Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
LuPita2 said: "If it does not matter how he got the job, I don't think you would be fighting with people all day about he.... got the job.
That’s all.
Sure, Jan."
Or maybe I just got tired of this so I decided to just stop? Sure Jan 🙄
Understudy Joined: 12/4/19
SouthernCakes said: "For what it’s worth, and for those who care, they changed the marquee a little. The top part just says “mean girls” without the image of the girls. I think that’s new right?"
They also changed some of the signage outside the theatre. There’s a big poster advertising Cameron being in the show for four weeks and even lists his social media handles.
Wow, it really sucks that he got the part because of his social media following, clearly he isn't talented enough for Broadway. Yikes.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
FlyHigh523 said: "magictodo123 said: "Okay. It doesn’t matter how he got he job. Point is he did, and people should just be quiet about how he is unless they actually see him in the role. You can’t judge someone in a role until you see them. That’s all. "
Girl give it a REST. Phew. Ijust saw him and he was absolutely awful. An embarrassment to the show and the broadway community. Smh"
You saw him. You have your opinion. I saw him his first night, and I didn’t think he was awful. No one is wrong here. You gave him a chance. I have nothing else to say to you.
Who needs to buy a ticket to MEAN GIRLS when I can find them here for free.
BalconyClub said: "Who needs to buy a ticket to MEAN GIRLS when I can find them here for free."
Broadway Star Joined: 12/19/06
Welcome to the land of the bitter bitter no talents...if everyone complaining think they could keep a show running with their vast amount of talent please contact the much as you hate the fact that someone who actually put him or herself in the position to be considered I give them kudos for it.....the bottom line is keeping the show opened financially...we have to remember the hundreds of people that get to keep jobs due to stunt casting (Chicago for instance) this keeps the show open...and for every stunt cast you get to see a talent like .Renee who was an unknown and she is kicking ass for every stunt casting...that keeps a show alive we get to see amazing talent like RENEE....(and anyone who hasn't seen her should run to the theater...she is the deal!!) I am not saying that the stunt casting happened prior to Renee...but if more get to see her and the rest of this amazing cast because of 1 small part stunt casted (and it really isn't a huge part that he is playing) tto keep the show running in the winter....GO FOR IT
Waiting to see a performance before judging the performer is reasonable. Purchasing a ticket to a Broadway musical and expecting cast members to have the ability and training to give a credible performance is also reasonable. If this guy isn't unforgivably horrendous, it still doesn't mean he has the background or ability to be anywhere near a Broadway stage. Stunt casting is one thing, but he hasn't proven himself in anything involving ability. Given the thousands of talented and trained actors who are currently unemployed, this is a mockery and an utterly cynical move within the great "Broadway community" we hear about every year at Tony time.
No one expects him to be the second coming of Andy Karl. He was likely solely hired to boost box office sales. The fact that he could hopefully fulfill the basic demands of the show was secondary to him filling seats in the theater. As long as he wasn’t horrendous, they were hiring him. Does it suck that he took a more deserving actor’s place in the cast? Certainly. Would it suck more if all the people associated with the show lost their jobs sooner rather than later? Most definitely yes. It’s definitely stunt casting and from the evidence I see it’s working. Totally anecdotal, but on his IG stories he reposted a video from fans from stage door where one of the ladies told them that some of them had flown in from Asia (can’t remember which country. Maybe Thailand?) to see him in the show.
Given the thousands of talented and trained actors who are currently unemployed, this is a mockery and an utterly cynical move within the great "Broadway community" we hear about every year at Tony time.
Totally agree. It's gross.
Social media lit up today with people talking about how terrible he is due to...a bit of his performance becoming accessible online. In my opinion it's absolutely awful.
I'm very curious to see tomorrow if he actually makes a dent in the grosses.
Stand-by Joined: 3/17/19
treblemakerz said: "Social media lit up today with people talking about how terrible he is due to...a bit of his performance becoming accessible online. In my opinion it's absolutely awful.
I'm very curious to see tomorrow if he actually makes a dent in the grosses."
There were also reports of he himself reposting fans bootleg video clips of his performance on his IG story which were then subsequently deleted for obvious reasons. Anyone see these clips?
Understudy Joined: 8/16/19
Rosette3 said: "treblemakerz said: "Social media lit up today with people talking about how terrible he is due to...a bit of his performance becoming accessible online. In my opinion it's absolutely awful.
I'm very curious to see tomorrow if he actually makes a dent in the grosses."
There were also reports of he himself reposting fansbootleg video clips of his performance on his IG story which were then subsequently deleted for obvious reasons. Anyonesee these clips?"
People have screen recorded them and they’re on twitter. He posted a bootlegged clip of his line during ‘Stupid With Love’
treblemakerz said: "Social media lit up today with people talking about how terrible he is due to...a bit of his performance becoming accessible online. In my opinion it's absolutely awful.
I'm very curious to see tomorrow if he actually makes a dent in the grosses. "
I think we actually won’t have the box office report until Tuesday this week since today is MLK Day.
And if he was re-posting bootleg videos, it’s hard to complain about the unfairness of others taking videos then posting them.
The bootleg of him on Twitter (has since been deleted for copyright) was... just.. not good. Apparently some of Aaron’s parts were cut out of a few songs because Cameron couldn’t dance or hit the notes. I can’t.
Updated On: 1/20/20 at 11:59 AM
Yes, supposedly a family member recorded much of the show on their phone and posted it, which he then reposted (but later took down, likely after being asked). Those clips were also...not good.
I forgot about the holiday. Guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow for the moment of truth.
A rare misstep with this show. I doubt he is going to increase grosses in a hugely significant way.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
You don't have to think he's the best casting choice Mean Girls has made. But it is truly not okay to tell people who feel differently,. who are actually trying to be supportive, that they're wrong. We can both have opinions. Telling someone that their opinion is invalid is absolutely not okay. And please do not call me a hypocrite because I was asking people to give him a chance. Someone else could have been cast. That's true. But he was. For a few weeks. This does not give you permission to mock him, to laugh at his performance. Just because someone tries to see the good, doesn't mean they're invalid. So it's enough. Let the people who are trying to see the good exist without attacking them.
Had a friend who saw this via lottery last Thursday. With no knowledge of anything new in the show as she's not a Broadway news follower, she just said, "Show was great. Except... whoever they cast as Aaron. Wow. Bad"
Understudy Joined: 8/16/19
Anyway, let’s get back to topic at hand because I think this whole topic is interesting.
I’m surprised his acting is so.....monotone. He did a movie a few years ago called Expelled and even though it was a discount Ferirs Bueller’s Day Off, it was actually n okay movie and I think his acting was passable there. I have no idea what happened with this show, it was really kind of a shock
Magic to do: GIVE IT UP. Stop debating everyone. Not a single person has told you that you can't have your opinion. No one has told YOU that you are wrong. They simply disagree with you.
When you put yourself in the public eye: a rant on youtube, at the theater, or on the stage - you are fair game for any comments people want to make. Is this on the shoulders of the production? Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know if he auditioned or was taken strictly from his social media crap. (I say crap, because I think all self promoting social media is crap.)
With only a 4 week run, they were likely pretty sure he wasn't going to be terrific.
magictodo123 said: "You don't have to think he's the best casting choice Mean Girls has made. But it is truly not okay to tell people who feel differently,. who are actually trying to be supportive, that they're wrong. We can both have opinions. Telling someone that their opinion is invalid is absolutely not okay. And please do not call me a hypocrite because I was asking people to give him a chance. Someone else could have been cast. That's true. But he was. For a few weeks. This does not give you permission to mock him, to laugh at his performance. Just because someone tries to see the good, doesn't mean they're invalid. So it's enough. Let the people who are trying to see the good exist without attacking them."
Am I not seeing something? No one told you off for enjoying his performance.
Understudy Joined: 12/4/19
According to grosses, attendance went up only 0.58% but average ticket price went up so they made only $81k more than last week. Still at only 83% of their gross potential.
copathetiic said: "According to grosses, attendance went up only 0.58% but average ticket price went up so they made only $81k more than last week. Still at only 83% of their gross potential."
It's also a holiday weekend that saw more shows go up than down. Not a major holiday, but 18 shows saw bumps and MG certainly had movable inventory and is an accessible tourist title.