As for fully live events, JCS was presented at the Marcy Ave. Armory in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/17
That’s a big time head shave Harry did for the role!
I especially like this promo shot unveiled today, showing Annie, Warbucks, and Sandy facing the rising sun:
Who the hell is that? The photo shop on Harry is wild.
Who the hell is that? The photo shop on Harry is wild.
I guess Harry's contract says he doesn't have to shave his head until the last-minute.
Why the heck does it matter if Daddy W has no hair when original casting is thrown out the window?
SweetLips22 said: "Why the heck does it matter if Daddy W has no hair when original casting is thrown out the window?"
Um, because the original comic strip Daddy Warbucks was bald.
SweetLips22 said: "and Annie?????"
She’ll ALWAYS wear at the end a version of the red dress with the white collar.
Sweetlips, don't be like the people I described in my earlier post. #319. Just don't. Please.
Head shaved, little red dress with white collar, on, and lips firmly sealed.
Thank you.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/23/08
Whew! Some of you are really telling on yourselves.
degrassifan said: "Whew! Some of you are really telling on yourselves. "
To me it looks like a bald cap that was heavily covered in make up and further photoshopped. If Harry Connick Jr. has other gigs lined up before and immediately following Annie I can understand him being hesitant to shave his head but I think he should go for it. It would ultimately look better than it does in those photos.
Yeah I don't get why he can't just wear his normal hair? Who cares. This is a musical based off a comic strip none of us know about or care about. So just let him have hair.
RippedMan said: "Yeah I don't get why he can't just wear his normal hair? Who cares. This is a musical based off a comic strip none of us know about or care about. So just let him have hair."
I think the casting is perfect and I am so looking forward to this ... but ....for those who say Warbucks has to be bald because it's in the comic book, Annie is supposed to be red headed, it's even in the theme song for the radio show. If that can be changed for this show, Oliver Warbucks could have hair.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
The vibe of these promotional images is very traditional (vs. some new take on the material). Except for Taraji. I can't tell if she's supposed to be dowdy or glamorous.
VintageSnarker said: "The vibe of these promotional images is very traditional (vs. some new take on the material). Except for Taraji. I can't tell if she's supposed to be dowdy or glamorous."
I hope they incorporate a live audience, even if everyone were to be masked and vaccinated and on-camera. Even an SNL-size audience.
VintageSnarker said: "The vibe of these promotional images is very traditional (vs. some new take on the material). Except for Taraji. I can't tell if she's supposed to be dowdy or glamorous."
Don't understand why my comment was removed, but I wish Celina Smith had had her hair styled like Little Orphan Annie's and had a dress that looks like that of the character. The whole point of the show is for the two characters--Annie and Warbucks--look like their cartoon counterparts at the end of the show. Since Rob Marshall's version, this has been dropped, but it completely severs the work from its source material.