Chorus Member Joined: 5/11/03
Did anyone go to the new Kinky Boots lottery this week? I'm hoping to go next week and was looking to see how crowded it has been.
Google The Broadway Report. That will give you recent info.
Actually the Rush Report hasn't been updated since Kinky Boots switched to lottery. It still has info about the rush line only.
Off topic, but I was genuinely surprised at the lotto numbers. I had no idea that all of them had an average of about 200 people on the weekend! I never bothered to check before, so I had no idea (other than for Wicked and BOM of course).
Leading Actor Joined: 6/14/11
I was there on Tuesday, there were maybe 60 people there, 75 at most. I think they called 20 people.
called 20 people, or gave away 20 tickets? 20 people is a lot!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
Yeah my friend went yesterday and won. He said it seemed like about 1/4 - 1/3 of the people won. It's probably a good idea to try lottery now - before everyone realizes there actually IS a lottery and all the websites are updated. There is another website = NY show tickets = that also still has KB listed for rush.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/06
I believe they have 28 tickets. I won yesterday and our box had 14 people in it.
Oh, the lottery seats are in the boxes?
HELL. TO. THE. NO. If you're in the back of those boxes your visibility of the stage can be around 40%. I'd rather not see the show than have to sit in those boxes. They're truly the worst seats of any theater in New York.
The box seats do suck, if you aren't in the seats in the inside-most part of the boxes (the side that hangs over the orchestra). If you're towards the back, or on the other side of those "inside" seats, you're basically screwed.
When I sat there for the first time at HAIR, after about 5 minutes I got up and really started yelling at the House Manager. I was LIVID that they had the nerve to sell those seats.
They are pretty bad. I hate and do everything in my power to avoid box seats, just a general rule, but the Hirschfeld ones are particularly horrible. When I saw HOW TO SUCCEED in the boxes, I was lucky I had someone in front of me who was very conscious of doing their best to not block my view. But normally, I'd be staring at the back of someone's head.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/18/12
Oh wow, I sat in the inside seat towards the middle of the section for this show and I had a perfect view. I had no idea that the person I was with (who was in the outside seat) had such a bad view. FYI we were in the left box.
Seems like the general consensus is that the lottery seats are bad. I remember sitting in the box for Hair and had a perfect view. Should I even waste my time with the lottery?
I had an outside seat box right for Kinky Boots and it was awful. if I just sat and turned my head to the stage, I saw nothing. I had to stretch and lean just to see a sliver of something. At least it was family next to me so they didn't mind me being in their space. My brother had the inside box seat and he said he had an ok view.
Updated On: 7/22/13 at 05:31 PM
Can someone clarify when standing room is sold since they've changed to a lottery- is it after lotto is given out, some designated time before the show begins, or when the box office opens?
Swing Joined: 12/20/08
I did the lotto in late November on a Saturday night and a Tuesday night. On both nights there were around 100 people there but they called out way more tickets than the originally said they would. The just kept coming back and telling us the box office had released more seats for lotto. On the Saturday night I think they called about 35 names and on the Tuesday night they called about 45, there was hardly anyone who didn't win that night. I was called near the end and scored AMAZING seats which were back row of the Orch. As this row is raised we had a clear view over everyone in front of us. We had an amazing view of the stage.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
I think if you go a day that they have more than 20 lottery tickets, you have a good chance of getting a good lottery seat. When I won once, there were 40 lottery tickets going and the seats were in the 10th row side center - and nothing was all.
Then again - last night we were there with out of town guests and there were only 12 lottery tickets up for grabs...and they were all back of the boxes.
You always find out how many tickets are being offered before you accept the tickets or not. Obviously the more tickets being offered, the better chance you have to have a good seat.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/23/12
So if they call your name earlier on you can ask if those are for the box seats and not accept them and have them put your name back into the lottery?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
No you can't do that. But you can assume that if there are only just a small amount of tickets (under 20), the seats will probably be in the boxes and you can decide whether or not to take them or not. Also, the better seats go first. If you are the last name to be chosen, you have less of a chance of getting a better seat.
However, if for some reason, they release more tickets later on, you might luck out but there is no guarantee they will.
You can always turn down a seat if you don't want it and try another day - no one can force you to pay for a ticket you don't want..But you will increase your odds of getting a good seat if take a chance on a day that they usually give away more lottery tickets..which is often mid week or a Wed matinee....and if it's freezing/rainy/snowy.
My son won the lottery for the second time yesterday - and sat in a right box. Last time, he sat in the left box. Between the two times, he saw everything..LOL But for $30+, he wasn't complaining.
I did the lottery for the matinee on Wednesday, December 18. They gave away 60 tickets. I'm pretty sure everyone won. My seat was in the right box, seat number 3 and it was AMAZING view. I didn't miss a thing.
i did the Kinky Boots lottery at the added matinee the day after Thanksgiving and was probably the 20th name called. They called at least 15 names after mine. I ended up front row stage left. The view was fantastic even though the stage is a bit high but the speaker was at our feet so we felt a great deal of the bass. I was fine with it but my husband preferred to move so we ended up moving to two open seats front row center on the aisle at intermission.
Understudy Joined: 2/19/04
Lottery last night gave away about 100 tickets. Awesome seats were handed out. Not sure if it was the cold or just the after holiday slump that Broadway gets
So I decided to do lottery tonight- both my parents and I entered. There were about 40 people who entered- and in the end I am pretty sure all ended up getting tickets. We actually ran into Harvey as we were leaving, we talked for a little bit. We ended up with some box seats- they were pretty uncomfortable. My mother’s was really wobbly and about to break, and the arm of the chair the lady behind us was sitting in broke off. another seat in our box was really creaky with every movement. We were pretty close to the stage but it was pretty hard to see some things, not horrendous, but still a challenge.
I noticed that there were three seats front row near center seats that were empty and we ended up moving to those during intermission. The show was AMAZING- Best time I have ever had at the show and Front row was perfect. You were soo damn close to them, and you could still see everything, even the boots. I will say, a lot of the actors (especially Andy Kelso during Soul of the Man- where it looked like it was raining) spit a lot and you get a little wet. The entire cast brought their A games, and though I miss Stark, the show holds up excellent- Billy Porter is INSANE amazing, but then the entire company is!