I also agree with most on this board in singing the praises of this telecast. I thought James Corden was really fantastic. Also, thank you for finally recognizing the importance of Law & Order to the theater community. It was also really great to see the aging of Danny Burstein through those pics. I thought as a whole all the performances were pretty strong, with surprisingly Hamilton being one of the lesser. Although, like everyone else stated there number over the closing was brilliant. My only quibble with the performances is I wished with both, The Color Purple and Waitress, they just have let Cynthia and Jessie do their entire numbers from beginning to end. Then I truly believe we would have the 2 greatest tony performances in many years.
Also, is their any way to decently represent the plays at the Tonys? not that I didn't enjoy Diane Lane's lengthy monologue about the play revivals. There has to be some way to honor these terrific plays, that always seem to take a back seat to the musicals.
re: I wonder if people complained as much when not only the producers won 12 Tonys (only losing 1) but Matthew Broderick and Nathan lane hosted the 2001 Tonys. Imagine the outrage if they had gotten Lin to host the Tonys! Lol
Was the one award that they "lost" because Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick were both nominated for best actor in a musical?
I loved The Producers, but I also loved The Full Monty. Saw it three times and well remember the Times' review, in which Brantley wrote, "Well, put it this way: the Eugene O'Neill Theater won't have to look for a new tenant for a long, long time."
The Producers ended up sweeping everything in 2001. Last night, I was both thrilled and sad -- thrilled for the incredible, "Hamilton," sad for so many worthy contenders who didn't really stand a chance this year.
Really happy that a view from the bridge won best revival of a play. Besides this play I didn't enjoy any of the best play nominees or best revival of a play nominees this season and was very disappointed in all of them. The only one I have left to see is the father and I'm seeing that tomorrow.
I would have liked to seen she loves me win best revival of a musical. I didn't get a chance to see many of the best musical nominees yet, I'm seeing Hamilton next month. Really wish American Pyscho won best lighting, I don't see how any other show had better then it this season.
Is there video of James Corden's Law and Order joke? That was easily my favorite moment of the night.
I'm surprised James Corden was able to do the Law and Order bit especially since it's an NBC show. I thought it was very funny. I thought he was a wonderful host, and at the same time, I wasn't too engaged with last night's broadcast for some reason.
LightsOut90 said: "Crazy that out of 38 shows that opened this season, only EIGHT walked away with awards this evening. And Hamilton being the ONLY new musical to win awards.
I think that just shows how bad to meh this season was for me at least. Personally my least favorite season since I've been seeing every show for 6 years now. I thought this seasons plays were overall awful besides a view from the bridge. I normally enjoy the plays more then the musicals but this season has been the opposite. I still have a few more of the new musicals to see and I'm hoping to enjoy them all to close this season off on a good note.
"Everyone has the right to like or not like any given show Hamilton included, it's the unnecessary rudeness and pettiness I have a problem with...and most of them probably haven't even seen the show. "
Hello! We aren't interested in seeing the show. Get it?
"They're just being contrary to be contrary and their coming off as jealous, childish, petty and miserable."
Um, no. I'm just posting my opinion on the show.
I think you have it backwards. All we said is we're not interested in seeing the show. That means we're jealous? Of what, dear Lord? Childish? Because we don't want to see a show? Petty? Miserable? I'm miserable because I don't want to see a show? What are you on? Just listen to yourself.
btw-the Tonys itself this year was just superb. Best theater awards show I've ever seen.
"Where was the diversity in this year's awards? Everyone kept yapping their fat larded mouths off about the Academy Awards but not a single play or musical that represented gay men or women? Not to mention but there wasn't one that was even on Broadway this year."
What a foolish comment. As has been mentioned, The Color Purple is a story about a queer black woman and her journey, and there are also gay characters in The Humans and Sprint Awakening. You're also forgetting that last year's Best Musical was one of the gayest shows, content-wise to ever win. LGBT representation is important, but theatre doesn't suffer from some maddening lack of it.
You also seem very bothered by the fact that four black actors won awards.
Enjoyed the Tony show a lot, best in years. Corden did great and I was thrilled with the performances. I liked On Your Feet's performance, I don't know wh it's getting so much hate, it was fun and it was great to see Gloria (also Emilio's papers joke made me giggle)
Best performances of the night were Color Purple, Waiteess and the opening number but honestly everyone did great.
it was a bit too Hamilton overload for me, nothing against the show before the mad rabid fans jump on me, but I just wish we had other nominees this year that were still open and could perform like American Psycho that was the highlight of the season for me.
Very enjoyable though, look forward to next year.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
Jane2 said: ""Everyone has the right to like or not like any given show Hamilton included, it's the unnecessary rudeness and pettiness I have a problem with...and most of them probably haven't even seen the show. "
Hello! We aren't interested in seeing the show. Get it?
"They're just being contrary to be contrary and their coming off as jealous, childish, petty and miserable."
Um, no. I'm just posting my opinion on the show.
I think you have it backwards. All we said is we're not interested in seeing the show. That means we're jealous? Of what, dear Lord? Childish? Because we don't want to see a show? Petty? Miserable? I'm miserable because I don't want to see a show? What are you on? Just listen to yourself.
btw-the Tonys itself this year was just superb. Best theater awards show I've ever seen.
People muting the show when anything Hamilton is on and refusing to say it's name isn't petty? People only calling out Hamilton award winners speeches isn't being petty? It's fine if you don't want to see it, and I don't recall you doing anything personally so don't take it as a personal attack. But there's a lot of petty contrarian nonsense associated with the show
People can say what the hell they want about a show, it's a theatre message board. Hamilton don't need a bunch of teens criticising people for not wanting to see, hear or have any interest in Hamilton.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
And your incessant defense of the show is becoming equally petty and irritating. We get it. You like the show. You don't appreciate when other people express the opposite viewpoint of said show. No need to beat a dead horse and repeat the same thing over and over again.
ETA: My post was directed to shupoobox
I just got to say that I was absolutely shocked when Hamilton won director and choreography. I love the show, don't get me wrong, but I actually find the choreography in Hamilton extremely underwhelming and I don't see what was so great about the direction. John Doyle was able to take a mediocre show and make it outstanding and that Fiddler choreography was electrifying as was Shuffle Along.
to schubox-Yes. the whole thing is petty, but it only became so because you and other fans of the show let it bother you that some people don't like or aren't interested in it. So what if someone muted the sound? Why do you care?
The reason I'm getting so deeply into this matter is because it happens whenever some people have a dissenting opinion about a wildly popular piece of art. Look into yourself and ask why it bothers you so much.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Jane, don't even waste your time.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
srg129 said: " No choreography, lighting design, or costume award for Shuffle Along? Get real. Hamilton choreography was repetitive and recycled BS that went on for 2+ tiresome hours. Not much that was innovating or inspiring. C'mon those three awards should have gone hands down to Shuffle Along for anyone with a brain who has seen both shows."
That's exactly what I felt about the choreography in Shuffle Along. I was amazed by the first number, and then each subsequent dance/tap number (aside from the Train number) looked and felt the same, becoming more and more tiring each time. By the end of the show, I turned to my friend and said "No way Glover is winning." I'm glad many Tony voters felt the same way.
I recorded the Tonys the year Les Miz was nominated (1987 I think), and they did excerpts from plays that year. I have clips of "Les Liaison Dangereuses" with Alan Rickman and Lindsay Duncan, and "Fences" with James Earl Jones. So, they did try to have clips at least once. The bummer is that unlike a musical, it's hard to take a scene out of a play, present it without context, and have it make sense. My guess is that's why they don't do it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Huh? They almost always show clips from each play. That's not different. I do remember, however, one year when they actually performed short vignettes from each play live on stage during the broadcast. It was within the last 15 years, too. Who else remembers?
Broadway Star Joined: 6/21/15
wonderfulwizard11 said: "What a foolish comment. As has been mentioned, The Color Purple is a story about a queer black woman and her journey, and there are also gay characters in The Humans and Sprint Awakening. You're also forgetting that last year's Best Musical was one of the gayest shows, content-wise to ever win. LGBT representation is important, but theatre doesn't suffer from some maddening lack of it.
You also seem very bothered by the fact that four black actors won awards. "
Can't find the original comment on "where's the diversity" and didn't want to improperly attribute it to you!
I didn't even register that all four musical acting categories went to black actors. It just felt very normal and that's wonderful and I'm so thrilled for them (it was also unsurprising because they were the four I thought would win).
But you know I'm more concerned that there wasn't a whole lot of Asian representation, only because I had a personal reaction this season...
I just remember this strange feeling while watching Allegiance... how eye-opening it was to see a show full of talented Asian actors depicting the lives of Asian-Americans from their point of view on stage. That such a thing was ever possible? The thought literally never cross my mind. And I thought, wow I could have been like them (an artist, a performer, etc.)? Well, not me, I am not nearly talented enough. :) But just imagine what that would mean for younger generations. I certainly didn't react to The King and I that way, the "stereotypical" depiction of "Asians" from a white lens. I never thought it would matter to see someone "who looked like me" and "talked like me" and "thought like me" and "understood me" up on that stage. It was pretty profound.
Plus it was the first and only time I ever sat in the audience of a Broadway show and I was in the MAJORITY. Blew my mind.
So today I looked up how many Asians have won Tonys... only two people of Asian descent have ever won a Tony. Ruthie Ann Miles for The King & I and Lea Salonga for Miss Saigon.
It's great what Hamilton has done... maybe someday there will be an Asian version of something as powerful to break that ceiling for us. Or diversity truly is diversity in every sense. I think it will happen.
ETA: I think this season shows that it is happening, and the recognition I think will eventually follow. Fun fact: Allegiance itself is a very diverse Asian cast - the leads are Japanese, Korean, Filipino, and Chinese.
^That's very astutely said. This was a terrific year for black actors, at least at the Tonys, but Broadway still has a long way to go in terms of racial representation, especially for asian actors.
Well, but that could be said about every arts, entertainment and sports medium in the US.
A friend of ours said he heard on the news this morning that Babs was not even in the theater with the common folk. She sat in her limo until it was time for her to come on. It was obvious she opened the envelope before she announced the nominees even though it was the worlds worst secret who the winner was.Nice to be the queen.
Mister Matt said: "Well, but that could be said about every arts, entertainment and sports medium in the US."
So get rid of the "well" (whether or not you intended it to sound that dismissive and excuse-giving) and let's fix it!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
Liza's Headband said: "Jane, don't even waste your time.
How elevated from someone who changed my name to have to word poo in the title
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
Jane2 said: "to schubox-Yes. the whole thing is petty, but it only became so because you and other fans of the show let it bother you that some people don't like or aren't interested in it. So what if someone muted the sound? Why do you care?
The reason I'm getting so deeply into this matter is because it happens whenever some people have a dissenting opinion about a wildly popular piece of art. Look into yourself and ask why it bothers you so much.
It became so because people felt the need to show off how they hate the show. Go back and read, I've not once come in and talked about how much I love the show. In fact I've even said I can understand how some people would not like it.
there are extremely popular shows that had performances last night that I don't particularly care for, but I don't feel the need to rush out and let everyone know to be contrarian.