Addy, I'll join you. I loved it, too.
"I didn't hate it. But I felt the ending was jarring - especially since the show is gone until mid-season (presumably)"
It's like they thought, Wait a second, there's nothing cliffhangeresque to tide them over. Hilty, you grab those pills!
Chorus Member Joined: 6/19/11
That was bull****. Karen, REALLY?!? and Ivy attempts suicide right after a visit from Bernadette. Depressing in so many ways.
gawd - i can't stand that mcphee girl. this show is worse than a jackie collins mini series circa 1985. so hackneyed. like a car wreck, i can't not look... overproduced dreck. and pls kill off that ellis chaacter.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I thought it was great. I loved the new song a lot.
Loved it. I even enjoyed the touches of Marilyn behind Karen in the finale.
pls kill off that ellis chaacter.
I was so amused when he did his whole "I'll be back" schtick. I felt like saying "Honey, if you come back you'll be brought up on attempted murder charges"
I thought it was great. I loved the new song a lot.
I loved it too. I loved how they brought in elements and some of the melody from the opening number ("Let Me Be Your Star"). It felt very "full circle" and I would have been satisfied as an audience member.
Loved it!
Add me to the list of people who loved it!
I think what sucks the most is that we likely have to wait until January 2013 for season 2. Was really hoping Hilty got Marilyn, and the writers made her(Hilty) end very depressing. The end of Bombshell worked, and overall it was a solid episode, but they just f*cked over Ivy's character. Hopefully they'll fix that for season 2(whenever that will be). And Julia getting pregnant was so poorly thrown in there. couldn't that have waited until next season.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/13/11
I thought that was a satisfying end to the season. I really hope season two opens and shows Ivy throwing the pills out instead of taking them. That was the one part I didn't care for tonight.
The last song was great!
What I was hoping to happen was Ellis getting hit by a bus, Leo choking on his fish & chips and Ivy becoming somewhat likable again, but I can dream.
Regarding Ivy taking the pills, I don't think she did it. I think she thought about it and realized she was better and above this.
I loved it. From "Marilyn" laying in the bed, until the end, I was in tears. I thought it was a beautiful ending. I want to see "Bombshell" right now!
thought it was great! McPhee had some pretty solid acting moments, the "wolf" number was a KNOCKOUT, and regardless of cliches and some poorly written dialogue, i was pretty much kept on the edge of my seat for the entire episode. inaccuracies aside, i think the feel of the hectic-ness of preparing a show was portrayed quite nicely. excited to see what season two will hold!
Were those lyrics changes to "Wolf" if so, I approve. Side bar, I wonder if AGT will help give it a boost in the ratings since that show is a power house for NBC.
Updated On: 5/14/12 at 11:17 PM
I loved the ending. Dev needs to take a Dionne Warwick moment and walk on by. Ivy will still be a part of the show, I'm sure of it. Karen was amazing. Uh oh Julia.... who's the daddy? It almost universal that most people want Ellis off the show. Being the cynical person that I am, I'm thinking the producers of SMASH will keep the Ellis character. They certainly don't want the audience to have that much of an impact on characters. Just saying. It too bloody awful that we'll have to wait until January 2013 for Season 2, more or less. from RC in Austin, Texas
I loved the ending. Dev needs to take a Dionne Warwick moment and walk on by. Ivy will still be a part of the show, I'm sure of it. Karen was amazing. Uh oh Julia.... who's the daddy? It almost universal that most people want Ellis off the show. Being the cynical person that I am, I'm thinking the producers of SMASH will keep the Ellis character. They certainly don't want the audience to have that much of an impact on characters. Just saying. It too bloody awful that we'll have to wait until January 2013 for Season 2, more or less. from RC in Austin, Texas
I was left with an overwhelming feeling of "that's it?"
Stand-by Joined: 10/21/06
"I loved it. From "Marilyn" laying in the bed, until the end, I was in tears. I thought it was a beautiful ending. I want to see "Bombshell" right now!"
Ditto to all of that ^^^
I didn't think "That was it". I was content, not disappointed but not the big finale I expected but overall I loved it. I was really impressed with "Wolf" and "Don't Forget Me".
well we found who got Marilyn(Karen). We're to believe the show ends it's tryout in Boston with strong reviews and then heads back into workshop mode in NYC to fix any problems(and possibly recast a few people).
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/24/09
I have been rooting for Ivy to get Marilyn all season but Karen totally and completely won me over. I thought this episode was SO good and Bombshell seems like a fantastic show. I'm loving the music and you know what, if it were on Broadway now I would pay full price for a ticket. I'm so pleased with this finale. Hopefully the quality level continues to improve.
I 'liked' it, but it was totally predictable.
They REALLY didnn't need to make Julia preggers. Just let the whole affair thing just die.
I'm in the minority that likes the Ellis character, and glad they've shelved his ambiguity (for now). I'm still rooting for Ivy though. Poor girl can't catch a break. Now I wish they'd release all the "Bombshell" songs.