Borle and the sports-loving chorus boy (another inside joke?) is sooo telegraphed, but they will have less in common than Borle and Bad sex Rich cute guy.
They've made that plot obvious from the sports-loving chorus boy's first line of dialogue (but I thought in an earlier episode someone commented that he WS gay so I'm confused as to why now they'r eback to pretending he could be straight). I thought it was an ok episode--I kinda agree with everyone so far here, the sex scene was pretty awful, Will Chase is creeping me out in this role, and that the bar mitzvah was way too long and seemed shoved inthere because they didn't fill their quota of songs in the episode, and couldn't think of another way to integrate one in.
Even though I got sick of his character on All My Children (and before that on One Life to Live), I admit the soap fan in me was excited when I saw Thorsten Kaye's name in the credits even though I've heard his character will be paired with Angelica's and I have no idea why she'd fall for a bartender when her life's in such upheaval...
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/10/04
borle is a ladies man? which ladies is he a ladies man to? Really?
Sutton and Laura Bell Bundy to begin with.
I still think it's fun TV.
I'm in the minority - rooting for Karen.
I kind of enjoy the electricity between 'Cousin Debbie and Replacement Roger' (perfect, Namo!)
I think they need to do more with Angelica Huston's character. So far she's just silly. And silly doesn't suit her.
I thought the 'side effects' (including hallucinations) from taking prednisone were a stretch. But, as with all aspects of this show, I'm willing to suspend reality.
I'm kind of enjoying Christian Borle's character and the bad-sex guy.
(I always enjoy Christian Borle)
I still happily tune-in. And, at a luncheon yesterday, the unanimous opinion of people in the room (not theatre-board groupies, but theatre fans) was that the show is a wonderful addition to the TV schedule.
I have a few questions...
Why is Borle's character the ONLY team member who needs an assistant at every rehearsal? And what EXACTLY does he need an assistant for? I mean, shouldn't his assistant be doing laundry, running errands and all the things Borle's character cannot get done because HE is in rehearsal?
Why was Hilty so terrified of seeing McFee’s character all done up in MM drag? If anything, as ridiculous as she looked, you would think it would have reassured Ivy that Karen could never do Marilyn because she just looks so darn silly in the costume.
Is Angelica Huston getting ready to revive Annie Get Your Gun? I mean, really, lady, if you are going to let your hair down can you at LEAST put your bag down?
Who told McFee that putting her arm, the under of which is thankfully shaved and powdered (not like that little thing on Idol this week) straight up in the air is something that should be done in EVERY SONG?
And finally, when is the team going to realize the perfect MM is sitting at the table calling “Break”? Ann Harada for MM!!!
"I have a very hard time believing Huston's character and the investor would ever step foot there. More importantly, why is he having drinks at all with them? It makes little to no sense to me."
I thought the plot was obvious. She's lost her rich producer husband and now needs a new one -- isn't that where that's going?
The show is Hilty's. She is brilliant.
I just want to go have cocktails with Anjelica Houston. Bet she would be fun!!
As charismatic as Megan Hilty is, the character of Ivy has gone way past redemption for me. I don't care who you are or what's happening to you- the kind of ridiculously mean-spirited, unprofessional behavior she's exhibited during the rehearsal process within the show is completely unacceptable, and I personally found it really off-putting when the Christian Borle character went outside and made light of the stunt she pulled at the end of this episode. No one would still have their job after that (and rightfully so.)
I also find it really puzzling that they're trying to semi-justify her behavior by showing you how much stress she's under. If anything, that's glaring proof she can't handle it. If she's going completely bananas by doing a starring role in a workshop, what the hell is going to happen when she's doing an actual production? For someone who's supposedly a ten year veteran, Ivy's the one acting like it's her first time at the rodeo, not Karen. And if she's so maniacally threatened by a talented girl in the chorus to the point where she wants to get fired, she deserves to get crushed by her own ego.
With all the focus on Ivy's strain this week, I was also reminded- have the writers completely forgotten that she and several of the other ensemble members are supposed to be rehearsing the workshop during the day and performing in HEAVEN ON EARTH at night? It's never been mentioned again since before the workshop started, and yet they constantly show the characters going out after rehearsal and running around at bars and galavanting around town at all hours of the night. Both when they said Ivy was taking the night off to rest her voice and when the Savannah Wise character gave up her Bar Mitzvah gig to Karen because of a last minute recording session, I was reminded that they're already supposed to be preoccupied at the their, you know, jobs.
I think we go back to "Heaven on Earth" in two episodes where we see NLB as the lead.
In terms of the inconsistency in the story, I look on it as Ivy and Jessica having taken a leave of absence from Heaven on Earth, though the bar mitzvah gig still doesn't make sense, unless they were going to take that evening off from Heaven on Earth.
I find absolutely nothing appealing about Will Chase and his character. Everytime I see him coming onto Debra Messing, my initial reaction is ew and creepy. Especially since the two of them are carrying on in real life.
The show kept threatening to do this but never really quite made it...until last night. Yes, folks, this is what we like to call CAMP. Honestly, I think the creators would do well to just turn this into a comedy-soap a la DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES.
I just felt embarrassed for Hilty doing her number in the mirror. Love those trendy early MTV jump cuts! She's quite a talent, but holy yeesh!
The theory that Karen is mentally challenged is a good one and could provide some hee-larious subtext for future episodes. Choosing a song that has the lyric "a pound of flesh" for a bar mitzvah? Oh, Karen!
"You're the perfect Joe DiMaggio!" Uhm...maybe with a dye job, prosthetic nose and false teeth.
Anjelica Huston with a pink gun shooting video deer and expressing her enthusiasm at being in a 'regular bar' through gritted teeth??? Come on!
I wish Borle's character would just say "I've had it with all you needy damn women! If anyone wants me I'll be getting royally f**ked in the bathroom at the Eagle!!" and just be a complete c**t to everyone for the rest of the run. Right now, he needs a sticker on his shirt that says, "Hello! I'm Saintygay Moralbarometer. I'm here to help."
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
Anjelica Houston is the only reason I'll keep watching. I find her story more interesting than Deb Messing.
Last night's episode was boring to me. If they want Ivy to have a hallucination, it should have been really something big. They spend so much money on filming fully costumed and choreographed production numbers, but they can't film a decent hallucination?
There doesn't seem to be enough tension that they're only a week away and the script is not complete. Wouldn't Anjelica Houston's character be kicking Messing's butt to have everything in place?
Did you ever notice how we never see the dancer's sweat? Yeah, I know it's a soap opera, but the dancers just look like they are floating through rehearsals.
Christian Borle and the boyfriend keep mentioning their mothers. So the obvious conclusion is that two women should be brought in to play their mothers. So who should play the mothers?
I can't wait for Bernadette to sing Rose's Turn next week...that's the only reason I'm watching next week after last night's awful episode.
Wouldn't it be funny if the used her recording from GYPSY to be the one that makes it on air, since her voice is stronger there.
The whole thing went completely off the rails for me last night. Bar Mitzvah, Hallucinations, Investors in tacky bars, Personal Assistant running between rehearsal and producers office to give updates (he can't text???), being able to talk a security guard into letting you into a rehearsal studio, and then allowing another person into the studio...and not even checking on what's going on?? Then two adults thinking it would be a good idea to have sex on a set piece? I was waiting for Ivy to discover a used condom between the sofa cushions.
All that said, I'll still watch it, just to see what absurdity they come up with next.
The whole prednisone thing sent me right over the edge. I've taken it. A lot of it at one point. IT DOESN'T DO THAT. It was like a 'From you, alright? I learned it by watching you.' moment that was just a step too far. I WISH I had a hallucination where Ninny McPhee comes to me dressed as Marilyn and dead-eye threatens my livelihood.
Peronsally, I just want this show to be c*nt-tastic AT. ALL. TIMES. I want temper tantrums and hate sex and a massive fight in the fountain at Lincoln Center.
Well, I mean....What do you think Ivy slipped on?
Doesn't Debra Messing's character (sorry can't remember her name) live in Brooklyn? Yet she says to her husband, "I'm going for a walk" which is her excuse to meet up with Michael, who happens to be at a rehearsal studio in Manhatten. Wow, that certainly was a long walk late a night. Wouldn't her husband be concerned if she doesn't come back in within a reasonable amount of time??
RobbieJ needs to be a writer on SMASH.
Somebody get this Facebook page started!!!
Wow, that certainly was a long walk late a night.
Well, it's possible she said she was taking a walk but then got on the subway.
Cousin Debbie does not take subways. Didn't we learn last episode that she has a car service on speed dial?
I also like to imagine that she gave head to her driver to quell to deep, burning desire she has for her stalker...uh...I mean...partner in adultery, Will (Please God End the) Chase.
OK, fair enough, but that doesn't change my point very much. :)
I'm on Team Karen, but LOL @ Ninny McPhee! XD