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Legally Blonde Readings Update...- Page 2

Legally Blonde Readings Update...

.LittleWing. 0224 Profile Photo
.LittleWing. 0224
#25re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/12/05 at 7:17pm

hmm... I can definitely see her in the role. It would definitely be a more comedic take on the role, and I think it could work... interesting!

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#26re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/12/05 at 7:23pm

this seems fun! cant wait!

JumpJumpJumpSoHigh Profile Photo
#27re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 1:44am

GYPSY1527: I worked on Larry and Nell's "Cam Jansen" last year, and the score was really, really fabulous. There wasn't a single song that I was sick of by the end of the run! (The run was admittedly short, but still.)

They also wrote "Sarah, Plain and Tall" for TheatreWorks a couple of years ago, and there's a cast recording available from Footlight Records (and probably other sources as well).

Dear Ken, I'm in pieces. Why the cold shoulder? Love, Barbie
Updated On: 12/13/05 at 01:44 AM

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#28re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 1:55am

Wow, I somehow managed to completely miss the fact that Legally Blonde is becoming a musical. Could someone possibly give me some sort of link with info about this? Thanks.

#29re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 2:01am

does anyone else think that kristin chenoweth would be a really good elle?

Hanna from Hamburg Profile Photo
Hanna from Hamburg
#30re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 9:18am

I think Kristen would be GREAT, but at least 10-15 years too old.

". . . POP . . ."

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#31re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 10:33am

Great, great cast! I'd love to see Andy as Emmett, though. But Richard Blake is the PERFECT Warner.

I also think that Kerry Butler would be a great Elle.

dotvmike Profile Photo
#32re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 10:55am

Does anybody know if there are any music clips available...I am most excited about the music!

broadwayboy430 Profile Photo
#33re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 11:36am

Cheno should so be Elle

.LittleWing. 0224 Profile Photo
.LittleWing. 0224
#34re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 11:54am

no no, no Chenoweth in the role... like I said, i think this show is a perfect vehicle for NEW and FRESH talent. We all know Cheno could pull off the role, but aside from being 15 years too old for it, who says someone else better suited couldn't do an even better job. This is not a show that will need to be hoisted up by a better known Broadway "name"... not by any means. I'm excited to see new talent shine! and from what I see from the casting, there is lots of new talent gathered for this and I couldn't be more excited.

ruprecht Profile Photo
#35re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 11:55am

You're right, Andy Karl would be a great Emmett Popular Elphie. He's got the sweetness for that role. As for Cheno, she's way long in the tooth for Elle.

#36re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 12:11pm


Truthfully, I initially pictured Emily Skinner in the role of Paulette. I still think she'd be hilarious, but RACHEL DRATCH!!! It doesn't get better than that!

Ironically enough, my friend's roommate is Scott Bakula's daughter and my friend was telling me the other day that he was "doing something in NYC... I think theatre related, but I'm not sure what it is". HA! Hilarious that it's this. That's so awesome! I can't wait for this. I'm such a fan of the movie (although I have to admit, LBB isn't my first choice for Elle... I think they should go with a true unknown).

"You! You are the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber! And you, well, I just plain don't like you."
~Stewart Gilligan Griffin

MaryMac Profile Photo
#37re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 1:56pm

Yeah Scott Backula!!!! Gotta love the St. Louis actors!!! re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...

OddExoticCreature Profile Photo
#38re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 2:06pm

RACHEL DRATCH!!!!!!!! ON BROADWAY!!!!!!!! *dies*

--Like an odd exotic creature on display inside a zoo, hearing children asking questions makes me ask some questions too...--

.LittleWing. 0224 Profile Photo
.LittleWing. 0224
#39re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 3:48pm

this is a long shot but anyone in the industry attend the reading today and want to share your thoughts on it?

emehobeival Profile Photo
#40re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 3:54pm

Agreed. Cheno is too old for the role...and other people deserve the spotlight.

I still think Kerry Butler would be the best Elle...and Deven May would be the best Emmett. (And Sara Chase isn't in this reading... *sniffle*)

Ever since last April when I heard some of the songs, I've been waiting not-so-patiently for this reading. I adore Larry and Nell... and it's awesome that so many people seem excited for the show. :)


Roger flipped open the catch of his seat belt. "Will you drive into that car in front of us if I kiss you?" "No." "Good." He slid across the seat, took her chin in one hand, and kissed her, fast. -Drums of Autumn, Chapter 3: The Minister's Cat

Trailer Trash Jones Profile Photo
Trailer Trash Jones
#41re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 3:56pm

great info! Anyone know who the MD is?

bluesuadeshoes8 Profile Photo
#42re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 4:29pm

ah why isnt anyone else excited about CHRISTIAN BORLE?!?!

HighlyUnrealistic Profile Photo
#43re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 4:40pm

"why isnt anyone else excited about CHRISTIAN BORLE?!?!"

Oh man, I SOOO am. I love him.

"You know who I think is sexy? Robbie Hart." "You think the 'Time to Make the Donuts' guy is sexy."

emehobeival Profile Photo
#44re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 4:54pm

I have nothing against Christian Borle, really. I mean, I adore his work...

BUT I'm still very sad that Deven May isn't reading for Emmett. He's so talented and hasn't had a big broadway musical yet. Off-Bway and London, yes... but no broadway yet. Sigh. Though, Christian is a good choice for Emmett. I'm sure he'll be wonderful.


Roger flipped open the catch of his seat belt. "Will you drive into that car in front of us if I kiss you?" "No." "Good." He slid across the seat, took her chin in one hand, and kissed her, fast. -Drums of Autumn, Chapter 3: The Minister's Cat

XOsweet_dancerOX Profile Photo
#45re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 6:59pm

Kristin Chenoweth would be a great Elle.

Kristin Chenoweth could barely control a Great Dane she trotted onto the stage. "Great, they gave me a dog that weighs five times what I do", she quipped. For the record, she weighs 93 pounds, and has a Maltese.

fishergirl819 Profile Photo
#46re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 8:03pm

wicked_mimi, while I do not know for sure, I *believe* Kyle is the name given to the UPS delivery man. About a month and a half ago, during Slut's run, there was talk around the ATA of Andy reading as the UPS guy.

And Popular Elphie, as I'm sure you could guess on your own, heh, I agree that Andy would be a wonderful Emmett.

Such a fantastic cast. Love LLB, love Andy, love Aaron Lohr, love SCOTT BAKULA (!!!), love Leslie Kritzer, love Rachel Dratch....such a FANTASTIC cast.

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#47re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 8:10pm

Great cast... I think Christian has a great voice, but I would prefer Gavin Creel -- (I know another Jimmy)

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

almostxfamous Profile Photo
#48re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 8:18pm

I'm really looking forward to this. Some names(Leslie, Christian, Andy, Aaron, Laura, Rachel) are more familiar than others, but it sounds great nonetheless.

I agree with the previous posters about Andy being a GREAT Emmettt. Realistically, I'd just love to see him in anything.

Sounds soo fun.

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#49re: Legally Blonde Readings Update...
Posted: 12/13/05 at 8:26pm

I am really happy about this casting. I love that they are giving all these young up-and-comers a big break (for the reading at least), as well as adding some TV names in the mix to get some buzz (Scott Bakula and Rachel Dracht, who I LOVE!).

I really hope that David Rockwell design the sets for this show. I would love to see his take on Harvard, the Courtroom, the Hair Salon and Elle's Pink Pink room.

