I agree, that's really frustrating that people entered (and won) for days they can't go.
I'll probably give stand-by a try for at least a few performances, though I don't expect to have much luck.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
^^^ That's the weird part...so if one is already told that we lost, we could still possibly get another email saying we won if enough tickets aren't claimed?
EDIT-This was for Broadway Joe.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
The site says I lost all the days (with that annoying canned "Better Luck Next Time!" line...like, there is no next time. The show's never running again!), but I haven't received an email, so I'm going to foolishly keep hope alive...
JennH said: "^^^ That's the weirdpart...so if one is already told that we lost, we could still possibly get another email saying we won if enough tickets aren't claimed?"
Yes, which is weird because TodayTix does have stand-by during their digital rush offerings which could have been implemented here for unclaimed tickets.
Both of my entries disappeared, and I don't know if that means anything or not!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
MemorableUserName said: "The site says I lost all the days (with that annoying canned "Better Luck Next Time!" line...like, there is no next time. The show's never running again!), but I haven't received an email, so I'm going to foolishly keep hope alive..."
They mean for the lottery itself, as in their next lottery for the next production, but I totally get you.
Stand-by Joined: 12/11/18
All my entries disappeared from TodayTix after being "pending" for a while, which is weird. I'm going to be optimistic and hope this means I'm being considered for the leftover spots haha.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
At first all mine disappeared too and then I got a "You lost" email.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
MyLife said: "At first all mine disappeared too and then I got a "You lost" email."
Yep, same. This is how it's going. If it's disappeared, expect a "lost" email.
Stand-by Joined: 12/11/18
I was always under the impression that the tickets for the in-person lottery would essentially be for no-shows. But now that I'm thinking about it, logistically this seems impossible unless they demand everyone with a ticket gets there at least 30 minutes early to guarantee their spot. Do we think these tickets will be unclaimed lottery spots or no-shows?
Updated On: 8/28/19 at 01:17 PMStand-by Joined: 12/11/18
JennH said: "MyLife said: "At first all mine disappeared too and then I got a "You lost" email."
Yep, same. This is how it's going. If it's disappeared, expect a "lost" email."
Ugh yep, you were right. Got that email right after reading this.
My roommate's entries say "Better Luck Next Time" and she hasn't gotten an email yet, so I'll have to be optimistic about her chances. :p
My entrys never disappeared, still there and say better luck next time but I still got the you've lost email
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
Kea4 said: "NievesG said: "JennH said: "^^^ That's the weirdpart...so if one is already told that we lost, we could still possibly get another email saying we won if enough tickets aren't claimed?"
Yes, which is weird because TodayTix does have stand-by during their digital rush offerings which could have been implemented here for unclaimed tickets.
I was always under the impression that the tickets for the in-person lottery would essentially be for no-shows. But now that I'm thinking about it, logistically this seems impossible unless they demand everyone with a ticket gets there at least 30 minutes early to guarantee their spot."
Same. Obviously if you won today and claim then in time, it's a guarantee unless you're crazy and decide not show up. But what of the unclaimed tickets from today? I can't imagine there'll be a lot, but I'm sure there'll be a few.
It says right on the app “Tickets not picked up by 7:30pm will be released to the standby line.”
Swing Joined: 8/18/19
Pretty sure that is the case, that you need to pick up your tickets by 7:30, as is their usual policy. Then they go to the standby line. But for this show they will go to the lottery.
Unclaimed tix from today would presumably be offered to others “waiting” after the 1-hour window ends, since they’re notifying people throughout the afternoon.
Typically the standby line consists of people who return an extra ticket, corporate partners who aren’t using their allocations, staff seats, and other held seats that aren’t being used. For a normal show it’s whatever happened in the 7 hours since the morning hand-outs, but in this case it could be everything returned between now and then. Still wouldn’t expect many to be available, though.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
Veganmama2 said: "Pretty sure that is the case, that you need to pick up your tickets by 7:30, as is their usual policy. Then they go to the standby line. But for this show they will go to the lottery."
Ok, but the standby is ALSO a lottery. It's a daily standby lottery. There will be no in person standby line, it's all digital. Which is nice, you don't have to show up ridiculously early for regular standby line in the hope you'll get a ticket. Just show up from 5-7 to enter.
Stand-by Joined: 12/11/18
GreasedLightning said: "It says right on the app “Tickets not picked up by 7:30pm will be released to the standby line.”
Thanks, I clearly didn't notice that haha.
Understudy Joined: 5/11/17
JennH said: "Veganmama2 said: "Pretty sure that is the case, that you need to pick up your tickets by 7:30, as is their usual policy. Then they go to the standby line. But for this show they will go to the lottery."
Ok, but the standby is ALSO a lottery. It's a daily standby lottery. There will be no in person standby line, it's all digital. Which is nice, you don't have to show up ridiculously early for regular standby line in the hope you'll get a ticket. Just show up from 5-7 to enter.
This link calls it (and describes it as) a "Daily In-Person Standby Lottery" with actual entry cards, so doesn't look digital to me.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/26/15
I think the notification period was 12-4. My mother hasn’t received an email yet, but online it tells her better luck next time. Not sure if this means more notifications are coming...
Understudy Joined: 5/11/17
I got notified that I won the last set I was in the running for (Saturday) at 1:50 p.m.
Understudy Joined: 8/28/17
If you go to the Delacorte Theatre instagram location tag, there is a picture of the set. Won't let me link here for some reason. Looks pretty cool, imo.
I was trying for the last three shows. They disappeared from my TodayTix list and then I got the loser email. Flying in from CA in hopes of seeing this show since I have yet to see anything at the Delacorte. Oh well, if anyone needs a +1, I'll be around! On the positive side, I can use my backup shows I already booked, and think about filling one rare open slot.