Megan Goodman said: "I am going to get to the theatre tonight as soon as I’m done seeing my Wed evening show to wait for rush tickets. Not sure if it’s allowed here, but would get a second ticket to someone who would be willing to pay for both. Send me a message, and apologiesagain if this isn’t allowed!"
Interesting that you say two times in your post that it might not be allowed. Is that because your gut is telling you there’s something objectionable about your offer? Because if so, I’m inclined to agree with your gut.
The answer to your implied question is: yes, it’s perfectly allowed, and you would not be the first person to do it. But it’s kind of a d!ck move if you ask me. By taking two tickets when you only really need one, you’re denying that coveted ticket to someone who most likely spent all night on the street just like you did. And instead that ticket will go to a complete stranger who put no time or effort into it. Meanwhile you will benefit financially from the arrangement.
So yeah, It’s allowed. You’ll have a right to that 2nd ticket, and you can do with it as you please. But I would really encourage you to consider the impact of your actions on the your fellow line-mates.
Swing Joined: 6/5/19
Does anyone know if they are forming two lines in the morning one for rush and one for SRO. I'm trying to go on a sunday for the 3pm show and would rather SRO than rush. Does the SRO line form only after the rush seats are given away? Any insight would be helpful.
Swing Joined: 11/29/18
My misunderstanding! I wasn’t sure if posting that kind of question of buying/selling tickets was allowed on this thread. Nothing more! Completely understand what you mean.
dhb7122 said: "Does anyone know if they are forming two lines in the morning one for rush and one for SRO. I'm trying to go on a sunday for the 3pm show and would rather SRO than rush. Does the SRO line form only after the rush seats are given away? Any insight would be helpful."
Standing room is sold right before the show IF it is sold out. I guess you can technically start the line whenever you want, but I would keep an eye on Ticketmaster to see if it looks like it will sell out. Usually it does.
Chorus Member Joined: 2/5/16
Pretty sure she was apologizing asking if that kind of post was allowed on this board.
Really don't see anything wrong with someone getting two SRO tickets as the theatre allows that. When I get in any kind of rush/SRO situation, I assume people will be getting two tickets and am pleasantly surprised when they don't. If the theatre didn't want people to be able to get a ticket for a friend they would change their policy.
hannhannham said: "
Really don't see anything wrong with someone getting two SRO tickets as the theatre allows that. When I get in any kind of rush/SRO situation, I assume people will be getting two tickets and am pleasantly surprised when they don't. If the theatre didn't want people to be able to get a ticket for a friend they would change their policy."
I feel like I pre-emptively addressed your point pretty clearly in my earlier post, but I’ll try again:
I understand perfectly that it’s ALLOWED. But just because something is allowed doesn’t automatically prevent it from being disrespectful and/or unethical.
And regardless of what mindset you go into a rush with, the fact remains that a ticket purchased by someone further up in line will deny a ticket to someone further back. And you and I both agree that the person in front has a right to both of those tickets. You don’t see me calling the police or reporting them to the theatre. It’s allowed, I get it. I just believe it’s kind of gross to sell that 2nd ticket to a total stranger for double the price when the ticket would otherwise have gone to one of the other people who spent the night on the street.
Chorus Member Joined: 2/5/16
JBroadway said:
I feel like I pre-emptively addressed your point pretty clearly in my earlier post, but I’ll try again:
I understand perfectly that it’s ALLOWED. But just because something is allowed doesn’t automatically prevent it from beingdisrespectful and/or unethical.
And regardless of what mindset you go into a rush with, the fact remains that a ticket purchased by someone further up in line will deny a ticket to someone further back. And you and I both agreethat the person in front has a right to both of those tickets. You don’t see me calling the police or reporting themto the theatre. It’s allowed, I get it.I just believe it’s kind of gross to sell that 2nd ticket to a total stranger for double the price when the ticket would otherwisehave gone to one of the other people who spent the night on the street."
I just don't see any difference between what she's doing and me, standing in line alone, and getting a ticket for my friend who will meet me later. Do we have an issue with that here?
Understudy Joined: 1/3/18
FYI re SRO yesterday (Wednesday), the first people for the 7:30PM show arrived around 1:30. The line was already up to potential ticket #14/15 by 3:30 and continued to grow after that. They ended up only selling about 10 SRO tickets yesterday for the evening performance, so those who arrived after 3 did not get tickets.
Swing Joined: 8/23/17
@bwayoutdoors I arrived around 3:30 yesterday, glad I cut my losses and got Come From Away SRO instead (the show is so incredible anyways). I might try Hadestown SRO again next week, but I'm nervous to see how much worse this can get lol. I wish they would do what the Gerald Schoenfeld theatre does and sell SRO tickets when the show is ~mostly~ sold out (just a few premium seats left), instead of waiting until it is 100% sold out. Do they really think those people waiting in line for 7 hours are going to suddenly dish out $250+ for a ticket?
Swing Joined: 8/23/17
Also, in response to anyone concerned about safety of waiting overnight: the area is super safe, like other people have said. Worst that's going to happen is you'll be asked if you want to buy weed. Last time I was in that area late at night by myself (waiting for a friend after stagedooring), I got offered weed twice within like 5 min lol. Honestly if you're out there waiting from 11 PM, you might want to take them up on that.
hannhannham said: "I just don't see any difference between what she's doing and me, standing in line alone, and getting a ticket for my friend who will meet me later."
You can't sort out the difference between someone buying tickets they will use, and someone buying a ticket to resell at a higher price?!
smithiee said: "@bwayoutdoors I arrived around 3:30 yesterday, glad I cut my losses and got Come From Away SRO instead (the show is so incredible anyways). I might try Hadestown SRO again next week, but I'm nervous to see how much worse this can get lol. I wish they would do what the Gerald Schoenfeld theatre does and sell SRO tickets when the show is ~mostly~ sold out (just a few premium seats left), instead of waiting until it is 100% sold out. Do theyreally think those people waiting in line for 7 hours are going to suddenly dish out $250+ for a ticket?"
After that many hours of waiting, I'm really glad you got to see *something*!!! You can't really go wrong with Come From Away.
Not sure if the rush/SRO situation will get any better once the producers are done holding tickets for Tony voters. (*Especially* if it wins the Tony...)
bwayoutdoors said: "FYI re SRO yesterday (Wednesday), the first people for the 7:30PM show arrived around 1:30. The line was already up to potential ticket #14/15 by 3:30 and continued to grow after that. They ended up only sellingabout 10 SRO tickets yesterday for the evening performance, so those who arrived after 3 did not get tickets."
What time do they typically start selling the SROs? Once it's Sold Out or at a set time?
Understudy Joined: 1/3/18
BJR said: "bwayoutdoors said: "FYI re SRO yesterday (Wednesday), the first people for the 7:30PM show arrived around 1:30. The line was already up to potential ticket #14/15 by 3:30 and continued to grow after that. They ended up only sellingabout 10 SRO tickets yesterday for the evening performance, so those who arrived after 3 did not get tickets."
What time do they typically start selling the SROs? Once it's Sold Out or at a set time?"
Seems to be about 10-15 minutes before show time, at least from the few times I've tried it and the other people I've spoken with who have done SRO. Even if they sell out far earlier, they still wait until close to the show's start time.
Swing Joined: 6/2/15
I went last Wednesday night/into Thursday morning (rush for Thursday 5/30 performance). I arrived at 12:30am and was the only one in line until 4am, when two more people arrived. There were tourists walking back and forth most of the early hours of the morning, and some people smoking weed next to their car parked across the street for a while. That was about it. I felt very safe.
ALSO Reeve Carney was coming back from the bars at 4:15am with a couple of friends, and stopped by to thank the 3 of us for waiting in line to see the show! So that was surreal.
Afterwards, 2 more people came to wait at 5am. Another at 5:15. 2 more at 6am (so we were up to 8 in line). More came in a steady flow after that, and the line was crazy long around the block by 10am, but only those of us there by 5am got rush-priced tickets. The ones next in line got the $99 seats and some waited for SRO, which they didn't release until the evening. One of the women who was there to clean working for the theater told me they were consistently giving out 7-12 rush tickets each performance, but not more than that.
It was a long time to wait, but SO WORTH IT to see this show before the Tony's! It's incredible. Best of luck!
Chorus Member Joined: 2/5/16
haterobics said:
You can't sort out the difference between someone buying tickets they will use, and someone buying a ticket to resell at a higher price?!"
It's not like scalpers who buy them in hopes that someone will pay a ridiculous mark up fee - this is a ticket that someone is intending to use, and are basically reimbursing the buyer for their labor of waiting in line.
I just don't think it warrants such an egregious response when we have actual scalpers/bots preventing people from seeing the show who mark their tickets up to $500.
hannhannham said: "It's not like scalpers who buy them in hopes that someone will pay a ridiculous mark up fee - this is a ticket that someone is intending to use, and are basically reimbursing the buyer for their labor of waiting in line.
I just don't think it warrants such an egregious response when we have actual scalpers/bots preventing people from seeing the show who mark their tickets up to $500."
So you do see the difference, you just don't care about it...
In the rush line now for the matinee tomorrow (saturday) we got here at 11 PM, and currently at 1:30, 7 people total are on the line.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/3/18
I saw on Twitter that Hadestown is ending it’s in person rush on Tuesday. Can anyone confirm?
Stand-by Joined: 6/17/18
Scoot3 said: " I saw on Twitter that Hadestown is ending it’s in person rush on Tuesday. Can anyone confirm? “
According to someone on twitter, there’s a sign up on the box office that says “enter the Hadestown Lottery! Rush tickets have moved online starting June 11th, 2019. There will be no rush tickets sold at the theatre”
Chorus Member Joined: 6/4/19
For anyone looking to go tomorrow (6/11), box seats popped up in TM! $189.
Swing Joined: 5/5/15
Wait so what will the new system be? Are they just cutting the rush so it’s only lottery and SRO? Are they making a digital rush separate from the digital lottery? Will SRO still be a thing?
Chorus Member Joined: 6/4/19
DropOfGoldenSun2 said: "Wait so what will the new system be? Are they just cutting the rush so it’s only lottery and SRO? Are they making a digital rush separate from the digital lottery? Will SRO still be a thing? "
I think SRO will still be a thing because it still says on the Hadestown website that they sell them, but theres no mention of rush tickets anymore. I have no clue about if theres digital rush or just lotto now.
I get the need to enforce/reduce crowd control by going digital but the flyer leaves a lot to be answered. Hopefully a more fleshed out explanation of policies moving forward will be provided sooner than later.