Stand-by Joined: 6/4/14
Ok, thanks. I'll connect with telecharge. I wasn't sure if this problem would still be in their hands since it deals with hard tickets.
Anyway, can't wait to see this production one last time!
Was just on Telecharge about 20 minutes ago, and there were 12 regular priced tickets in the Orch for tomorrow night - Bette's first performance. And, there were about 20 premium. Mezz had 8 regular priced tickets, and balcony had none.
I'll be there the Friday, Aug 24th & Sat night the 25th.
Stand-by Joined: 7/10/18
DAME said: "Call."
Looks they've released the 2 far side seats in orchestra rows A-G for many performances, $139 for most shows. Not a bad deal at all.
CT2NYC said: "Looks they've released the 2 far side seats in orchestra rows A-G for many performances, $139 for most shows. Not a bad deal at all."
Running $229 later in the run.
For what it's worth for folks who have August 25 tickets who might be worried about them adding on another week (myself included), the Dolly! website now says "NO CHANCE OF EXTENSION" on its homepage. I know that could also mean diddly squat, but had to share!
BroadwayConcierge said: "For what it's worth for folks who have August 25 tickets who might beworried about them adding on another week (myself included), theDolly!website now says "NO CHANCE OF EXTENSION" on its homepage. I know that could also mean diddly squat, but had to share!"
I don't know why I find this so amusing, but I do.
Bette is Back!
Anyone go tonight?
My friends went tonight for their anniversary. They said the show was on fire . Looks from the pictures on social media that all the old signage in front of the theater is back. I would love to own the Sold Out sandwich board . It would be neat is she signed it and auctioned it off for charity. Just putting it out there.
There’s some cool 20 seconds of what I’m assuming is her put in rehearsal on instagram . It’s on the story section of someone called Double Windsor .
Featured Actor Joined: 6/26/16
Any other reports from Bette and David's first night back? Standing ovations? Ad libs?
Swing Joined: 4/18/06
We were there last night, and yes,they were on fire! Bette and David were confident and strong from start to finish. It was like they hadn't missed a beat.Several standing ovations and lots of love from the audience.(Tommy Tune was there) The other principals were in top form. Gavin and Kate just get better and better. The table scene with Horace and the courtroom eating scenes were over the top hysterical. only David and Bette could pull off. One cute ad lib during the Dolly number. She said,"This is going to go on for a while,so I hope you like red!" It again was such a joyous night.Was so happy to be there last night, and get to see it one more time!
Wow, is this the only official video ever released of this production? Love her!!
Bette's Turban, if you look at the name on double_windsor's profile, you'll see that's Michaeljon Slinger.
Stand-by Joined: 3/2/15
Biggest surprise last night: In "I Put My Hand In," Bette did NOT sing the word "trump" in the lyric "turned a frump to a trump lady fair." Was this the first time this happened in this production? Can't remember the word that was substituted, but it did not rhyme the way "frump" and "trump" do. Something like "real" or "great"?
Updated On: 7/18/18 at 02:34 PM
cliffordbradshaw2 said: "Biggest surprise last night: In "I Put My Hand In," Bette did NOT sing the word "trump" in the lyric "turned a frump to a trump lady fair." Was this the first time this happened in this production? Can't remember the word that was substituted, but it did not rhyme the way "frump" and "trump" do. Something like "real" or "great"?"
No way that's unintentional. Love it lol.
How funny. That "trump" lyric always stuck way out to me no matter which lady sang it! Glad it's been replaced. Just sing anything but that lyric!
Stand-by Joined: 7/10/18
I remember last year someone on here asking if Bette would change that lyric. I guess she finally did!
KFC1991 said: "DAME said: "Call."
Yup...she changed "trump" to "great" last night and I noticed it right away! It'll be interesting to see if that new lyric holds for the remainder of the run.
I'm curious to know if anything feels difference about her performance now. It feels like so much time has passed that she has been away for, and of course Bernadette has been in the role for a while so I'd be curious if anything has changed or if something feels different now in hindsight. Perhaps not.
Swing Joined: 7/19/18
Pretty cool Closing Weekend opportunity, and proceeds go to the Performing Arts Project:
"Want to say goodbye to Hello, Dolly! in style? You and a friend could:
Donations will benefit the Performing Arts Project. ENTER TO WIN:
I'm curious if the performance has changed, too, since the production just coalesced around a different Dolly. I think the Peters take did change the evening in subtle ways. Creel and Baldwin both seemed somehow brighter and even more charming. Perhaps it was just the time in the roles. I felt everyone else stepped up in interesting ways.
Chorus Member Joined: 9/8/17
Was at matinee today and it was incredible.Bette and David are magic together
Non-premium seats ($69-$229) are available on Telecharge for the final performance on 8/25, mostly in the orchestra, but some in the mezzanine and balcony.