Saw this tonight. Totally gorgeous. Stunning set. No matter what happens at the box office, this is probably going to be best new musical of the year.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/7/10
broadwaybabywannabe2 said: "Theatre_Mom said: "Saw this last night and what a gem of a musical. Such a sweet story with really solid acting and music.
I hope it was a good sign that the mezz was full because this show deserves a good run.
If i may ask how was the view from the Mezz?...i have 2nd row center Mezz. on the right isle...and i cannot wait to see this musical after reading all the reviews
I saw it from 2nd row center Mezz and thought it was perfect. Enjoy!
Swing Joined: 9/17/24
It seems they're changing the company they've been using for social media marketing (the company made a brief post on Instagram today about "amicably" parting ways with MHE), so perhaps the producers are trying a different route to get things going.
PaigeTurner2 said: "It seems they're changing the company they've been using for social media marketing (the company made a brief post on Instagram today about "amicably" parting ways with MHE), so perhaps theproducers aretrying a different route to get things going."
Which company is out, Situation Interactive or Super Awesome Friends?
Changing agencies is an immediate sign of leadership trouble on a Broadway musical. The agencies are at the mercy of the producer and it’s all a matter of top-down leadership.
Other shows that changed agencies when sales weren’t going well: Bad Cinderella, Honeymoon in Vegas, Bridges of Madison County, Finding Neverland…drawing a blank on others, but it’s happened on other flops, and it never turns sales around.
The Broadway equivalent of rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/9/23
Oh that’s not a good sign. Especially since the digital marketing really turned around from the early days (remember that awful logo with the Helper Bot logo you could barely read?)
Understudy Joined: 4/30/14
Is that why the discount codes no longer work? Just tried HAPPYTC and MHEFAN and they’re no longer valid.
Sytwix said: "Is that why the discount codes no longer work? Just tried HAPPYTC and MHEFAN and they’re no longer valid."
No. That has nothing to do with the social media agency (nor does the key art mentioned in the above post — that’s devised by the regular ad agency & the producers).
Discount codes can be discontinued at any point, and now that they have good reviews and are fighting hard to sell tickets, it’s common to push buyers into full-priced tix. I got a TodayTix notification with a discount the day after opening though.
They are attempting to have people pay full price. After opening No codes, off TDF. Still at TKTS. They hope reviews push audiences to pay while continue papering the house making it seem full and hard to get into. It's not.
The seating charts indicate they will have to bring discounts back soon.
It’s interesting to see two shows, Maybe Happy Ending and Tammy Faye respectively, with completely polar opposite set of reviews are both struggling to sell. Whereas Death Becomes Her isn’t really seeing full on raves or straight up pans is finding more success.
Death Becomes Her is pure fun. Sunset and DBH are our favorites this season so far.
DEATH BECOMES HER’s grosses are pleasantly shocking. Sales may be frontloaded, but we’ve seen shows based on bigger movies have a worse start.
CoffeeBreak said: "Death Becomes Her is pure fun. Sunset and DBH are our favorites this seasonso far."
I agree with this - Death Becomes Her is probably the most fun to be had on Broadway right now, and Sunset Boulevard is unique and thrilling.
Supposedly they’ve already been told they are closing, but the notice is not being posted for another week or two.
I used one of the discount codes - they always said you had to use by a certain date. Ie they haven’t suddenly pulled them it was planned.
Swing Joined: 9/17/24
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "PaigeTurner2 said: "It seems they're changing the company they've been using for social media marketing (the company made a brief post on Instagram today about "amicably" parting ways with MHE), so perhaps the producers are trying a different route to get things going."
Which company is out, Situation Interactive or Super Awesome Friends?
Super Awesome Friends is out. Well, that sucks if it's a harbinger of bad things, I naively thought that was a sign of a turn around!
When I saw the show in previews, Darren Criss & Helen J Shen had equal billing above the title (which is also how it appears on the advertising).
Now, on the official opening night playbill on PlaybillVault, Helen's been demoted to an "and introducing" below the title in a much smaller font.
Another weird Playbill thing: Nobody is credited as keyboardist/pianist, despite there being a credit for Keyboard Programming and a very audible part. (We can assume it's the conductor or associate conductor, if not both, but it's standard practice to list that.)
and it's so squeezed-in down there! bizarre indeed.
Stand-by Joined: 4/15/12
How bad is seat a 105 it says it’s restricted, but does anybody know from personal experience?
Updated On: 11/16/24 at 05:50 PMUnderstudy Joined: 12/30/19
CoffeeBreak said: "They are attempting to have people pay full price. After opening No codes, off TDF. Still at TKTS. They hope reviews push audiencesto pay while continue papering the house making itseemfull and hard to get into. It's not.
The seating charts indicate they will have to bring discounts back soon."
Tonight's performance is sold out on I hope this is a harbinger of the tides turning for them.
Stand-by Joined: 8/13/08
justherehanging said: "How bad is seat a 105 it says it’s restricted, but does anybody know from personal experience?"
I assume you mean row A in the orchestra? Having seen the show (but center orchestra farther back), row A is too close because it will be tougher to fully appreciate the projections. Also there's a scene where Dez sing on a platform on top that will be tough to see, but that's just one small scene.
Overall, that row A seat will still be fine, unless you don't mind paying more to sit 6-10 rows back, which would be more ideal.
Gives you an idea from row C
Swing Joined: 9/17/24
justherehanging said: "How bad is seat a 105 it says it’s restricted, but does anybody know from personal experience?"
I went on a bit of an MHE bender this past week and saw it a bunch of times, including twice from the front row (A107 and A108). You do miss a bit of the action, and if it's the only time you'll see the show (likely for most, I imagine), it wouldn't be my first choice. That said, there are scenes that happen right at the edge of the stage and the front row does give a great vantage point for those moments. I think you can still glean like 98% of the show's value from the front row.
EDSOSLO858 said: "Supposedly they’ve already been told they are closing, but the notice is not being posted for another week or two."
If so, that's why the discount codes are no longer valid? Bummer!
Maybe Happy Ending codes -
MHEOFF (valid through previews, the bigger discount)
MHEFAN (valid through 12/22)
HAPPYTC (valid through 12/22)
Any new codes above no longer valid. I guess not?
I saw yesterday on TodayTix that they have an exclusive code to take $20 off when you buy through them for select dates.
Tonight's performance is sold out on I hope this is a harbinger of the tides turning for them.
Yeah. I know some people comped in tonight. We will have to see how the numbers look. Next week isn't looking sold.
EDSOSLO858 said: "Supposedly they’ve already been told they are closing, but the notice is not being posted for another week or two."
Nice of the producers. If true, closing before or after Christmas?