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How is everyone doing?

#50How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 6:13pm

I am in Detroit.  I am a healthcare worker for a major hospital system in the city.  As in the news, we are one of the new epicenters for COVID-19.  It is scary what I am seeing every day- there is no sugar coating what nurses, physicians and others are going through every day just to try to provide basic care. Morale is low, stress is high... there is tremendous sadness.  It is hard not to carry this over to other aspects of life.  No matter how careful I am with my patient care, I am likely to bring this home.  That makes me feel some stress and anxiety at almost all times of the day.

I will admit to finding it difficult to read complaints of being so isolated and being bored, because I would thoroughly love the opportunity to decompress and feel bored.  But I also realize that it isn't fair to judge others for their honest opinions and how they are coping with such a life change.  I will also admit to being entirely pissed about people not respecting or understanding the need to be vigilant about social distancing and stay-at-home orders.  Everyone should be forced to watch an hours of a current shift in the hospitals EDs or ICU in order to have some tangibility to reality.

On a very personal note, I am sad that I had to miss seeing Dear Evan Hansen here in Detroit- I was supposed to actually see it twice. I really love the message of the show and it makes me sad to realize how unlikely it is to be able to return to the city. 

I hope everyone stays well...and hope the extroverts and social butterflies get their opportunities soon! :)  

#51How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 6:21pm

fosterfan2 said: "Jarethan said: "I live in Sarasota, Fl., in the winter and usually head up to Massachusetts in May. Wondering whether the is going to happen and whether my June trip to NYC will come off. So far, Hangmen and Va. Woolf are off the table, although I still have Tina, Company, WSS, and something else (senior moment); I have to admit, however, that I am already more than a little trepidatious about sitting in those cramped theatres in 10 short weeks, even if performances are back on. It has been 26 years, but I was hospitalized for a week with pneumonia then, as well as once when I was a kid. So, although I would normally be considered in excellent health, my lungs probably have some scars or whatever.

To date, my wife and I have been positively rigid re self-quarantining, with one exception. I will walk in my neighborhood, quickly changing direction if I see anyone heading in my general direction, usually walking a dog. It is definitely getting old, but has not been as horrible personally for me as I feared. I wonder whether I will still be saying that in a couple of weeks, once I have completedlengthy telephone conversations with everyone I said I was going to call over the last 5 years. That actually seems to be my #1 activity daily.

My big fear is actually getting sick with something other than COV19 and not wanting to do anything about it, for fear of being forced to leave my cocoon.

I love movies and a lot of the streaming programs, not as much as live theatre, but more than 95% of the people I know. I have not allowed myself to watch any more TV than usual, but I have been more selective. My current addiction is the British series, Unforgettable, which is excellent. Three seasons for a total 18 episodes. I have also been watching, if you can believe this, a Korean drama,Crash Landing on You,which I love so much that I have probably watched every episode twice (total if 16 episodes). I went into a mini-funk when the last episode was over.

My wife has becomeaddicted to MSNBC (because she HATES Drumpf probably much as anyone alive does. So do I, for that matter; however,I am refusing to watch because all it does is depress me. i always feared what would happen if we had a crisis with that idiot in office; unfortunately, I am finding out.


Your last sentence expresses exactly how I feel. I've had the same fear for the past 4 years,even before he was elected. And to think some people around me thought I was just being paranoid.

Unfortunately, you are not paranoid, you are right.  The thing that scares me is that his approval ratings have not been down so far, considering how abysmally he has (not) managed this, even doing his normal reinventing of history by declaring that he knew this was going to be a pandemic.  I have occasionally thought 'just put me out of my misery, but I'd be happier if he was put out...

joevitus Profile Photo
#52How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 6:22pm

ArtMan said: "My biggest fear is that my mother may think I have abandoned her. She is in final stage of Alzheimers. She is bedbound with the exception of one day a week they get her up to weigh her. She has kept her eyes shut for years now and has not spoken also for years. I occasionally do get a head nod. I quit working years ago, by choice, so that I could keep my eyes on her and her care in the nursing home. I visit 5 days a week, so that was my incentive to get out of bed. Obviously, this virus has taken that away from me. I am mostly an introvert, preferably, so not being able to go out and socialize doesn't bother me, but I do miss interacting with the staff. I'm also a clean freak, so there was no adjustment to constantly clean hands, since I already did it. I am getting bored though. And it's only been two weeks. There is only so much tv one can watch. I live in Jacksonville and enjoyed the occasional road trip to Orlando, just to get away from the stress. But I can't do that now. I make one, out of the country trip a year, but that has already been cancelled. And normally, one trip to NYC, but chose not to go this year. Instead choosing Las Vegas, at end of June. Actually if it wasn't for the shows on Bravo (I know), reading the bit**y comments on Data Lounge and reading the posts on this Board, I would be more stir crazy, than I already am. Art (real name)"

I have this identical fear, but I notice my mom has no concept of time anymore, there is just "now," so she can't determine when I have or haven't been, though if something has kept me away for a period longer than usual (Katrina, when that hit) her effuse pleasure in seeing me tells me there is some sense in her mind that a longer time has passed. Could this be true for your mom, too?

My bigger fear is that if I'm not around for awhile, she may not be capable of remembering me. I'm not at all sure now what she considers me to be. Does she still understand I'm her son, and not just some guy who stops by to see her? 

joevitus Profile Photo
#53How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 6:24pm

I'm really glad you got to be with her, Sweet Lips. And I think your post to ArtMan was beautiful. 

#54How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 7:03pm

SweetLips22 said: "Artman I cried reading your post. My heart sits besides yours as you worry about your Mum.

Be strong because Mums always know when their child is near by.


Jon, Thank you for the kind words.  Ma, has been in the nursing home for over 11 years.  Since I have been so hands on, from the beginning, unlike other resident's family members, I am realistic about the outcome.  The harder part was before the nursing home.  Ma was in denial and responded, at times, aggressively.  She entered the nursing home at 73 and first showed signs at 68.  So it has been a long struggle.

#55How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 7:03pm



Updated On: 3/28/20 at 07:03 PM

#56How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 7:13pm

joevitus said: "ArtMan said: "My biggest fear is that my mother may think I have abandoned her. She is in final stage of Alzheimers. She is bedbound with the exception of one day a week they get her up to weigh her. She has kept her eyes shut for years now and has not spoken also for years. I occasionally do get a head nod. I quit working years ago, by choice, so that I could keep my eyes on her and her care in the nursing home. I visit 5 days a week, so that was my incentive to get out of bed. Obviously, this virus has taken that away from me. I am mostly an introvert, preferably, so not being able to go out and socialize doesn't bother me, but I do miss interacting with the staff. I'm also a clean freak, so there was no adjustment to constantly clean hands, since I already did it. I am getting bored though. And it's only been two weeks. There is only so much tv one can watch. I live in Jacksonville and enjoyed the occasional road trip to Orlando, just to get away from the stress. But I can't do that now. I make one, out of the country trip a year, but that has already been cancelled. And normally, one trip to NYC, but chose not to go this year. Instead choosing Las Vegas, at end of June. Actually if it wasn't for the shows on Bravo (I know), reading the bit**y comments on Data Lounge and reading the posts on this Board, I would be more stir crazy, than I already am. Art (real name)"

I have this identical fear, but I notice my mom has no concept of time anymore, there is just "now," so she can't determine when I have or haven't been, though if something has kept me away for a period longer than usual(Katrina, when that hit) her effuse pleasure in seeing me tells me there is some sense in her mind that a longer time has passed. Could this be true for your mom, too?

My bigger fear is that if I'm not around for awhile, she may not be capable of remembering me. I'm not at all sure now what she considers me to be. Does she still understand I'm her son, and not just some guy who stops by to see her?

Joevitus, I honestly don't know what Ma comprehends.  As I mentioned, she keeps her eyes closed, (over 5 years or more) and does not communicate.  I used to get an occasional, "yes", "no" and "what".  But no more.  I still speak to her in normal conversations.  I normally get no response.  But I always leave by singing to her three songs.  At times, I get a smile.   I think its harder on the spouse and the children.  But I've been dealing with it so long, it no longer upsets me.  I'm kind of numb.  That makes me feel quilty. 

#57How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 7:13pm



Updated On: 3/28/20 at 07:13 PM

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#58How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 7:57pm

Updated On: 3/28/20 at 07:57 PM

joevitus Profile Photo
#59How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 8:55pm

ArtMan, just want to tell you that you'e amazing. And singing the songs to your mother before you would leave, that's so beautiful and brilliant. Know that about yourself. I empathize with the guilt about not being able to be there, and it is what it is (which doesn't mean you or I should feel guilt, just that emotions aren't always rational). I'm directing good vibes your way.

#60How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 9:54pm

Hello! I used to be more active on these boards but although I read them almost daily and have the page bookmarked, I rarely post unless I have something I have to get off my chest :)

I was working at Disney World in Orlando, Florida in the Disney College Program until March 14th. I was at work when Disney sent out a mass email saying all interns were being sent home and we had three days, til March 18th, to vacate our apartments (most of us live in Disney housing). There was shock, tears, and disbelief as we all scrambled to figure out what we were going to do. (I finished working my list shift, but many did not, going into work that day I had no idea that was my list shift). As much I didn't want to leave Orlando, with no place to live and no job, I had to go home to the midwest. Where it's still cold and mildy winter How is everyone doing?. I had no intention of coming back here, ever really. I have no idea when Disney will reopen or if I will be able to go back. There are almost no places hiring in my hometown. I'm still kind of in shock all of this has happened. 

I spend my time staying in, watching way too much news (CNN etc.)  eating too much, and I have watched some of Seth's shows which are really amazing. 

Hesione Hushabye thinks it tastes like ashes.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#61How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 10:23pm

Plannietink08 said: "Dunoon is GORGEOUS. Such a wee hidden gem! I’m in Fort William in the North West. Did you ever make it up here?"

No, but perhaps in the future (?)

Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 3/28/20 at 10:23 PM

PatrickDC Profile Photo
#62How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 10:28pm

Greetings from Daly City, you a bedroom community bordering San Francisco. Been home for two weeks though go to the store and local restaurants for takeout to support them. I work remote often so the transition was easy but I’m an extrovert so I miss my coworkers and meeting with major donors to the nonprofit I work for. I’m an introvert personally though so all this alone time is fine with me.

I’ve been so busy keeping revenue coming in I hardly have time to think of anything else. Lots of calls and video meetings with coworkers. I get calls and texts from friends and family during the day. I think they understand now this is no vacation for us fundraisers.

I’m so concerned about the low income and marginalized people we serve. Very concerned they’ll make it through this. How does one shelter in place when you don’t have shelter, are packed into a tiny shelter with multiple people, or live in unsafe, abusive homes?

I’m not concerned for own health but I respect many others are freaked by this. Use caution yes but the media is inciting panic (in my opinion). My brother works for NBC and even he agrees but it’s what sells and keeps their ratings up. Me, I may check the paper online but I don’t listen to news much. No TV so don’t watch it either.

I love EarthCam and always look at vacant Times Square. So eerie. Miss seeing all the people.

I’m thinking how life will change. Using the keypad at stores and ATMs, wondering if new technology will be created so we don’t have to touch buttons. Not a concern to me but I know others are nervous.

I’m sad for our small theater companies. I hope they all bounce back but who knows. Will people be nervous about sitting so close to others for 2-3 hours? Will audiences rush back to the theater?

And to the OP, Plann..., my sister and I were planning a trip to Scotland this summer to explore our heritage (75% Scot). My other sister was married 25 years ago in Gretna Green. We look forward to visiting once this mess is over.

Stay well everyone!

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#63How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 11:09pm

Sorry about these messages. Deleted my avatar and replaced with a new one but the old one keeps coming up. What have I done wrong?

Updated On: 3/28/20 at 11:09 PM

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#64How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 11:16pm

Last try.

Thanks HG--thought, just for now, would try to show the man behind the Lips.

Updated On: 3/29/20 at 11:16 PM

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#65How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 11:23pm

SweetLips22 said: "Sorry about these messages. Deleted my avatar and replaced with a new one but the old one keeps coming up. What have I done wrong?"


In the past when I've changed my avatar, it has taken quite awhile for the new avatar to appear on my posts.  Maybe even hours later.

Edit:  Your "Who's Online" shows the new avatar....a nice looking it's probably just a matter of time.

Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 3/28/20 at 11:23 PM

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#66How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/29/20 at 8:08am

" I have family in Dunn and Charlotte. Last night they told me they have seen an influx of NY license plates. I guess a lot of New Yorkers fled there too. "

Not surprised, there is even a part of Charlotte that was nicknamed "Little LI" years ago because of all the people from LI moving there. Hope you and your family are doing well.

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#67How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/29/20 at 8:11am

" My biggest fear is that my mother may  think I have abandoned her.  She is in final stage of Alzheimers.  She is bedbound with the exception of one day a week they get her up to weigh her.  She has kept her eyes shut for years now and has not spoken also for years. I occasionally do get a head nod.  I quit working years ago, by choice, so that I could keep my eyes on her and her care in the nursing home.  I visit 5 days a week, so that was my incentive to get out of bed.  "

Very sorry to read this, thoughts and prayers are with you in this tough time.

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#68How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/31/20 at 10:16pm

How is everyone doing?

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

LuminousBeing Profile Photo
#69How is everyone doing?
Posted: 4/1/20 at 10:16am

Hello from a town near Boston, MA! I love this thread.

I'm a family therapist in my late 30s specializing in crisis-level care. My work is done primarily in my clients' homes, and it has been a big adjustment to transition to virtual delivery of therapeutic services, especially with the younger kiddos. My colleagues and I are coping as best we can to our new temporary normal and doing our best to support our families in doing the same. Very grateful that I'm still getting paid at the same rate as before.

My best friend from NYC moved into my place a couple weeks ago (after a 2-week self-quarantine to be sure it was safe to come here) to escape the madness, and we've been keeping each other sane by watching Play-Per-View performances, Seth's Stars in the House series on YT, and other theater. We've been trying to "go to the theater" as often as possible using Broadway HD and other streaming services, even taking 15-minute intermissions. I'm also trying to make time in the evenings to engage in preferred activities like crochet, yoga, and painting. We've left my home once per day to take a long walk around my neighborhood, and on Thursday early morning, I do the grocery shopping. Other than that, we stay in, doing our part to flatten the curve.

Sending you all on this board love and light during this time.

#70How is everyone doing?
Posted: 4/1/20 at 2:31pm

yankeefan7 said: "" My biggest fear is that my mother may think I have abandoned her. She is in final stage of Alzheimers. She is bedbound with the exception of one day a week they get her up to weigh her. She has kept her eyes shut for years now and has not spoken also for years. I occasionally do get a head nod. I quit working years ago, by choice, so that I could keep my eyes on her and her care in the nursing home. I visit 5 days a week, so that was my incentive to get out of bed. "

Very sorry to read this, thoughts and prayers are with you in this tough time.

Yankeefan7,  Thank you for your kind words.

#71How is everyone doing?
Posted: 4/1/20 at 2:31pm


Updated On: 4/1/20 at 02:31 PM

#72How is everyone doing?
Posted: 4/1/20 at 11:02pm

I’ve been mostly fine throughout all of this and been pretty optimistic. But the death of Adam Schlesinger has hit me hard. As well as the hospitalization of Nick Cordero. It’s all very sad and I hope it all goes back to normal as soon as possible.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#73How is everyone doing?
Posted: 4/1/20 at 11:23pm

My great aunt, the matriarch of the family, passed away today from complications due to covid. She was 90.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#74How is everyone doing?
Posted: 4/2/20 at 2:46am

I am so sorry for you especially as you contribute so often that your name is now that of a dear friend.

Share blessed memories of your Great-Aunt, laugh and cry with your loved ones.

SweetLips22 [Jon].


