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Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom - Page 4

Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom

thirtythirtyninety Profile Photo
#75Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/4/21 at 9:01am

Outstanding! Like, better than I’d hoped!

Very good day for my Screen Name, to be sure

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#77Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/4/21 at 10:16am

The new trailer looks FAB! Genuinely excited for this.



 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#78Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/4/21 at 10:32am

Not only do we have a really nice poster, not only was the new trailer awesome, but "30/90" SLAPPED! Everyone sounds great and it makes me confident that Andrew Garfield can handle the rest of the songs very well.

Huss417 Profile Photo
#79Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/4/21 at 11:15am

Tim Barstow said: "There's no fanbase for TTB. How are they supposed to make a profit? You can't do it on Lin's name alone! Overall, this is adumb idea. Why not DEH? Thatmoviewould do great in the box office!"

This post didn't age well but gave me a laugh this morning.

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

#80Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/4/21 at 11:34am

All the trailers for this have been impeccable - a strong aesthetic and cinematography that serves the story, great performances, decent vocals with character (all TTB needs honestly).

Andrew Garfield is inspired casting, and I'm warming to Robin DeJesus in the role. Vanessa should be great and not familiar with the actress playing Susan. Love what seems to be a bigger focus on the aids crisis - and it's necessary, imo, as we've lost the immediacy of the crisis that made the light references in the original work. No longer can you just say "I'm dying" and that he's gay and have the audience immediately understand what you mean.

I have always been hopeful for the idea of Lin directing this piece - that out of any creative I know, he's described a creative process most similar to what happens in TTB, the pressure and the sense of impending doom. The benefits of having the people behind the camera truly get the piece cannot be overstated. But I've been seriously impressed by the skill showed in the preliminary material we've been getting.

#81Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/4/21 at 11:50am

I watched the trailer three times. It’s gonna take me some more time to adjust to how promising it is so far!

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#82Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/4/21 at 11:57am

Awesome poster and trailer!

Tim Barstow said: "There's no fanbase for TTB. How are they supposed to make a profit? You can't do it on Lin's name alone! Overall, this is adumb idea. Why not DEH? Thatmoviewould do great in the box office!"

This gave me LIFE.

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#83Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/4/21 at 12:29pm

It does help that Tick, Tick...BOOM! will mainly be available on Netflix, one of many streaming services that rarely ever reveals their viewership data. The only way we'll know for sure if the movie does well commercially is if it at least makes it into the top 10.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#84Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/4/21 at 2:42pm

The new trailer looks great and "30/90" sounds AMAZING. I loved the more rock backing.  I am beyond excited for this movie and soundtrack. 

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

MichelleCraig Profile Photo
#85Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/4/21 at 2:59pm

The new trailer is, to me, so much better than the first one! Looking forward to seeing this now...

#86Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/4/21 at 6:42pm

Okay now I'm fascinated because my question is, does this adapt Tick Tick Boom specifically or is it meta and also a biopic of sorts?

I know Tick Tick Boom is autobiographical in ways but this feels like it's more than just adapting the musical

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#87Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/4/21 at 9:18pm

It looks to me like the script has been reworked. In the original the character of Jon was loosely based on Larsen. I don’t remember any reference to HIV but perhaps I am wrong. This looks more autobiographical. Garfield looks more like Larsen than Esparza or Joey Mcintrye did. The power of the original was more about the music and the A plus musical performances. The new script may have more of an emotional core…..The City Center production with Lin in the lead was hard to get through because the lead vocal was not very strong and the production was under rehearsed.

Updated On: 10/4/21 at 09:18 PM

#88Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/5/21 at 5:25am

since now it's looking more like an actual autobiography I have a feeling Lin is gonna work RENT and his death into this somehow. 

thirtythirtyninety Profile Photo
#89Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/5/21 at 6:57am

Agreed. I’m almost hoping we’ll hear a few moments of Seasons of Love or One Song Glory near the end…

#90Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/5/21 at 12:01pm

This looks decent from the trailer but nothing that particularly wowed me or got me excited. I’ll still check it out though. I guess we’ll never know because Netflix never usually releases viewing figures (unless it’s a mega hit) but I don’t really see this appealing to too many people other than Andrew stans and Rent loving theater stans who know or are aware of the Larson story.

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#91Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/5/21 at 12:14pm

Looks wonderful, and definitely more of a Jonathan Larson biopic (Jen Tepper was involved as a researcher, and Larson's family has EP credits) with "historical fiction" elements.

NameGreg Profile Photo
#92Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/5/21 at 12:36pm

I’m shocked at how much I’m enjoying Andrew Garfield’s singing voice

“Somebody stop me before I sing again” - Bazzard

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#93Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/5/21 at 12:47pm

I'm glad actual singers were cast like Robin, MJ, Vanessa and Joshua. I saw the show at City Center because I wanted to see Karen in her first role since leaving for Wisconsin. She murdered the role, Leslie Odom Jr sung beautifully and Lin was a great actor with tons of charm. Not a singer though.

So, it seems fitting he is directing a non singer in this movie. I know Andrew worked hard with a voice coach and really tried here, and he sounds good for a non professional singer.

Looking forward!

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#94Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/5/21 at 2:55pm

I can't stop listening to "30/90"

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

Square Peg2
#95Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/9/21 at 6:30pm

I'm sorry if I missed it but does anyone know what cibemas in New York this will be released in? Keen to see it early on a big screen but new to New York and not sure how to get the info!

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#96Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/22/21 at 10:24am

They just released "Louder Than Words" if people want to give it a listen.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

Alexander Lamar
#97Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/22/21 at 11:16am

I was definitely skeptical of Andrew in this role but damn he is wowing me.

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#98Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/22/21 at 12:06pm

Sounds great!

FYI: Reviews haven't been published, but the two "Awards Experts" have seen it and included it on their lists. Variety's Clayton Davis is more high on it than THR's Scott Feinberg.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#99Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 10/22/21 at 12:17pm

Can't wait for this movie! So exciting!
