Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
I love the show, and I liked The Office, but I have 0 desire to see Wilson play this part. If it gets other people in and keeps the show afloat, then I hope it works
Rainn Wilson isn't enough - we need someone bigger like Tom Hanks or something.
Daveed would be HILARIOUS consider the Oak and Rafa of it all. I'd actually like to see Leslie Odom do it though...or Danny Burstein.
Darren Criss would sell amazingly during a two month period or so (Essentially what they needed Oak to do) but I've heard through the pipeline that he actually left a show aiming for the 2017-2018 season because he was shooting a television show. So he may have burned some bridges there.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/28/15
A Canadian in NYC said: "haterobics said: "All I keep thinking is how everyone kept saying there was a great Hedwig planned for after Taye, and that if we could only keep it running, and... well, that never seemed to pan out.
Right??!! And it still makes me wonder.... did they or didn't they.... and who was it?? Lena??? Oh, if only they had put her up there... such a missed opportunity.
It is widely rumored that it was going to be Alan Cumming was going to be the Hedwig to follow Taye. How I WISH we had gotten to see that because I would've paid so much money. He would've been spectacular.
Hamilfan2 said: "A Canadian in NYC said: "haterobics said: "All I keep thinking is how everyone kept saying there was a great Hedwig planned for after Taye, and that if we could only keep it running, and... well, that never seemed to pan out.
Right??!! And it still makes me wonder.... did they or didn't they.... and who was it?? Lena??? Oh, if only they had put her up there... such a missed opportunity.
It is widely rumored that it was going to be Alan Cumming was going to be the Hedwig to follow Taye. How I WISH we had gotten to see that because I would've paid so much money. He would've been spectacular.
Didn't Stephen say they were talking to Miley Cyrus?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/30/08
I think it is a shame that race has now become the issue here rather than talent. But I would die to see Leslie Odom as Pierre.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/3/14
ChildofEarth said:
Darren Criss would sell amazingly during a two month period or so (Essentially what they needed Oak to do) but I've heard through the pipeline that he actually left a show aiming for the 2017-2018 season because he was shooting a television show. So he may have burned some bridges there."
Darren's sales for Hedwig wasn't great though, and the Belasco is a smaller house than the Imperial.
^Ooh! It's such a shame, I've seen so many posts that have me swooning over possible Pierres, but most of them probably wouldn't want to get involved, even if they would bring in money.
Featured Actor Joined: 12/31/69
wonkit said: "I think it is a shame that race has now become the issue here rather than talent. But I would die to see Leslie Odom as Pierre.
When I first read that a Hamilton star was joining, I thought it was him. Would love to see him tackle the role someday!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/28/15
trpguyy said: "leighmiserables said: "Which one of y'all was the one who leaked the info about Ingrid being the next Sonya a day before the news came out a while back? Are you still out there?? If so, wanna help us out here again?"
That was me, and like I said elsewhere, the "star" they're courting would result in a collective "huh?"
I guess this could be Rainn or JT, but Rainn doesn't seem like a big enough name to me. JT seems far more likely, or at least in line with the rumors we have heard so far.
GeorgeandDot said: "Why do I keep on hearing people suggest John Legend for Pierre? I love him, but I'm not sure he's right for that part."
He has a great presence and voice, can play piano, and I feel like his vibe and audience would fit GREAT COMET really well.
Michael Cerveris or Danny Burstein for Pierre
Chorus Member Joined: 4/16/17
Well, it sounds like it might not be closing the 13th, because Brittain Ashford is returning to her role on the 15th.
n.holden said: "Well, it sounds like it might not be closing the 13th, because Brittain Ashford is returning to her role on the 15th."
If there is still a show on the 15th, yes, this will be true.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/14/17
I think they would have announced closing today if it was happening on the 13th.
That means nothing. That has always been her scheduled return. They could announce closing at any time, there's no guarantee the show will be open on the 15th. (I'm not saying it won't be, but her return date has no effect here.)
Featured Actor Joined: 5/2/17
froote said: "I think they would have announced closing today if it was happening on the 13th.
They only have to give a week's notice and it doesn't surprise me they'd want to buy themselves as much time to find a Pierre as possible. It's also possible a provisional notice has been put up backstage but it isn't public information (and with the attention the cast isn't likely to leak the information).
Broadway Star Joined: 2/14/17
Yep, I just mean that it seems they're still looking for a star or have found one and are securing a deal, rather than accepting defeat and announcing closing. If they were gonna do that I would think they would give as much notice as possible as it is a show with a fanbase that could easily fill up the house for two weeks.
They should try to get at least a somewhat minor name into the show just to boost the tickets a little bit through to September. Maybe someone like Haley Reinhart to play Helene or Marya just for a couple of weeks until they get a big name for Pierre.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/5/17
Just for my own clarification, couldn't they inform the cast of a closing date that's less than a week away, as long as they were paid for a full week's worth of performances starting from the day they gave them the notice?
I agree they'll try to wait as long as possible to announce and would want to give enough time for fans to come back one last time. However, there is the very slight chance they keep trying up until the last second to get someone for the fall and then throw in the towel at the 11th hour. Which would be terrible for everyone at the Imperial and the fans.
GeorgeandDot said: "They should try to get at least a somewhat minor name into the show just to boost the tickets a little bit through to September."
This assumes they really have something lined up for September. Mandy may have just been a delay tactic to give them more time to scramble...
haterobics said: "GeorgeandDot said: "They should try to get at least a somewhat minor name into the show just to boost the tickets a little bit through to September."
This assumes they really have something lined up for September. Mandy may have just been a delay tactic to give them more time to scramble..."
I keep hearing rumors, but you'd think they would announce it if they did.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
GeorgeandDot said: "They should try to get at least a somewhat minor name into the show just to boost the tickets a little bit through to September. Maybe someone like Haley Reinhart to play Helene or Marya just for a couple of weeks until they get a big name for Pierre.
She'll certainly add some punch to the show.
This could mean absolutely nothing, but somebody tweeted Dave asking if they should refund their tickets for the end of September. He said keep them, obviously he wouldn't say get a refund, but he might've just not responded.
I think the moral of the story is that nobody cares who was in the original cast of Hamilton.
BroadwayNYC2 said: "I think the moral of the story is that nobody cares who was in the original cast of Hamilton."
Ding ding ding!
Also, see: "Amélie." (A show I loved, by the way.)