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Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl - Page 21

Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl

#500Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/3/22 at 3:36pm

Theatre Fan3 said: "After reading all the raves and watching the clips it got me to thinking about another project that Lea's name kept popping up in with the conversation about casting and the most vocal posts in regards to that were to "Keep her as far away from it as possible!!" The role in question .... Elphaba in the film version of WICKED. I am curious if people might now think that might not have been a bad choice after all. Too late to make any difference now but doesn't hurt to think about "what it could have been"."

I'm sorry but no. No thank you. If they wanted Lea, she had plenty of time to audition and be considered (I think). So no thank you. 

#501Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/3/22 at 4:10pm

I think it'll take a couple of years before Lea can go back to making movies or tv shows again. But I do want to see her on screen again eventually. Broadway is pretty inaccessible. 

Wicked wasn't the right timing (she was "cancelled"Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl and they have a good Elphaba now.

I do wish to hear her sing Defying Gravity again somewhere though. I don't think there's any footage of her singing it solo. Came across this but I don't think she's giving her all there.

joevitus Profile Photo
#503Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/3/22 at 4:45pm

It's a positive review, not sure what anyone's complaining about. Lea is too traditionally pretty for the role (at least as the character is conceived in Funny Girl, whether Brice in real life was actually non-traditionally attractive or more typical of the women of that era than history has remembered), and comedy isn't her strongest suit.

But the reviewer still gives her tons of props as being in dynamite voice, giving a dynamic performance and essentially owning this role. Why are people carping at what is essentially a rave (the show is given an A-, a damn good ranking)?

The Pesky Pescatarian Profile Photo
The Pesky Pescatarian
#504Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/3/22 at 5:16pm

I'm not carping. They can't all be raves. I just find the "too pretty" criticism weird. Because once upon a time, depending on where you were hanging out on the Internet, that girl used to get dragged! LOL! Like, straight up called ugly. I remember a particularly just mean joke in one of the Neighbors movies. Plus she herself has often mentioned that various powers that be told her she just didn't have the right looks. I've always thought she was a cutie, but my tastes verge towards unconventional. I thought it was hilarious when some tiktok influencer who went to the show thought she was great, but too hot. 

I also tend to go with whatever the text tells me. You can put glasses on Rachel Leigh Cook and I still know she's gorgeous, but if you tell me she's homely I'm game. It's all make believe. 

My hope is that someone takes a chance on Lea again and cast her in something where she gets to originate a role. But with an old school show tunes feel so she can let that voice fly!

joevitus Profile Photo
#505Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/3/22 at 5:28pm

Highland Guy said: "akhoya87 said: "I'd really like to know what's going through the mind of the person who paid $2,500 to see Lea's debut."

The person likely is thinking how happy s/he is to be seeing Lea in her debut as Fanny Brice in "Funny Girl".


It's such an absurd amount. I wonder if they are wealthy enough that it's just no big deal or such a stan that this is literally the most important performance they will ever attend in their life.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#506Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/3/22 at 5:31pm

akhoya87 said: "I'd really like to know what's going through the mind of the person who paid $2,500 to see Lea's debut."

What's it to you? People can spend their own money however they would like. Mind your business.

joevitus Profile Photo
#507Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/3/22 at 6:06pm

The Pesky Pescatarian said: "I'm not carping. They can't all be raves. I just find the "too pretty" criticism weird. Because once upon a time, depending on where you were hanging out on the Internet, that girl used to get dragged! LOL! Like, straight up called ugly. I remember a particularly just mean joke in one of the Neighbors movies. Plus she herself has often mentioned that various powers that be told her she just didn't have the right looks. I've always thought she was a cutie, but my tastes verge towards unconventional. I thought it was hilarious when some tiktok influencer who went to the show thought she was great, but too hot.

I also tend to go with whatever the text tells me. You can put glasses on Rachel Leigh Cook and I still know she's gorgeous, but if you tell me she's homely I'm game. It's all make believe.

My hope is that someone takes a chance on Lea again and cast her in something where she gets to originate a role. But with an old school show tunes feel so she can let that voice fly!

Never knew her looks were attacked but, the internet being the internet, I can't say I'm surprised (see also, Sarah Jessica Parker). 

#508Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/3/22 at 7:43pm

I watched every video straight down the list. They were so enjoyable and well performed!  I see what I've been missing out on. Many thanks to the nice and helpful person who made this possible :)

#509Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/3/22 at 8:00pm

CatLady3 said: "The Wrap's review is.. weird.

He doesn't really talk about why Lea doesn't bring the laughs except to say she's too... pretty? And he kind of dismisses her impact on Act 2.

"Some of the problem is her too glamorous appearance. When Streisand starred in “Funny Girl,” she didn’t look like your typical leading lady. Which is what the role required. Ditto Beanie Feldstein, who was equally playing against type when this revival opened in April.

When Michele is told that her Fanny doesn’t belong in the chorus line with all the other tall and beautiful girls, it’s a problem too easily solved. Get the girl a higher pair of heels."

Interestingly, he had a more favorable review of Beanie and defended her singing capability. Maybe he just has a different expectation of Funny Girl.


His review of Ramin was wonderful and well deserved. The NY Times mentioned Ramin's performance, briefly, but along the same lines. You can't see much of him in the Finale video, but I did a double take. He was so broken (of course no one does broken like Ramin). Glad he's getting some recognition.

As for Lea, he was complimentary of her performance in Act II as well as Tovah's. The 3 make what is a challenging act by most standards. I happen to like it. 

Personally, I think Lea is a wonderful Fanny. Fanny was a pretty woman, especially when she was younger. She had a very mobile face and made herself less attractive. She just didn't have the showgirl look everyone in those days typically associated with beauty. 

From the videos, the only thing I have to go by, she is perfect in the role. 


Updated On: 10/3/22 at 08:00 PM

TaffyDavenport Profile Photo
#510Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/3/22 at 8:08pm

WSJ review:

"As Fanny, who scrapes her way to stardom despite being, as she puts it, “a bagel on a plate full of onion rolls,” Ms. Michele gives a performance that is likely to win over even those who are familiar with every note and every nuance of Ms. Streisand’s (which was immortalized on film). She does not attempt mimicry: Her rangy, slightly sultry soprano is her own, as is her unusual beauty. And she brings a natural, unforced flair to both the near-slapstick comedy—her way with a wisecrack is gentle but assured—and the show’s sudsier moments."

"Funny Girl will always remain an imperfect musical, with its sketched-in supporting characters (Tovah Feldshuh, now in the role of Fanny’s mother, makes the most of her part) and flagging second act, but with the arrival of Ms. Michele at center stage, those imperfections register only faintly. A production that sparked a virtual rainstorm of bad publicity has, improbably, turned into a parade that has audiences cheering almost from the overture to the curtain call."

#511Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/3/22 at 8:40pm

BCfitasafiddle said: "I think she should do "Greatest Star" on GMA."

They might do a few numbers. When Phantom reopened, they parts of 3 songs as I recall.

#512Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/3/22 at 9:29pm

joevitus said: "It's a positive review, not sure what anyone's complaining about. Lea is too traditionally pretty for the role (at least as the character is conceived in Funny Girl, whether Brice in real life was actually non-traditionally attractive or more typical of the women of that era than history has remembered), and comedy isn't her strongest suit.

But the reviewer still gives her tons of props as being in dynamite voice, giving a dynamic performance and essentially owning this role. Why are people carping at what is essentially a rave (the show is given an A-, a damn good ranking)?

I think we're talking about different reviews. EW ranked her A-. I don't see where The Wrap did?

I just found it weird to say she didn't bring the laughs because she was too pretty for the role. She is not conventionally pretty - her nose in particular has been pointed out to be ugly (she has that in common with Babs). She's not the typical Hollywood face. Even under her performance of people, some have been saying she looks like a man as an insult etc. I personally think she's gorgeous but a lot of people don't because she doesn't have the conventional pretty face. So to say that Barbra didn't look like the typical leading lady but Lea does.. I don't know. 

#513Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/3/22 at 9:42pm

Hollywood Reporter review. It echoes the other reviews (magnificent lead, not a good production etc).

"Humility is not a requirement when playing the lead in Funny Girl, but to this critic, there seems a quiet undertone of contrition in Michele’s riveting performance — of sincere gratitude to be back on Broadway for the first time in 14 years, and in her dream role no less. This part is not just the fulfillment of a longtime desire, it’s also a career rehabilitation project. Though if the ecstatic squeals of fans that greet every big brassy belt and key change in her songs are any indication, those rumors of bad behavior have been forgiven and forgotten."

This actually crossed my mind.. that her really huge effort and giving her all in this performance is because she didn't think she'd ever have the opportunity again. 

#514Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/4/22 at 3:31am

Got a private message from Robbie2, but couldn't answer....his acct. isn't accepting them.  I just went through that, I checked that I would accept them, but then you have to click on bottom of page to make the changes work.  Message me again if you fix it.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#515Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/4/22 at 7:06am

I recently decided to make a quick weekend jaunt up to the city the weekend before Thanksgiving, and Funny Girl with Lea is at the top of my list (along with Into the Woods!)... The other two shows are to be determined. I am so excited to see Lea in this, though. I had the immense displeasure of seeing this with Beanie back in May... Looking forward to seeing this show with a competent star who can sing the score.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#516Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/4/22 at 10:09am

Had to create an account so I can come here to say this: Has anyone watched Lea’s Cornet Man clip? Her voice in this song is soooooo satisfying. The belting seems so perfect and effortless. 
Also, is it rare that a Broadway show makes a cast recording with a replacement but not the opening lead? I’m only asking this because being an International fan during this COVID pandemic, it’s almost impossible for me to travel to NYC to see Lea live and a cast recording is my only hope.

#517Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/4/22 at 10:38am

waitwhat0223 said: "Had to create an account so I can come here to say this: Has anyone watched Lea’s Cornet Man clip? Her voice in this song is soooooo satisfying. The belting seems so perfect and effortless.
Also, is it rare that a Broadway show makes a cast recording with a replacement but not the opening lead? I’m only asking this because being an International fan during this COVID pandemic, it’s almost impossible for me to travel to NYC to see Lea live and a cast recording is my only hope.

It is rare but nothing about this revival is routine. It is rare to cast a lead who can’t sing the notes the way they were meant to be sung. 

Gertrude McFuzz2
#518Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/4/22 at 10:38am

waitwhat0223 said: "Had to create an account so I can come here to say this: Has anyone watched Lea’s Cornet Man clip? Her voice in this song is soooooo satisfying. The belting seems so perfect and effortless.
Also, is it rare that a Broadway show makes a cast recording with a replacement but not the opening lead? I’m only asking this because being an International fan during this COVID pandemic, it’s almost impossible for me to travel to NYC to see Lea live and a cast recording is my only hope.

When I saw it I turned to my friend and said it sounded like this song was literally written for her voice!

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#519Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/4/22 at 10:54am

That’s a great description of Lea Michele in FUNNY GIRL: satisfying.  It’s great it took this long for her to finally get the chance to play Fanny as not only has she grown vocally, but has lived life and had a few kicks in the butt as well.  The journey was long and not perfect.  This adds layers to what she’s doing on stage.  She genuinely cares about her performance and isn’t phoning it in from an overblown ego. Everything happens for a reason and she’s one of the few who has been given that second chance. Live and learn. I can easily make an audio from these insanely fantastic clips but I’m all for an official cast recording.  Beyond happy FUNNY GIRL had that second chance of turning things around instead of shuttering as a hot mess Broadway revival. 

#520Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/4/22 at 3:39pm

BrodyFosse123 said: "That’s a great description of Lea Michele in FUNNY GIRL: satisfying. It’s great it took this long for her to finally get the chance to play Fanny as not only has she grown vocally, but has lived life and had a few kicks in the butt as well. The journey was long and not perfect. This adds layers to what she’s doing on stage. She genuinely cares about her performance and isn’t phoning it in from an overblown ego. Everything happens for a reason and she’s one of the few who has been given that second chance. Live and learn. I can easily make an audio from these insanely fantastic clips but I’m all for an official cast recording. Beyond happy FUNNY GIRL had that second chance of turning things around instead of shuttering as a hot mess Broadway revival."

Since I will be unable to see her in person, I am loving these videos. As I watch them over and over, it isn't as much her singing as her acting. Little things she brings to the character - her hands are particularly expressive. One of my favorite moments is during the finale FunnyGirl/DROMP is her crying, the wiping of her nose and eyes and then when she points to herself when singing "my parade." Her performance is very organic, and heart felt, and I'm drawn in with every song. She and Ramin are a perfect match - their scenes have a real intimacy to them that is both enjoyable and a little uncomfortable (a good thing).

#521Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/5/22 at 1:46pm

Lea Michele (and company) will perform "Don't Rain on My Parade" on GMA on Friday around 8:45 AM. 

The Pesky Pescatarian Profile Photo
The Pesky Pescatarian
#522Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/5/22 at 2:19pm

Lea Michele rides waves of love in Broadway’s ‘Funny Girl’ (New York Daily News)

N.J.’s Lea Michele dazzles as ‘Funny Girl’ reopens | Review (


The cast seems very excited to do GMA Friday. I'm looking forward to it!

#523Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/5/22 at 3:15pm

The Pesky Pescatarian said: "The cast seems very excited to do GMA Friday. I'm looking forward to it!"

Probably because for 7 months they've gotten to do none of the typical Broadway musical "stuff." No cast album, no Tonys performance, no morning show performances, nothing. 

It's exciting that the show can finally promote itself because it doesn't need to hide the talents of their star.

#524Lea Michele as Fanny - Funny Girl
Posted: 10/5/22 at 8:40pm

It’s thrilling to read all the great reviews. 

I know that Lea isn’t eligible for a Tony, but are there other awards they would be eligible for? I think has a Best Replacement award. 
