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JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates and replacements (UPDATED)- Page 11

JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates and replacements (UPDATED)

sherie_worshipper Profile Photo
#250JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/26/21 at 6:11pm

No one is saying that people are only allowed to play themselves.

Yes, that’s exactly what you are saying.

…this is what the general trend indicates…

According to you and a vocal minority on social media.

For the record, I’m an immigrant POC gay man. I tick many minority boxes and I’m fed up with so-called allies trying to cancel artistic endeavors using people like me as an excuse. You’re causing more harm than good. No art can survive in this climate of persecution. Art should be free, brave and boundless.

And, by the way, I hate being put in a box as an artist. I’m always asked to create art from the point of view of an immigrant POC gay man. That’s what I am, yes, but my imagination and artistry go far beyond that. The same applies to every other artist, regardless of their “lived experience”. If you want real, there are documentaries about every imaginable subject under the sun. Acting is all about make-believe. If you don’t agree, I’m sorry, but you don’t know what acting is.

Hopefully, in twenty years this craziness will be over and people will see this period for what it really is: another well-intentioned crusade that turned into witch-hunt and censorship.

Updated On: 9/26/21 at 06:11 PM

FosseTharp Profile Photo
#251JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/26/21 at 6:22pm

BroadwayGirl107 said: "FosseTharp said: "This has NOTHING to do with the character of Jo and ALL to do with Nora’s accusations and possibly other issues of mistreatment that haven’t been made public. "

His statement did not read that way to me. Also, what is the creative team and producers supposed to do? Literally all they can do right now is hold and investigation before they take action.


What are the creative team and producers supposed to do? Not let it get to this point in the first place.  Nora’s statement states that they first brought their health issue up to the Stage Manager (who happens to be Vice President of AEA) then it was brought up to people on the creative team, allegedly.  So what are they supposed to do? Take their needs seriously from the start; and not intimidate and coerce them into putting off critical surgery. 


BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#252JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/26/21 at 6:25pm

gibsons2 said: "If things are going to continue that way,we are going to be left over with old unproblematic drivel like Chicago and Wicked and nothing else. Nobody will even try to bring on stage a show as progressive and inclusive as JLP because you just can't win with few very vocal people. Few hundred of rabid, intolerant "woke" people will prosecute you on social media no matter how hard you try. Sure, mistakes were made but people at least try and learn from their missteps and they are trying to correct them. This is awful what's being done to this show."


YUP. What people don’t realize is that the “woke” mob here has successfully shown producers, creative teams, and investors to stay away from complicated issues, trans/queer stories, et al. It just isn’t going to be worth the headache for most now.


JLP should have fixed the Jo stuff immediately out of town, and then never acknowledged it again. They amplified the voices of people who didn’t know what they were talking about and hurt themselves AND caused further harm. 


#253JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/26/21 at 6:28pm

JDonaghy4 said: "oh man this is all so hilarious and emblematic of what Obama warned us about years ago: the Left eating its own and conducting a perennial circular firing squad.

the wokest, most eager-to-scream-about-every-single-issue show in Broadway history (right? cant think of any other) gets devoured by 64 people on social media because it isn't sensitive ENOUGH, isnt apologetic and groveling ENOUGH. "The character has to be written the way WE SAY IT SHOULD BE!" And once someone says their feelings are hurt, there is no option to say "Thats a shame" or "Wasn't anyone's intent, hope you pull through." Thats not allowed, so the producers grovel and apologize, and that just is more chum for the 64 people who now number 128, because everyone loves to join in a feeding frenzy of outrage like this, and here we are.

and it still wont make one iota of difference in the real (post-college, grown up) world. the show's struggles or success will have nothing to do with any of this. but if it closes in winter (which i expect it to), the social media mob squad will be SO SO proud of themselves! and if it runs for a year, they'll be even more outraged, even more incensed, and even louder online.

meanwhile MJ: The Child Molestation Musical is opening with nary a peep.

#254JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/26/21 at 6:36pm

This show is gonna fall now like a pack of cards. Only a Best Musical win stands a chance of saving it at this point.

It’s kind of fitting that Woke The Musical cancels itself.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#255JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/26/21 at 6:40pm

Goodness, I do really feel for Lauren Patten, who was doing the kind of work most only dream of doing and deserved to just...peacefully win her award and have a nice little Tony day like any winner would. 

#256JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/26/21 at 6:41pm

Dolly80 said: "This show is gonna fall now like a pack of cards. Only a Best Musical win stands a chance of saving it at this point.

It’s kind of fitting that Woke The Musical cancels itself.

I feel like if JLP was set to win tonight, they are probably rethinking it due to the controversy now.

If JLP does in fact win, the Best Musical win might provide some temporary damage control. 

steven22 Profile Photo
#257JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/26/21 at 6:47pm

It looks like Antonio Cipriano is done with the show too. He posted a note to his Instagram story stating tonight will be his last performance with the show at the Tonys. I guess this was a recent update? He was announced with the cast for next month's return.

#258JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/26/21 at 6:48pm

gibsons2 said: "If things are going to continue that way,we are going to be left over with old unproblematic drivel like Chicago and Wicked and nothing else. Nobody will even try to bring on stage a show as progressive and inclusive as JLP because you just can't win with few very vocal people. Few hundred of rabid, intolerant "woke" people will prosecute you on social media no matter how hard you try. Sure, mistakes were made but people at least try and learn from their missteps and they are trying to correct them. This is awful what's being done to this show."

I just don't understand how cramming a hodpodge of issues into a bloated book shows that they tried to portray any of those topics with the appropriate sensitivity and nuance. Also, after Griffin Matthews and Aneesh Sheth spoke out, I'm not really inclined to give the benefit of the doubt. 

I do hope Lauren can move on from this when she's ready and find a show worthy of her talent.

#259JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/26/21 at 7:25pm

steven22 said: "It looks like Antonio Cipriano is done with the show too. He posted a note to his Instagram story stating tonight will be his last performance with the show at the Tonys. I guess this was a recent update? He was announced with the cast for next month's return."

If one or two more principles change their minds and leave, I think that might be enough bad will to close it.

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#260JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/26/21 at 7:31pm

Patton won for Best Supporting Actress.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

#261JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/26/21 at 8:05pm

JDonaghy4 said: "oh man this is all so hilarious and emblematic of what Obama warned us about years ago: the Left eating its own and conducting a perennial circular firing squad.

the wokest, most eager-to-scream-about-every-single-issue show in Broadway history (right? cant think of any other) gets devoured by 64 people on social media because it isn't sensitive ENOUGH, isnt apologetic and groveling ENOUGH. "The character has to be written the way WE SAY IT SHOULD BE!" And once someone says their feelings are hurt, there is no option to say "Thats a shame" or "Wasn't anyone's intent, hope you pull through." Thats not allowed, so the producers grovel and apologize, and that just is more chum for the 64 people who now number 128, because everyone loves to join in a feeding frenzy of outrage like this, and here we are.

and it still wont make one iota of difference in the real (post-college, grown up) world. the show's struggles or success will have nothing to do with any of this. but if it closes in winter (which i expect it to), the social media mob squad will be SO SO proud of themselves! and if it runs for a year, they'll be even more outraged, even more incensed, and even louder online.

meanwhile MJ: The Child Molestation Musical is opening with nary a peep.

Yes to this post! And I often think of that Obama speech of him addressing cancel culture, because he absolutely nailed it! 


#262JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/26/21 at 8:07pm

FosseTharp said: "What are the creative team and producers supposed to do? Not let it get to this point in the first place. Nora’s statement states that they first brought their health issue up to the Stage Manager (who happens to be Vice President of AEA) then it was brought up to people on the creative team, allegedly. So what are they supposed to do? Take their needs seriously from the start;and not intimidate and coerce them into putting off critical surgery.

Right so the allegation is that the producers and stage manager ignored or were otherwise insensitive to a cast member. Thats bad. They shouldn't do that. There are surely procedures in place in the union and at law (though I doubt anything here comes close to actionable) to remedy that. But "bosses who arent nice to employees" is now a scandal? What planet do you live on where "They didnt take their needs seriously and coerced an employee to delay surgery" is grounds to close down an entire production and/or the kind of thing that demands outrage and protest? 

Do you understand the way MOST employees across this country are treated? That most employees anywhere can be fired for any reason, and certainly wouldn't be kept on with pay to allow for a surgical operation? It shouldn't be that way, its horrible, but if you're not out protesting that reality (and likely patronizing tons of companies and orgs that do this all the time), you're really just enjoying an outrage parade to "feel solidarity" with someone who you regard as famous. Its pathetic.

#263JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/26/21 at 8:08pm

VintageSnarker said: "gibsons2 said: "If things are going to continue that way,we are going to be left over with old unproblematic drivel like Chicago and Wicked and nothing else. Nobody will even try to bring on stage a show as progressive and inclusive as JLP because you just can't win with few very vocal people. Few hundred of rabid, intolerant "woke" people will prosecute you on social media no matter how hard you try. Sure, mistakes were made but people at least try and learn from their missteps and they are trying to correct them. This is awful what's being done to this show."

I just don't understand how cramming a hodpodge of issues into a bloated book shows that they tried to portray any of those topics with the appropriate sensitivity and nuance. Also, after Griffin Matthews and Aneesh Sheth spoke out, I'm not really inclined to give the benefit of the doubt.

I do hope Lauren can move on from this when she's ready and find a show worthy of her talent.

I didn't feel it was bloated. Often those issues go hand in hand. That's literally the only show that dearer to even touch those themes. 

#264JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/26/21 at 8:08pm

Bravo, Sonya. A moving speech, in addition to fabulous work on the show.

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#265JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/27/21 at 10:43pm

Very curious to hear how Wren and Grace are when both eventually go on for Jo.

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

A Director
#266JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/28/21 at 1:49am

Hope the show closes soon.  The number on Broadway's Back was awful.

#267JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/28/21 at 2:10am

A Director said: "Hope the showcloses soon. The number on Broadway's Back was awful."

The amount of people who want dozens of people to lose their jobs after a year and a half without work because they didn’t like a performance or don’t like one person is disgusting.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#268JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/28/21 at 8:56am

A Director said: "Hope the showcloses soon. The number on Broadway's Back was awful."

You are disgusting 


Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#269JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/28/21 at 9:09am

steven22 said: "It looks like Antonio Cipriano is done with the show too. He posted a note to his Instagram story stating tonight will be his last performance with the show at the Tonys. I guess this was a recent update? He was announced with the cast for next month's return."

Cipriano is officially off of the cast page on the website. No mention of who's his replacement. They do have three weeks to replace him or to bump up someone else(Logan Hart? John Cardoza?)

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

#270JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/28/21 at 9:27am

rpvee2 said: "A Director said: "Hope the showcloses soon. The number on Broadway's Back was awful."

The amount of people who want dozens of people to lose their jobs after a year and a half without work because they didn’t like a performance or don’t like one person is disgusting.

If that’s what you think this is about, you’re deluded.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#271JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/28/21 at 9:31am

ACL2006 said: "steven22 said: "It looks like Antonio Cipriano is done with the show too. He posted a note to his Instagram story stating tonight will be his last performance with the show at the Tonys. I guess this was a recent update? He was announced with the cast for next month's return."

Cipriano is officially off of the cast page on the website. No mention of who's his replacement. They do have three weeks to replace him or to bump up someone else(Logan Hart? John Cardoza?)

Shouldn't be so hard... Phoenix is a thankless role, though whoever plays him also appears in the chorus. I'd like Cardoza to be bumped up (he had gone on for Phoenix before the shutdown, so at least he's got experience) and for Zach Hess to become a full-time chorus member - he is a swing right now.

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#272JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/28/21 at 10:03am

I believe the swings in this show can go on for either type of track(male/female/non-binary). Bumping up a swing to a permanent track would reduce the show to 4 swings. They could just have Zach Hess & Yeman Brown alternate until they fully replace Cardona's track if he gets bumped up.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

suicidalmickeymouse Profile Photo
#273JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/28/21 at 10:21am

100% it should be John Cardoza. We saw him go on in Jan 2020 and we truly think he will have a career like Aaron Tveit or Jeremy Jordan with a voice like that. Here’s a snippet of his “I’m Alive”

Hunter: Your teeth need whitening./ Heidi: You sound weird./ Jeff: You taste funny.
-Jeff Bowen's worst onstage line flub.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#274JAGGED LITTLE PILL announces reopening dates
Posted: 9/28/21 at 10:25am

suicidalmickeymouse said: "100% it should be John Cardoza. We saw him go on in Jan 2020 and we truly think he will have a career like Aaron Tveit or Jeremy Jordan with a voice like that. Here’s a snippet of his “I’m Alive”"

I also saw him last year. Thought he was better than Cipriano. 
