ssfun90067 (Century City in L.A.??) --- You're either an amusing sock puppet, a delusional twit... or Christopher Plumber has finally decided to join us on the BWW board.
I think he's an amusing delusional Sock puppet doing an imition of Christopher Plummer with a little bit of Peter O'Toole thrown in.
In the off chance he is real, would he be more in the Corky St. Clair or the pimply teen queen category?
Carly... is that YOU??
Well seeing as though this person didn't just join the board.
I think the problem ssfun90067 is that you came here asking a question, but that inflated ego of yours got in the way.
Not that it hasn't happened, but it is a rarity that someone goes directly from the college music program to Broadway. The only person that comes to mind at the moment is Katie Clarke. Most Broadway professionals spend years paying their dues working in regional theaters across the country. I've known many an actor/actress who I thought had tons of talent, yet never made it to Broadway. It's the nature of the business.
Updated On: 11/16/07 at 01:04 PM
I love her!
pimply teen queen, complete with purple braces.
ssfun90067--are you cute? Why don't you post a picture or your MySpace profile?
*hands PJ a book of matches and some lighter fluid*
Are you prepared to put out on one of these?
In the off chance he is real, would he be more in the Corky St. Clair or the pimply teen queen category?
Wrong board!!!
Featured Actor Joined: 7/9/05
I wish you a lotta luck. I have worked in Leads in Community, College, and regional theatre for over 30 years. I would give my left kidney to be in the chorus of any Broadway show.
>> Oh, my Gosh, you guys.........I'm totally serious here
>> and you're making fun of me...that's not nice...
>> have I ever done anything to you guys?
Yes, you have! To tell us you're "too talented" to lower yourself to play a chorus role is insulting to all the Broadway chorus members on this board (I know three for sure). Because, they are talented, probably more than you are . . .
>> This board is so cool and I thought it would be cool
>> to ask fellow people on the board for advice.
And many, many of us are still doing regional, Off Off Broadway and WAY OFF Broadway (for upward of ten years), making contacts, taking classes and auditioning beside people with the same dream, who are a) more talented than you, 2) similar background as you or c) not as talented. Nevertheless, I guarantee, most of us Actor/Singers on here could blow you out of the room with our talent.
Advice is asking about classes, great teachers, great schools or opportunities to grow. [On the student board, at that.] Not asking how much they pay for lead roles on Broadway . . . when you are years away from needing to know that answer. First, you need to be in NYC.
>> Why would you make fun of me?
That is why we are making fun of you. And if that hurts you . . . you are not ready for New York in any shape, way or form. You think we are rough, wait until you meet the casting directors!
PLEASE come to NY and let us know how you do!
I expect you to be a mix between Delta Dawn and Eleanor Rigby in a week...but dont let that stop you...break a leg!
">> Why would you make fun of me?
That is why we are making fun of you. And if that hurts you . . . you are not ready for New York in any shape, way or form. You think we are rough, wait until you meet the casting directors! "
Not to mention , the critics! Mr. B. would have some lovely adjectives for you.
I'm sorry ssfun90067 but you were asking for it w/ your naive assumption that because folks in your town/city are enthralled with your stage presence that casting professionals in NYC would want to cast you in leading roles.
I do admire your chutzpah for putting your "fabulousness" out there to the masses. Takes guts w/ this very jaded NY crowd.
Not for nothing, I know you were trying to be sincere in your initial approach, you're just gonna have to take the ego way down. It's a cuthroat business & it ain't that easy did make me laugh though!
I've got a friend that is one of the principals in the show and he makes about 3 G's a week, I believe!
"I was never in the chorus...I was NEVER in the CHORUS!"
I think that I am going to become the top dentist in the city tomorrow. ssfun, things don't just happen. you have to work. acting is a craft, you need to develop. everyone has to work a little bit. come to the city, get an agent take your time. be careful of sleazy producers who want to see you on the casting couch. i also heard of a revival of lestat they are doing in central iowa. start somewhere small..and make it big.
>> all I did was say that I'm an actor who wants to come
>> to Broadway and play leads. I don't have any ego.
Then what is your definition of "ego"?
>> I am talented....I've played leads in musicals.....duh.
As have, probably, every chorus member on Broadway in the past one hundred years! We all start somewhere, babe. And many of us "talented" people, in our 'small pond' (high school, college, local community theatre) did the same as you! So, duh . . .to you, too and your "false" idea of what ego means.
>> ..if you don't have talent then you can't play the leads.
That would be untrue. I've seen "untalented" hacks everywhere playing leads. You could be sleeping with the director and get cast . . . or you're the only male in the town to play the lead . . . or the director wants to f&@k you . . .or you're teacher's/director's pet. Hard to tell -- unless you were cast in professional shows Off Broadway or Regional. Are you Equity?
>> You'll all be sorry when I'm up there winning my 10th Tony
>> Award.
Come here, show us!
And anyway, a "real actor" who has "passion for the craft" is willing, ready and able to play ANY ROLE of ANY SIZE on Broadway, or anywhere! A cast is a "family" . . .team playing . . .etc. You don't have that, obviously; and I wouldn't feel comfortable working with a snob or egomaniac.
Of course, I have and can work with snobs and ego maniacs . . .I just don't enjoy it as much. Nevertheless, I am joyful to be on stage doing what I love, in roles small, medium and huge!!! It's my life!
"I don't have any ego."
Usually the people who say this have the LARGEST ego.
Wow 10 Tonys. People we should all bow down to the next Sir Laurence Olivier!!
I am going to assume that you are being truthful and asking for advice. That said I think the reason you find yourself mocked is that you are saying you are "too good" to work hard and the lead should just be given to you. It's like going to a fortune 500 company and saying I went to college and my family thinks I'm the greatest so make me CEO I don't work in any office lower than that.
This is why you are being mocked. Other than that I know of no successful performer that got into the business for money. There are much easier ways to make money.
I wish you luck.
Updated On: 11/16/07 at 03:09 PM
From someone who has been in the chorus of many a show, I absolutely loved it.