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How to Succeed Stage Door

#1How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/7/12 at 5:52pm

This has probably been posted already and if so I am sorry
Does Darren Criss come out of the stage door after matinees??
Let me know

#2How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/7/12 at 7:08pm

Not sure if it matters anymore. Based on someone posted:

NYPD Shut Down Stage Door

The police refused to manage the crowd outside of the Al Hirschfield theater any longer and said residents were complaining. The crowd waiting for Darren was huge but well-behaved. People were understandably disappointed, but eventually cleared out.

#2How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/7/12 at 9:15pm

So wait... they don't allow "stage-dooring" for Darren anymore? I don't care because im not stage-dooring next time i see the show (crowds are waaaay too crazy for me), but that is a little odd... any details? Just curious.

#3How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/7/12 at 9:49pm

That stage door is insane. I'm trying to get some window cards signed for my daughter but have pretty much given up any hope of that. The cops were there Thursday because people kept moving into the road...crowds were a solid ten rows deep on both sides of the barricades and the whole length of the building across the street. And hanging out in the street.

The crowd cracks me up though...tears at the mere sight of him and pronouncements like "he does exist!" My daughter and I were at the same performance he attended in April and she did have the chance to say hello to him. She was a little moony for most of the second act, but these girls outside...yeesh:)

#4How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/7/12 at 9:49pm

That stage door is insane. I'm trying to get some window cards signed for my daughter but have pretty much given up any hope of that. The cops were there Thursday because people kept moving into the road...crowds were a solid ten rows deep on both sides of the barricades and the whole length of the building across the street. And hanging out in the street.

The crowd cracks me up though...tears at the mere sight of him and pronouncements like "he does exist!" My daughter and I were at the same performance he attended in April and she did have the chance to say hello to him. She was a little moony for most of the second act, but these girls outside...yeesh:)

#5How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/7/12 at 11:15pm

oh my god. It sounds worse than when Daniel Radcliffe was playing Finch. And that was a crazy stage door (especially his last few weeks...)

#6How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 12:10am

i did both radcliffe's final performances stage door and criss's stage door and criss's is by far the bigger crowd. i have no idea why since radcliffe is the bigger star. it is the worst stage door experience i have ever had because of the sheer volume of fans waiting for him.

#7How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 12:29am

Hoooly crap. From tonight:
ETA video:

There were a bunch of Team Starkid people at the show tonight, so in honor of that Darren tweeted that he would do a singalong after the show.

Super, super sweet sentiment, but I'm not sure he realizes yet just how much mass hysteria doing something like that will create these days haha. I mean the stagedoor was already kinds of insane to begin with, let alone adding that. Needless to say I don't think the singalong actually happened because it just got way too crazy, but yeah.

It makes me sad, though, because Darren really is SO insanely good to his fans, and he seems like the type who really values getting to know fans more one-on-one and being able to do fun things for them (like singalongs) and all that, and unfortunately it's just not really possible for him to do that anymore. Which is sad, because I think he was probably used to being able to do it with all the Starkid stuff, and now it's like... he tries to do something nice for the fans and it becomes a riot! (well, okay, not a riot- to give the fans fair credit, they were apparently pretty calm all things considered. But still, there's just no way to have that many people crammed together to see the same person and have it be safe/not extremely disruptive)

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 1/8/12 at 12:29 AM

wdwfreak Profile Photo
#8How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 12:29am

Does he only sign for the people able to throw the stuff in his face or does he try to get some other people too?

Ejm105989 Profile Photo
#9How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 12:51am

That crowd. Holy Heck! You couldn't pay me enough to be in that crowd.

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#10How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 1:06am

Well I know I'd be quite pleased if I lived on that block and a crowd that size decided to have a singalong.

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad

emilyfaye48 Profile Photo
#11How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 1:12am

woah! that's madness!

Without bread we'd just be hungry but without theatre we'd be dead

Ejm105989 Profile Photo
#12How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 1:31am

Just chatted with my friends who was there. She says he came out for like 5 minutes and then had to go back inside and the cops told everyone to leave.

#13How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 1:52am

I don't know if the people who live there should complain...I mean, they live right there at Broadway/Time Sq area, what do they expect??? If they want quiet nights, shouldn't they live in the sub?

Anyway, that clip of the crowd...crazy!!! I just can't imagine on Jan 22... Updated On: 1/8/12 at 01:52 AM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#14How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 1:56am

They should do like they did at Three Days of Rain with Julia Roberts and only let people with tickets from that show wait.

When I picked my ticket up from will call at noon, there were already people lined up at the stage door for after the matinee. When the ushers opened the doors after the show after ended, there were probably 100 people already waiting. It's insane and unsafe, and if people are going to behave like that, they don't deserve to have him come out and sign.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#15How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 2:11am

pitfever-There is a huge difference between street noise and a huge crowd of people gathered around where you live, and blocking the entrance to your home. That is the bigger problem, in my opinion. If the crowd was just in front of the theatre and stage door, it would be a whole different ballgame. But, when you can't get down your own street or home, that is a problem. Not to mention people standing in the middle of the street is dangerous too because vehicles have to get through too. So, if you think people don't have the right to complain because of where they live, we should all gather outside your home and make sure we inconvenience you, to see how you like it.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

#16How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 11:48am

Not to take anything away from Darren.... but the great Stockard Channing, Rachel Griffiths, and Judith Light get a "crowd" of six, at least when I stage doored. Things that make you go hmm! It also reminds me of the time at Barnes & Nobles, the tatoo girl from the realty show that had the affair with Jesse James had hundreds of people there for her signing, while the next day, the talented two time Oscar winner Michael Caine, signing was shortened, due to a lack of participation. When I got there, a Barnes & Noble employee told me "its over...there was nobody here"

winston89 Profile Photo
#17How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 11:50am

These crowds sound nuts. Last night I was in Starbucks on 43rd killing time before I went to the theatre. This young girl comes in and orders enough caffeine to power a small city. The guy that was making the drinks for her noticed that and was making small talk with her about it. She said to him that she was waiting outside to see Darren Criss in How To Succeed with a friend. I looked at my watch and noticed that the time was 7:25.

The performance hadn't even started yet and she was with a friend hanging outside the stage door for when he got out. Nuts.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

#18How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 12:18pm

Marianne2, I was talking about the noise issue. And yeah, if you choose to live in an area like that, well, what do you expect?

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#19How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 12:23pm

^ I would guess that people who live by the Hirschfeld don't have to deal with the noise issue as much, though, because it's much more removed from Times Square and the other theatres. Obviously there's always going to be noise, because they live in the city, but nothing like what that crowd would bring.

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad

AC126748 Profile Photo
#20How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 12:23pm

And yeah, if you choose to live in an area like that, well, what do you expect?

What an ignorant statement. There's a difference between regular NYC street noise and a large, concentrated group of people singing/chanting/yelling at a stage door, as someone already noted. And actually, most parts of Hell's Kitchen can be very quiet and removed from the Broadway/Times Square noise. I've lived in the neighborhood for years and it's nothing like what you seem to imagine.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body
Updated On: 1/8/12 at 12:23 PM

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#21How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 1:10pm

^ I agree. I don't live in NYC, but I've stayed there a few times overnight. It actually surprised me how quiet, except for some vehicles, it gets in some places. I actually think Times Square is probably the noisiest place. But, once you actually get down the side streets, it's not really loud.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

uncageg Profile Photo
#22How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 2:26pm

I pass by there almost every night around 11:15 and bear the screaming. Big crowd at the stagedoor and across the street. Reminds me of when Radcliffe was there. I actually try to get there before the crowds disperse because that corner of 8th gets instantly jammed

Just give the world Love.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#23How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 3:29pm

Have I mentioned how much I hate the moderators on these boards lately? They can really just kiss my...everything.

#24How to Succeed Stage Door
Posted: 1/8/12 at 3:42pm

Moderators are meant to control and maintain civility in this board so I welcome them. Not all of us come here with the intention of attacking actors or shows. Some of us would like to hear honest reviews and share mature opinions of shows we have seen and would like to see. Others just come in here to be juvenile and spread juvenile comments so I am glad the wheat is being separated from the chaff as it were. Moderators, keep doing your job.
