Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
"Wife: It's raining outside.
Husband: It isn't. They're playing storm sound effects.
Wife: I can see the street from here. It's raining.
Husband: Why do you go out of your way to prove me wrong every single moment?"
Sounds almost like my parents. Hmmmm.
haha I've only gotten through like 5 pages of this thread, but it is SO good. Anyway, I've definitely heard some great things I can't recall, but one thing I do remember, though not broadway-related is this:
my senior year of high school I was in a production of the pajama game. Starting my sophomore year my school developed this unfortunate policy where they cast almost everyone who auditioned into the ensemble... which was nice I suppose, but many of them were really terrible/clueless. Anyway, our student director is talking to one of these girls about performance dates, this is not quoted exactly, but it's the right idea
girl: "so, when are the performances?"
director: "We have shows on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th" (or whenever they were.
girl: "wait, so do I have to come to all three performances?"
o_o um. yes.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
im reading this at work right now cuz im bored and i have laughed out loud quite a few times already. I absoulutly love this thread. Stupid tourists amuse me.
It's nice, when you have a couple of spare hours and literally nothing better to do, to just trawl through this thread from beginning to end and remind yourself of old gems. :3
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/14/07
when I went to see cathy rigby in peter pan I went with my cousin and her friend tagged along. She was very excited to cathy live on stage but then she asked I wonder what role she's playing maybe she's playing Tinker Belle and my cousin an I just laughed because the title was Cathy Rigby is Peter pan.
Fat woman #1, at intermission: Man, these seats are tight!
Fat woman #2: Oh my god, tell me about it! My butt is killing me!
Fat woman #1, to skinny guy sitting in between them: Was I spilling over into your seat?
Skinny guy: You both were.
--New Amsterdam Theatre
Overheard by: Ali
via Overheard in New York, Jul 18, 2008
Overheard in New York, Jul 18, 2008
Overheard near the TKTs booth.
Man: "What should we get tickets for?"
Woman: "I was thinking Les Miserables"
Man: "Oh? What's that?"
Woman: "It's like the American Revolution, only French."
This isn't tourist related really but, My French teacher was booking tickets to see Les Miz in APRIL of this year. SHE ALREADY BOOKED THE TICKETS. When I heard that I went to her room and told her it was closing before then she was shocked. She got Telecharge on the phone, their response was "We know we were going to ask you if their was another show you would like". How did that even happen? Telecharge has to have idiots behind the desk.
[TOS] [!!!] Sunday. Went to "The Marriage of Bette and Boo." Knowing that the stage door for [tos] was a block away, decided to treat myself to watch the cast interact with the fans (dudes, it's [tos]-ome). The show had not ended, so I was able to hear "9 Peoples' Favorite Thing" and all the applause from the lobby. [SWEET] Then, when they opened the doors, one of the first groups to exit was these two matinee ladies... Hold onto your hats for one of the stupidest quotes I have heard from an audience member: "That was cute, but the director should fire those two boys and get actors with stronger voices...that young man we saw in 'Xanadu' yesterday would be very good--he has a nice voice..."
Did they not get what they had just spent the afternoon watching??
Unbelievable PocketsquaredFanadu! Well they knew matinee ladies weren't going to love it.
At intermission...
"Is it half-time?"
"Yeah, I think it is half-time."
Did they not get what they had just spent the afternoon watching??
Amazing- totally reminded me of (don't think I've shared this one here yet)- A Chorus Line has just ended, the lights come up, and the woman next to me turns to her friend and goes "oh. So it's not a show? It's just about an audition? Well that's different, I guess."
And also at the same show- have y'all ever experienced what I call the Righteous Indignation Understudy Board Reading? It goes a little something like
woman: "Ugh. We have an understudy for Maggie."
man: "Which one's Maggie?"
woman: "I don't know. The point is we have an understudy!"
I did walk away before I laughed at her.
Did they not get what they had just spent the afternoon watching??
Quite possibly not if lines were said under the "I'm so much cooler than thou" laughter I experienced Sunday night. There are so many inside jokes that it's VERY possible people don't get it. Forgive them for being mere mortals. for my latest WTF overhearing...
Saturday night I finally saw Jersey Boys with a standing room ticket. I'd gone to the Times Square rest stop ~ um, the Marriott :) ~ and was going into the bathroom in front of an older (at least early 70s) woman who was talking on her cell phone. She said "Oh, we're going to Avenue Q."
Now, my first thought was "Does she know what she's in for?" and apparently her friend asked the same question because she then said "Oh, I don't really know what it's about but it won the Tony so it must be very good."
And it gets better. She proceeded to say (not making this up folks) "You know I love opera. And he loves opera. So it should be fine."
Avenue Q and opera used comparatively in the same breath.
The rest of the night I was humming "One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just isn't the same". I would have loved to see her and her opera-loving companion's faces when they realized it's about as far from opera as you can get.
I took my father to see Gypsy, and asked him if he knew anything about it. "Is that like Cher? When I hear Gypsy I think of Cher."
For the record, he LOVED the show.
at spelling bee a year and a half ago (my sister and i still laugh about this)
there was a family sitting next to us. the sister was about 18 or 19 and the brother was about 12
Brother: "What's an Episcopalian?"
Sister: "It means someone who doesn't believe in God"
Overheard in the Ambassador Theatre before a performance of Chicago.
(mom and daughter looking through their Playbill at the list of shows on the last few pages)
Mom: Oh look! We haven't seen Grease yet.
Daughter: Yeah, but Taylor Hicks is in it...I can't quite picture him as Danny.
Mom: No, I picture him more as Zuko.
Daughter: YES! That's what I was thinking!
I didn't have the heart to tell them that Danny and Zuko are the same person...
A few weeks ago at Spring Awakening, just as Wendla got her dress ripped open, a women infront of me leaned over and said to her daughter, "You lied to me." Not a ridiculous comment, but I found it funny.
Edit: Also, EVERY SINGLE TIME I've seen Spring Awakening, whoever I bring with me asks if I saw Christine Estabrook in Grey Gardens.
Some of my favorites:
-When I saw Young Frankenstien, there was this little girl sitting in front of me. Every time they swore, she gasped. In the scene where he locks himself in the room with the monster and says "F*CK." She flipped out, almost screaming "THEY CAN'T SAY THAT!!!!!!!!"
-I don't remember the exact dialogue, but when I saw RENT, I saw this lady and her daughter trying to figure out what the basic plot was at intermission.
-I saw Legally Blonde on a trip with a local theatre group, and afterwards, we got to talk to Laura Bell Bundy and some of the other cast members, and so did another group. We were asking legitimite questions, such as "Where did you go to college?", and "How did you get into theatre?", while the other group was asking--I kid you not--"Did you like your costumes?" and my personal favorite, to Laura Bell Bundy: "Who did you play?"
-This didn't happen during a preformance, but it's a great story nonetheless. I was in a local production of 42nd Street, and I'd posted some rehearsal photos on my faceboook. I had a picture from the scene where Peggy faints, appropriately captioned "Peggy fainted!". My friend, who isn't into theatre, feels like browsing my pictures, sees the caption, and comments "OMG really?!", thinking that an actual cast member had fainted.
This isnt exactly something someone said but still pretty shocking.
I was working The Color Purple and a woman in the front row kept on talking to the actors eg, "you go gurl!" "Oh hell no he did not slap her" "hit him back Sophie" and so on. After we told the woman that the actors on the stage could hear her she said she didnt care and stood up and started yelling, all during the first act. The cops came in and took her outside and we were all told not to let her back in. Well one usher didnt get the message and let her back in during intermission. The woman then sat down in her seat, PEED!, and then walked out.
I couldn't believe a grown woman peed in a seat out of spite!
Cello-dude, that story just cracked me up! That is SO disgusting!
I've got a few new stupid comments that i overheard at the Les Miz concert at the Hollywood Bowl. I of course ended up sitting in front of these girls who were possibly the STUPIDEST ditzy girls I've ever encountered in my life. I don't even know why they came to see the show. They pretty much just mocked the entire thing.
During the entire first act, the one girl was confused about what was happening, and the other girl kept a running commentary of what was going on. VERY LOUDLY. And some of her explanations were just great. This was her explanation of Fantine's death.
"Okay, so like, she's sick, but like, she needed a doctor and so did her kid and so she's decided NOT to see the doctor.... i think....yeah...yeah, that's right."
And then once Fantine died, the other girl said "Oh my god, is she really dead?" and her friend replies "No, she couldn't have died that fast. I think she's just napping."
This went on for about 15 minutes, until everyone around us got angry and so the girls finally quieted down.
Until Eponine's death, that is. When one of the girls felt the need to shout out "YEAHHHHHH EPONINEEEEEEEE!!!!"
And then at the end of the night, they were saying "O.M.G, LETS TRY OUT FOR A MUSICAL!!! We could be in things like this!! How hard can it be to get in stuff like this? I mean, there's probably not very many people who like doing this kind of stuff."
And their summary of the entire show?? "Well.... pretty much everyone died...and then more people died.....the end."
Oh, and i forgot about the woman who went on and on about how she was so excited to be seeing the ORIGINAL CAST of Les Miz.
I laughed out loud at that one.
I saw In the Heights yesterday, and I was talking to Lin Manuel Miranda at the stage door. The girl next to me very rudely butted in and asked if anyone in the show played a Hasidic Jew. He just laughed a little, and said, "Um, nope, we're all Latino."
At North Shore Musical Theatre's Production of "Spelling Bee": The dialogue leading into the "i love you song" the couple in front of me cell phone went off, and it took a good 15-20 seconds for them to figure how to turn it off. dont worry the husban accidentially hit the speaker phone button in stead of the off button, and projected through the entire theatre was "HELLO? BILL? CINDY? HELLO? ARE YOU THERE? WHATS THAT NOISE?" Finally the husband turned it off, and 30 seconds the damn thing rang again!
at RENT lottery, I overheard these two people talking.
guy: what if we lose, what do we do?
girl: we could try [Title of Show] lottery
guy: what is that?
girl: its a show about two guys writing a musical about writing a musical.
guy: uh, no, i'm not into that kind of show.
girl: whats your kind of show?
guy: you know, Cats, Phantom, those good ones.
girl: (with visible cringe) Ew, you suck. You disgust me.
guy: *frowns*
the look on the guy's face was hilarious.