Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
"We're to believe the show ends it's tryout in Boston with strong reviews and then heads back into workshop mode in NYC to fix any problems(and possibly recast a few people)."
We're to believe that? Where did you get that?
Ivy will definitely not be out of the picture, she is what carries the show. However bitchy her character is, Ivy is just magnetic and amazing, I lover her and Megan Hilty. In an ideal world, both Ivy and Karen would play the role alternating each night. Perhaps an ingenious idea to keep in mind when Bombshell actually comes to Broadway. (If it does).
Also, Katharine McPhee was flawless in the wolf number! She looked stunning and hit all her dance moves perfectly. Before tonight's episode, I thought Ivy was and would be the only one who could play Marilyn, but tonight's finale proved me wrong.
Well done writers!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I lover her too. Unfortunately Dev lovered her and Karen found out.
HEY! I finally know the character names.
They never actually showed Ivy take the pills *dun, dun, dun*
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I dunno, I'd have to see the transition from her death to the ending. I think if I saw it I'd feel like they were pandering so I wouldn't leave all depressed.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/15/08
I also loved the finale...I can hardly wait for season 2.
I don't really believe in coincidences, so I feel it's important to note that Megan (Ivy) is Marilyn on the Soundtrack.
However, I was rooting for Karen from the start; I liked her innocence. So I'm pleased.
Loved it. However, the way Will Chase scrunches up his face drives me crazy.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
"I don't really believe in coincidences, so I feel it's important to note that Megan (Ivy) is Marilyn on the Soundtrack."
What's the coincidence you're not believing in?
The fact that the Marilyn who wound up going on (Karen) is not the same Marilyn who was recorded (Ivy). I could just be looking too into it, but it caught my attention.
Swing Joined: 12/27/11
So we're supposed to believe that within a few hours, Karen went from being passable in one number (and I thought Howl was vastly inferior to the one we heard by Ivy) to nailing every aspect of the performance, including a song learned 15 min. before the curtain went up? This is beyond fairy tale territory. Even a 13-year old in a fan-fiction forum knows not to take it that far.
I don't know if I can hang in there next season just for Borle, Odom, and Hilty. The hinges on my jaws are worn thin from all the WTH reactions to the mystifying expositions about Karen. Please, show, send McPhee to acting class over the hiatus.
I mostly hated it. This show is frustrating, because it has so much potential and some great performers involved, but pretty much every plot point is either cliched or illogical. I also don't like being told who is a star without being shown it--or in this case, where the "star" is OK and definitely has some talent, but the "also-ran" is the real star. I just do not see how Ivy would lose the part to Karen in a real world situation.
I had no prejudice against McPhee because of Idol. I actually voted for her during her season, because I think she's a great pop singer, but I think Megan Hilty is a better musical theatre performer and a much better fit for the role of Marilyn. Whenever anyone on the show mentioned how much of a "star" Karen was or that she had "it" and Ivy didn't, I kept wondering if I was watching the same two performers. It felt like Karen was being shoehorned into the role simply because somebody at NBC wants badly to make Katharine McPhee a star. The real star that emerged from this show in my opinion, however, was Megan Hilty. No matter how much crap the writers gave her to do, she did it with style and no matter how much I felt like I was "supposed" to hate her, I didn't. She was also so much better and more believable in the Marilyn numbers than McPhee was.
I want this show to be great, but it keeps disappointing me. Still, I will keep watching, in the hope that it gets better next season.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I think we might be being asked to see what a talented director creates with who and what he is working with. Remember, it's in previews. Still and all, I found it a satisfying finale, and will be happy to tune in again whenever it reappears.
PS Cousin Debbie was the best she's been in the whole series on this episode.
beagle, I feel I agree with you regarding Hilty vs. McPhee. I think most Broadway directors would have put Hilty into the role with such short notice(12 hours?). And to add to it that she's simply better than McPhee.
Soooo, how about Bombshell pretty much ends the same way End of The Rainbow with Judy Garland's death ends. COINCIDENCE, I THINK NOT! IVY AND JUDY ARE THE SAME PERSON.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
As a person who believes strongly in coincidences, here is what I think about the casting of Karen as Marilyn. If I were the SMASH creative team and I were shooting the season finale long before I knew if there were even going to be a second season, I would have done the same thing so that the story could feel complete on its own, and satisfying to the viewers who stuck through it. It's always been Karen's fairy tale, and Ivy's always been her antagonist. At this stage of the story, it makes sense in order to give Karen her complete story arc.
I'm surprised how disappointed I am that Karen got the part over Ivy. I think it's because it feels like Karen got handed the part rather than her having earned the part through her hard work and dedication. Ivy's been shown to work hard, and she also really cares about getting the part. Karen just seems to get handed things even if she hasn't done anything and doesn't seem to really want them that bad.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
She also pouted onstage again when she didn't get the part she told the understudy she'd boinked her boyfriend just to sabotage her.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
Tonight McPhee proved why she got the role of Karen. She adds such an innocence to the character and she's a wonderful singer. I really enjoyed the show tonight and the new song as well. It stinks that we have to wait till mid season of the 2012-2013 season to see what happens next.
Updated On: 5/15/12 at 12:40 AM
She also pouted onstage again when she didn't get the part she told the understudy she'd boinked her boyfriend just to sabotage her.
I didn't read it that way. I felt that she was genuinely feeling guilty and didn't want Karen to "play the fool" in regards to Dev.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
Here's Hilty and Borle talking about what to expect for next season. Borle also has some very positive things to say about Safran.
"Josh Safran sat down and talked about where we're going to go. He cares so much about this world and these people and he's coming at it with an interesting perspective. He's going to address a lot of what people are talking about."
'Smash' Season Finale: Will Ivy Be Back? Stars Preview What's Ahead In Season 2
Updated On: 5/15/12 at 01:12 AM
Broadway Star Joined: 3/25/12
Tonight, for the first time, I was actually satisfied with Katherine McPhee. Most of the season she just felt like a weak link to me, but tonight changed all that. I really enjoyed her throughout the entire episode and was rooting for her the entire time.
On a more ironic note, I feel my relationship with this show correlated to the character's relationship with, and the state of, "Bombshell" throughout the season. Sometimes I loved it, sometimes I was confused, sometimes I wasn't sure of the show's success, sometimes I thought it would crash and burn, and sometimes I thought it would be a hit. In the beginning I had high hopes and excitement, as it progresses things got frustrating and stressful, but ultimately I ended up being satisfied and happy. Maybe this is getting too deep, but I think it is a cool parallel to experience the same emotions about the TV series that the characters in it were feeling about their musical's creation process.
No, Eris. Ivy didn't "genuinely feel guilty." Telling Karen about her affair with her fiance was her last attempt at sabotage. She clearly did it out of jealousy.
What do you mean "Ivy was the one recorded"?
"What do you mean "Ivy was the one recorded"?"
Except for 20th Century Mambo, every song on the soundtrack that is a Bombshell song is sung by Hilty.