Apparently the show has just been stopped due to a technical difficulty.
Well then while we are at it... why not Lainie Kazan?
Pal Joey...that review was...just great! Remember when the movie "That's Entertainment" opened with the catchline, "Boy, do we need it now!"
KAD said: "Bridget Everett would actually make a spectacular Dolly. She'd sing the hell out of it."
DAME said: "Since I have to ask who that's not a possibility.
Here but that will never happen!Bridget Everett
Understudy Joined: 3/12/15
Kad said: "Bridget Everett would actually make a spectacular Dolly. She'd sing the hell out of it."
Hello, Bette! – We Review The New Broadway Revival Of Hello, Dolly!
I think I have seen her on Andy Cohen. I'll be on the lookout for her talent since so many of you seem to like her. But it's never going to happen
The Hello, Dolly threads are wonderful. Glad to see joy on BWW.
Bette Midler ‘knocks em dead’ in new role... Back on stage in Hello Dolly.
I think someone that could really use this revival to her advantage would be Jennifer Holiday. Imagine her giant gasp before she goes down the staircase...
DAME said: "I think I have seen her on Andy Cohen. I'll be on the lookout for her talent since so many of you seem to like her. But it's never going to happen"
She's a major downtown presence but steadily gaining more and more mainstream recognition thanks to small roles on film and TV, plus being boosted by Amy Schumer. I agree she likely won't be headlining anything on Broadway soon, I was just musing on some out of the box casting should Rudin decide to use the production's high profile and his own media savvy to interesting effect.
Don’t Let This Parade Pass You By – Midler Opens in ‘Hello Dolly!’
I'm frankly quite shocked that there's no video footage highlights at all. Is Scott Rudin that protective??
Featured Actor Joined: 9/17/04
Saw this last night and I was thoroughly entertained. It was a great show. Of course Bette has the audience eating out of her hand. It was the first non special(closing/last show) mid show standing ovation. It was after Hello Dolly and it was well deserved. It is incredible that at 71. Bette does this 7 times a week. Her stamina and energy is off the charts throughout the entire show.
The entire cast was in and they were great.
@Robbie; Any NYT full page ad yet? Red ink? Pic please!
Gpvegas said: It was the first non special(closing/last show) mid show standing ovation.
Cynthia Erivo regularly received mid-show standing ovations, and Glenn Close currently receives them, so I'm assuming you mean shows for which you've been in attendance.
DAME said: "@Robbie; Any NYT full page ad yet? Red ink? Pic please!
checking...nothing yet Dame
Robbie2 said: "MoveOnGypsy said: "What does it take to get some opening night pictures (red carpet, bows and party) up on this board?!
" New York Public Library Opening Night Party
"Our Dolly ~ Bette
she looks fab...too cute
THANK YOU! I actually thought they would use more quotes,.
I really can't add much that hasn't already been said...this show is just complete and utter joy from start to finish. We saw the matinee this past Saturday, April 29th, and we were all over the moon for it. Bette's entrance applause was bonkers, I've never seen entrance applause close to hers. Put On Your Sunday Clothes brought tears to my eyes; the staging, the costumes, the music, the performers, the train...just everything combined to make a truly perfect theatre moment. Immediately after Bette's monologue at the end of Act 1, she started coughing. She turned to the audience and with a shrug, she says "live theatuhhh," and of course we all laughed. She went almost completely offstage stage left for a split second, appearing to ask a stagehand for water. The entire audience was holding its breath waiting to see what would happen next, when Gavin Creel did a kind of graceful dance/turn onstage from stage right with a glass of water for Bette, causing all of us to cheer like crazy, which was repeated with a standing ovation no more than five minutes later after Before The Parade Passes By. What an absolutely thrilling Act 1 closer. And the title number in Act II? Heaven. Pure heaven. It was the second time in my life I witnessed an entire audience immediately leap to its feet for a well deserved ovation, the first being after Cynthia Erivo sang "I'm Here" (I'm sure this has happened many times in Broadway's history, so pardon my slightly inexperienced twenty-six year old self!). I don't think I've ever felt such a high during a Broadway show before, and I almost don't wish to see this show again because it was just such a perfect performance from start to finish. I kept catching myself smiling harder than I can remember smiling in god knows how long. Bravo to all involved with this fabulous, wonderful show! It isn't to be missed, and I feel extremely privileged to have seen it!