PThespian said: "You know I usher there, and I promise you we didn’t distribute them. In fact we were all really disappointed about it."
I didn't say you did.
Just out of curiosity, has anyone found out definitively if Ticketmaster has removed the 6 ticket total limit? I've purchased 7 tickets total, but I had transferred 2 before I had purchsed the 6th and 7th. Is transferring basically the same as a return with regard to the limit, or have they done away with it completely?
I didn't see any information this time around about ticket limits.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/08
PThespian said: "You know I usher there, and I swear toyou we didn’tdistribute them. In fact we were all really disappointed about not having them."
As someone who was lucky enough to attend the opening, I was disappointed they didn't distribute them. A woman sitting near me in the balcony asked one of the ushers and he said he did not know of any. Maybe it was you! :)
Can those of you who post frequently on this thread about unsold tickets please explain how you are able to see anything other than the website’s offer of the “best available”? All of the possible ticket purchase routes appear to funnel buyers to the same portal. The process seems to work well technically (I haven’t experienced any glitches) but we’re limited to whatever tickets the computer algorithm believes are the best available, which may or may not jive with our personal choices. Is there a way to purchase the old-fashioned way; i.e. by choosing from highlighted availability on a seating chart? Thanks.
Question - How is the view from row F of the balcony (seats 15-17 in particular)? I was looking on A View From My Seat, and it looks like there's a railing that blocks some of the view.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/12/15
Rumpelstiltskin said: "Can those of you who post frequently on this thread about unsoldtickets please explain how you are able to see anything other than the website’soffer of the “best available”? All of the possible ticket purchase routes appear to funnel buyers to the same portal. The process seems to work well technically (I haven’t experienced any glitches) but we’re limited to whatever tickets the computer algorithm believes are the best available, which may or may not jive with ourpersonal choices. Is there a way to purchase the old-fashioned way; i.e. bychoosing from highlighted availability on a seating chart? Thanks."
The online system does not allow you to chose which seats, only the price you want. You could try calling Ticketmaster and seeing if they can chose seats for you. You can also try going to the box office and asking if you are in the city
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
Notreallysilent 2 said: "Rumpelstiltskin said: "Can those of you who post frequently on this thread about unsoldtickets please explain how you are able to see anything other than the website’soffer of the “best available”? All of the possible ticket purchase routes appear to funnel buyers to the same portal. The process seems to work well technically (I haven’t experienced any glitches) but we’re limited to whatever tickets the computer algorithm believes are the best available, which may or may not jive with ourpersonal choices. Is there a way to purchase the old-fashioned way; i.e. bychoosing from highlighted availability on a seating chart? Thanks."
The online system does not allow you to chose which seats, only the price you want. You could try calling Ticketmaster and seeing if they can chose seats for you. You can also try going to the box office and asking if you are in the city"
I had a glitch the other day when more tickets were released with Ticketmaster not allowing me to log in to any of my accounts (mine or my husbands). I figured I was out of luck, but tried the phone. The first person I got told me my dates (this June) were completely sold out. I tried again, because the online system was showing green. I may have gotten lucky, but the gentleman I got the second time allowed me to choose my seats based on what he saw was available on his end (I politely asked if there was any way he could do that and he said sure - I'm not sure they are supposed to but again, I think I got lucky). We cannot access a map, but they can. He gave me several options on the orchestra floor, and I picked what I liked best! The date I am going still shows less appealing seats (too close to stage or further to the side) as being "best available".
It also helps to know the seating arrangement, etc. because the Ticketmaster agents don't seem to understand this show, that it's in two parts, and the absence of a center orchestra throws them. So know what you are ideally looking for going into it, and ask them to see if there's anything available in that area. I am not local and wanted orchestra so had to spring for premium and narrowed the search for him to rows D-M with as low of seat numbers as possible. Got L right on the aisle because anything closer was off to side.
Good luck!
Thanks for the replies, although I gave the wrong impression with my post. I already have my tickets (the usual "best available" offered by the website) so this wasn't in reference to me specifically. Mine was just a general question because I've been confused by the posts on this thread. The frequent posters seemed to have some magical method to know what was available day by day, so I was wondering if they had some back-alley secret entrance to a seating chart with highlighted unsold seats. Regardless, thanks for taking the time to respond.
Nycat63 - my seats are the ones you were trying to avoid . . . center row C. Others on this thread thought they would be OK so I'm sticking with them. I'll report back in July!
Rumpelstiltskin said: "The frequent posters seemed to have some magical method to know what was available day by day, so I was wondering if they had some back-alley secret entrance to a seating chart with highlighted unsold seats. Regardless, thanks for taking the time to respond."
Nope, they do the same thing you did. My guess is that we only hear about the great seats they pull up and not all of the just-ok ones.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
Rumpelstiltskin said: "Thanks for the replies, although I gave the wrong impression with my post. I already have my tickets (the usual "best available" offered by the website) so this wasn't in reference to me specifically. Mine was just a general question because I've been confused by the posts on this thread. The frequent posters seemed to have some magical method to know what was available day by day, so I was wondering if they had some back-alley secret entrance to a seating chart with highlighted unsold seats. Regardless, thanks for taking the time to respond.
Nycat63 - my seats are the ones you were trying to avoid . . . center row C. Others on this thread thought they would be OK so I'm sticking with them. I'll report back in July!"
C on the aisle should be great! - those weren't available on the two dates I can go (i also have some unique neck issues so I have to avoid any potential of craning).
I also had tickets but they were M off to the side, so I was trying to do "better" given the premium price (I was next to the non-premiums, so while not way off to the side, I still preferred something more centered if I could get it). I had A at one point, but returned those because of my neck/too close. My options when I called the other day were C-F but off to the side, or L on the aisle so I went with the aisle since my daughter and I find it easier to see over heads from an aisle seat (nearly everyone other than toddlers is taller than us!). I did ask about K since I heard that's a great row because of the break between sections, but nothing was available.
For those who are still looking, though (especially non-locals who can't just wait it out and try to get cheaper/better tickets closer to the show), I definitely recommend calling and seeing if you get lucky with the right agent. Can't hurt!
Some $40 per part balcony right row F seats are available on Ticketmaster for 5/16
CT2NYC said: "Some $40 per part balcony right row F seats are available on Ticketmaster for 5/16"
Thank you so much :)
(Insert Clever Name) said: "CT2NYC said: "Some $40 per part balcony right row F seats are available on Ticketmaster for 5/16"
Thank you so much :)"
You're welcome! I'm just killing time on the train, glad I could be of service!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
HeatherAV said: "A little off topic, but does anyone know if the Opening Night Playbills (excuse me, Showbills) had the "Opening Night" silver sticker on them? I know some shows use them and some don't. Thanks!"
I have been to about 15 opening nights (at least) I not once have the Playbills had a silver sticker indicating that it's opening night. I thinik it's very rare, and it's mostly a marketing gimmick for the Playbill Online store. The Playbills handed out on opening night are simply from the weekly shipment of that particular week, and the opening night date is printed on the title page. And yes, they are passed out for the entire week.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/12/15
If anyone wants to see just part two there is a $40 ticket for Wednesday May 23 at 7:30
Sec ORCHLF, Row H, Seat 13 - 15 and Sec ORCHL, Row K, Seat 11 - 15 Available 199 per part for tomorrow and Friday
Orchestra Right B12 is available for Sunday, May 27. $299 per part. Debating picking them up and returning my K12 seat, but I think I'll stay because of K's extra legroom and being slightly further back. Thoughts?
I think that B especially to the sides, will be too close, and K may be the better choice
Broadway Star Joined: 12/12/15
I would definitely stick with row k. Sitting a bit farther back will allow you to appreciate more of the effects in my opinion. Though if you can get an aisle seat that might be worth it
Thanks, all. Kinda what I was thinking. :) Row K seems the perfect distance, and the added legroom is amazing. I do usually go for an aisle, as I'm a large gentleman, but hopefully the extra leg room will make that issue more bearable! Thanks again!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
Just to echo the above sentiments, I agree that row K will be great. I sat at the end of row N the other day and thought it was terrific, was still close enough to see faces while the magic looked better than when I had sat closer (row F).
Speaking of row K, orchestra K 15 is available on Ticketmaster for tonight/tomorrow, $199 per part.
Stand-by Joined: 2/19/15
I was there yesterday and had an amazing time. Broadway fans, you all in for a massive treat.
A note on my seat. For Row L seats 101 to 108, I would recommend using a seat cushion. I actually ended up using two since for those seats, row L is the last row and two cushions won't impact the view since row M is staggered starting at about seat 109.
I also took CT2NYC's advise to use bincolars. They came in very handy!
DH is seeing the show tonight from Dress circle box B. Will report back on his view. I don't think there has been a discussion as yet of the view from the boxes. It's side view obviously but still looks to be a great view, especially from Dress Circle.
Well this thread I started certainly took on a life of its own!
Any insight from rear orchestra? Have tickets for October in Row P, but tagging along with a friend next week for row U, seats 25-27?