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How is everyone doing?

#25How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 5:33pm

I'm Autumn, 28, from NJ (Warren County where there aren't too many cases but haven't left my house in a week). Long time reader, but I don't comment much. I'm lucky to have a job where I can work from home (content writer, marketing). I miss Broadway like crazy. I had tickets to Six, Company, Flying Over Sunset, and Assassins. Plus Elton John's farewell tour and Harry Styles. 

Passing time with Seth's concerts, and playing Animal Crossing and Witcher 3. I wish I could stop refreshing Twitter all the time but I'm compelled to keep reading the latest news even if it makes me anxious and upset (thanks President Cheeto). I'm happy to have Governor Cuomo's press conferences every morning though, wish he was our President.

Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
#26How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 6:39pm

Good morning from Tokyo! The prefectural government has ordered people to not go outside on the weekends, but I guess it’s not going to do much containing the virus since people still do anyways. It also doesn’t help that the mass transit system is incredibly crowded. Yesterday I went to the grocery store downstairs and it was already half empty. They didn’t do much testing since they wanted to keep the Olympics going. Now that it is postponed, the number is starting to go up. The outbreak is just getting started in Tokyo so I’m bracing for what’s about to come.

OKBroadwayFan Profile Photo
#27How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 7:15pm

Joan Clawford!  I love it!!!

uncageg Profile Photo
#28How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 7:15pm

Dancingthrulife2 said: "Good morning from Tokyo! The prefectural government has ordered people to not go outside on the weekends, but I guess it’s not going to do much containing the virus since people still do anyways. It also doesn’t help that the mass transit system is incredibly crowded. Yesterday I went to the grocery store downstairs and it was already half empty. They didn’t do much testing since they wanted to keep the Olympics going. Now that it is postponed, the number is starting to go up. The outbreak is just getting started in Tokyo so I’m bracing for what’s about to come."


Have been following the Olympic decision on NHK World. I watch a LOT of NHK and it has made me really want to visit Japan. Hope to some time in the next few years. 

Hang in there. Don't know you but sure you will cross my mind as I watch!


Just give the world Love.

OKBroadwayFan Profile Photo
#29How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 7:20pm

I am in Oklahoma, work as a consultant.   I usually travel each week to another state and we are grounded until further notice.   I live alone and I am lonely.  I miss the energy of people!   People on the plane, in the airport, at work, just people!    Looking forward to seeing live theater again!!   

Best wishes to all of you!

Stay safe!

We will perform and we will watch other perform again!!!

#30How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 8:37pm

I live in Sarasota, Fl., in the winter and usually head up to Massachusetts in May.  Wondering whether the is going to happen and whether my June trip to NYC will come off.  So far, Hangmen and Va. Woolf are off the table, although I still have Tina, Company, WSS, and something else (senior moment); I have to admit, however, that I am already more than a little trepidatious about sitting in those cramped theatres in 10 short weeks, even if performances are back on.  It has been 26 years, but I was hospitalized for a week with pneumonia then, as well as once when I was a kid.  So, although I would normally be considered in excellent health, my lungs probably have some scars or whatever.

To date, my wife and I have been positively rigid re self-quarantining, with one exception.  I will walk in my neighborhood, quickly changing direction if I see anyone heading in my general direction, usually walking a dog.  It is definitely getting old, but has not been as horrible personally for me as I feared.  I wonder whether I will still be saying that in a couple of weeks, once I have completed lengthy telephone conversations with everyone I said I was going to call over the last 5 years.  That actually seems to be my #1 activity daily.  

My big fear is actually getting sick with something other than COV19 and not wanting to do anything about it, for fear of being forced to leave my cocoon.

I love movies and a lot of the streaming programs, not as much as live theatre, but more than 95% of the people I know.  I have not allowed myself to watch any more TV than usual, but I have been more selective.  My current addiction is the British series, Unforgettable, which is excellent.  Three seasons for a total 18 episodes.  I have also been watching, if you can believe this, a Korean drama, Crash Landing on You, which I love so much that I have probably watched every episode twice (total if 16 episodes).  I went into a mini-funk when the last episode was over.

My wife has become addicted to MSNBC (because she HATES Drumpf probably much as anyone alive does.  So do I, for that matter; however, I am refusing to watch because all it does is depress me.  i always feared what would happen if we had a crisis with that idiot in office; unfortunately, I am finding out.



Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#31How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 9:00pm

Hey everyone, Mike, 22 male here from just outside Concord NH. I naturally have BPD and anxiety and am on medication for both. I got my refills last week and other than that and 1 grocery store trip I have not been out of my house. I am back living at home with my parents since moving from closer to Boston due to losing a job. Im just worried. I do not want to get sick, I do not want to get them sick, I'm so worried, 24/7. I am doing everything I can to distract myself and relax myself and sadly the only thing I can do to do that is smoke weed. Im trying to quit but I can't and it is the only thing that will help me relax and breathe in this time, which is also not going to help me as Im a smoker of a few years now. So ya, Im doing my best to stay healthy and do all the right things but having severe anxiety with this is ROUGH. 

Im hoping this week is good. Im down to part time at my current takeout pizza job. Only 3 people working. 1 cook, me managing the front and everything else, and 1 driver. We aren't super busy but still some interaction which just scares me especially since I've been home (and getting high) for a bit now. Ugh. But, One Man Two Guvernors will be available this week which is exciting as I've always really wanted to see that. Onward is on Disney + this upcoming Friday as well which was a movie I was planning to see before this all went down but of course has not happened. Survivor has been keeping me entertained and the merge is this upcoming week, which is usually fun! 

Always, stay healthy BWW! Through all the fun, snark, sass, discussion, speculation, suggestions, what have you, I wish you ALL the best during this time. Stay well everybody. 

Plannietink08 Profile Photo
#32How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 9:25pm

It’s amazing seeing profiles I’ve known about for years but only now finding out about the people behind the profile! 

"Charlotte, we're Jewish"

Plannietink08 Profile Photo
#33How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 9:26pm

Highland Guy said: "Plannietink08 said: "I’min quarantine in a tiny town in the Highlands of Scotland"

From 1966 to 1970, I was a young sailor stationed onboard a U.S. Navy ship (a submarine tender) homebased at Holy Loch, Scotland. I spent many happy hours in Scotland, especially in the beautiful nearby town of Dunoon along the River Clyde. Wonderful memories.

And now, here in Southern California, I am preparing to enter a cardiac hospital in a few days to have my heart tinkered with.


Dunoon is GORGEOUS. Such a wee hidden gem! I’m in Fort William in the North West. Did you ever make it up here?



"Charlotte, we're Jewish"

Plannietink08 Profile Photo
#34How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 9:27pm

disneybroadwayfan22 said: "Well, the first musical I've ever got into, outside of school, just got cancelled. Had a duet. Took me 5 years to get cast into a musical, so I'mclearlyin a good mood (:"

I’ve loved seeing you comment on things for AGES. Are you on Smule? If so I’ll happily duet with you so you don’t feel like you’ve missed out too much  


"Charlotte, we're Jewish"

Plannietink08 Profile Photo
#35How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 9:30pm

SweetLips22 said: "
I live beautiful bayside outside of Brisbane Queensland Australia. Living alone[am a mature male], isolation and social distancing is not causing any problem so far,[ except sexual desire seems to have increased as the availability has decreased--don't do solo]. That part wasn't necessary so skip if offended.

I have a set daily routine, 6am early morning 2ks speed walk, floor exercises and stretching as I watch the news then no more TV or news throughout the day[I enjoy silence], shave shower and make sure I dress smartly for the day-never slob around in trakkie daks.

Have set a list of chores around the house but the main job is to sort through a mountain on PHOTO ALBUMS--I am 4 down out of about 40. Great therapy, people I have forgotten, some I am pleased to forget and others to call.

I also have my Mother collection. She thankfully died last December at a very bright, witty, intelligent 100 plus 9 years and it was my joy to share her last few years and be with her when she passed in her sleep.

My greatest pleasure now is my tropical Balinese garden[jungle] that is thriving in my semi-tropical climate. I have been to Bali over 80 times [same number with Thailand]so I keep bringing back all this crap to either hang in my trees that tinkle VERY loudly in the wind or clutter for my lounge but love the look and the memories that each piece brings with it.

Watch the news again at 6pm while preparing a healthy dinner-I'm a prime candidate for this virus--age/heart disease/cancer?/bronchial pneumonia at Christmas so try to keep my defences prepared---just in case.

Still I drive to discover new walking paths and get a take away coffee, a quick shop for necessities but am using this time to re-discover what is really necessary in my life and who[people] mean more and are special to me.

I have used the words 'clutter and crap' and perhaps we can use this time to 'de' all that and come out the other side with a clearer purpose on how we continue with our life.

My best friend said after I had cancer[now in remission], if he knew how much having cancer would have improved my personality, he wished I had gotten it sooner ! We laughed as only true friends can.

We all have a book inside of us and our own special memories--perhaps now is the time to open the cover, and start reading the story of our life again.

A safe and healthy journey forward to all,


I used to au pair in Newcastle and met my fiancé in the Colombian Hotel in Sydney! Oz is a massive part of a our life together. We’re always planning trips back over so next time we think about coming across I’ll make sure to hit you up and maybe we can grab coffee? 

"Charlotte, we're Jewish"

Plannietink08 Profile Photo
#36How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/27/20 at 9:31pm

OKBroadwayFan said: "Joan Clawford! I love it!!!"

Wee Joanie. She’s a doll. She’s totally sassy and is constantly attacking Bette Davis. I didn’t realise she’d be so literal. 

"Charlotte, we're Jewish"

#37How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 12:48am

Hey Y'all.  I live in Hells Kitchen.  The neighborhood is like a ghost town now. The last 2 shows we saw were The Minutes and West Side Story.  Keep safe everyone and hopefully we can meet up at Sardis for a cocktail soon.   XOXO


dramamama611 Profile Photo
#38How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 5:11am

Really hard to say....I'm a bit of an introvert so the staying in part isn't so bad. I've started some needlework for the first time in YEARS (which is much more difficult with my now MUCH older eyes!). I'm cooking a lot, which is nice - today, I made sauce and then homemade manicotti, yum.

Work, on the other hand, is stressful. As an educator, theres no where to turn between needing to reinvent the wheel to provide materials and the restrictions placed on us by the state, there is no relief. And now that we've extended our time out of school, all the rules change again....which is exhausting! The worst part is we're not allowed any real time communication with our students! I miss them and our routine dearly.

From a theater point of view, between class projects, public performances and other planned kids have lost at least 7 things....just for drama. I feel worst for my seniors, of course, but we're all losing. (While I get my salary, I'm loosing out on some stipends to a tune of nearly 5k.)

And please don't get me wrong : I get it, I support fully what's happening...I'm just mourning the absence of normal.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

joevitus Profile Photo
#39How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 5:51am

Tutor here (full time, thankfully, and still have my job, for which I'm equally thankful), but was a professor for over a decade, so I feel for you, dramamama. As someone who refused online classes (don't believe in them) this is quite a change for all of us in education. Hopefully, we'll go back to the old ways soon, but not too soon, if you know what I mean. We have to keep each other safe.

I get what you're saying about being an introvert. I socialize well when required, but I've been prepping for social isolation all my life, lol. I could do six months of this standing on my head, as long as necessities are available. The only painful thing for me is not seeing my mom, who is elderly and has dementia (trying to talk to her on a phone or through chat won't work--she can't comprehend what she's supposed to be listening/looking at). I made the choice on my own not to visit once the virus threat got serious, but a week later the place suspended visitation rights anyway. Feel guilt about not going, would feel guilty if I went. *sigh*

Glencoco, if you're still reading, I'm a Houstonian, too. Hope all is well. 

Highland Guy, wishing you a happy recovery!

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#40How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 9:28am

joevitus--I feel for you so emotionally not being able to see or communicate with your Mum.

As I said in my piece above I am so pleased that my Mum died in December because if i were not permitted to see and sit with her at least twice a day as was my routine then I really would have somehow got in there  and remained lock down with her. The thought of Mum in there and me outside would have torn me apart and stressed Mums' heart to a quicker death. Thankfully pneumonia  is what 'did 'er in'.

Selfish I know and not thinking of others, but thankfully that scenario  did not have to play itself out.

#41How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 10:13am

My biggest fear is that my mother may  think I have abandoned her.  She is in final stage of Alzheimers.  She is bedbound with the exception of one day a week they get her up to weigh her.  She has kept her eyes shut for years now and has not spoken also for years. I occasionally do get a head nod.  I quit working years ago, by choice, so that I could keep my eyes on her and her care in the nursing home.  I visit 5 days a week, so that was my incentive to get out of bed.  Obviously, this virus has taken that away from me.  I am mostly an introvert, preferably, so not being able to go out and socialize doesn't bother me, but I do miss interacting with the staff.   I'm also a clean freak, so there was no adjustment to constantly clean hands, since I already did it.  I am getting bored though.  And it's only been two weeks.  There is only so much tv one can watch.  I live in Jacksonville and enjoyed the occasional road trip to Orlando, just to get away from the stress. But I can't do that now.   I make one,  out of the country trip a year, but that has already been cancelled.  And normally, one trip to NYC, but chose not to go this year.  Instead choosing Las Vegas, at end of June.  Actually if it wasn't for the shows on Bravo (I know), reading the bit**y comments on Data Lounge and reading the posts on this Board, I would be more stir crazy, than I already am.  Art (real name)

#42How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 11:33am

Thank you for this thoughtful discussion thread.  

My name is John, I’m 37, and I live in Atlantic Canada. I work in law.  I visit NYC once a year, to catch a handful of shows, visit some museums/botanical gardens, and eat lots of great food. 

Admittedly, these past few weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions.

Early on, I canceled my late April trip to NYC. I felt major disappointment about not seeing some shows that I was really looking forward to.

Since then, those feelings of disappointment have been mostly replaced with concern, worry, and fear.  Every now and then, I check out the Times Square EarthCam, and my heart sinks.  So quiet.  I am concerned about when point of care testing (immediate results) will be widespread and when/if current fast-tracked developed vaccines will move beyond human trials.  I worry about my elderly grandparents, and my parents who have underlying health conditions.  And if I’m going to be vulnerable here, in my quietest hours, I fear that I may become infected and possibly die. I suppose that this fear is natural.

I would like to plan a fall trip (replacement to the cancelled late April trip), but, there are so many uncertainties. I am holding-off, for now.  (I must admit, there is a seat for The Music Man on Telecharge, I keep eyeing—what a great birthday gift to myself!  So hard to resist.)

I’ve been working from home for the past two weeks. I own a beautiful condo, and like many of you, my home  has never been cleaner. My elderly dog keeps me busy.  I’ve been watching Stars in the House (Actors Fund). I’ve been conscientiously limiting the about of time I watch news coverage of COVID-19 to only 10-15 minutes per day.  I’ve been enjoying the beautiful spring weather, with daily walks outside.

Be well everyone.

#43How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 11:47am

Jarethan said: "I live in Sarasota, Fl., in the winter and usually head up to Massachusetts in May. Wondering whether the is going to happen and whether my June trip to NYC will come off. So far, Hangmen and Va. Woolf are off the table, although I still have Tina, Company, WSS, and something else (senior moment); I have to admit, however, that I am already more than a little trepidatious about sitting in those cramped theatres in 10 short weeks, even if performances are back on. It has been 26 years, but I was hospitalized for a week with pneumonia then, as well as once when I was a kid. So, although I would normally be considered in excellent health, my lungs probably have some scars or whatever.

To date, my wife and I have been positively rigid re self-quarantining, with one exception. I will walk in my neighborhood, quickly changing direction if I see anyone heading in my general direction, usually walking a dog. It is definitely getting old, but has not been as horrible personally for me as I feared. I wonder whether I will still be saying that in a couple of weeks, once I have completedlengthy telephone conversations with everyone I said I was going to call over the last 5 years. That actually seems to be my #1 activity daily.

My big fear is actually getting sick with something other than COV19 and not wanting to do anything about it, for fear of being forced to leave my cocoon.

I love movies and a lot of the streaming programs, not as much as live theatre, but more than 95% of the people I know. I have not allowed myself to watch any more TV than usual, but I have been more selective. My current addiction is the British series, Unforgettable, which is excellent. Three seasons for a total 18 episodes. I have also been watching, if you can believe this, a Korean drama,Crash Landing on You,which I love so much that I have probably watched every episode twice (total if 16 episodes). I went into a mini-funk when the last episode was over.

My wife has becomeaddicted to MSNBC (because she HATES Drumpf probably much as anyone alive does. So do I, for that matter; however,I am refusing to watch because all it does is depress me. i always feared what would happen if we had a crisis with that idiot in office; unfortunately, I am finding out.


Your last sentence expresses exactly how I feel. I've had the same fear for the past 4 years,even before he was elected. And to think some people around me thought I was just being paranoid.

#44How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 12:39pm

Hello thank you OP for this wonderful thread. I live in Nassau County, NY about 25 miles East of Manhattan. I'm a frequent business traveler so am now grounded through May at earliest. Still hoping to travel over Memorial Day weekend but that looks less and less likely. I have a pre-existing condition as well so I'm very fearful of catching this virus. 

I've worked from home for several years now so not much has changed in that regard. But I also have a small business as a side hustle and that is dead at the moment so no income there. My husband's job is considered essential so he still goes to work. I'm grateful he hasn't been impacted but also scared of him being exposed to the virus. My folks are in one of the outer boroughs of NYC so I know they are healthy but also stir crazy right now.

I'm using the time after work to take care of home projects I've been avoiding and watching movies/tv shows. I just finished The Windsors on Netflix. It's a parody of the British royal family and is really funny. Season 3 drops on Tuesday. Also hoping to watch some of the new movies that have gone straight to streaming but I'm waiting for the rental price to come down a bit. Hallmark Channel is also a nice escape--they keep running Christmas marathons on the weekends. Lots of Broadway folks tend to pop up in their movies. All of my usual gym instructors are offering virtual classes so I've been fortunate in that regard. As the weather warms up, I'm planning to take daily outside walks too.Stay healthy and well everyone!

#45How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 1:00pm

I turned 60 last March 26. Registered Nurse in Chicago. I am exhausted. I visit sick people at home and ER sending patients home to be followed by nurses.

We are fearing what the next 3 weeks will be after seeing NYC in the news daily.

I go to NYC two to three times a year. A month ago i had the most enyoyable week visiting. I miss NYC so much and miss Broadway beyond words.

I love everything about the theater and we are on a lock down and all is closed.

We need theater and the arts as a whole in our lives.

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#46How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 1:40pm

I am from northwest, NJ. About 50 miles from NYC. I was supposed to see Flying Over Sunset today, but obviously that isn't happening. But, it's raining, so I probably got lucky on that.

I work in an essential retail business, so I have been going to work like normal. Only difference is not making extra stops to places, unless I have to. I am nervous about the virus, but I figure being at work is better than sitting at home with access to 24/7 news coverage. It also keeps me away from social media for hours too.

Being home when I am isn't so bothersome because I don't go out much anyway. I just watch tv, movies, or play games on my computer. I also have a bunny named Oliver and 2 dogs, a chihuahua mix named Phoebe and a beagle named Fontana.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#47How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 2:03pm

Hi !! I live in Charlotte NC and the county I live in went on lock down last Thursday. My main concern is my wife who is a clinical nurse supervisor in big hospital in Charlotte. Today is a beautiful day here, sunny and in the low 80's. Start every morning now with my back exercises which I should do every day and then weather permitting I usually jog for about 5 miles. My wife and I have been doing spring cleaning and started with our garage and the attic above it. I think I mentioned in another post I am playing my guitar more and actually wrote a song for my wife which I will debut (lol) for her on our anniversary. My two daughters teach dance/pilates and have been doing classes with Zoom.

As for watching stuff, I have been going back to some major sport events I recorded over the years and we have Disney plus. My wife has gotten into "The Great British Baking Show" and to keep her company I have watched a few episodes with her. With more time to do things in the house, have been listening to more music than usual. I also have ordered a few books on my Kindle that I will start in the near future.

I hope everyone is hanging in there !! I especially feel bad for everyone in NY which has been hit the hardest. I was born and grew up on LI.  Stay safe !!

uncageg Profile Photo
#48How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 2:19pm

yankeefan7 said: "Hi !! I live in Charlotte NC and the county I live in went on lock down last Thursday. My main concern is my wife who is a clinical nurse supervisor in big hospital in Charlotte. Today is a beautiful day here, sunny and in the low 80's. Start every morning now with my back exercises which I should do every day and then weather permitting I usually jog for about 5 miles. My wife and I have been doing spring cleaning and started with our garage and the attic above it. I think I mentioned in another post I am playing my guitar more and actually wrote a song for my wife which I will debut (lol) for her on our anniversary. My two daughters teach dance/pilates and have been doing classes with Zoom.

As for watching stuff, I have been going back to some major sport events I recorded over the years and we have Disney plus. My wife has gotten into "The Great British Baking Show" and to keep her company I have watched a few episodes with her. With more time to do things in the house, have been listening to more music than usual. I also have ordered a few books on my Kindle that I will start in the near future.

I hope everyone is hanging in there !! I especially feel bad for everyone in NY which has been hit the hardest. I was born and grew up on LI. Stay safe !!


I have family in Dunn and Charlotte. Last night they told me they have seen an influx of NY license plates. I guess a lot of New Yorkers fled there too.


Just give the world Love.

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#49How is everyone doing?
Posted: 3/28/20 at 4:57pm

Artman I cried reading your post. My heart sits besides yours as you worry about your Mum.

Be strong because Mums always know when their child is near by.

