Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
I have no issue with line sitters, but unless you're getting a single the cost two get two tickets just seems way too high
Chorus Member Joined: 4/22/16
PThespian said: "happydude said: "PThespian said: "happydude said: "Cape Twirl of Doom said: "happydude said: " I chuckle at some of the hoodwinkism dressed up on this board. Getting someone to wait for you for 36 hours for a $177 ticket?!!???? Cute. That's a rather lopsided deal if you ask me. I don't see anything pure about that. "
I can see how this can be a pretty good deal for someone who was going to wait for a ticket for themselves anyway, since this way they'd get a free ticket out of it and they were already going to put in the time no matter what. Or if they're a college student with nothing else to do. If you just want to see the show for free and don't care about making extra, it seems like a good deal.
"But...weren't the boohoo birds crying last month about how unethical it was that people who never waited in line got to see the show while the poor proletariat classes suffered in wait? Now, its ok, huh? Like I said, very curious change of standards. The funny thing is, the result looks just like the last result. Longer wait times and some folks crafty enough and deep-pocketed enough to avoid the grind. It's even worse now, because now you can exploit someone else for less dough to cheat the system. Atleast "cheaters" in the past, had to sacrafice SOMETHING.
I have no vested interest in this discussion at all. I saw the show, honestly didn't care for it, and am going to be re-selling the other tickets I have for it on TM.
However I think it's unfair to call someone a "cheater" because someone else waits in line for them.
The person waiting in line goes through everything everyone else in line goes through. Their reward? They get to buy two tickets to the show.
How is that cheating? I mean the reason they want those tickets, and who uses them, is irrelevant. They did what was required to get them.
"Cheating" would be cutting the line, "cheating" would be bribing a RR employee, "cheating" would be getting tickets from the cancellation line without waiting your turn for as long as you need to....
As long as all rules are being followed no one is "cheating." Just because they are getting in and other people aren't doesn't mean they should be reviled or found to be lacking moral standards.
The tickets are there for the taking by anyone who fairly does what is needed to get them. Getting paid for doing that, either in cash or with a free ticket, in no way makes them a chest and, quite frankly, is no one's business but their's and the person they are waiting for.
"You're misinterpreting my stance. If you'd been following this particular discussion for the last few pages, you'd know I'm not saying waiting for someone, be they line sitter or regular patron or patron who pays said line sitter, is cheating. The reason why I put the word cheater in quotation marks. What I am pointing out is the hypocrisy of the whole controversy that forced the new cancellation policies. I don't care what another person on line is doing, but a lot of people do care. That's what all the line policing is about. So your screed bares no relationship to what I was talking about. Read before responding.
a.) I have no clue why what you are saying now is any different from the way I interpreted it. I'm not that bright, though, so that's no surprising.
In any event, calm down. I'm not attacking you. I'm just espousing my opinion on the matter. I don't care what your views are on the situation. I mean, why would I?
b.) As much as I enjoy reading the posts on this board I have no intention of reading through 84 pages of posts to find out what was previously said.
c.) Please don't tell me what to do. I will post what I want and when I want without meeting any sort of prerequisite. Welcome to the USA.
Just scroll right past my post if you think it's irrelevant. I promise I won't feel bad.
"So funny! Reminds me of an old school saying, "All up in the kool-aid and don't even know the flavor..." If you want to be ignored, don't quote me.
Chorus Member Joined: 2/24/16
Wow, guys. I know I've been super angry before but this post is just going to be a sad post. This cancellation line has gotten out of control and no rule that they could possibly instate would make it better.
It's just a show, guys. Just a show. Play nice.
(Don't people know how to edit posts when replying so you don't keep posting the same long posts over and over?)
The only thing they could do at this point to (try to) cut down on the line is to make it one ticket per person, and you get a wristband when you purchase your ticket. That will cut out all line sitters and means the entire party will have to be in line, so if you can't wait you don't get a ticket. As long as it's two tickets per person you will never stop line sitters, either professional or unpaid.
Cape Twirl of Doom said: "(The only thing they could do at this point to (try to) cut down on the line is to make it one ticket per person, and you get a wristband when you purchase your ticket. That will cut out all line sitters and means the entire party will have to be in line, so if you can't wait you don't get a ticket. As long as it's two tickets per person you will never stop line sitters, either professional or unpaid."
My thoughts exactly. The only way to get rid of people sitting on the sidewalk waiting 24+hours for tickets, is to do wristbands. Unfortunately, then you'll have people lining up overnight for the wristbands! But then, once the box office opens the wristbands will be distributed and there won't be any line during the day.
Stand-by Joined: 5/19/16
I can't wait until July/August when we have the whackjob cancellation line sitters who have been camping out for 48-72 hours in the 90 degree heat getting in and the VIP crowd and regular ticket buyers are forced to sit next to people who look (and smell) like the homeless!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
MinnieFay said: "I can't wait until July/August when we have the whackjob cancellation line sitters who have been camping out for 48-72 hours in the 90 degree heat getting in and the VIP crowd and regular ticket buyers are forced to sit next to people who look (and smell) like the homeless!
They're going to have to do something. That month period between the Tony's and Lin and others leaving is going to be such a **** show. They can't leave it like this
Chorus Member Joined: 5/12/16
MinnieFay said: "I can't wait until July/August when we have the whackjob cancellation line sitters who have been camping out for 48-72 hours in the 90 degree heat getting in and the VIP crowd and regular ticket buyers are forced to sit next to people who look (and smell) like the homeless!
That's not really fair. Is the situation ridiculous? Yes. Should the theater do something about it? Yes. However, a little empathy goes a long way. This is the only way some people can afford tickets, so you can't begrudge them doing whatever it takes for them to see the show, especially if it's important to them. No need to belittle them by saying they'll look/smell homeless.
Cape Twirl of Doom said: "The only thing they could do at this point to (try to) cut down on the line is to make it one ticket per person, and you get a wristband when you purchase your ticket. That will cut out all line sitters and means the entire party will have to be in line, so if you can't wait you don't get a ticket. As long as it's two tickets per person you will never stop line sitters, either professional or unpaid."
@CapeTwirlofDoom and @Mish2, that's exactly what I said several posts ago. With the new cancellation line rules, they never explicitly banned line sitters. I never had issue with line sitters. What I did have an issue with was people breaking the rules and RRT not enforcing the rules. I've been away on vacation so haven't seen the line in person but it does seem like no one is breaking the rules as of late nowadays. Hooray!
I have a feeling RRT will only change the rules again after the Tony Awards, given it's only 2-3 weeks away. Good luck everyone! Be grateful RRT is offering you the cancellation line as an option, despite the long waits.
I haven't kept up with this thread lately, I thought the new rules banned switching with people out of the line and linesitters. did they find a loophole for that?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
meepsnyc said: "MinnieFay said: "
That's not really fair. Is the situation ridiculous? Yes. Should the theater do something about it? Yes. However, a little empathy goes a long way. This is the only way some people can afford tickets, so you can't begrudge them doing whatever it takes for them to see the show, especially if it's important to them. No need to belittle them by saying they'll look/smell homeless.
Stay outside for over 24 hours on a street in NYC when it's 90+ degrees and tell me how good you look and smell. It's not making fun of people for lack of money, it's a fact of human biology. People are going to be sweaty, sunburned, dehydrated, and smelly as ****. It's going to be an issue. I'm sure some famous millionaire is going to love sitting next to a college girl that smells like ass
Understudy Joined: 5/9/16
schubox said: " Stay outside for over 24 hours on a street in NYC when it's 90+ degrees and tell me how good you look and smell. It's not making fun of people for lack of money, it's a fact of human biology. People are going to be sweaty, sunburned, dehydrated, and smelly as ****. It's going to be an issue. I'm sure some famous millionaire is going to love sitting next to a college girl that smells like ass "
LOL. should be interesting.
MinnieFay said: "I can't wait until July/August when we have the whackjob cancellation line sitters who have been camping out for 48-72 hours in the 90 degree heat getting in and the VIP crowd and regular ticket buyers are forced to sit next to people who look (and smell) like the homeless!"
I'm sure RRT will have some sort of solution to this mess before then. There's just no way they're going to allow the HUGE lines of people loitering outside their theater for 24+ hours, which is exactly what's going to happen after 'Hamilton' wins its Tonys - or even if it doesn't, since after all it'll still be a popular show, and all the college kids/families will come to NYC for their summer vacation. Super-long lines are inevitable IF the RRT doesn't do something to stop them.
Because of course, the fact that sitting/standing outside for an entire day in heat and humidity, then getting a ticket and having to rush into the theater to take your seat without even being able to get a drink of water, is going to be problematic. I'm wondering what the people who get rained on do - do they have to go into the theater in sopping wet clothes, and sit there for 2 1/2 hours watching a show in that condition? Yikes!
gypsy101 said: "I haven't kept up with this thread lately, I thought the new rules banned switching with people out of the line and linesitters. did they find a loophole for that?
Depends on how you define "loophole," since it still follows the posted rules. You can:
- be a single person, hire a line sitter, that line sitter buys two tickets, and you and the linesitter go and see the show
- be a single person, wait on line the whole time, be allowed to buy two tickets, and bring in as your +1 someone who gives you money for your ticket. (You're basically the linesitter, but only "working" for the cost of getting your ticket covered.)
Both scenarios fall within the posted rules: no swapping out (whoever is on line has to buy tix and enter the theatre), and each person on line can buy two tickets.
[There's another scenario of hiring a line sitter to buy you two premium tickets, as those get sold earlier in the day, so the person buying them can step away from the theatre (and hand them off to his two clients). That is if there are any premium tickets sold that day.]
My question: has there been a performance yet where there were zero tickets released to the cancellation line? No premium, no regular, nothing. I'm honestly surprised that hasn't happened yet slash bracing to read about when it does.
Anakela said: "My question: has there been a performance yet where there were zero tickets released to the cancellation line? No premium, no regular, nothing. I'm honestly surprised that hasn't happened yet slash bracing to read about when it does."
I don't know if that's happened yet, but that's another solution to the out-of-hand cancellation lines: simply stop selling cancelled tickets. Announce that from then on any cancelled tickets will be sold ONLY through the online ticket booth, and any tickets unsold an hour before the show will simply not be filled. Yes, the RRT will lose money, but not a lot, and they may end up deciding it's worth getting rid of that line.
gypsy101 said: "I haven't kept up with this thread lately, I thought the new rules banned switching with people out of the line and linesitters. did they find a loophole for that?"
Line swapping/switching is not allowed. New rules never mentioned linesitters. As long as people on the line can get 2 tickets max, some form of line sitting will occur --- except this time the person doing the line sitting will get to see the show too! :)
@schubox, I've lived in NYC the past 10 years and will admit the last summer that was really really hot was back in 2013. Last summer and the year before, we never reached over 100 degrees and I know last summer I think there were only 2-3 days where we reached over 90 degrees. Plus, it really depends where RRT will put the cancellation line. If it's in the shade (under the awning of RRT) then I think people will be fine. If it's against the sun on a sunny day, then yes you're right the people on the line will most likely smell.
Back in 2011, when I lined up to see Book of Mormon, the long line waiting was only for SRO since, after all, SRO tix were $27. So perhaps if RRT gets rid of the cancellation line after the Tony awards and just have an SRO line, then no VIPs will have to sit next to any smelly cancellation line person. Just an idea.
Stand-by Joined: 4/10/16
ok. I might do it again one last time soon. (i said that last time
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
Anakela said: "gypsy101 said: "I haven't kept up with this thread lately, I thought the new rules banned switching with people out of the line and linesitters. did they find a loophole for that?
Depends on how you define "loophole," since it still follows the posted rules. You can:
- be a single person, hire a line sitter, that line sitter buys two tickets, and you and the linesitter go and see the show
- be a single person, wait on line the whole time, be allowed to buy two tickets, and bring in as your +1 someone who gives you money for your ticket. (You're basically the linesitter, but only "working" for the cost of getting your ticket covered.)
Both scenarios fall within the posted rules: no swapping out (whoever is on line has to buy tix and enter the theatre), and each person on line can buy two tickets.
[There's another scenario of hiring a line sitter to buy you two premium tickets, as those get sold earlier in the day, so the person buying them can step away from the theatre (and hand them off to his two clients). That is if there are any premium tickets sold that day.]
My question: has there been a performance yet where there were zero tickets released to the cancellation line? No premium, no regular, nothing. I'm honestly surprised that hasn't happened yet slash bracing to read about when it does.
Its happened. Not very often but the SOLD guys said its happened before
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
Wick3 said: "gypsy101 said: "I haven't kept up with this thread lately, I thought the new rules banned switching with people out of the line and linesitters. did they find a loophole for that?"
Line swapping/switching is not allowed. New rules never mentioned linesitters. As long as people on the line can get 2 tickets max, some form of line sitting will occur --- except this time the person doing the line sitting will get to see the show too! :)
@schubox, I've lived in NYC the past 10 years and will admit the last summer that was really really hot was back in 2013. Last summer and the year before, we never reached over 100 degrees and I know last summer I think there were only 2-3 days where we reached over 90 degrees. Plus, it really depends where RRT will put the cancellation line. If it's in the shade (under the awning of RRT) then I think people will be fine. If it's against the sun on a sunny day, then yes you're right the people on the line will most likely smell.
Back in 2011, when I lined up to see Book of Mormon, the long line waiting was only for SRO since, after all, SRO tix were $27. So perhaps if RRT gets rid of the cancellation line after the Tony awards and just have an SRO line, then no VIPs will have to sit next to any smelly cancellation line person. Just an idea.
I used to live in NYC, it was 5+ years ago though. Summer's were always pretty hot. But even a humid day when it's in the mid 80s is gonna be rough
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Is it crazy to just have cancellation tickets be a continuation of the lottery system?
Randomly choose 50 folks who did not win lottery tickets each day, and send them the following email:
> Subject: HAMILTON May 24, 2016 7:00 pm Lottery Results: Try Again (Cancellation Line Eligible)
> Unfortunately, you were not selected to receive tickets to the May 24, 2016 7:00 pm performance of Hamilton.
> However, you have been placed into a virtual line for cancelled or returned tickets: your number is 13.
> While this is not a guarantee of tickets, several pairs of tickets are typically sold at full price ($177.00-$477.00) shortly before show time. These tickets come from cancelled tickets, unclaimed lottery tickets, and unsold house seats.
> To be eligible for tickets, you may check-in at the Richard Rodgers Theatre Box Office no later than 30 minutes before show time (6:30 for tonight's 7:00 pm performance), and tickets will be given out in order of the virtual line.
> This is entirely optional, and you may simply ignore this email and try the online lottery again tomorrow.
At this point, people who receive this email can see their line number and decide for themselves if it's worth it to trek it to the RRT. If you're #1, you will definitely get tickets. If you're #25, it's up in the air. The "line" will exist for a total of 30 minutes each day, max.
This has the following advantages:
(a) it eliminates the line entirely and all the insanity associated with it
(b) it allows unclaimed lottery tickets to still go to lottery winners, as opposed to being dumped off to the line
(c) no line sitters, either professional or amateur. Like the lottery itself, the B.O. will check your name & birthday against a government ID
(d) it is a nice balance between luck and effort - you still have to physically go to the Rodgers, which many (most?) of the winners will not/cannot do. You could be #49 in the virtual line and still end up with tickets if you care enough to try.
It has the following disadvantages:
(a) if you have unlimited time, as some do, you no longer have an advantage by being able to wait 24-36 hours outside of the RRT
(b) some people will show up at the Rodgers and not get tickets for that performance, but at least they're only out their travel time
(c) people will not read the email and will think it's a guarantee of tickets... hopefully decent language and UX can mitigate this
Wouldn't that pretty much guarantee a mob of up to 50 people at the box office 30 minutes before curtain, though? Also, it sounds like the emails would have to be manually composed and delivered. What happens if whoever's doing the composing accidentally sends out two #13s? What happens if #2 isn't there, so they skip over him/her and as they're handing out #5, #2 comes running up and loudly announces that is HIS ticket, HE was second in line, etc.?
It sounds like a good idea but might create as many problems as it solves.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
> Wouldn't that pretty much guarantee a mob of up to 50 people at the box office 30 minutes before curtain, though?
I chose 50 arbitrarily, but they would definitely need to spend a few days optimizing the number of people that are added to the virtual line. The RRT would need to figure out what percentage of people who receive these emails typically show up to the RRT, and then reduce the virtual cancellation line until the line length matches the expected number of cancellation tickets. That number could be anywhere from 15 (if 100% of people who receive the email come to the Rodgers) up to 100 (if only 20% of people come). I don't actually know what that number is, but it would probably take them about three days to figure it out.
> Also, it sounds like the emails would have to be manually composed and delivered.
No, definitely not manual. It would be as automated as the lottery itself. A system would pick 50 winners (or however many), sort them randomly, and send out the emails. The box office would have that ordered list of people in the virtual queue. People would check-in 30 minutes beforehand, cancellation tickets would become available, and someone would come out and say "#3, Mrs. Smith, two premium tickets are available. Do you want them?".
> What happens if #2 isn't there, so they skip over him/her and as they're handing out #5, #2 comes running up and loudly announces that is HIS ticket, HE was second in line, etc.?
This is why I think there needs to be a 'check-in' 30 minutes before curtain, and tickets would not start being given out until after check-in has ended. If you show up at 6:31 pm, you are out of luck.
Swing Joined: 5/24/16
I wanted to know how your wait is going? We are arriving early tomorrow morning to wait for wednesday and thursday ---- whichever show we can get into!
Swing Joined: 5/24/16
Are all craigslist listings for Hamilton tickets a scam?