thing that happens in those seats.
Performances were good. Mr. Boyle was excellent as Malfoy and deserves his nomination.
Got the Magnet (5.00) It is one of those thin bendable ones. The poster is 15.00. When they handed me a poster tube I was like "hmm". Got it home and it is a bit larger than a window card and thinner paper. Almost got a t-shirt (30.00) but when I held it up to me it seemed like a different cut (european maybe?) and I didn't want to take the chance with shrinkage. Also, it was a size larger than I wear.
Outside of the kid with the candy bag behind us, the audience was well behaved. It appears the ushers are everywhere inside the house as they were on it if a phone lit up. Also you and your bags go through metal detectors at the door.
Great day at the theater. I would definitely see it again. Keeping the secrets!
Neil Patrick Harris calls Harry Potter to plays what Hamilton is to musicals, and I couldn't agree more!
BroadwayConcierge said: "Neil Patrick Harris callsHarry Potterto plays whatHamiltonis to musicals, and I couldn't agree more!"
Not being snarky but I feel different people may take that in different ways!
Just watched the CBS This Morning interview. Gayle brought up Ms Dumezweni's casting in the role and commented that it's 2018 now. Was surprised that neither referred to Hermoine's physical description in the book. A bit disappointing. JMO
I saw this play again this past weekend from the front orchestra this time and absolutely loved it even more!
I last saw the show back in March for the first preview and I thought Jessie Fisher improved a lot! Her Delphi character was great and I felt chemistry between her and Albus and Scorpius.
I don't have any tickets to see this show anytime soon but I hope to win the Friday Forty to see it again. I'm really hoping this show will have a long run on Broadway.
I found the show to be just as engrossing/addictive as the books and movies. I hope to see this a few more times. It's like a world you don't want to leave! JMO
Not my cup of tea.
But well done. Just not as enchanting as I would like. In the end it felt like one long psychotherapy session between Fathers and Sons ironing out their problems.
And those garbly English accents! what in hell are you saying, actors?
Magic was fine, but not really dazzling.
I do have one question:
I am continually shocked that by far the simplest effect in the show is the one that people get hung up on:
It's literally just a projection. They probably did a simple 3D mock up of the stage and an After Effects level water ripple effect, mixed with the sound effect boom of the bass monitors. There are 2 projectors hidden in the box seats which allow the effect to wrap around the entire set, as a total of 4 projectors are hitting the set. Same exact layout actually as American Psycho.
Updated On: 6/4/18 at 03:21 PM
You’re CONTINUALLY shocked?
Most of us aren’t lighting designers.
Thanks for the info, though.
VotePeron said: "I am continually shocked that by far the simplest effect in the show is the one that people get hung up on:
Depending on where in the theatre you're sitting, the effect looks much different. From the balcony, seeing it for the first time, it was a jaw-dropping "how are they doing that" marvel. From the front of the orchestra, it's still cool, but clearly a projection.
Apologies, didn't mean to sound snarky at all, which I totally get is how I came off!!
I've been fortunate enough to see both Parts multiple times so I get really excited about a lot of the magic, but that effect never really stood out to me as it always seemed obvious to me, unlike some other things they do. My comment about "continually shocked" holds true though, because basically every time I talk to someone who's seen the show in NYC immediately brings up that effect, which I find interesting.
If anything, just so glad that so many people love it and it's continuing to force people to lean in and wonder!!
Swing Joined: 4/27/18
Don’t know if it’s the right thread but I didn’t want to start a new one just for one thing. Can someone help me decipher whose are the autographs I marked with numbers? https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ar090OCn4kvJp1zABCZMPKlqcdLQ
It would be helpful if you could provide a list of people who it could be and a better picture? Just suggestions.
Finally got to see this production after waiting a year from when i bought the tickets. I got them for my husband for Christmas last year so he waited a long time for the payoff. It was worth it though. JKR has a way with telling a story. We read all the books a while ago and rewatched the movies this past summer and I think it really helps with the story line. I can't imagine not knowing anything and seeing it, I think I'd be lost.
I did have one question with the story line:
I didn't understand why they they went back to where they were with the adults (after the first two attempts) . I would have thought for continuity purposes they would have gone back to the water scene first, since that happened after the first time they went back. Going back to the first time they went back could have made the second time moot since every ripple can create a wave. Does anyone follow my logic? I tried to see if there was something already discussed here but could mostly only find threads of people selling their tickets.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
BuddyStarr said: "Finally got to see this production after waiting a year from when i bought the tickets. I got them for my husband for Christmas last year so he waited a long time for the payoff. It was worth it though. JKR has a way with telling a story. We read all the books a while ago and rewatched the movies this past summer and I think it really helps with the story line. I can't imagine not knowing anything and seeing it, I think I'd be lost.
I did have one question with the story line:
I'm guessing you mean, why was the first task repaired before Scorpius went back to repair the second task (which the audience doesn't see)? It's more practical from a staging standpoint. It looks more impressive for Scorpius to come out of the water and nervously wait to see if Albus will come out of the lake, than for both to suddenly be standing there in the middle of the forest, eliminating any tension from the scene.
As for the reason in terms of plot, there are two, one of which is explicitly stated by Hermione. She cannot go outside because the Dementors will detect her. The plan was turn time in the hideout in the Whomping Willow, near the site of the first task. Since there would be no Dementors present in the past, they could repair the first task and then return to the hideout in time for the time turner to return them to the "present." They would then turn time in the hideout, once again allowing them to avoid the Dementors, and repair the second task. ***EDIT: they also don't need the additional time to return to the hideout, since the original and true timeline would be restored, putting just Albus and Scorpius in the lake.
The second reason is that by repairing the second task first, Scorpius and a restored Albus would be left alone to repair the first task. Repairing the second task first would restore the first alternate timeline, so Snape would be dead, and Ron and Hermione would be in the forest with Harry as part of the search party for Albus and Scorpius. There is no reason to think that would not be discovered before attempting to repair the first task.
Updated On: 10/23/18 at 04:20 PM
Fosse76 said: "BuddyStarr said: "Finally got to see this production after waiting a year from when i bought the tickets. I got them for my husband for Christmas last year so he waited a long time for the payoff. It was worth it though. JKR has a way with telling a story. We read all the books a while ago and rewatched the movies this past summer and I think it really helps with the story line. I can't imagine not knowing anything and seeing it, I think I'd be lost.
I did have one question with the story line:
Thanks. Good points. I assumed the first one and the second one that you mentioned makes perfect sense but not easily deciphered upon initial viewing. I was sure that they had figured the plot out and was hoping to understand it a bit more.
Swing Joined: 8/31/18
Has anyone sat in the far sides of the orchestra? I have seats as far left as you can in row N just wondering what the view is like, thanks :)
Updated On: 10/23/18 at 06:45 PMStand-by Joined: 7/4/18
tstrome1995 said: "Has anyone sat in the far sides of the orchestra? I have seats as far left as you can in rowN just wondering what the view is like, thanks :)"
The first time I saw the show we had seats far right row v. I had the same concerns about the view that you have. Fortunately you can see everything even from the side. Enjoy the show!